The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 97:

Chapter 97:

(AN: For true fans of ATG I'm sorry if some things I wrote is not completely the same as the original ATG since I mostly write it according to my memories and the wikis, I will also change some things according to my own wish. Once again, I'm sorry if you feel offended because of this).

During their preparation on their small trip to the <Floating Cloud City>. Chu Yueli could barely keep herself from blushing and deep inside she felt a slight joy being able to travel together with Issei.

(AN: Chu Yueli image. For those that can't copy paste the link then go type Chu Yueli wiki on google instead).

Although this seems unnoticed by the others from the sect, it doesn't go unnoticed by her own elder sister which is Chu Yuechan herself.

Chu Yuechan who saw the joy inside Chu Yueli eyes started feeling a slight prick inside her heart like she just lost against her own little sister but soon she throws these thoughts to the back of her mind and refocused herself on her cultivation.

To be honest, when Feng Qianhui announced the real reason why their sect doesn't allow any relationship between male and female outside of their sect, she basically just said, "Yes, our sect indeed doesn't allow any relationship OUTSIDE of our sect but, if it's with Ise who's basically can be considered as one of our own then it's completely fine if any of you wanted to have a proper relationship between man and woman with him".

If anything she encourages them with the notion that maybe this will make him change his mind from going back to where he came from and finally choose to stay with them instead.

If he took fancy on several of them or perhaps the entire sect itself then that's completely acceptable as well. As long as the girls in question are willing then they see no reason why they should stop them.

It's completely normal for a capable man such as him to have multiple wives and concubines in this world. There's even a woman having her own harem of men that has been recorded in the history before this...

If that happen then it will be like killing two bird with one stone... Not only their sect will prosper even more (Which already proved during his stay during this short amount of time), but they will also get an extremely talented sect member for their <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace> and not just a Guest Elder.

At that point, giving him the seat of their Sect Grand Master is completely acceptable and even the best outcome there is. Not only is he extremely talented but his temperament, personality, appearance are by far the best out of all the men they've seen... Especially his appearance... Important things need to be said twice!

Some of their sect disciples are a bit slow in comprehending some things but he never loses his patience in guiding them until they finally fully understand it. So, to say his reputation even surpasses the Sect Mistress and Grand Mistress in a certain aspect is not false at all and both of them even feel happy knowing this.

He always treated each and every one of them normally without any hidden intention at all. He treated them all just like a true gentleman would and never disrespect them in the slightest even after he gain basic knowledge of this world which is the one with the bigger fist is always right.

If he wants he could've claimed them all for himself with his strength alone but those thoughts never crossed his mind it seems.

This is a really fresh feeling to them all since most men they interacted with had hidden agenda of their own. Whether it's to earn their attention since they coveted their beauty or it's because they wanted to curry favor from their sect.

The hidden intention from Feng Qianhui is more or less have been picked on by the entire sect members except for Issei himself. They don't want to tell him about this since it's their selfish desire to make him stay with their sect forever... Of course that will be impossible since Issei got his pregnant wives back at home waiting for him but that's something they didn't have knowledge about...

They just thought the reason behind his melancholy is because he's feeling homesick.

Considering that most women here are completely inexperienced in a relationship between man and woman then it's completely understandable they misunderstood him.

Only Gong Yuxian herself has some experience dealing with this kind of stuff but that has been a long time ago and to be honest, she has almost forgotten about her past with his old lover because of Issei presence... She only wishes that if only she could be just a little younger then she would've had a chance with Issei... Even Feng Qianhui is feeling the same as her in this regards...

On a side note, Feng Qianhui appearance got slightly younger the moment she stepped into the <Tyrant Profound Realm>. Her new appearance is about the same as Gong Yuxian herself, as in her face reverted back to her 30-40 years old appearance.

Most of her wrinkles have disappeared but a few strands of her hair is still white much to her exasperation.

When this happens, she kept looking at her face reflected in the mirror for the whole day... Which woman doesn't want to look pretty and stay young forever? Feng Qianhui of course is no exception to this fact either.

Every time a cultivator steps into the next realm then they would gain an increase in their lifespans.

-Emperor realm = 500 years old

-Tyrant realm = 1000 years old

-Sovereign realm = 2000 years old

-Divine Origin realm = 10000 years old

-Divine Master realm = 50000 years old

-True God realm = 1 Billion+

-Ancestral God realm = Immortal

The amount of lifespan they gain increases by multiple times the higher their cultivation realm is.

And when they reach a certain threshold, they will become Immortal.

But the pathway to that realm is truly hard to achieve and ever since the ancient era of the old Gods, there has never been another person able to achieve true Immortality...

Gong Yuxian - Ah, Elder Ise, one more thing.

Gong Yuxian thought of something before calling Issei who's about to set off with Chu Yueli.

Gong Yuxian - Could you wear a veil or maybe a mask to cover up your appearance? Umm, it is as you see but most of our sect members also wear a veil whenever they are about to travel outside...

She doesn't need to continue her words but Issei understands her meaning.

Issei - I understand.

He nodded calmly at her before he took out a copy of his usual mask and put it on his head.

They are not surprised seeing him taking out a mask from nowhere since he's given a <Spatial Rings> of his own by Feng Qianhui herself as a gift.

But they do feel a little curious about his mask since they've never seen anything like it before. It feel quite mysterious and unique at the same time but it truly fits him they thought to themselves...

Issei can't access <Babylon> treasury anymore but he still possesses 10% of its treasury with him. It can be called a pseudo <Gate of Babylon>, a nerfed version of it.

It basically only works as the better version of "Spatial Ring/Storage" so Semiramis and the others can't track him back through it...

10% may sound a little but it needs to be known that ever since the first time Issei gain access to <Babylon>, he has been increasing the content of the treasury by a massive amount.

just 1% of his treasury is enough to make him the richest person in this entire world.

Issei at first tried to refuse Feng Qianhui gift but since she's quite insistent about it he can only accept it.

The reason why Gong Yuxian told him to wear a mask is not only so they won't be bothered by possible, scratch that... With his otherworldly countenance, he will absolutely attract countless women to him just like how ants attracted to sugar or like how a moth to a flame would, whatever you want to call it.

So not only to prevent those lovestruck group of women bothering their sect but also to reduce the odds of him feeling attracted towards one of that said women in their pursuit.

They have been always confident with their beauty but it's not to the point of arrogance since they're quite sure there's someone out there that can outmatch their beauty. From the rumors they've heard, it seems the little princess from the <Divine Phoenix Empire> has a beauty akin to that of a Goddess.

Now if he were by chance to be roped in by the <Divine Phoenix Empire> because of that, it would be a huge loss for their sect...

It may be selfish of them to do this but who cares. The early birds get the worms!

Chu Yueli then pays her respect towards Gong Yuxian before they both finally left the sect.

Some of the disciples are feeling envious of Chu Yueli but they soon collected their mind and went back to cultivate with a mindset that they need to increase their cultivation if they wanted to gain their sect Elder attention.

They all also train their hardest for the upcoming <Blue Wind Ranking Tournament>...


Issei often glances left and right during his trip with Chu Yueli during their trip to the <Floating Cloud City>.

He needed to familiarize himself after all and Chu Yueli doesn't find this act of his weird at all but what she finds weird is that most profound beast that has high cultivation base often bow directly to their direction or should she say his direction.

It is not a secret that this Elder of theirs have certain abilities or maybe just inherent talent to attract Profound beasts and animals alike.

This is a mystery they never able to comprehend so they can only think of it as one of his many hidden talent or whatnot.

Since Chu Yueli is at the <8th Level Sky Profound Realm> they both can easily fly across the sky unhindered. She was at 7th level a few days ago but after gaining enlightenment from Issei she achieved a breakthrough in her cultivation.

Issei actually doesn't really need to rely on his cultivation if he wanted to fly but since using Profound Energy enables him to save more mana for himself then he might as well make use of it.

Besides, this world is brimming with profound energy more than natural and chaos energy.

Chu Yueli also introduced some well-known area or landmark whenever they pass by it acting as a tour guide for him.

They could've arrived faster to their destination but Chu Yueli decided to take the longer route so she could introduce Issei to more location... Well, and also so that she could enjoy more alone time with him... Not that she would admit that of course...

They pass by quite a few well-known cities such as the capital of their <Blue Wind Empire>, the <Wind Imperial City>. And also it's branch city the <New Moon City> which is supposedly larger than their designated <Floating Cloud City> where Chu Yueli disciple resides by at least 10 times.

Needless to say, the capital city is bigger than both city.

Issei affirmed his suspicion that this world technology is on the less advanced side than some world he has visited but the air and energy in this world is very clean... He thought that this world is quite beautiful and he thought that maybe he would re-visit it later in the future with his loved ones.

They should like this world, especially Riche who likes to discover new things and taking adventure whenever she could he thought to himself.

Chu Yueli - ...Elder Ise?

Chu Yueli called his name directly seeing that he doesn't seem to respond to her words just now.

Issei - Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you just said.

Chu Yueli - It's fine... Is something bothering your mind?

Issei - It's nothing. I'm just thinking about some stuff.

She then just nodded understandingly before they resumed their journey.

All normal people who saw both of them flying through the sky hurriedly paid their respect and the same goes for those that are in lower cultivation realm than them both.

But they have a different reaction, while the normal civilian just pay their respect out of awe. The cultivators paid their respect since they recognize Chu Yueli clothes which belong to the <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace> and high cultivation.

Even though she's currently wearing a veil over her face that still doesn't stop them from leering at her as if their eyes are stripping her naked stealthily... Who doesn't know that those from the <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace> have a beauty that could ruin city and nation alike?

And since she could fly in the sky signaling that she's in the <Sky Profound Realm> then she must be one of the famous <Frozen Cloud Seven Fairies>. This fact is quite well-known among the higher realm practitioners...

And her outfit is also not the standard <Frozen Cloud's> outfit so it's safe to assume that she's indeed one of the <Frozen Cloud Seven Fairies>.

They may seem like they are acting respectful right now but the lust and greed within their eyes are obvious to all.

Chu Yueli also sensed their gazes and felt a little uncomfortable but she's quite used to this so she doesn't really pay them that much attention... But the same couldn't be said for Issei.

He released his pressure towards them and that's caused them to puke blood uncontrollably in the spot.

Their whole body shivered fiercely and started kowtowing on the spot while begging for mercy towards their direction.

Issei - If any of you dare to disrespect her with your eyes again then prepare to face the consequences.

They started apologizing on the spot throwing their pride out of the window and acting like a complete coward who's afraid of death. Some of them even pissed themselves on the spot.

Mob - Please forgive us senior! This lowly one wouldn't dare!

Only now that they realize that next to Chu Yueli there's someone else. They unconsciously disregarded Issei since they are captivated by her sight a few moments ago and only now that they realize his presence.

It's not really their fault since Issei whole being seemed to be blend with nature itself and only those that are very close to him can sense his presence or if he allows them to.

Issei is quite lenient in this act of his but if they were leering at his wives then that might be a different story altogether...

If he wanted to then he could kill them on the spot without moving a single finger and they won't even know how they died in the first place...

Chu Yueli who saw this gawked at first before a blush crept on her face but thankfully she's wearing her veil.

Chu Yueli - You don't need to pay them any mind, Elder Ise...

What she meant is that there's no need to lower himself to their level since they are just a weakling in her eyes.

Issei - I already promised that I wouldn't let any harm would befall any of you. Even if it's just a simple disrespect, I won't allow it.

He calmly said towards Chu Yueli word by word with a firm tone.

Her face becomes flushed even further after hearing his words and she felt like her heart started thumping loudly... It's quite a foreign feeling for her but she doesn't hate it at all... If anything she's feeling so happy that a happy smile slowly crept on her beautiful face...

Once again, thankfully she's wearing her veil or there would be quite a few men feeling captivated by this smile of hers...

Chu Yueli - ...Th-Thank you...

She muttered in a low voice while looking down.

Issei - Don't mind it.

Then he took his pressure back much to those group of people relief before Issei and Chu Yueli resumed their journey...

They still didn't stop their kowtow towards their direction even after they disappear into the horizon and only after a good while they finally stopped their action.

They immediately run away from their previous location just in case if Issei were to change his mind.

The commoners are so baffled of their action since they are not exposed to Issei pressure and they didn't dare to look at Chu Yueli direction during the entire time so they are safe...

Issei voice is actually quite small considering their distance but since they are cultivators they can hear him quite well while the commoners can't hear it.

His overprotective personality started emerging once more and since his target of affection isn't here with him then he unconsciously channeled it to the temporary "family" he's currently staying with.

<Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace> sect has unknowingly invited the best guardian in the multiverse for their sect that even if there were a hundred calamity heading their way right now they will still be safe...

Chu Yueli could barely stop herself from smiling once more during their whole journey... Even though she knows that if it were anyone else from their sect in her position just now, Issei would still act the same way. It's still can't stop her feeling giddy deep inside her heart...

'So this is the feeling of being protected by a man feels like... It's quite nice...', she thought dreamily inside her mind.

While Issei is already back to his observing mode until they've finally arrived in their destination...


<Floating Cloud City> is the smallest city of the Blue Wind Empire, it was so small that it wasn't even suitable to be called a city. It is situated in the far east and is the most geographically remote in terms of location. The population, economy, and even the average Profound Strength were the lowest of the low. The city's profound strength is so weak that in the past few centuries no one has ever stepped foot into the Sky Profound Realm. Floating Cloud City's residents often mock themselves for being a forgotten corner in the Blue Wind Empire.

They arrived just in time during the celebration of Xia Qiangyue marriage with the supposedly crippled Xiao Che from the Xiao clan.

Chu Yueli understands the reason why Xia Qingyue married this supposed cripple since she already met with Xia Qingyue quite a while ago and that's also when she decided to make the latter as her disciple.

Her talent for cultivation astonishing with twenty one naturally opened Profound Entrances. She became the most sought-after young lady for many young masters within <Floating Cloud City>. However, Qingyue was already betrothed to Xiao Che of the Xiao Clan. Her father became sworn brothers with Xiao Ying, Xiao Che's father after Xiao Ying risked his life to save Qingyue. Because of this, her father promised Xiao Ying that he would marry Qingyue to Xiao Che when they reach that age of 16.

When she was twelve Xia Qingyue met her master Chu Yueli and became a disciple of <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace>. When she was 13 she broke through to the <Elementary Profound Realm> and stepped into the <Nascent Profound Realm>, at fourteen she broke through the <Nascent Profound Realm> into the <True Profound Realm>.

Chu Yueli then gave Xia Qingyue an artifact to hide her cultivation level as not to bring too much attention to the latter when the former is away.

Talent may induce envy after all. And who knows if there will be someone from the other big sect who saw her talent and after finding out that she already has a master they might just cut down a tall grass before they had the chance to fully grow.

(AN: I might be mistaken here since I forgot what's the exact saying but I think it's quite close. Basically it means to extinguish someone that may possess a threat to themselves before they had a chance to grow strong or whatnot. Just like how in Avenger: Endgame where Rhodey wanted to kill baby Thanos to fix their problems).

Sure if compared to their new appointed sect Elder then she might be lacking but she's still quite talented overall. Even if Xia Qingyue is compared to Chu Yueli herself for that matter.

Chu Yueli - ...That's why she's willing to marry this Xiao Che.

Chu Yueli explained towards Issei who's currently floating beside her for the reason behind Xia Qingyue marriage since their sect supposedly doesn't allow any of their disciple to have a relationship between man and woman.

She thought Issei is curious as for why Xia Qingyue is allowed to marry someone considering the rules within their sect.

Issei is indeed a little bit curious but he won't care that much since this is not his business. He's just a guest after all.

Issei - I see...

Issei calmly nodded to her.

Chu Yueli - But even though they are supposed to marry, they won't consummate their marriage when the time comes. They will only be husband and wife in names... So you don't need to worry, Elder Ise...

Issei is confused about what she meant by that? Why should he worry?

Chu Yueli thought that since Xia Qingyue beauty will surpass hers and Chu Yuechan in the future then she might have a better chance to attract the attention of this elder of theirs.

Chu Yueli is going to tell Xia Qingyue their supposedly "New" rules and besides... Which man could eclipse their elder? She's completely sure there won't be any better man out there anyway so the more reason for her as Xia Qingyue master to make her disciple marry the best man there is, no?

After all, "Master" in this world is akin to a second parent. A Teacher for a Day, a Father/Mother for Life.

(AN: Meaning: a student should revere and respect someone who was willing to mentor them, even if they could only teach for a short period of time similarly, a teacher should nurture and cherish their students as they would their own children).

Don't think that they couldn't see through the "true" strength of their elder since when Feng Qianhui asks Issei for some pointers in combat training he could easily block every single attack from the latter without breaking a single sweat... Heck, he doesn't even move a single step from his initial position during their spar and he can still point out her flaws in an accurate manner...

Not only that, but he also seems very proficient in sword path or saber path which their sect members mainly uses. They are quite certain he could use that so-called sword intent those sword practitioners searching for...

He may be only at the peak of <Emperor Profound Realm> but his strength is at least stronger by multiple times than your normal 1st level of <Tyrant Profound Realm> which is Feng Qianhui current realm.

Although, they are a little confused about why he never achieve anymore breakthrough ever since then... According to his understanding in the profound way and the abnormality he has shown them so far, he should be able to achieve breakthrough anytime he wants since even now he could still give pointers to Feng Qianhui who has higher realm than he is...

But it is not their place to pry so they let him be...

If only they ask him then they will be completely frozen stiff on the spot after hearing his respond...

"Because I don't need to", that's what will he say to them if they were to ask why he doesn't achieve any more breakthrough...

There's no point for him to be a <Sovereign/Monarch> cultivator since he's already the strongest in this realm...

All he needs to do is to heal himself as quickly as possible then he can go back.

Issei - ...Okay?

Issei is unsure of what to say so he only nodded at her.

Chu Yueli - Um... Xia Qingyue is a good girl that she's still willing to smear her reputation by marrying this supposed cripple just to fulfill their parents' agreement with each other... Really a good girl...

Chu Yueli continued her words while gazing upon Xia Qingyue who's in the wedding carriage.

Issei - Perhaps... But I wouldn't do what her parents did.

Chu Yueli - ...May I know why?

She inquired curiously.

Issei - If my daughter is saved by someone then I would repay that someone with everything I have... But if he's asking me to give my daughter hand in marriage then I would refuse immediately since it is not my place to decide of whom she should marry. It is her freedom on who she wants to marry, not mine.

He spoke in an extremely gentle and tender tone.

'Of course, I won't let my daughter marry anyone just like that... If her partner is not up to my standard then... Heheheh...'

Issei added the last part inside his mind while laughing darkly as well at that...

Poor daughters... The supposed standard he had in his mind is that man must be stronger than him and have a good personality before he allows him to take his daughter hand in marriage.

The second requirement might be quite easy to achieve but the first requirement is... Yeah, impossible... Which individual would be able to defeat him in the future? The answer is none!

Not only that he will keep going stronger as time passes by but so does his standards... Right now he might only have 2 requirements but in the future... RIP sons-in-law...

But as for her daughters able to find a better man than their father or not is an entirely different thing altogether...

Since in their eyes, their father is the best man there is so their standard for man also become increasingly high as well... They might even stay a virgin forever...

Issei will be happy with this outcome since he always sees her daughters as the apples of his eye later in the future and he's more than happy to have them by his side forever. While their mothers can only smile bitterly since they completely understand the reasoning behind their daughters... They could only blame their husband for being so god damn perfect! Now look at what happens... Their daughters couldn't find their own mister perfect god damn it!

Not that they're really complaining though...

Issei would still love his sons but of course their treatment will differ if compared to how he treats his daughters... He will be a bit stricter with his sons while with his daughters he will treat them like a princess...

But that's a story for another time...

Chu Yueli who heard his gentle voice for the first time felt like her entire body is being electrocuted. He usually spoke in a calm manner so this is the first time she heard his gentle voice and she felt like she could melt just from the gentleness and tenderness of his voice alone.

Her body shook greatly but thankfully Issei didn't realize this since he's still in his thoughts(constructing a plan to prevent his future daughters from being stolen from his side).

Chu Yueli thought that he will be an extremely great father and husband...

To be honest, she's feeling a little annoyed by Xia Qingyue's parent decision but since it's not her place to butt in their family matter she can only accept it.

She keeps discovering new sides of Issei just from this one trip of theirs... 1st his domineering side which appeared when she's being disrespected by those smelly men eyes and the 2nd is just now... His gentle side when he's talking about his imaginary daughters...

She felt like he becomes increasingly perfect by the second...

'Just how perfect can you be...', she thought inside her mind while feeling a little bit lovestruck... But if only she knew what's on his mind right now then she might think otherwise and might even brand him as an over-protective father or even a daughter-con... Not that it's a bad thing though...

She hurriedly averted her gazes because she could feel her face getting hotter the more she looks at him while Issei is now started imagining the fun things he could do with his daughters... He wonders if any of his pregnant wives will give birth to a little princess... Each to their own delusions...

Both Issei and Chu Yueli then waited in the nearby inn during that time. While Issei calmly sipped some tea and eat some food they ordered, Chu Yueli could barely keep herself from fidgeting in her seat and doesn't dare to look straight at Issei during the whole time...

Issei doesn't realize her abnormality because he thought that the food they are eating isn't that bad and started thinking if he could ask for their recipes...

The marriage rites went on without a hitch until night comes...


Chu Yueli decided to meet Xia Qingyue when she's alone in the room while Issei waited in the inn they both were in before since it's inappropriate for him to enter her wedding chamber.

Chu Yueli excuses herself towards Issei while she meets up with Xia Qingyue.


As soon as Xiao Che left to a toast in the wedding hall, a bright ice aura surrounded the room and a white figured dreamily appeared in front of Xia Qingyue. Xia Qingyue lightly stepped forward and spoke with a gentle and respectful voice.

Xia Qingyue - Master.

Chu Yueli - Qingyue, do you wish to return to Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace with me?

Xia Qingyue slowly shakes her head towards Chu Yueli.

Xia Qingyue - Master, Qingyue intends to stay awhile. If I leave as soon as I got married, he will suffer even harsher of endless ridicules. I ask Master to give me a month's time so I won't hurt him nor allow others to make fun of him by the time I leave.

Chu Yueli looks at her calmly and after a while, she nodded slowly and smiled faintly at her,

Chu Yueli - Alright. It is the first time in hundreds of years that a <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace> disciple was allowed to be married. Since it had been an exception, another month's worth of wait is nothing.

She thought that she will apologize towards Issei when she returns to their inn but knowing his personality he shouldn't mind.

She becomes further reassured after reminiscing what he said during the day where they talked about his imaginary daughter.

Xia Qingyue - Thank you for fulfilling my wish, Master.

Xia Qingyue's body lowered again as she hesitantly whispered softly.

Xia Qingyue - Master, is it really impossible to repair his Profound Vein?

What she's talking about is the crippled vein of Xiao Che.

Chu Yueli overheard their small talk when she waited outside their room waiting for Xiao Che to leave for the wedding hall for his toast.

Chu Yueli - There are no such things as absolutes in this... Ah...

Chu Yueli was about to say it's impossible but then she remembered Issei case.

Xia Qingyue - Master?

Xia Qingyue called her master seeing that she seems lost in her thoughts.

Chu Yueli - ...Perhaps there is a way...

She slowly muttered feeling a little bit unsure if it's possible or not.

Xia Qingyue who heard her words went silent for a bit before she speaks once again.

Xia Qingyue - Then Qingyue beg master to grant Qingyue selfish request in repairing his profound vein.

Chu Yueli - ...Qingyue, I know you are eager in repaying your debt of gratitude since your life was saved at a young age, to even go as far as delaying your return to <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace>, but you marrying him should already be enough to repay that obligation. When you return to <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace>, your identity will be revealed. Although he may suffer more ridicule after your departure, his status of being the husband of a <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace> disciple would still be intact. At least in this little <Floating Cloud City>, with that kind of prestigious status, no one would dare to cause him physical harm.

Chu Yueli thought for a bit before she sighed helplessly.

Chu Yueli - But fine... I will ask our sect Elder if he could help him... But remember that it is entirely up to him if he's willing or not. Master can only convey your wish towards him.

Chu Yueli said word by word in a strict tone because she really doesn't want to bother their sect Elder that much since he has already done quite a lot for their sect.

Xia Qingyue - Our sect elder? Him?

Xia Qingyue becomes confused after hearing Chu Yueli words. Since when their sect has an elder? And it's a "He"? She knows about the <7 Fairies> since her own master is one of them but she never heard about their sect having an elder. And it's also a man it seems... Didn't their sect only consist of females?

Chu Yueli now remembered that Xia Qingyue still doesn't know about Issei so she started explaining his identity towards her... But not before she erected a silent barrier to prevent their conversation from being heard by anyone else outside this room.

Chu Yueli - The thing is...


Chu Yueli - And that's how it is... The reason why our sect doesn't allow any relationship between man and woman outside of our sect... Even Master only knew about this recently. Remember not to tell anyone about this... Even your close family member is not allowed to get ahold of this.

She explained everything from Issei identity to their sect "New" rules towards the stupefied Xia Qingyue.

She never thought the reason behind their rule is because of that but it does make sense if she thought about it... It will be bad for their sect if everyone outside their sect could use their <Profound Arts> just like that.

On the entire continent, only their sect is capable of using the ice-based <Profound Arts> and if other sects were to know of this then it will be catastrophic for their sect.

Xia Qingyue - Qingyue understand.

Chu Yueli - Um, it's good that you understand... Now, Qingyue... There's another thing I wanted to ask of you...

Xia Qingyue - Please ask Master.

Chu Yueli suddenly thought of something before she hesitantly asked her disciple.

Chu Yueli - As you've heard... Our sect forbids a relationship outside of our sect... Although Master really hope that you could break this marriage of yours and have you marry our sect elder instead, but Master won't force you against your will.

She waited for a second before she continues her words.

Chu Yueli - Our sect Elder is the best man Master has ever seen... Whether it be talent, personality, temperament, and especially his appearance. He's by far the best of the best compared to other men out there... And like Master said before, Master won't force you against your will. It is completely up to you, Qingyue. If you're willing then it's great and if you're not willing then it's fine as well.

She then waited for her answer.

Xia Qingyue went silent for a bit before she gives Chu Yueli her answer.

Xia Qingyue - Master has done a lot for Qingyue and Qingyue is really grateful of Master but... Qingyue honestly is not interested in building a proper relationship at the moment since Qingyue has a dream she wishes to fulfill first... And until that dream of Qingyue is fulfilled, Qingyue won't think of anything else. Do forgive Qingyue selfishness Master...

She bowed deeply towards Chu Yueli because she can't fulfill her master wish.

Chu Yueli - Aiii... Silly child, Master doesn't blame you... If Master were to force you against your will to marry our sect elder then I'm pretty sure he will refuse immediately and even blame me for my actions. Master was just thinking about your happiness... But since you already said so then Master won't say anything else... Then Master will return to our Elder first and you can continue your marriage.

Chu Yueli rubbed Xia Qingyue head fondly before she heads outside.

Chu Yueli - Oh right... If our sect Elder agrees to help then I will immediately bring him to you. We will be staying in the nearby inn so just send me a message if you need any help.

Xia Qingyue - Thank you for fulfilling Qingyue selfishness once again, Master.

And with that, Chu Yueli leaves her room and headed towards Issei location straight away.

But during her trip back, Chu Yueli forgot to inform Xia Qingyue about the cure of the side effect of their cultivation. She thought she ought to ask Issei to help her with that problem.

She ought to return sooner than she thought... Well, she doesn't want to let her disciple feeling pain from the cold anymore so it's perfectly understandable.

The process shouldn't take long and if it does then they could just return on another day after their marriage rites have been finished.

Issei was waiting inside his room when Chu Yueli descended from one of the windows.

Chu Yueli - Sorry for-...

Chu Yueli thought that she was being disrespectful for entering his room just like that but when she's about to apologize, her words got stuck on her throat because of what she's witnessing...

Issei is not wearing his mask and his otherworldly countenance is completely shown in its full glory for the world to see... The way his silver hair swaying slightly caused by the night breeze and the way the light from the moonlight bathing his whole being as if he's a celestial God descended into the mortal world... His enchanting wine-red eyes that become even more eye-catching caused by the lack of other light sources in his surroundings.

His elegant poise while holding the small cup and the way he leaned on the window while looking at the night sky... All of that coupled with his melancholic expression can make any women head over heels with just one glimpse of his otherworldly visage is extremely stunning for any girl in this world or even in any other world for that matter.

Perfection... Utter perfection... That is the only thing that comes up inside Chu Yueli mind right now...

She has become utterly dumbstruck seeing this out of the world artistic picture that seems coming out from the painting...

Thankfully those normal mortals below their inn don't look at his direction or it will be catastrophic... Whether it for the man and women alike...

Chu Yueli stays rooted in her spot while her gazes are locked on to Issei's form unblinking.

Thankfully Issei realized her presence from early on so it didn't take long before she's snapped out of her daze.

Issei - Senior sister Chu Yueli?

Issei slowly turned his face towards Chu Yueli and thankfully she manages to snaps out of her daze and hurriedly looks down before he could fully see her red face.

Chu Yueli - I-I'm sorry for barging into your room without permission, Elder Ise.

She somehow managed to say what she wanted to say with only a small stutter but she doesn't dare to look up anymore.

She has never been so glad for wearing a veil on her face because she's certain that her face must've become red to the root of her ears.

Issei - It's fine... How's your disciple, senior sister?

Issei shakes his head calmly while inquired the condition of her disciple.

Chu Yueli - Q-Qingyue is still attending her marriage party.

Issei - I see...

Issei nodded at her before he sets his gaze back outside the window.

Chu Yueli who sensed this heaved a sigh of relief before she took a deep breath to calm down her currently thumping heart.

It took her a good 5 minutes before she could gather her bearings back.

Chu Yueli - ...Um, Elder Ise... The thing is my disciple said that she wanted to wait for another month before she will be coming with us back to the sect since she doesn't want to embarrass her husband... So...

Issei - Oh, I understand.

He nodded while still looking outside the window.

Chu Yueli - I'm grateful for your understanding... And also...

She then proceeded to relay the request of Xia Qingyue to cure Xiao Che crippled veins and she also requested Issei to cure Xia Qingyue cultivation side effects.

Chu Yueli is kinda feeling hopeful that if he could indeed cure a crippled profound vein then it could be a huge blessing for their sect.

Who knows if one of their disciples someday will suffer an injury to their profound vein? It will be their sect blessing if Issei could cure those kinds of injuries.

Chu Yueli - If Elder can't do it then it's completely fine. Just think of it as random ramblings from my disciple.

Issei - Hm... I can do it.

Chu Yueli - R-Really?

Chu Yueli is feeling a little flabbergasted hearing his confirmation. She's hopeful but her hope isn't that high because she's not completely sure if he's capable or not.

Issei - Um. But I have one condition.

Issei confirmed her words before he added a condition for it.

Chu Yueli - ...Please do tell. If I can fulfill it then I will surely do it.

Chu Yueli said with a firm voice preparing herself for the hefty price she needs to pay.

Issei - Good... My condition is that I want you to stop calling me an Elder.

Chu Yueli - ...Eh?

She becomes stupefied hearing his words. She thought she misheard him but Issei who saw the doubt in her eyes repeated his words.

Issei - I want you and everyone else if possible from the sect to stop calling me an Elder... It doesn't feel right to me being called an Elder considering most of you are older than me and I'm just a junior.

Chu Yueli becomes completely stupefied after that... She thought it will be a harsh condition but she didn't expect it to be that menial task...

Chu Yueli - ...I-Is that it?

Issei - Yes. That's it.

Chu Yueli - ...

Her mouth started twitching a lot after hearing his serious tone... To think that all he wants is for them to stop calling him an elder...

If anyone else knew of his capabilities then they would surely willing to pay a huge sum of price just for one cure of his but here he is asking them this meaningless condition...

It seems that he's feeling really unwell being called an Elder by those that are older than him... But doesn't he realizes that the reason why most of them calling him with an elder suffix is mostly because they are trying to "Look" younger in front of him? Sure his strength plays a part in it but it's mostly caused by the first reason.

Aiii... It seems this "Elder" of theirs is a little dense and quite cute as well if she's being honest.

Chu Yueli involuntarily giggled a little to which earned a confusion from Issei. What's so funny?

Chu Yueli - I-I understand, heheh... From now on I will call you just Ise without any honorifics if we're not in the presence of other people. But I can't guarantee about the others if they will stop calling you an Elder or not.

Issei - Well, good enough I guess... Then shall we go to your disciple location now?

Issei sighed tiredly but at least one of them will stop calling him an elder...

Chu Yueli - Um, the sooner the better. They won't be consummating their marriage anyway so it should be fine even if we barge into their room now.

Issei is the one who's feeling speechless now... But since she already said so then he will just take her words up.

Then both of them headed towards Xia Qingyue location once more and of course Issei wore his mask back.


The night had grown deeper.

Xia Qingyue had come out to look for Xiao Che. She originally thought he had just left to take a breath of fresh air. While he was out "taking a breath of fresh air", she had also left the bed and laid out the blanket in that corner so that he could safely sleep there upon his return. But after waiting a long time, he still had not come back.

Since they are not really husband and wife and not going to consummate their marriage. Of course they won't be sleeping in the same bed as well.

She volunteered that she will be the one who's going to sleep on the floor while he can sleep on the bed instead but he refuses saying that he won't let a girl sleep on the floor.

And at some point, he decided to get some fresh air and here she is searching for him realizing that he's been gone for quite a while now.

They had a little conversation about his crippled veins and she told him that she's from the <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace>.

He's taken by surprise but soon regained his bearings back. After a little more chat then he decided to head outside saying that he's going to take a breath of fresh air...

But when she found him, she saw that he's currently huddled with another girl in the grass field while both of them have already fallen asleep. Their posture is very intimate if she might add since one of his hand is currently on the girl white rabbit.

They're not naked but their posture is quite intimate if she's being honest.

Suddenly, an uncomfortable feeling floated up in Xia Qingyue's heart of course, this didn't mean that she had any feelings towards Xiao Che. But she and Xiao Che had become a married couple. She had always believed that this marriage was just a formality for her, that the status as husband or wife were also mere titles, and that nothing could cause even the slightest ripple in her heart. However, in some things, the heart does not always follow a person's expectation. This was especially true for women, who, unless they had no heart, were more prone to sentimentality.

After all, she and Xiao Che were already husband and wife. Although, in her thoughts, she didn't care at all about this kind of union but the fact that Xiao Che was now her husband would still be distinctly imprinted in her subconscious. Since he was her husband, he should rightfully belong only to her. Instead, on his wedding night, he had cuddled with another woman until they had both fallen asleep, with such a warm and content expression on his face Her subconscious naturally would raise that kind of unfamiliar reaction...

Even if the girl was his little aunt.

Just when she's still in her thoughts she doesn't realize another presence approaching their location.

Chu Yueli - Qingyue? Why are you out here? And... Oh?

Chu Yueli was searching for Xia Qingyue inside her room but she can't find anyone there so she searched for her and found her standing here at last.

But what she saw is making her feel furious. Isn't that person who's currently cuddling with another girl is her disciple supposed husband?!

Chu Yueli - Big guts!

She was about to burst in rage until Xia Qingyue placated her feelings.

Xia Qingyue was also feeling surprised seeing that her Master returned so soon.

Xia Qingyue - Wait, Master. That girl is his little aunt.

Chu Yueli - Hmph! That still doesn't give him a reason to do this and look at where his hand is placed right now!

She pointed at Xiao Che's right hand that currently cupping one of the girl's white rabbit.

Xiao Che and Xiao Lingxi, which is the girl name finally started waking up because of the commotion.

Both of them who saw Xia Qingyue here along with another person froze up completely.

One of them of course is Issei himself but he doesn't want to get involved with their "Discussion" since it is not his place to butt in. So Xiao Che and Xiao Lingxi don't realize his presence because of it.

He frowned a little under his mask after hearing their words but he won't judge this Xiao Che. Besides, they told him they don't have feelings against each other anyway and only marry to fulfill their parents' agreement.

He glanced a little at Xia Qingyue.

She has a pair of indescribably magnificent eyes as if the world's essence laid deep within. Her two tranquil pupils, clear like crystals, were like the radiance of a flowing dream, her two black thin and curvy eyebrows, similar to a pair of crescent moons.

Her jade-like skin and creamy face were as white as snow under the dim lights in the room. Her lips were like the world's most delicate petals and her nose was of the most beautiful of sculpted white jade, high and proud with an innate nobility. Her soft and shiny black hair fell gently behind her shoulders.

Her figure was wonderfully moving and delicate to the extreme. Looking from afar, her physique was so graceful that it was simply too hard to describe. Under the red long skirt, one could faintly make out a pair of exquisite and slender legs. Her dress floated in the wake of her slow walk and her jewelry occasionally twinkled on her delicate, womanly figure. The perfect arcs of her waist, breasts, and buttocks were indescribably lovely. She radiated an incomparable, soul-shaking charm and had a kind of proud appearance and attitude that transcended this world.

Issei admits that she's indeed very beautiful for someone at her age but he only glanced at her for a brief second before he sets his gaze aside immediately losing interest.

Xia Qingyue who happened to realize his gaze on him frowned a little thinking he's the same with other men out there but after realizing how casual he looks away from her she's feeling a bit taken aback.

She's well aware of her charm that not a single man and no one could react the same way as Issei did just now. Some of them might try to act like a gentleman but the greed and lustful desire within their eyes cannot be hidden so she loathes those men because of it.

While this man in front of her seems completely different from the others... He may be wearing a mask but she could tell instinctively that there are no such emotions that could be found when he gazes at her... There's no revolting feeling that crept up on her body at all...

This man should be the Elder her Master told her about but she doesn't have time to wonder about him at the moment since she needs to clear up the mess she's dealing with right now.

Xiao Lingxi face went pale because both of them just caught redhanded while Xiao Che already calmed himself down.

They started their little drama to which Issei completely ignores and decided to observe their surroundings instead. He's just a bystander after all.

Chu Yueli - You sure have big guts sleeping with another woman other than your own wife during your own wedding day!

To which Xiao Che refuted that their marriage is not a real marriage anyway and it only happened because of their parents' agreement. He indeed apologizes since he's clearly in the wrong and it is his blunder for falling asleep with his little aunt here.

Xiao Lingxi tried to take the blame but Xiao Che won't let him.

This whole parade goes back and forth until they come to a standstill.

Xiao Che - We marry out of obligation anyway and we don't have feelings for each other so it doesn't really matter who I sleep with right? Senior must have the knowledge of this as well from Xia Qingyue mouth herself, am I wrong?

Chu Yueli - Good... Good... Good... It is as you just said. Both of you indeed married out of obligation and there are no feelings between you and her.

Chu Yueli is so mad hearing his answer that she said Good three times in a row. And even though she knows that he's right but that still doesn't stop her feeling angry with his action.

Even Xia Qingyue frowned a little but soon her face regained her previous calm.

Chu Yueli also took a deep breath to calm herself down before she thought of something.

Chu Yueli - I heard that you have a crippled vein... Well, my sect Elder can cure your vein but at one condition. You must divorce Qingyue as the price for curing your crippled profound vein. Don't worry, in the public eyes you both are still married to each other as to avoid the jeer from the masses... After all, I don't want my disciple to suffer any shame because of this unless she's the one who personally divorces you, but remember that in truth both of you are not husband and wife anymore and I want you to stay away from her from now on. Do you agree?

Chu Yueli spat word by word feeling furious still deep inside but she thought that this is a good chance to have both of them divorce with each other.

Xia Qingyue wanted to say something but decided not to since she knows that this is the best outcome there is for both of them.

Xiao Che becomes dumbfounded hearing that someone could heal his crippled vein. But when he heard the condition for curing his vein he hesitates...

Xiao Lingxi also becomes pleasantly surprised knowing that someone could cure her little Che. But just like Xiao Che, she becomes hesitant after hearing the condition for it.

Chu Yueli - What's wrong? Didn't you say that both of you don't have feelings with each other? Then why with the hesitation? Hmph... Is it because you're hesitant losing a big tree to depend on and losing a beautiful wife such as Qingyue? This is why you men are such a...

She stopped her words after remembering that their sect Elder is a man and he's also standing behind them during all this time.

'Well, he's different so it's fine...' She added inside her mind.

Xiao Che finally made up his mind.

Xiao Che - Fine... I agree. But as for staying away from her is not possible right now since we still need to put up a facade of being husband and wife.

Chu Yueli - Of course I know that. What I meant is that after she leaves this place you are to stay away from her and never search for her any longer. Don't try to curry favor to our sect with a pretense you are her husband in name either.

Xiao Che agreed to her words before he took out their marriage certificate and gave it to Xia Qingyue.

Xiao Che - This is our marriage certificate, you're free to rip it to shred if you want.

He also thought that this is for the best since they both don't have feelings with each other.

Xia Qingyue calmly took the certificate and there is no change that could be found on her expression. But she's indeed feeling a little glad because of this she won't owe him anything anymore.

The debt she has towards his uncle who saved her during her childhood has been paid completely. Now they are completely even...

Chu Yueli - It's good that you understand your place.

Chu Yueli nodded in a satisfied manner seeing his action. She then turned her gaze towards Issei.

Chu Yueli - Then Elder Ise, if you would?

Her voice tone changed by 180 degrees compared to how she spoke with Xiao Che.

It's full of respect and admiration and quite gentle at the same time... Forget Xiao Che and Xia Qingyue, even Xiao Lingxi could tell the difference.

Issei who heard his name being called finally took back his gaze back from the night sky and nodded at her.

Only now that both Xiao Che and Xiao Lingxi realized his presence.

Xiao Che is quite alarmed at this since even he couldn't sense his presence until now. It needs to be known that he is a "Reincarnator" but more complicated than your typical "Reincarnator".

Xiao Che the 16-year-old son of Xiao Ying and grandchild of the Fifth Elder of the Xiao Clan, Xiao Lie. His profound strength was still at level one in the Elementary Profound Realm before his death. He started training his spirit power when he was seven and a half, entered the level one of the Elementary Profound Realm at the age of eight, and then didn't improve for an entire eight years.

He was mocked by all of the Xiao Clan. Afterwards, Xiao Lie invited Floating Cloud City's top-class doctor Dr. Seto to examine his body and shockingly found that Xiao Che was born with damaged profound veins. The damage was so severe that it was almost impossible to recover from. In this state, Xiao Che would stagnate at the first level of the Elementary Profound Realm, and could never improve further no matter how hard he worked.

He died the day of his wedding with Xia Qingyue, eating porridge prepared for him by his aunt Xiao Lingxi which was laced with Murdering Heart Powder. The poison was added to the porridge by Xiao Yang under the order of Xiao Yulong who wanted to kill him out of envy.

Then he is reincarnated into his second life.

After being killed in his first life he was reincarnated for the first time. He was reborn on the Azure Cloud Continent with none of his memories. Yun Che was an abandoned baby. The third day after his birth he was picked up by his master Yun Gu. He was completely naked except for the Mirror of Samsara hanging from his neck

Yun Gu named him Yun Che and taught him medicine in hopes he would inherit his craft as a healer to rescue the dying and cure the injured with a heart void of corruption. During his life, he never found out who his real parents were.

After his master was murdered due to people coveting the Sky Poison Pearl, Yun Che was so overcome with hatred he didn't put anything else except revenge in his eyes, even when he met Su Ling'er, who for the longest time loved him and took care of him while Yun Che only had revenge in his heart. During that time he went out and killed 7 million people, his enemies and innocent alike, in one day which leads to the overdraft of the poison power of the Sky Poison Pearl.

Later on, after Su Ling'er was murdered, he realized how important she was to him but he had realized it after it was too late. She never told him who killed her because she didn't want him to become obsessed with getting revenge for her.

He gets chased to Cloud's End Cliff by his enemies, injured and trapped between his enemies and a cliff that not even Monarchs and Overlords can survive falling down. In order to not let his enemies get the Sky Poison Pearl, he swallows it and jumps off the edge of the cliff committing suicide.

After he died in the Azure Cloud Continent, he was transported back to his first body and reborn with a third life with all the memories of his second life as well as the purification half of the Sky Poison Pearl.

Due to Profound Sky Continent and Azure Cloud Continent being on the same planet and dimension, the third life/second reincarnation of Yun Che shifted the timeline of the Azure Cloud Continent. All events that occurred on the Azure Cloud Continent during Yun Che's second life have been wiped clean. It is as if he never existed there. The timeline also shifted. Su Ling'er in his second life was two years younger than him but the Su Ling'er in his third life is seven years younger.

Because the Sky Poison Pearl is also a Heavenly Profound Treasure, it could not completely transmigrate with Yun Che and split into two parts with the purification half transmigrating with Yun Che and the poisoned half staying in the Azure Cloud Continent.

(AN: Xiao Che/Yun Che background history can be quite confusing to those who haven't read the ATG novel but you can just ignore him if you want since he's irrelevant in my fanfic. I just copy & paste his history from the wiki so you know about him a little bit).

Xiao Che body went on high alert seeing Issei approaching him. His instinct that has been honed by 2 lifetimes is telling him that this masked person in front of him is anything but simple.

At his current condition, the only outcome, if he were to go against him, is his own peril without a doubt... So he becomes extremely tense during the whole time that he doesn't realize that the closer Issei is to him the brighter the light from the "Amulet" hanging on his neck and the same goes for the mark on his left hand that keeps blinking repeatedly.

Oddly enough, Xia Qingue, Chu Yueli, and Xiao Lingxi can't see this but Issei could.

He's curious just what are those things that keep repeatedly blinking on and off the closer he gets to this Xiao Che.

Issei calmly put his hand on top of Xiao Che shoulder and channeled a little bit of his profound energy to clear up his crippled vein.

It should've been impossible if it were anyone else but since Issei profound energy is quite special, it's nothing but a cinch for him.

In no time at all, his once crippled vein become normal just like any other person. But Issei doesn't fully open all of his profound veins since the deal they had is only "Curing" his crippled vein and not open all of them.

During this process, Issei felt something from Xiao Che body exiting the latter body and entered his hand. It looks like some kind of an orb? And the amulet hanging his neck also emits a bright light and entered his body as well through his hand which located on top of Xiao Che shoulder.

The only thing left on his neck is a small pocket that's used for storing the "Amulet".

Xiao Che doesn't realize this happening at all since he's too tensed up.

He stared unblinkingly at Issei while also sweating a bit feeling extremely nervous... He never felt this way before in his entire life. Even in front of his enemies on his past lives that have higher cultivation than him by multiple times he's still calm while facing them. But only in front of Issei he truly felt restless... It's like he's standing in front of a mystical being clouded in mistery instead of a normal human...

Xiao Lingxi thought that the process is quite painful seeing his sweat so she wiped his sweats as soon as Issei took his hand off his shoulder.

Issei - It's done.

Issei is feeling curious still about these things that just entered his hand. But this is not the place to inspect it so he let it be for now. Besides, it doesn't seem harmful to him anyway.

Xiao Che who heard his voice finally snaps out of his thoughts and hurriedly inspected his vein and become happy after realizing that his crippled vein has been cured.

Xiao Che - I thank senior for curing me.

He cupped his fist feeling thankful at Issei but he still keeps his guard up.

Issei just nodded at him.

Chu Yueli becomes pleasantly surprised that Issei could fix Xiao Che crippled vein because that means he could cure anyone from their sect if they were to be in the same condition as Xiao Che.

Even though she heard from him that he could cure a crippled vein. But seeing is believing after all...

Even Xia Qingyue is feeling flabbergasted. Is that it? He just put his hand on top of his shoulder and his crippled vein is cured? Truly unbelievable...

But since Xiao Che himself act that way then it must be true... Both Xia Qingyue and Chu Yueli used their profound energy to inspect Xiao Che vein and found out that it is indeed cured and not crippled anymore.

Chu Yueli - Hmph! You better remember our agreement.

Xiao Che - This Junior understand.

She scoffed at him.

Chu Yueli - Qingyue, come with me and our sect Elder for a moment.

Qingyue nodded at her.

Then the three of them left the area while Xiao Lingxi and Xiao Che hugged each other feeling happy that he's finally cured.


When they are in a secluded area, Chu Yueli informed Xia Qingyue about the solution of their cultivation side effect.

Chu Yueli - Then Ise, please help Qingyue.

Chu Yueli addressed Issei with just his name since they are not in the presence of anyone else but her own disciple.

Xia Qingyue was feeling a little curious why Chu Yueli addresses Issei without any honorifics now.

Chu Yueli who realized her disciple curiosity chuckled a little which earned another surprise from Xia Qingyue because even though her master usually smiles at her, she never laughs or even giggled happily like this.

Chu Yueli - You see, the price for his help is that he wanted me to stop calling him an elder since he's just 21 years old just like how I told you before. Now Qingyue, I'm sure you saw that Xiao Che attitude? It is his good fortune for being able to marry you but here he was cuddling with another woman during your wedding day... Let's just forget about him. Here's the thing, our sect Elder which is Ise here can cure our cultivation side effects.

Xia Qingyue feeling a little pleasantly surprised knowing that someone could cure this side effect of their cultivation.

Chu Yueli - Don't resist his touch since he's the only one who could fix our side effect.

Xia Qingyue - This disciple understands... I'm in your care Elder Ise.

She then bowed towards Issei.

Issei - Um.

Issei put his hand on top of Xia Qingyue shoulder just like how he did with Xiao Che before.

Xia Qingyue body trembled a little since this is the first time she's being directly touched by the opposite sex except for her own father and little brother.

But contrary to her expectation, she doesn't feel repulsed at all being touched by him and felt comfortable instead.

Soon she can feel the bone-chilling cold inside her vein disappeared without a trace and not only that, she can feel her profound entrance that previously only has 21 opened now started opening one by one until the final 54th entrance much to her surprise.

She doesn't know about the <Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins> so her reaction isn't that big after realizing all of her profound entrance has been opened.

When Issei is curing her "illness", he found something special within her soul and physic but since he doesn't have knowledge about it he let it be. He doesn't want to mess with something he doesn't have knowledge of, especially if it's on another person body.

But he could tell that she's quite special after sensing her soul. It's as if she's destined for something greater...

Issei - It's done.

Xia Qingyue - Qingyue thanks Elder Ise for his kindness.

Issei calmly took off his hand from her shoulder and Qingyue bowed deeply once more feeling grateful for what he did.

Chu Yueli smiled from ear to ear and thanked Issei as well before she started inspecting Qingyue condition... But after a few seconds, she becomes dumbfounded of what she found...

Her beautiful unwavering gaze fixed onto Xia Qingyue. It was clear that there was a certain kind of extreme astonishment in her eyes, as if there was an inconceivable worldly matter.

Xia Qingyue - Master? What's wrong?

Xia Qingyue asked, alarmed, because of Chu Yueli's frightening and unexpected reaction.

Even Issei is feeling a bit confused seeing her reaction.

Issei - Senior sister?

Chu Yueli - ...Impossible. This is absolutely impossible!

Chu Yueli absentmindedly soliloquized as she suddenly extended her other hand. After both her hands grabbed onto Xia Qingyue's right wrist as the coldness on her body spread out. Chu Yueli's beautiful eyes then widened yet again as her entire body fiercely trembled more than before; on her face, rested an expression of complete speechlessness and incredulous astonishment. And ecstasy! She firmly snatched Xia Qingyue's hand as she looked her in the eye and actually became temporarily speechless due to her intensely stirred up emotions.

Her expression let Xia Qingyue become more and more alarmed.

Xia Qingyue - M-Master? Wh-What's going on?

Chu Yueli - Qingyue! Inform this master, what exactly have you encountered during this period of time? Did you come across an extraordinary person? Or did consume some kind of pill that's against the gods!

Her excitement can't be hidden.

Xia Qingyue - I...

Xia Qingyue momentarily stared for a while before she sets her gaze on the confused Issei.

When Chu Yueli realized the direction she's looking she hastily look towards Issei as well and only then it hit her mind.

Here she is asking her disciple if she came across an extraordinary person when that extraordinary person is beside her all along!

She changed her target from Xia Qingyue towards Issei. As in she grabbed both of Issei arm forgetting about her reserved attitude altogether.

Chu Yueli - I-Ise!

Issei - Wh-What?

Issei is taken aback by her sudden act.

Chu Yueli - Are you the one who did it? Are you the one who opened all of her profound openings?!

She's feeling so excited that she doesn't realize just how close they are right now. Their distance is only separated by a few centimeters.

Xia Qingyue - Master, what's actually going on?

Xia Qingyue is completely confused right now. Just what made her usually calm Master becomes so excited?

Chu Yueli briefly explained about the <Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins> towards the dumbfounded Xia Qingyue.

Chu Yueli - "Altogether, a person can only have a total of Fifty Four Profound Entrances. An ordinary person is gifted with approximately ten inborn profound entrances while a person with high innate talent may be gifted with around fifteen profound entrances.

When I first found you, I discovered that you had twenty-one naturally opened profound entrances, an exceptionally great gift only seen once in a million! If one has more profound entrances opened, their cultivation of the profound, and their activation speed will increase. No matter what, a practitioner with twenty opened profound entrances would undoubtedly cultivate and activate their profound strength twice as fast as a practitioner born with only ten opened profound entrances."

She took a deep breath while still locking her gazes on Issei.

Chu Yueli - "It is extremely difficult to open a profound entrance, for it even took our sect Grand Mistress a century's worth of time to merely open seven profound entrances and achieve the opening of thirty profound entrances.

In the entire Blue Wind Empire, the people who have achieved the supreme state of opening of thirty profound entrances, could not possibly surpass five!"

Up to this point, Xia Qingyue vaguely understands what her Master is trying to say but she continues to listen on.

Chu Yueli - "You understand Qingyue? Fifty-four of your Profound Entrances have all been completely opened! And they all actually have been permanently opened. do you understand what this implies? This means that the speed of your profound cultivation and activation would be almost double that of Grand Mistress's! It would also be quintuply faster than that of an ordinary person's! Not only that, the cultivation of any profound skill you practice in would be limitless. Whenever your profound strength makes a breakthrough, it shall never hit a 'bottleneck'!

When all the profound veins in the Fifty Four Profound Entrances have been completely opened, they are what legends refer to as the <Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins>, and it is said that only a God from the legends would possess these profound veins! This has never happened before in the entire history of the <Blue Wind Empire>!"

She stopped for a while before continuing.

Chu Yueli - With the exception of our sect Elder here that is... He is the only person other than you who possess the same profound vein as you, the <Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins>! We thought it was just a coincidence but after this... I realized that it might be not just a coincidence! Now tell me Ise! Are you really the one who opened all of Qingyue profound entrances?!

Her eyes are so passionate that Issei felt a little uncomfortable being gazed like this by her. Their distance is only a few centimeters apart that if it wasn't for him wearing his mask then there might be some "Incident" happening right at this moment...

Issei - Y-Yes. I'm indeed the one who opened all of her profound openings.

Chu Yueli beamed from ear to ear after hearing her confirmation but she finally realizes their ambiguous position.

Her face turned bright red at a visible rate and she hastily released his arms and faked a cough trying to get her bearings back but she's not fooling anyone here...

Even Xia Qingyue is speechless at her Master act... But she's become further taken aback by her sect elder capabilities. To think he possesses this godly ability...

Chu Yueli - *C-Cough* *Cough* Th-Then Ise... Why you didn't tell us that you could do it before?

Issei - Well... You never ask.

Chu Yueli - ...

Xia Qingyue - ...

Issei - ...

There's an awkward silence between the three of them while both Chu Yueli and Xia Qingyue face started twitching a lot after hearing his respond...

In a way he's not wrong but who would expect that he could do this kind of thing?! Even Xia Qingyue who just knows him today thought of the same thing as Chu Yueli...

She can only sigh to herself thinking that it seems this Elder of theirs is indeed a bit "Special" isn't he...


Chu Yueli - Then when we return to our sect, can you open all of our sect members profound opening like you did with Qingyue here?

Issei - Sure?

Chu Yueli - *Sigh*... I swear, Ise... You really never cease to amaze us...

She can only sigh wryly seeing how carefree he is even after knowing what he's capable of is extremely out of the norm...

Chu Yueli - Then Qingyue... You can return to your room for now.

Xia Qingyue - Um... Then Qingyue excuses herself.

She bows in courtesy at both of them one last time before she heads back to her wedding room because it will be weird if she's not there when the time comes.

Chu Yueli - What do you think of her, Ise?

Chu Yueli asked Issei dubiously as soon as Qingyue disappears from their location.

Issei - Hm? What about her?

Chu Yueli - Do you think she's beautiful?

Issei - Yes, she's quite beautiful?

Chu Yueli - Um, I see... It's good that you find her beautiful.

She nodded feeling satisfied with his response.

Chu Yueli - Then should we head back to the inn?

Issei - Oh, you can go first. I want to sightsee for a while.

Chu Yueli - I understand. Then please take care.

Then she left Issei alone while she heads back first. There's no need for her to worry about him since his cultivation base and strength is clearly higher than her.

After Chu Yueli left, Issei started inspecting the thing that entered his hand just a few moments ago.

First, he inspected the "Amulet".

The pendant appeared to be made of silver and could be opened to reveal a bright and clean mirror on each side. It's currently shining faintly enveloping his entire body.

He can tell that this pendant is trying to speed up his recovery so he thought that this is luck but sadly, the capabilities of this pendant are quite limited but that's probably caused by the lack of energy inside it.

So he let it be and moved on to the second object.

Its appearance is that of a green circular shape orb, it's size is that of a person's palm.

But this orb seems like acting very timid and unlike the Pendant from before it seems to be waiting for permission? At least that's what it looks like in his eyes.

In the next second, he got his answer... The <Life and Death> orb inside his body emerged on its own and started circling the new green orb in his hand.

The former is inspecting the latter just like how a father/mother inspecting their in-laws would.

After a few moments, the <Life and Death> orb went back inside his body while the green orb started bobbing up and down as if it's feeling happy before it entered Issei hand once again.

The green orb has become fused into the palm of Issei's left hand, leaving a circular green imprint on his palm.

Issei - ...

Issei got a "Message" from the orb saying that it wanted to be acknowledged by him and the <Life and Death> orb indicated towards Issei to grant its wish.

Issei finally agreed to it since just like the pendant from before, it also started trying to heal him with the best of its capabilities.

Issei thought that he gained quite a bit today. Even though his healing rate only increased by a tiny amount at least it's better than nothing.

Just when he's about to go back to the inn, Issei sensed a spatial disturbance near his location and he decided to inspect it.


When he arrived at the scene, he found there are two bodies or should he say two spiritual bodies instead slumped in the ground right in front of him. What makes him feel a little awkward is that both of them are completely naked...

The first one was so beautiful, a monstrous beauty, so beautiful that she could probably steal souls. If he was not seeing her with his own eyes, he would never have believed that such a young girl could unexpectedly release such thrilling charm.

As red as a demon, a face of white jade, each of her facial features were all beautiful to the extreme and all of them combined together made her unbelievably perfect.

She only looked like twelve to thirteen at the moment. If she grew up to the age that Xia Qingyue was at that would be simply unimaginable! Maybe then, she could cause chaos with only just a smile.

While the second body is that of a beautiful mature woman that looks very similar to the former girl and they are obviously related to each other considering how similar they are. Perhaps she is her big sister?

Their only difference is that this one has black hair instead of red hair unlike the previous one.

What attracts Issei the most is not their beauty but the color of the first girl hair. It reminds him of Irene...

While he's still lost in his thoughts, the mature woman stirs awake and look up to him slowly.

??? - Please... I beg you... please... save my daughter...

She's at the end of her life and it took her everything she has to utter that sentence... Issei could clearly tell that she doesn't have much time left while the first girl is not having it any better either.

But compared to the second girl then she's indeed having it better...

Issei was a bit surprised knowing that they are mother and daughter but he has more important matter at hand.

Issei extends his hand on both of them and channeled his profound energy and also from their surroundings to prevent them both from dying instantly.

The mother is feeling taken aback of this phenomenon but she's feeling a little ecstatic knowing that she could stay alive for a little longer and maybe this person can help her daughter.

But when she remembered the poison inflicting her and her daughter she went downcast again because the poison is very potent and there's almost no hope in curing it unless that "Thing" is here but that's just a pipe dream...

Even now she could feel the poison rampaging inside her inflicting immense pain.

And when she caught a glimpse of the symbol on Issei left hand she becomes completely stupefied before screaming, "<Sky... Poison... Pearl>!" out loud surprising Issei in the process.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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