The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 96:

Chapter 96:





In a vast pure white land filled with snows.

There's a man standing in the middle of all this breathtaking white scenery but even though the view on this place is breathtaking, they pale in comparison of this single man.

His flowing silver-white hair that's gently swaying because of the comforting wind breeze and his imposing form that seems able to hold anything even if the sky were to suddenly fall above him...

He has a flawless handsome and delicate yet imposing face that will make any woman become lovestruck just from taking a glimpse of his otherworldly countenance... Especially that magnetic gentle yet sharp draconic red eyes of his that able to make anyone lost in reverie.

But his expression is filled with melancholy... He keeps gazing into thin air in front of him and the wind and snow breeze act as if it's trying to comfort the sadness he currently feels... Even the birds and other animals surrounding him also tried their best to comfort him with their chirping sound.

There are even some Profound Beasts mixed in the fray such as the <Tiger Wolf Wyvern(Zinogre)> that has reached the peak of <Tyrant Profound Realm>.

It is a quadrupedal profound beast with superficially lupine features. It has highly developed limbs, sharp fangs, and claws. Its forelegs are extremely powerful and can kill prey in one brutal blow. Despite its hulking size, Zinogre is very agile and is able to perform many impressive aerial and land-based maneuvers. The spikes on its body mostly lie flat, but when it has built up an electric charge they stick out vertically into the air.

This profound beast possesses a similarity of a Dragon in its feature but since it's not a true Dragon hence its dubbed as an <Wyvern> instead, just like a Flood Dragon. But flood Dragon usually found in a huge body of water while Zinogre is usually found in high climate area such as this place.

Even though it mostly uses lightning, it doesn't mean it can't use an ice-based attack. It's just more fond of using lightning instead of ice.

This majestic and fierce profound beast might instill terror to anyone who has a lower cultivation base and even those that are on the <Sovereign Profound Realm> need to act with utmost caution when facing this beast but right now it acts like a tame puppy in front of this man while rubbing its head on his arm trying its best to console him along with its purring noise.

It's quite funny seeing a huge beast trying its best to act like a puppy in front of a small figure like him.

They rarely show themselves to humans with their high intelligence and chooses to hide themselves from the public eyes so they won't be hunted for their profound core.

Oddly enough, the other animals and even the other profound beasts that usually became its prey doesn't act scared at all when it's in their presence. They became very harmonious acting like they are best friend with each other just so they don't disturb the man in front of them...

This man is of course Issei himself.

He's feeling sorrowful because he can't go to his loved ones place straight away since he needed time to fully recover himself... He still retains some of his strength but most of his skill is currently being "sealed" so he can't open a void rift opening to travel through between multiverse.

His only comfort is that he knows that the time flow here might differ greatly from his original world.

He can tell the time flow here with his understanding of the law of time and space since this is not the first universal travel he's done before after all.

So he started comprehending this law with the help of Semiramis and Scathach. And since both of them are proficient in magecraft so there's no better teacher than them both.

10 year in this world is the same as 1 month in his original world give or take. At least that's his rough estimation since he can't say for sure yet because of his injury but it shouldn't be that far off from the actual time.

He also can tell the law in this world is far weaker compared to the <Netherworld> but it contains much purer nature energy than the latter at the same time.

And not to mention it also contains <Chaos> element albeit extremely thin. At least it's better than nothing... This way he can hasten his recovery.

But he's a bit curious since out of the numerous worlds he went to, this world is the only world that contains <Chaos> energy within it albeit it's extremely thin... It's not surprising since the <Chaos> element is a very dangerous element that could cause a catastrophe if left alone... He decided to think about it later since there's no point thinking about this thing considering how little information he has about this world.

The place he's staying right now is called <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace> and as for this planet name, it seems it's called <Blue Pole Star> and the continent name is <Profound Sky Continent> from what he learned so far. But he can faintly sense there are multiple planet/stars/realms outside this place so it's quite a big universe he thought to himself.

As for the strength of this universe inhabitants, it's not that high and the laws here are also weaker than the <Netherworld> so he's doesn't need to be too worried for any second coming of Nyarlathotep arriving in his front.

If he must make an example then this world inhabitants is obviously stronger than the Evenicle world but of course QD and the Dragons there are not taken into consideration. Netherworld could be counted as <Tier 7> world while this world is <Tier 5> at most.

Again, that's not considering their strongest individual such as Forzelotte herself or the one who's the strongest in this world.

This place or should he say sect is created by someone name Mu Bingyun...

It's located in the Snow Region of Extreme Ice, the extreme north of the Blue Wind Empire. Mu Bingyun created the sect to take in ill-fated girls who had nowhere else to go. The sect only took in females and they all had to remain pure to cultivate the Frozen Cloud Arts. Cultivating Frozen Cloud Arts allows the members of the sect to become extremely beautiful and the Blue Wind Empire's number one beauty is always from the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace.

Issei is the sole man that has ever stepped his foot in this place and even being highly regarded by the sect members of this sect at the same time.

The reason for that is not only because of his otherworldly countenance but also his supposed "Talent" and achievement.

His unconscious body was found by the sect Mistress called Gong Yuxian.

She looked to be about forty to fifty years old but she's still quite beautiful for someone at her age.

At first, she was surprised seeing an unconscious body of a man so near in the vicinity of their sect and she was about to left him to his own fate. But after remembering about her past she decided to help Issei thinking that she will tell him to leave as soon as he wakes up but she becomes completely dumbfounded after seeing his face.

Even that otherworldly celestial woman who took Issei "Virginity" is charmed by him much less a mortal woman like her...

It took her a good 15 minutes to snaps out of her daze and that's also with the help of her sect disciples calling her name releasing her from her dazes. If not who knows just how long will she stand there gazing upon him...

She never thought her sealed and ice-cold heart will start beating furiously once more just after seeing his face once.

She doesn't dare to look at his face anymore after that, but the same couldn't be said for the sect members who snapped her out of her daze before.

This time they are the one who's being charmed by Issei much to Gong Yuxian exasperation...

They all thought that the hailed 7 fairies from their sect are the most beautiful person they've ever seen in their life but now they know that they are mistaken... This man in front of them goes way beyond even their imagination...

The cultivation arts they are cultivating doesn't help them in the slightest at all... They are supposed to have a cold heart but just one gaze upon his face is enough to make their heartbeat went haywire as if it's being injected by chicken blood...

(AN: Some Chinese proverb/idiom).

Some of them had a nosebleed while being red-faced with glazed eyes just from gazing Issei's face.

Gong Yuxian can't really blame them since she for one also fell into the same state as them after seeing his face... She couldn't help thinking if Issei is the "1000 year calamity" because, at this rate, every single girl from their sect will be charmed by him alone...

It took Gong Yuxian a good while to snap them out of their charmed state but even then they keep taking a sneak peek towards Issei from time to time...

She sighed for the umpteenth time before telling the girls to bring his unconscious body inside their sect much to their secret joy.


Once inside their sect, Gong Yuxian finally tried to check what's wrong with him but she doesn't dare to look him in the face and tried using her profound energy to inspect him.

She already sent the other sect members away because she's worried that their cultivation process will be disturbed because of him, not that she's one to talk because she can feel that her willpower started wavering after seeing his face alone...

They all grumbled saying she's being petty and all that much to her dismay... But they still listened to her order and leave them alone but they are not that far from their location and they keep their eyes locked to the door that leads into Issei current room hoping to see him again...

To Gong Yuxian utter amazement, when she tried using her profound energy to inspect Issei body, she's unable to do so... That can only mean two things... Either he posses higher cultivation than hers or he posses an art that can hide his cultivation level and prevent any profound energy from entering his body... She's not bragging but her cultivation is at 3rd Level Emperor Profound Realm.

And that can be considered a powerhouse in this continent.

She never heard anything about Issei before this because she's absolutely certain that with this kind of otherworldly charm he will be very famous and that's not taking his strength into consideration... Even she has to admit that not a single girl from her sect able to rival his looks alone...

Cultivation in this universe involves the pursuit of strength by following the 'Profound Way'. The 'Profound Way' of the world gifts each mortal innate profound veins which allows them to cultivation profound strength.

Their realms are divided as such:

1. Elementary Profound Realm

2. Nascent Profound Realm

3. True Profound Realm

4. Spirit Profound Realm

5. Earth Profound Realm

6. Sky Profound Realm

7. Emperor Profound Realm

8. Tyrant Profound Realm

9. Sovereign Profound Realm

Each realm goes from level 1 to 10 before they can advance to the next one, the 10th level of a realm is considered the peak of that realm. Once someone goes past level 10 of a realm but does not enter the next realm it can be considered 'Half-step' into the next realm.

When one's profound strength grows, it essentially means that the density of the profound energy in their profound veins is growing, that their profound energy has become slightly more compressed. Once it reaches a certain level of compression, a fundamental change will occur, that is also when they enter a new realm.

Entering a new realm is normally an extremely difficult boundary for profound practitioners. This is why there are many who are stuck at the 10th level or Half-step level and never progress in their entire lifetime. This is also why medicine that can increase cultivation are highly prized. The strength gain from crossing a realm is so large that it is generally impossible for someone at the 'half-step' level of a realm to win against the 1st level of a realm.

There's also a further realm beyond Sovereign Profound Realm but that's not something the current Gong Yuxian has knowledge of so Issei also doesn't know about it. But they are as such:

1. Divine Origin Realm

2. Divine Soul Realm

3. Divine Tribulation Realm

4. Divine Spirit Realm

5. Divine King Realm

6. Divine Sovereign Realm

7. Divine Master Realm

And even further above them are:

1. Divine Extinction Realm

2. True God Realm

3. Creation God Realm

4. Ancestral God Realm

5. Unknown


<Frozen Cloud Arts> are what every disciple of Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace cultivates as Frozen End Divine Arts are impossible for normal disciples to comprehend. Frozen Cloud Arts lean towards Yin and is easier for females to cultivate.

The rumor that love between males and females will obstruct Frozen Cloud Art's cultivation is false. The secret that the Frozen Cloud Art could be inherited through virgin vital yin aka by having intercourse is the main reason why no male disciples are taken.

These bits of knowledge are only known by Gong Yuxian and the Grand Mistress Feng Qianhui until recently...

The Frozen Cloud Arts were self-created after Mu Bingyun remembered that normal people couldn't cultivate the Frozen End Divine Arts.

The unique feature of the <Frozen Cloud Art> is that it also refines the body and features of the cultivator. The art makes the cultivator's skin be like ice jade and soft resin. Their features would become flawless. Cultivating from childhood only amplifies these effects. Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace women are all beauties that could ruin cities because of this.

She realizes just how dire this whole situation is... She still doesn't know about Issei identity and personality.

If he posses stronger cultivation than all of them and maybe also very lustful as well then their fate can be imagined... But if she were to do anything rash now and apparently he has a backing behind his back then their whole sect will be doomed as well... She's in dilemma thinking what she should just do...

She finally decided to discuss it with her Senior Master, Feng Qianhui...


She returned with Feng Qianhui in tow towards Issei room and just like she expected, even an old lady such as Feng Qianhui couldn't help become charmed by his look but thankfully she's already prepared for this.

After hearing the detail from Gong Yuxian, Feng Qianhui started thinking the ups and down for their option...

If it's just as they feared then it will be absolutely fatal for their sect... They finally come into consensus to just try to heal Issei of his injury for now and hope for the best...

They really hope he's not the man they thought him to be... Whether it's for their sect wellbeing or for their own heart... Nobody knows...

Gong Yuxian then does her best trying to take care of Issei...

They can't tell that the worst injury he sustained is on his soul so they can only take care of his minor wounds on his body... Gong Yuxian is the one who's taking care of Issei because she can't let their other disciples do it fearing they will lose their will to cultivate their profound way after seeing him...

Even she is currently blushing right now and she doesn't dare to take off all his clothes fearing he will be completely enthralled by him... Just like the "Celestial" woman that took advantage of Issei, she's also finding it a little bit difficult to shed his clothes.

She uses her profound arts to clean and put medicine to his wounds avoiding direct contact with his skin.

She and Feng Qianhui thought that perhaps he's cultivating some sort of charming arts? If so that's really worrying... Coupled with his looks and if he were to cultivate those sinful arts then what will happen to them when the time comes? Can they even resist?

Feng Qianhui - ...Yuxian, don't you think it is weird that even though he is exposed to the cold his whole body stays warm and even his breathing is smooth without any difficulty?

Feng Qianhui mumbled after observing Issei condition attentively. Her face also has a tinge of red after observing his body but thankfully Gong Yuxian didn't notice this since the latter also tried her best to hide her blushing complexion.

It will be extremely embarrassing for Feng Qianhui if it were known that she's being charmed by someone young enough that he could be her grandson... Where will she put her face if this were to be known?

It's not like she's old and wrinkly like 80 years old grannies out there. If anything she could be considered quite beautiful for someone at her age, and even though there are some wrinkles around her face and half of her hair turned white but that's about it.

They judged from Issei youthful face he should be around 20 at most and that's very alarming for them... 20 years old but already posses higher cultivation than them both? That is absolutely unprecedented and never heard of before...

Feng Qianhui who has higher cultivation than Gong Yuxian also tried to use her profound energy to inspect Issei but the result is still the same when she arrives at Issei location...

Even Ling Yun who is the young master of the Heavenly Sword Villa who's known to be the most talented person in their continent right now who's 20 years of age is only at the Sky Profound Realm and that's already considered abnormal...

Gong Yuxian who heard her words become stunned at first before she gave her answer.

Gong Yuxian - ...Perhaps he cultivates some sort of Fire-based profound arts?

Feng Qianhui - ...But if he indeed cultivates fire-based arts shouldn't we feel uncomfortable being near him since we are cultivating ice-based art?

This time Gong Yuxian feeling stumped... Indeed... If Issei cultivates fire-based arts then they should feel uncomfortable just from being near his presence alone...

It got nothing to do with him using his fire-arts or not, but it's just their natural reaction since they cultivate ice-based cultivation arts after all. That's always has been the case until now...

Fire always counteract against Ice just how it should've been.

Feng Qianhui - ...If anything I feel really comfortable being near him and did you also notice that our cultivation progress will increase by a wide margin if we were to cultivate right now?

After hearing her words, Gong Yuxian immediately inspected her veins and finds out that it is indeed true... They feel like if they cultivate right now then progress by leaps and bounds and maybe she will be able to achieve a breakthrough to 4th level of Emperor Profound Realm in no time and perhaps even more...

Feng Qianhui - Even the profound energy surrounding us became denser and purer as time goes by...

This time both of them are at a loss for words... Just who is he? How can he cause this many abnormal phenomena in this short amount of time?

They can only wait for him to wake up and hopefully, he's not an evil person...

After a few hours, they saw some sign of him about to wake up soon...

They decided to call their strongest disciples to assist them just in case something goes awry and told the weaker disciples to prepare themselves and escape if the worst situation happens and they will give everything they have to hold him back when that time comes...

All of them become worried after that... Most of them honestly can't accept that the otherworldly man they just saw might be an evil person...

Their strongest disciples are the ones that are hailed as <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace Frozen Cloud Seven Fairies>.

The first one is named Chu Yuechan, the First Fairy of <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace's Frozen Cloud Seven Fairies>.

Chu Yuechan - Yuechan greet Master and Grand Mistress.

She paid her courtesy towards Gong Yuxian and Feng Qianhui. Her voice is calm and collected.

Chu Yuechan usually wears the snowy attire of the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace along with an ice silk veil that masked her appearance, only revealing a pair of ice-cold beautiful eyes. Even though her appearance was hidden, just her temperament and figure alone was extremely beautiful, capable of making one's mind waver uncontrollably.

But since she's inside her own sect she doesn't wear her veil.

Her features were all absolutely exquisite. Her eyebrows were clear and slender, her skin was pearly, and although her lips and face were as white as paper, this was unable to cover up the cold, arrogant nobility which was bone-deep. This cold nobility seemed to make her transcend the dust of the world and made it so that anyone who faced her wouldn't dare to profane her in the slightest, only feel ashamed of their own inferiority.

She is a disciple of Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace, and was second only to the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace's Mistress and was the leader of the Frozen Cloud Seven Fairies. Her only known relative is her sister of Chu Yueli.

She is the publicly acknowledged Blue Wind Empire's number one beauty and also her generation's unrivaled number one expert. She attracted the admiration and love of many famous figures in Blue Wind Empire including the Xiao Sect's current sect master, Heavenly Sword Villa's current villa master, as well as Emperor Cang Wanhe.

Next is a woman named Murong Qianxue.

Murong Qianxue is one of Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace's Seven Fairies, with her being ranked second.

Her appearance was peerlessly beautiful as if she was a goddess that descended to the mortal world.

Her slender waist like a willow, the curved bodyline winded downwards like water, connecting to ample buttocks hidden by the snow attire. Her snowy skin was more so tenderly pink and flawless like glossy resin, making one become endlessly lost in a reverie at just the thought of the utterly charming scenery that laid to the front of this charming body.

The snow robes of Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace were all slightly constraint, and when she was in her snow robe, Murong Qianxue's chest area had always been perked up. As such, it was imaginable just how bountiful they were under her snow robe

The third one is a woman named Jun Lianqie.

Jun Lianqie is a member of the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace's Frozen Cloud Seven Fairies. She is ranked 3rd among the Seven Fairies.

Just like the previous two, she's very breathtaking and beautiful just like a Goddess descended to the mortal world.

Next is Mu Lanyi, a member of the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace's Frozen Cloud Seven Fairies. She is ranked 4th among the Seven Fairies.

The 5th one is Chu Yueli, a part of the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace's Frozen Cloud Seven Fairies, known as the Fairy of Frozen Glass. She is ranked 5th among the Seven Fairies.

She has an exceptional snow-white complexion, vermilion lips, and black hair. She has peerless elegance and pure holiness like a fairy who had descended from the palace in the moon. It was hard for anyone to ascertain her true age. She seemed to be in her twenties, and then in her thirties, yet still appeared to be in her teens as well. She looked just like a fairy, dreamy and absolutely beautiful.

The 6th and 7th ones are Feng Hanyue and Feng Hanxue respectively. They are a member of the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace's Frozen Cloud Seven Fairies. She is ranked 6th among the Seven Fairies. Feng Hanxue which is her twin sister is ranked 7th.

While the other Seven Fairies were cold and proud, Feng Hanyue and her sister were the opposite. They had sweet and cute personalities and were very friendly yet naive. The Palace Mistress never allowed the twins to leave Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace because their childish nature was completely different from the Frozen Cloud Asgard's reputation of "icy proudness".

And both of them are also among the one who already saw Issei before this.

Both of them immediately locked on their gazes towards the currently unconscious Issei in the bed. Their eyes turned misty straight away but they don't have nosebleed this time around...

While they are having it a little bit better since they've already seen Issei before this, the same couldn't be said for the rest of the fairies...

Even Chu Yuechan who's known to be the coldest of them all is taken aback after seeing his face much less about the others...

All of them become enthralled by his sight alone but Chu Yuechan is the first that managed to snaps out of her daze albeit with extreme difficulty...

Chu Yuechan - ...This person is...

She inquired cautiously towards Gong Yuxian and Feng Qianhui who then explained what they know about Issei...

They bring back the rest of the fairies out of their charmed state first though.

But the twin Hanyue and Hanxue still take a sneak peek now and then during the whole explanation much to their dismay...

They nodded their head and prepared themselves just in case Issei is indeed an evil person with a resolution that they will put everything they have to stall him long enough when the time comes...

Gong Yuxian - *Sigh*... Blame me... If only I didn't bring him back to our sect...

She sighed woefully fearing her action might cause their sect destruction.

Even if they somehow get rid of Issei now, who knows if there's some sort of soul inscription inside his body that can be tracked down to their location... And if they throw his body away from their sect it won't help much either... What if there's a hidden expert searching for him and suddenly saw them dumping his body out in the snow? There are too many risks at hands...

Feng Qianhui - No need to blame yourself... Perhaps this is also fate at works.

Feng Qianhui comforted Gong Yuxian.

They can only put their fate into their final hope... Hoping that Issei is not an evil person they thought him to be...

After waiting for a while they finally saw Issei eyelid started to stir and before long he opened his eyes before he sat up from the bed slowly.

They are in a high alert seeing him awake but after seeing his captivating wine-red eyes they become frozen stiff without a single exception...

Issei eyes don't turn into his Dragon eyes at the moment unless he willed it or when he feels furious. His eyes may still a bit slitted a little but not to the point people will think of it as Dragon eyes.

Issei - ...This place is...

He muttered in a low voice while inspecting his surroundings... He can't recognize his current surroundings at all until he saw the group of woman who's currently gazing at him in an enthralled state.

Issei confusedly looks at them before he started remembering what happened after he successfully repelled Nyarlathotep attack and killed her in the process.

He started inspecting his body and saw that most of his wounds are already closed up but what worried him the most is his soul since it's quite injured and it will take some time before he can go back to his full power...

But there's indeed some kind of improvement? Although it's quite small... It's still better than nothing at least.

He thought that this group of women must be responsible for this so he's feeling thankful at them without knowing that he just got taken advantage of during his sleep before he met them and the true cause of this small recovery is that very same woman who raped him in his sleep...

His eyes turned melancholic immediately after thinking about his pregnant wives and this gaze of his managed to pull the heartstring of every woman that's currently in this room...

'Just what makes him seems so upset?' They wish that they could comfort him from his sorrow but they immediately snapped out of their thoughts not long after, 'Just what were they thinking?!'. Feng Qianhui feeling the most embarrassed of them all because of her age...

Issei finally set his gaze back towards them all and the tension they are feeling are quite high. But they became taken aback once more because when he set his gazes upon them there's no change at all that could be found on his face... It still retains that previous melancholic look but there's not a single ounce of greed and lust they usually found on those smelly men...

There's only appreciation and gratitude that could be found inside his gaze...

They can tell if someone is faking it or not except for the twins since they have experienced a lot with that kind of case where they act like a gentleman but in fact, they are lusting over their beauties beneath that gentlemanly facade...

They are feeling slightly uncomfortable because of this... They started thinking if they are not attractive enough to garner his attention?

If those "smelly men" know what they are thinking right now then they will immediately start spitting blood while screaming, 'You call us smelly men when we look at you that way but when this dude doesn't look at you that way you feel insulted!? Haiss... We will never understand women'.

Perhaps even Issei would agree on their words if he were to know of it but of course, those men will bark back at him saying 'You shut up! You wouldn't know the feeling of us normal plebs! Well sorry for not being as handsome as you!'. Which will only earn a twitch at the corner of his mouth...

Issei - Are you the one who saved me?

Issei asked but since his words are in Japanese they couldn't understand his words. Issei is also confused just why they don't answer his question.

Gong Yuxian - Umm... What did you just say, young noble? Sorry, but we couldn't understand what you just said.

Gong Yuxian decided to speak up in their place.

Hearing their words Issei understood that this place or should he say this world must be related to some kind of ancient Chinese with how similar they are with the Chinese mandarin that he knew.

He's proficient with any language because of the famous skill called the <Language Comprehension> so he can easily speak in their mother tongue.

Then Issei repeated his previous words but in their own language this time.

Issei - Are you the one who saved me?

His way of speaking is very fluent that no one will believe him if this is his first time speaking in this language and this time they can finally understand his words.

Gong Yuxian - Ah, yes, young noble. This junior is the one who found your unconscious body before.

Gong Yuxian and the rest of the group feeling a little bit relieved because it seems that he's not an evil person after all... Since there's no ill intent that could be reflected from his clear eyes.

Issei - No need to call me young noble since I'm just a nobody and I'm only 21 years old so calling yourself a junior before me is quite inappropriate.

Issei shakes his head towards her.

Gong Yuxian - I-I see... Then what should we call you?

She's feeling a little impressed because of his humility. Even though he seems to be stronger than them all he doesn't act arrogant at all.

They unconsciously released their pressure towards Issei at the start but seeing him doesn't react a tiny bit to their pressure they assume that he's clearly stronger than all of them combined...

He seems to be the type of person who can respect his elder, Feng Qianhui mused to herself.

Issei - You can just call me Ise. And you have my gratitude for saving me. I will surely repay this debt.

Issei said his gratitude towards them. He thought giving them his full name wouldn't matter much other than adding to the confusion so he decided to just tell them his nickname.

They misunderstood thinking that his real identity must be quite sensitive so he doesn't want to tell them his full name but they don't want to pry so they accepted his words.

Gong Yuxian - We understand. And no need to overthink yourself with this kind of measly stuff, it's what we should do after all.

She smiled thinly at him while the other girls become speechless at her action.

Didn't their sect forbid men from entering this place? Then what's wrong with that "It's what we should do?".

They won't point this out though...

Gong Yuxian who realizes their gaze had her face turned slightly red but she keep a straight face while facing Issei.

Issei - No, my parents always taught me to repay any kind of kindness that has been given to me, so it would go against their teaching if I don't repay your act of kindness towards me.

Issei words gained an even more favorable impression from them all. Such a well-mannered young man, they thought to themselves...

Overall, they are very pleased with his attitude so far.

Feng Qianhui - Well said... I hope you don't mind this old woman question but can you tell us just what happened to you that made you passed out, young Ise? For someone of your strength manages to be injured to this extent, that someone must be very powerful as well?

Feng Qianhui praised Issei before proceeding to ask him the essential question they needed the most.

Even though they indeed "saved" Issei, they can't risk the possibilities of the one that injured him might be out there searching for him and if he/she finds out that they helped his/her enemy they might be in danger as well.

Feng Qianhui - Of course, if you don't want to tell us then it's completely understandable.

Even though she said that. She's still quite worried nevertheless...

They maybe have a favorable impression towards him but that doesn't mean they became completely muddle-headed and risked the whole sect just for him alone...

Issei can feel their worries and he finds it completely normal to feel that way. Even he would do the same thing if they're in their position.

Issei - You can rest assured that the one who injured me has already been killed by me. So you don't need to be worried about any calamity befalling any of you.

Issei calmly reassured them since he indeed manages to defeat Nyarlathotep so they don't need to be worried about it.

Feng Qianhui - I see... I apologize for my question but it is as you see...

She embarrassingly said towards Issei because it seems that he finds out the hidden meaning behind her words just now.

Issei - I completely understand so you don't need to apologize towards me.

Issei shakes his head slowly implying that he doesn't mind at all.

Feng Qianhui - En... Then this old woman is grateful for your understanding, young Ise.

They all can finally heave a sigh of relief after that.

Issei - Can you tell me about our current location?

Then Issei started inquiring them about his current location and all that basic stuff...


Issei - I see...

Issei calmly nodded towards them after hearing their explanation.

But they couldn't believe that Issei doesn't have any cultivation at all...

He told them that he came from far away and he arrived here by chance so when they asked him about his cultivation he can only say that he doesn't have this "cultivation" they're talking about.

They can only believe him since he seems completely oblivious of his surroundings and the absence of any treachery and lies in his eyes tells them that he's indeed telling the truth.

When they mentioned <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace> which is their sect that's well-known of its beauties towards him there's no change in expression whatsoever that could be found on his face... Not even any other big sects for that matter.

He still has this "absorbing information" looks on his face during the whole time...

Even when they asked him if they're allowed to inspect his body with their profound energy they can't find any ounce of profound energy within him...

Obviously they won't find it since Issei is telling the truth. And they are far too weak to sense his aura and true strength for that matter.

His strength lies deep in his soul, not from this so-called "profound veins" they're talking about.

And even that celestial woman can only vaguely sense his true strength much less them...

They can use their profound energy at Issei because he lets their energy roam around inside his body and he doesn't need to be worried about them having any malicious intent either with how weak they are compared to him.

Their <Tier> is at most at <Tier 1> so why should he need to be careful of a toddler? Even though he's currently weakened to <Tier 7> peak in strength but that is more than enough to make him amongst the strongest in this world.

In the eyes of normal human, a <Tier 1> could be considered a superhuman already but in the eyes of Issei they only amount to a toddler at most...

And sooner or later he will return to <Tier 8> which is inarguably the strongest person in existence... Needless to say when he returned to <Tier 9>...

On a side note, here's the comparison between profound realm and <Tier>:

- Elementary Profound Realm to Emperor Profound Realm = <Tier 0> to <Tier 1> peak.

- Tyrant Profound Realm to Divine Origin Realm = <Tier 2> (low, mid, peak respectively).

- Divine Soul Realm to Divine Spirit Realm = <Tier 3> (low, mid, peak...)

- Divine King Realm to Divine Master Realm = <Tier 4>...

- Divine Extinction Realm to True God Realm = <Tier 5>.

- Creation God Realm to Ancestor God Realm = <Tier 6>.

- Unknown Realm = <Tier 7> (Which is the highest possible in this Universe).

This is only something that Issei will find out later on... He has been to a much lower <Tier> world, Evenicle being one of them so he's not really that surprised when that moment comes.

They can only look at each other in utter confusion... What are they supposed to do now? The man they thought highly before this is apparently just a normal mortal and not a cultivator like them...

They thought that maybe the reason why they can't use their profound energy on him before this is just a coincident. The same goes for all that phenomenon from before since right now the profound energy in the air around them turned normal just like the usual.

Sure they still feel comfortable around him but that may be caused by their feelings since they have a favorable impression about him.

Of course it returns to normal since Issei is not unconscious anymore so his "Auto-Recharge" mode is inactive at the moment and he can choose when to absorb energies/mana around him whenever he wants.

But deep in their heart, they can't accept this... They can't accept that this perfect man before them is just a normal mortal... As for his imposing manner and noble bearings...

Only someone of high standing can possess this kind of imposing manner that's instilled to their very beings... But he told them that he's just nobody? It's really hard to believe... Perhaps he's some sort of a royal crown prince from some unknown kingdom but that's about it... In the end, a mortal is still a mortal no matter what their backgrounds are...

Issei is indeed just a nobody in this world but back in his original world, he's far from being a "Nobody"... He's a Supreme King! And not just any King, but GodKing! Highest <Tier> level possessor beside Nyarlathotep herself!

But of course they won't know that and even if they do they won't be able to understand it either... Issei won't bother telling them that either since he's not the kind that cares about those kinds of stuff.

Honor, riches, vanity, glory is naught but a worthless thing before him. All he cares about is the safety of his loved ones.

They also find out that he doesn't possess any profound veins at all so he's basically a cripple? Truly unbelievable...

They felt a little disappointed knowing all this since this world is a cruel world... There's no use being handsome and pretty if you don't have the power to defend yourself... It's a curse instead of a blessing...

There will be many men that will feel jealous of his otherworldly face so they will make sure to make him disappears from this world lest they get cucked behind their back or perhaps someone who coveted his beauty will turn him into their boy toy or worst... Alas... Heaven is indeed jealous of those that are gifted...

He may have an otherworldly face but he is a cripple in the end...

If the Heaven they're talking about can hear their thoughts right now it would certainly faint in fright after it said these words...

'My lovely ladies, my Grandmother, my little Ancestors! I beg of you! Please be careful with your words! The man in front of you is someone that possess even more power than me or anyone else in this world! He can easily flip the Heavens outside down with just a flick of his finger for Heavensake!'

It will be so scared that it even started spouting nonsense as if there's another "Heaven" above it even though it is the only Heaven that exist in this world...

Just when they are sighing in pity towards Issei fate. He finally snaps out of his thoughts...

Issei - Can you teach me how to "Cultivate"?

He's hoping that maybe by cultivating he can increase his recovery rate even by just by a little.

At first, they are feeling a little taken aback but they soon smile bitterly at him.

Feng Qianhui - Aiii... It's not that this old woman is crushing your hope but to cultivate in the profound way you need to possess profound veins at first and foremost, young Ise... But as we've told you before... You don't have any profound veins at all, so...

She doesn't need to continue her words because it's clear what she wanted to convey towards him and Issei of course understood this as well.

Issei - I know, but can you at least show me?

He earnestly asked them with a serious face that made their heartthrob once more... They finally relented under his gaze and decided to just grant his request...

Then Feng Qianhui demonstrated how to cultivate in the profound way for a brief moment while Issei observes her intently as not to miss anything...

Issei - I see...

After Feng Qianhui finished her short demonstration Issei nodded at her before he tried to do it on his own with his eyes closed just like how Feng Qianhui did it.

They smiled wryly seeing his attempt to copy Feng Qianhui... Even if he's not a cripple it won't be easy to just cultivate in the profound way... But in the next second, all of their mouths become "O" shaped in utter shock...

That's because they can sense a huge amount of profound energy gathering around Issei and entering his body.

It's like his body is a bottomless pit that keeps absorbing the profound energy around him, and not just profound energy. He also absorbing nature energy around him at the same time...

And what makes them become further dumbfounded is when they sensed his cultivation rapidly increasing at an extremely rapid pace.

Elementary Realm... Nascent Realm... True Realm... Spirit Realm... Earth Realm... Sky Realm... Emperor Profound Realm peak!

His cultivation advanced from Elementary realm into Emperor Profound Realm 10th stage peak in but just one breath!

(AN: Dunno what they mean by 1 breath or 2 breath that they usually use wuxia novel but I will assume it as 1 minute at most).

What is going on? Is cultivating the profound way has always been this easy? In just but one breath someone can step into the Emperor Realm just like that? Isn't he a cripple with no veins whatsoever? Who am I? Who are you? And why I even exist...?

Their brains are so jumbled that they started questioning why they even exist in the first place...

It's completely understandable since not a single person in history whether in this realm/planet or even in the higher realm/planet able to achieve what he did.

Being able to step into the elementary profound realm in less than a minute and also become an Emperor Profound Realm in the next few seconds at the same time... It is simply unheard of and impossible to happen...

While Issei, on the other hand, feels a little disappointed because the amount of recovery he received during this whole process is so tiny like it's just a drop of water in the vast ocean...

He actually can still go on but there's no meaning since even if he steps into the Sovereign Profound Realm they told him about, the result still won't change from what he observed so far...

That tiny "Drop" he gained is the moment when he steps into the Elementary Profound Realm aka the first time he steps into the profound way while after that he never gains another "Drop" any longer even after he steps into the Emperor Profound Realm...

Well, at least it's not completely a waste of time he consoled himself.

Then he opens his eyes wanting to thank Feng Qianhui once again but he's feeling a little taken aback seeing their "O" shaped mouth at this moment that it kind of make them look comical, to say the least...

Issei - ...Senior?

Issei carefully said towards them and only then they all snapped back from their stupefied state.

Feng Qianhui doesn't say anything else before she grasped Issei wrist and started inspecting his body more carefully this time.

To her utter shock, she finds out that Issei who's supposedly a cripple with no veins whatsoever just a moment ago now possess a complete set of profound veins. And not only that, he now possesses the <Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins> that only heard of in books or legends!

Altogether, a person can only have a total of Fifty-four Profound Entrances. An ordinary person is gifted with approximately ten open profound entrances while a person with high innate talent may be gifted with around fifteen open profound entrances.

A person with twenty naturally opened profound entrances can be considered an exceptionally gifted talent. If one has more profound entrances opened, their cultivation of the profound, and their activation speed will increase. A practitioner with twenty opened profound entrances would undoubtedly cultivate and activate their profound strength twice as fast as a practitioner born with only ten opened profound entrances.

The number of innately open Profound Entrances essentially decided the height one could reach during his entire life because it was extremely difficult to open Profound Entrances postnatal. Extremely advanced miraculous medicine, chance, and luck; not even one of these factors could be absent. Using external forces to open Profound Entrances would be accompanied by extremely high risks; that even the slightest mistake would cause irreparable damage to the Profound Veins.

In the entire Blue Wind Empire, the people who have achieved the supreme state of opening of thirty profound entrances, could not possibly surpass five.

When all fifty-four profound entrances are opened it is known as <Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins>. The cultivation speed will be the maximum and the owner will never hit a bottleneck.

So it can be imagined just why she's so shocked right now...

All of this is caused by his terrifying comprehension. If there is 100 profound entrance then he can easily open all 100 just like that. Even if there is 1000 or more the result still won't change.

But since there can only be 54 profound openings from what he knows so far he only created 54 profound opening for his body...

Feng Qianhui - This... This... This...

She repeatedly mumbled the same word over and over again feeling extremely shocked.

Gong Yuxian - What's wrong, Senior Master?

Gong Yuxian curiously asked Feng Qianhui wanting to know just what's the reason behind Issei sudden abnormality.

Feng Qianhui - ...S-See for yourself...

She said while still being dazed.

This time Gong Yuxian doesn't hold back holding Issei wrist and immediately used her profound energy just like Feng Qianhui did...

Gong Yuxian - This... This... This...

This time it's her turn to become shocked.

Issei confusedly looks at the two of them... What's making them so shocked? Didn't they say there are 54 profound openings so he created just that exact amount of it on his body? What's so weird about it?

Chu Yuechan and the others are feeling curious as well. They wanted to know what they found on Issei that makes them so shocked.

But they don't try to do what both Gong Yuxian and Feng Qianhui just did, as in grabbing Issei's hand directly with their own hands so they can only wait for both of them to snaps out of their dazes...

After waiting a few minutes, they've finally come back to their senses and only then they finally started their inquiry...

While Gong Yuxian started talking to the other girls, Feng Qianhui started thinking about something else...

Feng Qianhui - ...Y-Young Ise, is this really your first time cultivating in the Profound Way?

Issei - Um, this is indeed the first time I've heard of it. What's wrong, senior? Is there any mistake? I did it exactly just how you demonstrated it.

Issei genuinely asked her in confusion.

Feng Qianhui mouth started twitching a lot after hearing his words... And the same goes for the other girls who finished listening to Gong Yuxian explanation...

They are also shocked just like them both after knowing the truth and can only look at Issei with a weird gaze... What kind of monster is this? He only saw it once and he can do it? This is not a demonstration on how to cut a cabbage damn it!

You're asking them what's wrong? You've done it so perfectly as if this is not your first time cultivating at al! And not just that, you reached the Emperor Profound Realm that is unachievable by most people in their lifetime in but just a single breath! You tell us what's wrong then!?

Of course this is only said out loud in their respective thoughts... Because there's no sign of lies that could be found whether in his eyes or in his voice for that matter...

They thought it must be their misconception yet again when they tried to check his profound veins and found it nonexistent before...

Feng Qianhui - T-Then can you learn and use these arts?

Feng Qianhui then proceeded to show him their sect most basic Profound arts... The <Frozen Heart Arts> and the <Frozen Cloud Arts>.

Gong Yuxian - Senior Master!

Gong Yuxian felt a little bit taken aback because of Feng Qianhui sudden act.

Feng Qianhui - Don't worry.

She calmly waved Gong Yuxian worried shout while watching Issei intently.

When Issei finished comprehending the arts he's being given he calmly demonstrated its Arts one by one from the first stage until the eight stage.

His profound arts are so perfect that it made all of them there become completely dumbfounded yet again...

But they became entranced by his sight executing those ice arts one after another... It's as if he's an Ice God Emperor that descends into the mortal world... But it doesn't take long for them to snaps out of their daze this time.

Issei of course can easily learn and use their arts like taking a walk in the park since he basically has control over all elements in existence. Especially the <Chaos> element which will make anyone who tried to comprehend it turned into a mindless beast if they were to fail to master it.

Even the supposedly Evil God or better known as the Creation God of elements who could control all element in existence pale in comparison when it comes to elemental control. Maybe even Ramius alone could eclipse the Evil God in terms of absorbing elements needless to say if it's Issei himself...

If Issei couldn't master this <Tier 1> technique they are showing him then he might as well bash his head into tofu to commit suicide being a <Tier 9> that he is...

Feng Qianhui nodded slowly when she saw Issei finishes his demonstration...

Feng Qianhui - ...Chan'er, go bring young Ise to the <Frozen End Divine Hall> and show him the formula for the <Frozen End Divine Arts>.

Her voice is laced with hope that it sounded a little bit shaky but Feng Qianhui really hopes that Issei is able to comprehend their sect most sacred arts because no one has been able to master or even comprehend this art in the long history of their sect except for their founder...

Gong Yuxian - Senior Master!

Gong Yuxian shouted once again but this time her tone is more solemn compared to the previous one. Even the 7 fairies are completely taken aback by Feng Qianhui words.

Feng Qianhui - Say no more, I have my own thoughts.

They finally can only obey her words since she's their sect Grand Mistress...

Chu Yuechan - This disciple understands.

Issei then calmly follows Chu Yuechan to their destination while Feng Qianhui and the others waited for their return...

As soon as they left, Gong Yuxian got up and asked hurriedly towards Feng Qianhui.

Gong Yuxian - Senior Master, why exactly did you make such a decision today? Is it truly because of the simple fact of his... Abnormality?

Feng Qianhui had on a deep expression. She raised her head slightly and answered with a voice that sounded like a sorrowful sigh

Feng Qianhui - Yuxian, do you still remember the thousand-year prophecy our Frozen Cloud ancestor had left behind that year?

Gong Yuxian stared blankly, then her eyes trembled acutely, and her complexion also changed:

Gong Yuxian - Could Senior Master be referring to the <Thousand Year Calamity>?

Feng Qianhui nodded her head.

Feng Qianhui - "In those days, Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace's Mistress and a wanderer of the Black Fiend Empire's Heaven's Fate Clan were close friends. At that time, the Heaven's Fate Clan was at its peak. They were about to see through heaven's way and clearly discern heaven's fate.

It was highly inappropriate to be able to discern heaven's fate, and ultimately, they had met judgment from heaven's way and were annihilated.

When the Frozen Cloud ancestor founded Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace, the Heaven's Fate wanderer had previously seen through heaven's fate and informed our ancestor of our Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace's thousand years of glory, as well as the great calamity that would come after a thousand years.

If this calamity were to be weathered, Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace would have ten thousand years of prosperity. If not, the name Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace would no longer appear in this world. And in terms of time the thousand-year date has already arrived. From nearly one year ago, I had always been ill at ease and was even haunted by nightmares non-stop when resting my mind..."

She sighed sorrowfully while those that didn't know about this become extremely worried...

Feng Qianhui - In addition to that, for such personage such as young Ise to suddenly emerged in front of my Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace, and the <Frozen End Divine Arts> that went silent for a thousand years resurfaced in the world as well The various abnormalities, were seemingly all hinting the arrival of the Thousand-Year Calamity.

Gong Yuxian's expression was in sudden turmoil along with the other fairies in the room.

Gong Yuxian - So the reason why Senior Master did not hesitate to break our sect's rules and allowed him to enter the <Frozen End Divine Hall> is to prepare our sect for that very same calamity?

Feng Qianhui sighed and nodded in confirmation.

Feng Qianhui - Compared to the survival of our sect, what is breaking a sect rule? Sigh, I only hope that if the Thousand Year Calamity really arrives The heavens will assist my Frozen Cloud! And even if he's unable to learn the <Frozen End Divine Arts> I was thinking to make him our sect only male disciple and my direct disciple just based on his <Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins> and "Talent" alone. What do you think? I assume all of you are not against this idea right?

Once again, if the "Heaven" they're talking about heard their conversation it will react with; 'Assist? As if I need to assist you in your so-called calamity! Even if I were to be the one who will personally bring calamity to your sect I would instantly run as fast as I could with my tail behind my back the moment I sensed "His" presence there! What a joke!'

Her solemn face turned into a small smirk with a knowing look which earned a small tinge of blush on all of their faces.

Even the twins nodded profusely with a joyful smile on their face.

Feng Hanyue - If we can have a junior brother like Ise then we are more than willing!

Feng Hanxue - He also seems not to be the type of person senior sisters and master have been telling us about. Those perverted men or whatnot, right?

Both of them started talking in a jovial manner knowing that Issei will join their sect feeling giddy that they can finally have their own junior brother in the sect even though Issei is clearly older than them both... And as for Issei will become their junior brother or not is still unknown but it will be made clear soon enough...

They just felt a little vexed being the youngest in the sect, that's all.

They can only nod slowly at their statement since from what they've observed so far, Issei is far being the typical perverted smelly men they often have seen. But is it really fine to have him inside their sect? They have been told that a relationship between man and woman will obstruct their cultivation?

Feng Qianhui who saw their worries sighed to herself.

Feng Qianhui - And there's another reason why we don't allow any male to join our sect and also why we forbid our female disciple to ever have any relations with any men but I will further explain it later when young Ise return with Chan'er...

Gong Yuxian knows about the real reason but since Feng Qianhui herself decided to publicize this secret to them then she won't say anything else...


During their journey to their destination, there's no sound at all coming from either Issei or Chu Yuechan.

Both of them choose to stay silent since Chu Yuechan is someone of a few words and with his aloof and cold personality, there's no way she will be the one who starts a conversation.

While Issei is feeling melancholic still so he chooses to stay silent as well.

Hence their silence during their whole journey...

Chu Yuechan - We have arrived.

Her calm voice resounded in front of Issei.

They arrived in front of a large ice crystal gate that emitted a dense white mist.

Chu Yuechan extended a palm, pressing it atop the ice crystal gate. A blue light flickered in the center of her palm, and after a light sound of displacement, the originally tightly closed ice crystal gate silently opened. A piercing coldness assaulted the face, and what emerged in front of them was an especially spacious great hall. But the walls and bricks of this great hall were actually not made of cold ice, rather, they were made up of a deep blue-green stone.

Chu Yuechan - This hall is called the <Frozen End Divine Hall>, it is the place where our Frozen Cloud ancestor cultivated, and also the place where our Frozen Cloud ancestor departed the mortal realm.

Chu Yuechan slowly walked in, her voice was calm and cold as if she's not affected by Issei otherworldly charm but her heart is beating erratically during the whole trip.

She blamed herself for all of this thinking her will is still not strong enough but unknown to her, unless she doesn't have any emotion at all aka just a puppet then it is completely impossible for her to resist his charm.

She can forget escaping from his charm in this lifetime because her aesthetics sense has been "Crippled" along with the other girls ever since the first time they saw his face...

Issei calmly follows after her into the hall...

The great hall was wide and empty, the floor, walls, and ceiling were all made of uniformly placed bluestone. The color of these bluestones was deep yet translucent, they slightly reflected light, and resembled dark jade. But apart from this, the entire great hall was completely empty, not even a seat or light stand was anywhere in sight.

She raised her arms, and her white jade palms shone with an ice-cold, light blue radiance The originally bright and clean bluestone wall in front of them suddenly reflected rows of azure blue writing on the rightmost side of the text were four large words that released an ice-cold soul terrorizing light, which seemed to have been put together by ice crystals:

"Frozen End Divine Art!"

She then lowered her arms, and the blue light in her hands faded, as the words on the wall also completely faded away.

Chu Yuechan - Only when using the illumination of the light from Frozen Cloud Arts would the inscription of the Frozen End Divine Arts appear. Unless someone uses the Frozen Cloud Arts and a sect member of my Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace then this inscription wouldn't appear. Since my sect Grand Mistress allowed you to see this Art then you can be temporarily seen as our sect member.

She said towards Issei to which he nodded in understanding.

Chu Yuechan - Additionally, the bluestone within this hall is called the <Heavenly Firm Jade>. It has been said that it is a divine stone that had been nourished by a True God's power in the Primordial Era. Incomparably hard and solid, slicing it would leave no lines, it would not crack if frozen, and not melt if burned by fire. Even the power from a peak Emperor Profound is incapable of doing it any harm. Thus, when training in this sort of place, you can practice any kind of technique, and not have to worry about destroying anything.

Issei - Oh?

He's a little intrigued at this. He wondered if he could somehow find the source of this <Heavenly Firm Jade> if it's as strong as she said that is.

He pointed one of his fingers towards it and launched a small attack towards it. The attack he used is the very same art he just learned from Feng Qianhui, the Frozen Cloud Arts but when he used it. It seems more potent and powerful by a huge margin that manages to surprise Chu Yuechan even further.

She couldn't exactly tell what it is but there's something more to this attack of his. It's mixed with his very own power, that's why...

But to Issei disappointment, when his attack landed on it there's a small hole that could be found in the same spot where his attack landed just now.

Chu Yuechan beautiful lips become wide open seeing this...

She felt like her face heated up after seeing this since she just said no attack could put a scratch on this Jade but here it is, that very same jade has a hole in it just from one attack from him...

She slowly tried to use her own Frozen cloud arts towards it but the result is a complete opposite from Issei... There's not a single scratch that could be found...

She internally heaved a sigh of relief while comforting herself maybe it's just a coincidence and the place where his attack landed is the place where it's most vulnerable? Yes, that must be it...

She keeps telling herself that for her own mental health because if not who knows how many times her common sense will be blown away by him along in just a single day!

Issei - Oh, sorry.

Issei who saw her stupefied face thought that she's feeling offended about what he just did since he just basically cause a hole to appear to their precious jade so he calmly patches it up with a little bit of his own "profound energy".

And in no time at all, the hole that he just caused on that Jade wall started regenerating on a visible rate and then it's closed itself looking brand new.

This time it will truly be indestructible since it has been exposed to Issei energy and without any of them knowing it. This Jade just turned into the most priceless artifact in this entire universe... Sadly, since it is indestructible, it can't be processed into anything other than decoration unless Issei himself helped them excavate it from this place... Too bad...

Chu Yuechan face started twitching a lot after seeing this and she finally chooses to stop thinking and feign ignorance instead...

Chu Yuechan - ...I will be waiting outside, just call me if you need anything else.

Then she left Issei alone in the hall but the way she walked out of the room is quite funny considering how fast she walks as if she wanted to hurriedly escape from him...

Issei can only sweat seeing her like that. Is he that scary?

Scary? You're damn right you're scary! Scary to my mental health and heart that is! That's probably what she would say if she knew what he's thinking right now...

He then turned toward the wall where Frozen End Divine Arts were engraved, extended his hands and silently channeled Frozen Cloud Arts. As blue light flashed within his hands, the ice-blue colored words quickly emerged from the green-colored wall:

"Ice, extremity of water, extremity of coldness. All things under heaven can become ice; water can be frozen into ice, blood can be frozen into ice, energy can be frozen into ice, the profound can be frozen into ice. Mountains, hills, and the skies all can be frozen into ice..."

<Frozen End Divine Arts> profound formula appears to be simple and frank, yet also seems immensely profound. And looking with a glance, it didn't seem like some powerful profound formula at all and was instead just an ineffable and superfluous text.

There's no change that could be found on his expression when he read it...

Ice was one of the forms of water. In order to comprehend Frozen End Divine Arts, one first needed to reach an extremely high level of understanding toward the natural laws of ice. Issei is a being that could control any element in the whole multiverse of course he can easily comprehend it.

He thought of something before he finally decided to try it...

Before long there's a misty fog surrounding him and that very same fog started taking shape into an ice spirit.

The ice spirit who just materialized from his power started to multiply at an alarming rate... 10... 100... 10000... 100000...

In no time at all, the whole hall is filled with numerous Ice spirits that started dancing around in joy with Issei as their center.

Then those spirits started to condense themselves into three entities... When they finally finished their fusion, their previously small as a thumb-size transformed into a shape of a woman with an indistinct gorgeous figure that can eclipse the whole <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace>. If the <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace> women described as a Fairy then this group of entities can be described as an actual Ice Goddess.

The first spirit shape is a tall, beautiful, and slender woman with long, light blue hair and blue eyes with a seemingly ice-cold temperament but when her gazes landed on Issei it turned into a devoted gaze immediately.

The second spirit has long white hair and piercing red eyes, which have a bluish-green glow in them and just like the first spirit, she also has a piercing cold gaze that also changes into a devoted gaze when she set her gazes upon Issei.

The third and final spirit appears as a tall and thin woman. Her hairstyle and color are about the same as the second spirit but her irises are blue instead of red. And unlike the first two, she seems emotionless but shares the same devoted look with both of them when she set her gaze upon Issei.

(AN: Esdeath from Akame Ga Kill, Altair from Re Creator, and Sirius from Re Creator respectively if you're wondering about their appearance).

Their beautiful and flawless body is only covered by a simple white and blue robe that can't hide their curvy and buxom body in the slightest. Although the third spirit isn't as well-endowed as the first two but she's not that far away.

The three of them immediately knelt on the floor when they finished their materialization.

1st Spirit - We thank you for creating us, o' GodKing. Please command us as you see fit.

Her melodious voice rang softly.

Issei only nodded slightly at them while still in his thoughts...

He never thought that his simple experiment would give birth to the three of them... It seems that this world is not as simple as he thought...

This world energy is so pure and abundant that he can easily create a living being from scratch even though they are basically just a spirit and not a living being in the flesh, it's not that far fetched.

Their overall power is only at the <Sovereign Profound Realm(Tier 2)> peak but he guesses it's not that bad considering they are his first creation.

He already started to comprehend the law of Creation with the help of Semiramis. That coupled with the <Orb of Life> he got from the Evenicle world is more than enough to allow him to create a living being from scratch.

He tried taking advantage of this world energy and the ice spirits surrounding this area and it seems that he succeeded on his first try.

Although, he's a bit confused since if he recalls correctly he tried making them into a man instead of a woman. How come they become a woman? Maybe he still needs to further look into this even later in the future...

Unknown to him, it's Semiramis trickery misleading him at a certain part during their lesson since she doesn't want Issei to create a man unless it's their children so she tricked him a little...

He wanted to see if these spirits could help him to further increase his recovery rate but it seems they can't considering they are far too weak compared to him... Not surprising since this world law is lower than the <Netherworld> even though its energy is much purer and denser compared to the latter.

He could recover faster if he were to absorb the natural energy of a place with extreme climates whether they are fire energy or ice energy it doesn't matter.

Although this place can be considered a place with extreme climates, it's still not enough...

Issei - You can return for now.

Spirits - Understood.

Issei dismissed them briefly and they all obeyed his words and returned to their spirit form ready to be summoned whenever he wanted.

Issei then walked out of the room because he already mastered the <Frozen End Divine Arts> completely.

Issei - I'm done.

Issei said towards the waiting Chu Yuechan who nodded at him thinking he must be unable to comprehend the <Fozen End Divine Arts> just like she expected.

She doesn't sense or more like she can't sense the abnormality that just happened inside the hall just now.

They then returned to Feng Qianhui location.

Feng Qianhui and the others who saw them return so fast feels a little disappointed just like Chu Yuechan.

Feng Qianhui - Aiii... So you also unable to comprehend it, young Ise? Don't worry, even our predecessor is unable to comprehend it.

She said towards Issei in a consoling manner thinking he must be feeling down being unable to comprehend it.

Issei - Hm? I managed to learn it.

Issei confusedly said which made all of them become frozen stiff once more.

...What did he say?

Feng Qianhui - ...U-Umm, what did you say, young Ise? I think we misheard you.

Issei - I can use the <Frozen End Divine Arts>.

He then proceeded to showcase the arts from the first stage until the sixth stage for them all to witness.

Each time he managed to perfectly demonstrate the <Frozen End Divine Arts> the more they are feeling shocked.

Their mouth opened so wide that it could almost touch the ground at this point...

After a few moments, Issei finally finishes his demonstration.

Issei - I can't show you the 7th stage because it would be bad if I were to use it here since it's quite destructive compared to the previous stages.

His voice managed to bring them back from their daze but they sucked in a cold breath after hearing his words. To think he managed to learn all 7 stages in this short amount of time! Not even 30 minutes have passed but here he is able to comprehend all 7 stages just like that!

What is a monstrous talent? This is already beyond monstrous at this point! A complete freak!

They felt like their legs turned into jelly at this point even Feng Qianhui is the same.

Her body started trembling at a visible rate before she grasped Issei's hand.

Feng Qianhui - Y-Y-Young Ise, do you have anywhere to go after this?

Her voice is trembling in excitement.

Issei - No. I am currently unable to return to my place yet due to some circumstances.

Feng Qianhui - Then are you willing to stay here?!

No sooner after Issei finishes his words, she continued her words almost in a shouting manner.

Issei was a bit taken aback by her sudden action but he still calmly give her his answer.

Issei - I don't mind if you allow me to stay here.

Feng Qianhui - We don't mind! Of course we don't mind!

This time even the other girls are also taken aback by her shout.

Feng Qianhui who finally realizes her act faked a cough in embarrassment.

Feng Qianhui - What I'm trying to say is that...

Then she proceeded to tell Issei about their whole situation. Along with the 1000 years calamity prophecy.

She told everyone that the real reason why their sect forbids their disciples having a relationship with the opposite gender...

Feng Qianhui - The reason why my sect had always only taken in female disciples, was because the female's constitution leaned toward Yin, and is more fitting to cultivate the Frozen Cloud Arts. At the same time, the saying that love between males and females will obstruct Frozen Cloud Art's cultivation is false. The secret that the Frozen Cloud Art could be inherited through virgin vital yin is the main reason why no male disciples are taken...

The other girls also started absorbing this sudden news they just received... To think that's the real reason behind their sect rule...

Gong Yuxian already knew this so she doesn't look shocked at all but she felt now that it is indeed a great idea if they could rope Ise into their sect. That way they can flourish even further and even perhaps as Feng Qianhui said, resist the 1000 year calamity prophecy.

Feng Qianhui - Just based from your talent alone I'm sure any other sect is more than willing to make you their sect core disciple... But if you were to join my Immortal Palace, you do not need to deliberately do anything, and do not even need to follow the sectoral rules; you do not need to stay within the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace all the time either, and can completely go and come as you wish. What you need to do are only two things Firstly, is to not do things against good morals and nature in Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace's name. Secondly

She hesitates for a second before she continued her words.

Feng Qianhui - ...Someday, if Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace faces calamity, I hope that you can defend Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace with all your strength.

After that, she waited for Issei respond... They all do.

It doesn't take long for Issei to give his answer.

Issei - I'm willing to join your sect and as I said before I will surely repay you for saving my life. Although I will return to my place someday, know that until that time come I won't allow any harm befall your sect and its members.

Issei gave them his words and he will do what he said just like he always did. There won't be any harm that will befall <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace> from this moment on...

Seeing his face full with conviction, most of the girls here have their heart throbbing loudly as if it's threatening to break from their chest while the twins have already become lovestruck at him, they just didn't realize it yet...

Feng Qianhui - Good... Good... Then from today onwards you shall be known as the Guest Elder of my sect! We will immediately prepare a room for you straight away.

Issei - Then I thank you for your hospitality.

Issei nodded slightly towards her and that day the whole sect is noticed of his status as a Guest Elder.

Feng Qianhui canceled her idea of making Issei as her direct disciple because his talent and comprehension surpass her completely much to the twins' disappointment because they failed to have a junior brother of their own.

It's already shameless enough for her to make Issei basically their sect bodyguard... She was thinking to just pass on her sect position as the Grand Mistress to him but she knows that it will be too shameless of her if she were to do that...

And like he said before, he will return to where he came from someday in the future so it's can be assumed that he will surely refuse her offer if she were to propose it to him.


And then we're back to the beginning of the story...

Issei was looking into the thin air before him while being surrounded by animals and profound beasts alike.

There's someone not far away from him that recently arrived but she doesn't want to break this artistic picture she's currently seeing...

This newcomer is Chu Yuechan.

She's asked by Gong Yuxian to call Issei since she wanted to say something to him.

But when she arrived here she's completely taken aback seeing this many profound beasts surrounding him. Especially the <Zinogre> that's currently rubbing its head onto his arm...

This guest elder of theirs never ceases to amaze them again and again it seems...

To think a <Tyrant Profound Realm> Beast such as the <Zinogre> would act like a tamed kitten in front of him... Just how many secrets does he possess?

She's hesitant if she should break this artistic view in front of her or not... She's feeling entranced by the sight of Issei right now...

It's been a week ever since his stay here but he never smiles even for a brief moment during these days... They thought that it must be caused by his comprehension of the <Frozen Arts> but that doesn't seem to be the case because of his melancholic eyes... Because those who have high attainment in this profound arts usually have an ice-cold temperament that seems devoid of any other emotion.

Even they found it hard to calm their heart whenever they are in his presence but oddly enough, it doesn't seem to affect their cultivation in the slightest... If anything they become more comfortable in cultivating their arts.

They also never felt the side effects of the arts they are cultivating anymore...

They usually felt a bone-chilling cold within their veins and especially in their stomach once in a while but those cases never happen anymore ever since they tried asking him about his opinion on their arts.

He told them there are too many downsides to the arts they are cultivating so he shares his own understanding with them and more often than not they will gain enlightenment or even achieve a breakthrough...

Feng Qianhui and Gong Yuxian who heard of this become dumbfounded yet again... They started discussing their arts with Issei soon after that and when they're done. It's as if they just being enlightened and entered closed-door cultivation immediately.

When they finished their closed-door cultivation, both of them achieved a breakthrough at the same time.

Gong Yuxian breakthrough to 5th level of <Emperor Profound Realm> from the 3rd level while Feng Qianhui officially stepped into the 1st stage of <Tyrant Profound Realm> from the 10th level of Emperor Realm.

To think the bottleneck they had is solved just like that after a short discussion with Issei... After that incident, there are more and more disciples including Feng Qianhui and Gong Yuxian themselves asking advice hoping to get enlightenment from him... Including her as well for that matter.

She herself finally stepped into the peak of <Sky Profound Realm>, just half-step into the <Emperor Profound Realm>. Soon she should be able to gain another breakthrough...

Just when she's still in her thoughts she saw the <Zinogre> growling at her.

Her whole body becomes stiff being growled by it.

Issei who sensed this also finally take back his sight and calmly patted the <Zinogre> head which made the latter purr in contentment and took back its pressure from Chu Yuechan.

Issei - She's someone I know. Go back to your place now.

He said towards it in a calm voice.

The <Zinogre> purred one last time before it started walking further into the snowfield along with the other animals and profound beasts.

Issei - Can I help you with something, Senior sister Chu Yuechan?

Chu Yuechan - ...Sect Mistress wanted to have a word with you, Elder Ise. And please don't call me Senior Sister since your standing is higher than mine.

She calmed herself down before she conveyed her words.

Issei - Um. Then don't call me Elder since I'm clearly younger than you and like I said before, I don't care about those kinds of formality stuff.

Issei retorted back at her to which she just ignores... She's feeling a little annoyed at Issei for comparing their age but she still doesn't realize why she's feeling this way...

Both of them then proceeded to walk back together to the <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace>.

During their small trip back to the sect, every single disciple that they pass by paid their respect towards them both. Most of them had their face turned red when they saw Issei much to Chu Yuechan annoyance...

Issei only calmly returned their courtesy with a nod.


Issei - You called for me, Senior Yuxian?

Once they arrived at Gong Yuxian location Issei immediately asked the latter.

Gong Yuxian - Yes, Elder Ise. Sorry to bother you but I was thinking if you would accompany Chu Yueli during her trip to pick up her disciple, Xia Qingyue from the nearby <Floating Cloud City>... It is a good timing since you're not from around here right? So why don't you familiarize yourself with our surroundings?

She smiled thinly at Issei during their whole conversation because she, just like the others from the sect is feeling really grateful for what he did for them so far.

Their sect strength has never been this prosperous before, with their disciples achieving a breakthrough left and right.

They thought at this current pace then they should be able to achieve 1st place in the upcoming <Blue Wind Ranking Tournament>.

Issei who heard her words thought for a second before agreeing with her arrangement... Then he and Chu Yueli set off towards the <Floating Cloud City>...

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