The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 98:

Chapter 98:

Like she has been injected by some kind of drug, the mother hurriedly scrambled towards Issei direction only to stumble in the process since her body is still weak but that doesn't stop her from crawling towards Issei direction.

??? - Sky... Poison... Pearl... Is... Is it real?

Her eyes are glued on the green marking that's located on Issei's left palm.

The closer she is the more reassured she is of its identity since she could feel the poison in her body started being cleansed although only by a tiny bit and it doesn't mean she's saved.

But she's feeling really happy and joyful because even though she won't make it, at least her daughter will as long as she could enter that pearl.

??? - Please... Benefactor... Please save my daughter...

She tried her best to crawl towards Issei despite her injury.

Issei who saw her struggle felt his heart being tugged by the sheer will she's currently emitting. Even though she could barely move she still tries her best to force her whole being to beg him.

He, as an expecting Father could relate to what she's currently experiencing.

Issei then calmly walk forward to the mother and daughter duo and knelt before them. He took out a pair of robes from his <Gate of Babylon> and put it around their naked body.

Issei - Tell me what I need to do.

The mother who was feeling a little stunned by his action immediately refocused her attention before she instructed towards Issei what he needs to do.

??? - Can... Can you summon the <Sky Poison Pearl>?

Issei willed for the pearl to appear on top of his palm and it showed itself immediately.

??? - It really is the <Sky Poison Pearl>... Ah...

She tried to touch the orb but her hand phase through it.

??? - It's already made you it's master...

She muttered disappointingly...

The <Sky Poison Pearl> is one of the <Seven Heavenly Profound Treasures> and it's ranked fifth on the list. The Sky Poison Pearl's capabilities are centered around poison, medicine, purification, and space.

The followings are the capabilities of the <Sky Poison Pearl>:

The <Sky Poison Pearl> is able to cure all poisons under the heavens. Any poison can be cured, regardless of how far the poison has progressed. It can even detoxify the soul. How fast a poison will be detoxified depends on how potent it is and the severity of the damage to the victim.

The <Sky Poison Pearl> also has the absolute power of purification. This power can be used medicinally to open profound entrances and also refine medicinal pellets perfectly with 100% effectiveness. Another effect of this is the ability to control medicinal energy that is unsurpassed under the heavens.

The pearl can sense nearby medicinal herbs. The pearl would emit flashing light and point in the direction of the herb. The prerequisite is that the material must be extremely rare and high quality. The pearl can also perfectly harvest the herbs into its internal storage space. It completely wraps the herb with its aura to prevent any damage to the herb that would lower its efficacy.

The pearl has infinite inner storage space. The space is similar to a spatial ring but with infinite size and other special properties. For example, food and drink can be kept in their indefinitely without spoiling. The pearl possesses its own spirit which lives inside the inner space. It can also house other occupants but only in their spirit form.

The pearl is able to release a poison called the Heaven Wounding Thought Severing Poison. It is currently unknown how to activate it.

She doesn't lose hope and immediately lifted her daughter's body towards the pearl.

??? - Can you please command it to store my daughter inside it.

Issei nodded at her before he does what she said.

And the next second the girl body immediately entered the pearl.

Issei was feeling surprised seeing there's another artifact other than <Gate of Babylon> that capable of housing a living being inside it. But since the body it absorbed is only a spiritual body then it might be inferior to the former.

The mother becomes very ecstatic seeing that it work.

??? - With this... She should be safe... As long as she stays inside the pearl then she will be cured of her poison eventually... *Cough* *Cough*

She coughed a decent amount of black blood from her mouth since her poison started acting up once again.

Issei - Don't talk anymore and enter the pearl as well.

??? - *Cough* *Cough*... It's no use... The poison has already corroded my whole body and it's only a matter of time before my soul disperses alongside it... Please benefactor, please keep my daughter safe... It is already too late for me... *Cough* *Cough*

She coughed even more blood and her exquisite face went deathly pale creating a tragic beauty look.

Issei frowned seeing her condition since it is indeed as she says... Her whole body has been corroded by this deathly poison... It amazes him a little knowing that there's a poison such as this in the low <Tier> world.

If it's him then he can easily take another 100 types of poison such as this and still won't be harmed by it since he is immune to any kind of poison.

??? - ...I beg of you benefactor... Please keep my daughter safe...

Seeing her getting increasingly weaker by the second Issei struggled a little deep inside before he sighed in resignation.

Issei - No... If you want to keep her safe then do it on your own.

The mother eyes become wide hearing his refusal and before she could utter another word, she saw Issei took off his mask before he bit his own finger and without saying anything he immediately put his bleeding finger into her mouth while she's still stunned silly after seeing his face.

She reflexively gulped the liquid that's currently flooding her mouth and what she tasted is not a metallic flavor of how blood usually taste. But instead, she felt a cooling and refreshing yet also addicting sensation flooding her taste bud.

Her eyes become glazed and she becomes further addicted the more she drank his blood and she slowly extended her dainty fingers towards his hand and grabbed onto it firmly as if she doesn't want to let go...

She licked every corner of his finger while her body started trembling a little and keep greedily gulping every single drop of his blood...

*Gulp* *Slurp* *Gulp*

Issei ignores how alluring she looks right now with that sultry face she currently showing and set his gaze towards the moon before he extended his free hand and pulled something out of thin air from the direction of the moon.

What he pulls is a black object that's shaped just like an orb.

He infused a bit of his divinity and aura into it and the orb started shaping itself into that of a black rabbit.

Then he inserted it into her body while she's still busy sucking his blood.

The moment he inserted that orb inside her body, her entire body froze up and she's starting having a cold sweat while her body started spasming because of how painful it is. She can't even scream and thankfully Issei finger is still inside her mouth or she might just bite her tongue altogether.

Her teeth immediately clamped onto his finger.

Obviously, she couldn't break Issei skin no matter how strong she bit into it so Issei let her be.

Issei can only observe her silently because this the first time he does this...

He combined a natural Yin energy that's infused with his divinity since the Yin element is the most abundant around them at the moment especially of how bright the moon currently shining right now.

What he basically did is that he transferred a bit of his own divinity and aura to the brand new spirit he just created and infused it with the woman soul. The spirit he just created started replacing her corroded soul with its own.

He unknowingly created his own "Legacy", at least that's what people from this world would call it and if anyone were to know his true identity then they might just do everything they can just to get their hands on it... Even if this "Legacy" is quite weak it's still a <True God King> "Legacy" nonetheless...

That's why she's feeling immense pain right now since having a part of your soul being ripped out of your body is no laughing matter... Thankfully the spirit is replacing the discarded pieces place so she won't die.

His blood serves as a safety measure in case something goes wrong in the process.

Since his blood essence is basically an elixir then there's no better medicine to prevent her from dying. Not only that his blood essence is flooding with his very own energy and divinity, but it's also having a healing effect and many more.

If an alchemist were to refine his blood essence into a profound pill then that pill will be the most precious profound pill there is and if someone were to consume that pill then they would be able to become a True God in a single leap.

But it's just a pipe dream for them since if they wanted to get his blood essence then he must be willing to give it to them or all they will get is a dud. Of course, whether they could injure him or not in the first place is another story altogether...

(AN: The True God here is not the <Tier 6> but the actual True God Realm from this world, as in <Tier 5>).

But by doing this he basically decreased his recovery timer by at least another 5 years... If it was him in his peak condition then there will be no consequences from doing this since he used his blood essence before to make his wives become Dragons.

But since he doesn't have any intention on making this woman before him as his wife then he doesn't change her race into that of a Dragon. But she still has a sliver of Dragon bloodline inside her nevertheless, albeit very thin it's still a lot better compared to a Lesser Dragon and the like.

He can only smile bitterly and apologize towards his wives that's currently waiting for him... But if they knew of this then they shouldn't blame him since they will understand this woman feeling as a fellow mother.

Although, he can't or more accurately, he doesn't want to use his blood essence to its full capabilities or he could just cure her poison straight away. Because if he does that then the backlash from his injury will only worsen... By then it won't be just 5 years anymore but instead, it might become 30 years or more... And that's not something he wants to happen.

This is the limit of his selfless act since he's a complete stranger to this mother and daughter he just met and it's already their blessing that Issei is willing to go this far... If it just one of them begging to be saved then he would still try to help them but he won't go to this extent and risk his recovery rate.

It's her motherly act that induces pity from Issei... Even on her deathbed she still wishes for her daughter safety...

The process she underwent is extremely painful and she felt like she might just die in the next second but thankfully she heard Issei's encouragement.

Issei - Insist and endure... If you can go through this then you will live another day and able to see your daughter once again. Isn't that what you want? Or would you let her live as an orphan?

After hearing his words she immediately steeled herself and endured the pain she's currently experiencing. Her desire to live has never been this strong.

Issei nodded to himself after seeing her newfound determination.

He doesn't know if her husband is still alive or not but hearing her plead to keep her daughter safe instead of mentioning her father or other relatives then it can be assumed that they are no more or perhaps something else happened inside their family...

No matter the answer to that question, it's none of his business.

Issei - Since you both arrived in front of me then it could be called fate. Whether you're able to survive or not is completely up to you.

After an arduous process that went on for like an eternity for the mother, the process has finally finished and she managed to stay alive by a hair's breadth. If the process were to extend by just another second then she might not make it...

Issei might be able to increase her survival chance by using his blood essence but it's up to her if she could insist or not. No amount of extraordinary medicine or drug in the world could keep someone alive if that person him/herself doesn't have the will to stay alive in the first place...

Her once black hair turned completely white and there's a pair of black rabbit ear appeared on top of her head while her red eyes become brighter and enchanting. Her once jade white skin become glossier and look very soft to the touch while the poison that once corroding her body disappeared without a trace...

She's still in her spiritual body but at least she will live.

(AN: /images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQ_-0ZPnzamNEXSZ9ks4nw-ljxn-GuzuEz93zAsgN9g1O-YQCr_ for those that can't copy & paste then type Koto Otona on google).

Her body slumped forward feeling exhausted by the arduous process she experienced... She used every last drop of her profound energy and will just to survive... So that she can see her daughter once again... She already lost her son and she couldn't afford to lose her daughter as well...

Issei caught her body before it falls to the ground.

Issei - Congratulations... You managed to survive. Your daughter will still have a mother... Now rest... You need it.

She smiled gently after hearing his words before she passed out with a content smile.

Issei then teleported both of their "body" into the pearl and he calmly pulled out a bed from <Gate of Babylon>. He put both mother and daughter on top of the bed and covered them with a blanket.

Now his guess has been confirmed since what entered this pearl is only his spiritual body while his physical body is still outside.

He make sure that the girl will be fine one last time before he exited the pearl.

Issei tried to put some weapon into the pearl and then he tried to launch those weapons all at once just like how he launched it from the <Gate of Babylon> but it doesn't work. He can only summon one weapon at a time and even then it won't launch itself like he wanted it to.

So it's safe to say that this <Sky Poison Pearl> is inferior to <Gate of Babylon>.

But considering it's capability to cure poison then it might have some superiority as well... His <Orb of Life and Death> doesn't count since it already merged completely with his body and soul so he can't really use it like this <Sky Poison Pearl>.

If he's in his top condition then a single drop of his blood essence will be able to cure any kind of poison or injury instantly, unlike the <Sky Poison Pearl> where the speed of curing the poison entirely depends on the type of poison and it can't really heal any injury as well for that matter.

Well, he can just give it to one of his wives later on or perhaps he should inspect it even further later on with the help of Da Vinci and Tearju team. Who knows, he might be able to duplicate this pearl capabilities...

His blood essence is too powerful so he can't really experiment with it and can only use it as it is...

By this point, his blood essence is far more superior than the fabled <Tears of Phoenix> that produced by the Phenex family from DxD world.

He concluded his experiment for now since it's getting quite late into the night.

He set off to the inn while Chu Yueli who saw his return finally felt at ease. They obviously doesn't share the same room so they both rest in their respective room...


The next morning Issei decided to stroll around the city to sightsee since it seems that both mother and daughter inside the pearl is not awake yet.

Chu Yueli wanted to accompany him at first but after Issei told her he will be fine and she should watch out for her disciple instead.

Chu Yueli thought for a moment before she agreed to his words since Issei is clearly stronger than her then there's nothing she should be worried about in this small city.

She decided that she should just protect Xia Qingyue nearby in case something happened.

With that they went on their separate way for the day...

But during his stroll Issei thought of something before he summoned the 3 ice spirits he created a while ago when he first arrived in this world.

The three spirit immediately appeared out of thin air. There's ice and snow fluttering around in the air the moment they appeared.

The three of them kneeled as soon as they materialize out of thin air just like how they first were created.

Spirit - We await for your command, o' GodKing.

The first spirit is the one who speak on behalf of the other two with gentle and reverent tone.

Issei - Um, I want the three of you do something for me. Two of you go back to the <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace> and I want you to watch that place and prevent any harm befalling it, but don't let anyone sense your presence.

Issei ordered two of them to watch the <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace> in case he's not present.

But that doesn't mean he want them to feeling complacent with their current situation and in the end their growth might stagnate because of his protection.

He want them to still increase their strength so in case he leave them one day then they will be able to protect themselves from harm.

Spirit 1 & 2 - We obey!

The first and second spirit smiled joyfully since they will be of use for their creator at last.

The 3rd spirit doesn't say anything but the look in her eyes convey her true feelings of wanting to be of use for him.

Issei - I want you to watch over Chu Yueli and her disciple Xia Qingyue undetected. If they are in any kind of mortal danger then save them but if not then just wait and observe. You can report to me if you're unsure about something.

She nodded understandingly and when they're about to set off Issei called them once more.

Issei - Oh, wait... Come to think of it, I still haven't give the 3 of you a name yet.

He started thinking on what he should call them while the 3 spirit are waiting for him in anticipation. To think they will be given a name... There's no greater joy for them at this moment...

Issei - I've decided... The first spirit shall be called Esdeath, the second spirit Altair, and the third one is Sirius.

Esdeath & Altair & Sirius - We thank you for your benevolence, Master! We won't fail you!

They shouted with utter joy. The sheer aura the three of them emit is enough to make the surrounding profound beasts to shiver in fright and thankfully there are no human cultivator near their place or they might just faint altogether after sensing this aura.

A combined aura from 3 peaks <Sovereign/Monarch> is not something that the inhabitants of this world could resist.

The 3 of them might be only at the peak of <Sovereign Realm> but their combat power is about the same with the <Divine Origin Realm> from the higher realm.

And if they work together then they could even fight a <Divine Tribulation Realm> cultivator to a draw. This is only possible since they gained a fraction of Issei divinity and aura.

To advance their strength then they needed to cultivate on their own or they could ask for Issei "Essence" just like the Kalars.

He can't afford to give them his mana at the moment since he need to heal himself so giving him his "Essence" is the safest way to avoid further backlash from his injury.

They also can't cultivate since their knowledge on the profound way is limited to Issei's knowledge. In a way, they have a part of his memories inside them.

This also save Issei some time needing to guide them as if they're a newborn baby. He doesn't need to be worried for them being evil since their mindset is obviously more or less the same as him.

As for the chance of them betraying him? It's even more unlikely considering how they saw him as their God and creator. No amount of trickery and lies could make them go against Issei their beloved creator.

They will just cut down the one who tried to trick them the moment they sensed their intent since it is considered the biggest taboo for them all.

Betray their beloved Master? Not a chance! Even if their master ordered them to destroy the world then they will obey it without hesitation. His words are absolute. If he said black is white, white is black then it must be the truth.

Issei - Um, you can go now.

And with that, the three of them left his presence to do their given respective task with utmost importance. Their devoted face change into a freezing cold face ready to annihilate anyone that will cause harm to their objectives... They will lay down their lives just for Issei since he's the one who created them.

Then Issei resumed his stroll around the city. He went to the outskirt of the city until he felt a big gathering of profound energy nearby his position.

He went towards the source of the energy and felt that it's coming from underground beneath him.

Issei could easily pry open the ground but that might trouble the citizens on the city so he used one of his skill to take it out.

Issei - <Bottomless Swamp>.

The ground beneath him instantly turned into a swamp.

This is the skill he learned from Wiz and Yunyun back in their world.

He then used his profound energy to make the object beneath the ground float in front of him. For anyone else it will be impossible to do but for him it's very easy.

It looks like a big lump of purple crystal... If he have to guess of it's weight then it's about 50kg more or less.

It's of no use for him sadly since it's basically just a concentrated profound energy lumped together shaped into a crystal.

If other people knew what he's thinking right now then they might puke blood in pure envy... They need to enter a closed-cultivation to absorb profound energy that lingers in the air and even then the process is extremely slow... For those who are extremely talented then it might just take a few months while those that have lower talent it would take years...

And this hurdle become increasingly harder the higher their cultivation realm is... Not surprising since the amount of profound energy they needed to absorb become bigger as well.

Just like in RPG games where the higher the level of the character is the bigger the exp they need to advance to the next level. But those rules doesn't apply to Issei at all...

Items such as this crystal is extremely rare for them and it can be sold for a high sky price since it's not everyday they could get their hands on a concentrated profound energy like this crystal.

This lump of crystal he just got is known as the <Purple Veined God Crystal> by the profound practitioners.

<Purple Veined Heaven Crystal> which is the lower rank of the <Purple Veined God Crystal> were considered to be priceless treasures in <Blue Pole Star>. A piece of <Purple Veined Heaven Crystal> as big as a fingernail was considered to be invaluable, and only those huge sects deserved to have it; normal profound practitioners did not even dare to think about having one.

<Purple Veined God Crystal> are made by extracting from <Purple Veined Heaven Crystal>. A house sized <Purple Veined Heaven Crystal> was estimated to only provide a <Purple Veined God Crystal> that was the size of a fingernail.

So it can be imagined what will happen if those big sects were to get ahold of him having 50kg worth of this legendary crystal... They will launch their assault towards him on the pretense on justice or whatnot and expect him to share it with them all and if he refuse then they will surely attack him without hesitation.

But if they were to do that then they won't have time for regrets anymore since they all will enter the land of samsara immediately without knowing how they died in the first place... And that's if they're lucky... If Issei decided to destroy their soul altogether then they can only blame themselves for being too greedy...

He can easily absorb any amount of profound energy in the air if he wanted to but it's not really useful for him since what he needed is a nature energy at the very least and the best is the chaos energy but both of them are very scarce in this world...

Issei then stored the crystal he just got inside the <Gate of Babylon> before he resumed his stroll around the area.

He reverted the swamp back when he's done and the ground looks completely brand new as if it never turned into a swamp in the first place.

He stopped in the middle of a vast green field... This world truly have a clean air without any pollution whatsoever... It made him feel at ease feeling so close with nature itself.

The animals and profound beasts alike who saw him being so serene slowly gathered around him...

They bowed slightly towards him before they come closer to his presence.

Issei let them do as they please since he doesn't mind their company...

If anyone were to saw the current scene then they will have their jaws wide open seeing so many profound beasts gathering around a single individual and the way they act is so full of respect as if they're in the presence of a true king...

Thankfully Issei is quite far from the nearest civilization so for anyone to came across this majestic scene is very unlikely...

Some profound beast even offered some rare herbs and the like to him willingly... The <Sky Poison Pearl> can only cry bitterly thinking it's supposed to be its job to escort his new master to this rare herbs location but here it is being delivered to him like some kind of candy on the street...

Issei doesn't really need these herbs since it's completely useless to him but it might be useful for the girls in the sect so he decided to accept it.

In return, he gave these profound beasts his own concentrated profound energy he created. It's not very useful for human practitioners but for these profound beasts it's an extremely valuable treasure.

They giddily accepted the red crystal which contained Issei very own concentrated profound energy. With this crystal they will be able to advance by leaps and bounds and achieve breakthrough.

This daily routine of him went on for 2 days straight...


2 days later something happened within the Xiao clan that housed both Xia Qingyue and Xiao Che.

Their interaction is still the same like they first met. Just basic greeting and soon they both went on their own way...

Xiao Che still haven't realized the disappearance of the <Sky Poison Pearl> and the <Amulet> from his body since he's still wondering just who was that man that could cure his crippled veins. He'a also feeling too happy being cured of his crippled vein so he spend most of his days accompanying Xiao Lingxi and his Grandfather.

He then proceeded to cultivate in the profound way while creating some plans for the future but before he could execute his plans there's a commotion with the Xiao Sect that arrived in the Xiao clan which is his so-called family clan.

Someone of the inner disciple from the Xiao sect tries to frame him and also put pressure on his only family left, which is his step grandfather and step aunt with the target of to banish him from the clan and that way he will be forced to divorce Xia Qingyue since she's basically indebted to their Xiao clan.

If they could banish Xiao Che then they will be able to annul their marriage and forced Xia Qingyue to remarry to someone else from their Xiao clan to fulfil her "debt". And also with the objective to make Xiao Lingxi to marry Xiao Kuangyun which is the one who started this whole farce... That way he could get both beauties for himself.

Xiao Kuangyun went to the <Floating Cloud City> to select a disciple from the Xiao Clan to fulfill the last wish of Elder Xiao Zheng. While being shown around the Xiao Clan by Xiao Yulong, Xiao Kuangyun saw Xia Qingyue by chance and was dumbstruck by her beauty. He wanted to obtain such a beautiful woman but was reprimanded by Xiao Moshan who was acting as his guardian.

Xiao Yulong curried favor with Xiao Kuangyun by creating a scheme for him to obtain Xia Qingyue and also Xiao Lingxi and this is how the whole farce started...

Xiao Che isn't really worried about Xia Qingyue since she's basically the safest person in this city with those 2 people from last night and the sect behind her back.

The highest realm from this Xiao sect that's currently present in this city is only that Elder that's protecting this Xiao Kuangyun. He's at the <Earth Profound Realm> so just Qingyue master alone is enough to handle all of them single handedly.

As for that mystical man who cured his crippled vein... He honestly couldn't tell but he's 100% sure that he's much stronger than Qingyue master herself at the very least...

What he's worried about is his little aunt and grandfather... He's more than willing to leave this shitty clan but he's worried for them both.

If all he need to do is leave then it should be very easy to do but he can tell that this Xiao Kuangyun is also aiming for Xiao Lingxi and not just Xia Qingyue...

If only he's stronger then he could avoid all of this from happening... He swore to himself to repay this grudge when he has enough strength one day...

He could only lower himself once more in front of this so-called wife of his and begged her to protect his grandfather and little aunt while he is away... How funny the situation is... Just 2 days ago she's the one who was in "debt" with him and on that very same night their debt and gratitude are no more but here he is 2 days later being the one in debt with her... If she's willing to protect them that is...

Xiao Che - Xia Qingyue... I beg of you... Please protect my little aunt and grandfather when I leave... Think of me owing you a favor.

Xiao Che whispered to Xia Qingyue who's nearby.

Xia Qingyue who heard his words frowned a little before she nodded gently... Even though they're really not husband and wife anymore, she should still help someone in need especially when the target of this Xiao Kuangyun is a fellow girl and an elderly.

Xiao Che who saw her nod felt very grateful...

One thing led to another and finally Xia Qingyue identity being the disciple of Chu Yueli of <Frozen Cloud 7 Fairies> from the <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace> is known to the public.

They're about to land their hands on Xia Qingyue so Chu Yueli is forced to show herself and announced the shocking news ahead of time...

Sirius who's watching them from the dark decided to report this to Issei. Besides, those weaklings are no match for Chu Yueli anyway so they should be safe from harms way.

Xiao Kuangyun - So. so it turns out that Xia Qingyue was unexpectedly your noble disciple, this. junior had not been aware of this beforehand, which resulted in this misunderstanding.

If it was his Xiao Sect's disciple, Xiao Kuangyun would never let this go. But <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace> was different! Those of <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace> were not a blood-related sect.

Their disciples were all female, selected from the ones with the best aptitude amongst the Blue Wind Empire. As a result, they were the smallest sect out of the Four Major Sects.

However, they still ranked second amongst the Four Major Sects, which clearly indicated their extraordinary level of skill. The aptitude of every disciple within Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace was extremely high, and none were mediocre.

Each and every one of them received the protection of their Asgard. If he provoked his Xiao Sect's disciples of a lower position, perhaps it would only be a trivial matter. If he provoked another Sect's disciples, their death would usually be the common result. But to provoke Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace. even if it was the lowest level female disciple, the sect still wouldn't yield, still not give a satisfactory answer, and by no means abandon them!

This is also why Issei have a favorable feelings towards this sect. Their comradery with each other is what he appreciate the most, not their beauties.

Issei already arrived the moment Sirius reported this incident to him and she's currently standing behind Issei respectfully acting like she's his maid.

But no one is able to sense or see them even though both of them are basically hovering in the sky above.

Chu Yueli - Misunderstanding? It's best if it's only a misunderstanding. Are you still going to continue to tear my disciple's marriage certificate to shreds?

Chu Yueli asked with an indifferent expression as she swept her gaze downwards and no one dared to meet her gaze, face to face. Although she was just a woman, all the men present felt that she was a fairy of the Moon Palace.

As a common man, they were ashamed of their inferiority and felt the gap inbetween; it was fundamentally impossible for them to dare to take more than a single glimpse.

'As expected, men other than him is so disgusting and full of deceit... Especially this Xiao Kuangyun... Even at such young age he's already indulged himself in women', Chu Yueli thought with disgust inside her mind.

Even now his eyes are still full of lust and greed that make her sick. Even though that Xiao Che also a leecher, at the very least he still knows how to show restraint unlike this filth in front of her...

Xiao Kuangyun - Since it was a misunderstanding, how could this one dare?

Xiao Kuangyun reasoned calmly but his eyes are still full of lust that couldn't be hidden even though he tries to look calm on the outside.

Xiao Kuangyun - But, junior is puzzled about one matter. Although junior may not know many things, it is understood that Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace's fairies are forbidden to be passionate, and have to suppress their desires. They are never allowed to married, yet why was this Xia Qingyue allowed to

Chu Yueli - Hmph! Although my Asgard's Frozen Clouds Arts indeed requires self restraint and abstinence, it never forbade disciples to marry. Qingyue joined my Asgard at the age of twelve but had always been reluctant to follow me back to our sect. It was simply for the wait of marrying Xiao Che at the age of sixteen. It wasn't out of passion, but merely because of her kindness and commitment. In the face of such heavy righteousness and genuine nature, my Palace naturally would not prevent this. Even if my Palace prohibited marriage, this may well be the biggest exception. Young Master Xiao, do you have any other questions?

Chu Yueli coldly replied. It was said in a flat voice, and every single letter lingered in one's ear, laced in ice. It made the heart suffer an uncontrollable chill that didn't let one dare to have any refutable thoughts.

Xiao Kuangyun - No no, this was truly just a misunderstanding.

Xiao Kuangyun hurriedly said. He had no choice but to turn towards Xia Qingyue.

Xiao Kuangyun - Xia fairy, just then, I was unaware that you were a <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace> disciple. If you were offended in anyway, please do not take it to heart.

The status of being Xiao Sect Master's son was obviously higher than that of a Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace's disciple, but with Chu Yueli here, he had no option but to know his place. This was an inconspicuously remote place, so there was only Xiao Moshan, Xiao Ba, and Xiao Jiu by his side.

If he annoyed Chu Yueli in anyway and made her unhappy, they could be completely be exterminated on their road back home. Afterwards, they would be destroyed without a trace, and could only die in vain.

Before arriving to this dump, how could he possible anticipate the unexpected appearance of a person of status like Chu Yueli?

But unknown to him, he has already signed his death warranty the moment Issei saw set his gazes on him...

Issei - Sirius... I need you to do something for me.

Issei then instructed Sirius who's standing behind him of her new task... To which she nodded eagerly. She then vanished from her original position after receiving her new mission.

Xiao Kuangyun desire for a dip of Xia Qingyue pie was now impossible and he had wasted half a day's worth of planning. In front of Chu Yueli, he had no choice but to hold back what he honestly wanted and his heart stifled in oppression.

As his chest heaved, he turned his gaze towards Xiao Lingxi. Even though Xia Qingyue was already a lost cause, there was another one! Chu Yueli would protect Xia Qingyue but she wouldn't protect Xiao Lingxi, a stranger! Otherwise, she would have showed up when Xiao Che had been expelled instead of only appearing when the gazes shifted towards Xia Qingyue.

Xia Qingyue - Master!

Xia Qingyue who realizes his evil gaze promptly hinted at Chu Yueli with a meaningful look, hoping that she would help protect Xiao Lingxi. At the very least, to not let Xiao Kuangyun take her away. However, Chu Yueli remained unaware, and did not respond.

Xia Qingyue's expression became even more anxious as she wore her plea on her face.

Xia Qingyue - Master, you have also seen how Xiao Kuangyun was aiming for me today. Xiao Che was expelled and had to suffer because of our implication. Before leaving, he asked me to protect his grandfather and little aunt. I had already agreed. Consider this as the last thing I will do for him. After this matter, I will immediately follow Master back to <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace>, remain in the sect, and meditate to cultivate in the ways of the Profound. I ask Master to fulfill this request!

Chu Yueli's eyes brightened and stirred slightly as she let out a soft sigh. She's considering if it's worth it to protect someone unrelated to her but after remembering Issei gentle tone in the other day when he's talking about his imaginary daughters, she finally relented.

'So be it...' she thought inside her mind. Just when she's constructing a plan to help Xiao Lingxi and Xiao Lie(Xiao Che grandpa), she saw Issei appeared in front of them.

Everyone present who suddenly saw a masked man wearing a unique outfit appeared out of nowhere become extremely alarmed. Especially for Xiao Moshan who has the highest cultivation base only second to Chu Yueli here.

Issei - Leave.

Before they could utter another word, Issei already spoke with a bone chilling tone.

All of them who heard his voice shuddered fiercely.

Xiao Kuangyun and the others from the Xiao sect or Xiao clan become frozen stiff with fear just after hearing his voice.

Xiao Moshan - ...M-May this junior ask who your excellency is?

Xiao Moshan is the Vice Leader of Xiao Sect's Discipline Hall. And the butler and protector of Xiao Kuangyun.

He went to Floating Cloud City to accompany, protect and oversee Xiao Kuangyun during the time he stays to select a disciple to join the Xiao Sect.

He chastises Xiao Kuangyun for his lecherous and vile behavior but did nothing to stop him coveting Xiao Lingxi and Xia Qingyue.

Standing in front of Issei made him feel extremely nervous... Even though he's also feeling nervous in the presence of Chu Yueli before, but it's nothing compared to the man in front of him...

Chu Yueli - He is the Elder from my Immortal Palace.

Chu Yueli stepped forward and introduced his identity with a gentle and respectful tone.

Her previously aloof and cold air disappeared without a trace and she acts very respectfully in front of Issei which made all of them who's present become gobsmacked.

Xia Qingyue - Qingyue greet sect Elder.

Issei - Um.

Xiao Qingyue also paid her greetings towards Issei to which he nodded at her.

Xiao Che and Xiao Lingxi who have seen Issei before unconsciously relieved a sigh of relief...

Since when the famous <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace> have an elder and it's a man at that? Aren't they a sect that consist only of women? That's what inside everyone who's present here that doesn't know his true identity.

Xiao Kuangyun wanted to say something but Xiao Moshan prevented him immediately. He can't afford to have this idiot to provoke this man in front of him.

Xiao Moshan - S-So it's the Elder from the <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace>... To what we do owe the pleasure having someone at the caliber of your excellency presenting himself before us?

He started flattering Issei while he's sweating internally.

This man in front of him is bad news... He doesn't know why but he can tell that he's nothing like Chu Yueli here who's still willing to have a proper conversation.

Issei completely ignores his flattery.

Issei - I won't repeat myself a third time... Leave or stay forever.

He released his profound energy and pressure which made them spout some blood feeling complete terror.

Xiao Moshan - T-T-T-Throne!!!

His face become ghastly white after sensing Issei profound realm. A Throne/Emperor!?

They can't tell his exact level but just knowing that he's a throne is more than enough to make them all shit their pants.

Fudge! Why is there someone such as him in this small backwater city!? Just what kind of shit bad luck they have today?! It's all because of this idiot Xiao Kuangyun!

Xiao Kuangyun and his lackeys already plopped down to the ground while pissing themselves feeling terrified of Issei.

Xiao Moshan - Y-Yes! Th-This lowly one will leave right away!

He immediately grabbed Xiao Kuangyun and fled the area as fast as he could without looking back disregarding how pathetic he looks right now...

Xiao Kuangyun's follower who saw this immediately scrambled and followed them soon after...

Seeing their backer run away, the rest from the Xiao clan can only tremble in fear on the spot. Especially Xiao Yulong who helped Xiao Kuangyun in constructing their plan.

Even Xiao Che never thought that the mystical man he met 2 days ago is apparently a throne... Xia Qingyue is already know of his cultivation from Chu Yueli's mouth so she's not that surprised but that doesn't mean she's not taken aback by her sect Elder prowess.

Chu Yueli - You didn't really need to do this, Elder Ise... I can handle it myself.

Chu Yueli lightly complained towards Issei with a slight pout without realizing this act of hers looks just like how a girl acting all coy towards their crush. Thankfully she's wearing her veil so no one is able to see her current expression...

Issei - I believe you. But there's no need to waste your time on them... Then shall we go back?

Chu Yueli sighed gently before agreeing to his words and the same goes for Xia Qingyue.

Then the three of them left the area...

Those from the Xiao clan started breathing heavily while sweat started falling like a waterfall from their whole body after being liberated from his pressure.

Xiao Che cupped his fist once more towards Issei direction feeling extremely grateful. He doesn't need to worry about Xiao Lingxi and Xiao Lie anymore since they are basically already safe from harm's way the moment Issei showed himself.

Unless the Xiao clan is a complete idiot then they wouldn't lay their hands on them... And he can slowly increase his strength so that he could protect them both with his own hands...


-Back at Xiao Moshan's group-

They are already quite far from the <Floating Cloud City>.

Xiao Moshan used almost all of his profound energy just to achieve this feat. He's afraid that Issei will change his mind.

Xiao Moshan - Haah! Haah! Haah!

He exhaled and inhaled heavily because of how terrified he was and the same goes for Xiao Kuangyun's group.

Xiao Moshan - Are you satisfied now, young master Kuangyun?! Your lecherous personality almost doomed us all! Even now I'm afraid that we have completely offended their sect!

He shouted towards the terrified Xiao Kuangyun.

Xiao Kuangyun has nothing to say since he's indeed the one at fault here.

Xiao Moshan - I will report this incident to the sect master when we returned.

Xiao Kuangyun face becomes paler after hearing his words.

Xiao Kuangyun - No! I won't dare to do this anymore Elder Moshan! I know my mistakes! Please don't inform this incident to the sect master!

Xiao Moshan - Hmph! You won't be able to change my mind after this incident. It's better if you are being disciplined soon less you court another disaster for our sect later on.

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

When they are still arguing with each other, they heard a footstep coming from behind them.

All of them almost shit themselves since they thought it was Issei but after realizing it's not him they heaved a sigh of relief only to become dumbfounded soon after...

What they saw is a goddess... The woman walking towards them is so beautiful that she could take their breathe away with just one glance.

She's only wearing a simple white robe female clothing but it's already enough to make them drool...

Xiao Kuangyun who saw this goddess like woman had his eyes wide open not bothering to hide his greed and lust for her. He doesn't even bother to wipe his overflowing drool...

Xiao Moshan who saw this grumbled hatefully thinking 'what know his mistake? He just said he won't dare to do this anymore but here he is already drooling over the sight of another woman that enters his disgusting eyes...'

He's also feeling captivated by the sight of this woman but since he's still feeling fear from Issei he managed to snaps out of his daze soon enough since he already learned to not randomly anyone even if they're from a small city like the <Floating Cloud City>.

And this woman might be beautiful like a Goddess but there's something really suspicious about her... For one, he can't sense her cultivation at all so she might be just a mortal but for such woman with this caliber to travel alone without protection is weird in and on itself...

Second, the atmoshpere surrounding her is too cold... It's like he's standing in front of an ice spirit rather than a fellow human...

And last but not least... She's way too calm and her monotone expression give him a great sense of discomfort... Even after being exposed to Xiao Kuangyun and his goons lustful gazes she's still act very calm... He also never realizes her presence until just now.

Any normal woman would've just turn back and started running but she's still walking at their direction without a single care in the world...

While Xiao Moshan is having these uneasy thoughts, what's inside Xiao Kuangyun mind is only one thing... And that is, He must have this woman!

He already forgot about Xia Qingyue incident and already showed his lustful personality again... Truly a leopard can't change its spots...

(AN: The phrase "a leopard never changes its spots" means that it's impossible for one to change their character, even if they will try very hard).

He signaled towards his goons with his eyes and they who catch on to his sign immediately surrounded the woman.

This is not the first time they've done this after all...

They started chuckling lecherously while Xiao Moshan frown grows deeper.

Xiao Kuangyun - Hehehe, beautiful lady... Why are you alone out here? Don't worry, this young master will keep you safe from harm's way.

His crotch started bulging just from thinking that he will be able to enjoy this goddess on his bed.

The woman who heard his words had her eyes turned sharp and filled with kill intent.

Xiao Moshan - Wai-!!!

Xiao Moshan who saw her change in expression wanted to stop them but it is too late...


In a single swoop, all of those who are surrounding her had their body cleaved in half. Even Xiao Moshan doesn't realize just what she did and since when there's a halberd in her hand? Wasn't she barehanded just now?!

Xiao Kuangyun - ...Eh?

Xiao Kuangyun eyes went wide open seeing his followers upper body started separating from their lower body... Oddly enough, there's no blood coming out from their separated body and they all still have their lecherous grin even when they die but the light in their eyes is no more...

If one looks closely, the place where they are separated is encased in Ice... When their body touched the ground, all of their body immediately broke into pieces...

Xiao Kuangyun - HYIIIII!!!!

Xiao Kuangyun dropped down to the ground and started crawling backward feeling terrified.

Xiao Moshan who saw the woman cold gaze knows that they are done for... 'Ended... This idiot is really a disaster bringer...'.

His face lost all color and can only weep bitterly inside thinking that this idiot young master is really their sect downfall... Just because he's the sect leader youngest son he acts frivolously. Now look at what happens... He finally kicked an iron plate... Not once, but twice in but a single day...

First, it's the <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace> and now it's this unknown woman... He still couldn't sense her cultivation level but that's more than enough to tell him that she's way beyond his league... Even if there's a 100 of him right now, he knows that he won't be able to defeat the woman before him...

Xiao Moshan - ...S-Seni-


Once again... Before he could utter another word. There's a stabbing sound coming from beside him and what terrifies him is that there's a halberd pinning Xiao Kuangyun to the ground directly on his crotch.

He doesn't even have the time to scream anymore and directly turned into an ice corpse... A second later, his body also broke apart into pieces just like his followers' body but his head stays intact without a single scratch and his expression is still laced with terrorizing fear...

The halberd is made of ice and soon it disappears into thin air.

Xiao Moshan body slumped on the ground and can only wait for his fate... He can't even catch a glimpse of her movement so what's the use for him trying to run away?

He smiled bitterly thinking the impending doom befalling their sect...

??? - ...Take his head and tell your leader if he wanted revenge then I'm more than willing to fight him.

After she said that, she immediately exposed his cultivation level that made Xiao Moshan face went into that of a dying ember... A <Monarch/Sovereign>... Hehehe... 1st he met a <Throne/Emperor> now this time it's a <Monarch>... Just what is going on... Is the Heaven really wanted their sect to truly disappear from this world?

Fight her? Even their sect grand elder is only at 4th level of Emperor realm... What can their sect even do against her? Drowning her in spit taking advantage of their number? Yeah, right... What a joke!

'Ptui! What I wanted your sect to disappear from this world? It's your sect who's being an idiot provoking someone you shouldn't have provoked! Bunch of idiots!', If The Heaven could hear what he's thinking then it would have spit on them for thinking that their sect is some kind of bigshot that needed his attention.

Just a group of ants thinking they are something special.

Then the woman disappeared into thin air the moment she finished conveying her message...

That woman was none other than Sirius... Issei thought letting a man like Xiao Kuangun stay alive in this world will only bring disaster to the innocents, so he might as well end his pathetic lives and also send a message towards the Xiao Sect as not to implicate innocent bystanders.

Xiao Moshan slowly stands up from the ground and carried Xiao Kuangyun decapacitated head with him... He doesn't say anything and only calmly heads back to his sect...

His face is like someone who has already accepted his fate... What's the use of being afraid at this point? Their sect has already offended someone they shouldn't have offended... He never felt so carefree before this... He's thinking to just live the remaining of his life in seclusion when he gets back...

When he arrived back to the sect and conveyed Sirius exact words, the sect leader immediately called back all disciples who're still outside and closed down the sect rejecting any guest that comes to visit and forbids any disciple from leaving the sect for an unknown duration of time...

From then on people rarely heard of Xiao sect anymore...

News about Issei being the <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace> elder never spread out since they're afraid if they were to expose this news then their lives might be in danger so they keep their lips tight... Whether it's the Xiao Clan or the Xiao Sect, they act the same way.


Chu Yueli - The distance between <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace> and this city is quite far. After you return to <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace>, you may not know when you would have the opportunity to return. Don't leave any unfinished business that you may care about.

Xia Qingyue - Rest assured, Master. Qingyue has already and completely made the appropriate preparations, so I may follow Master and depart at any possible time. Although father is reluctant about parting, he has always been deeply grateful about Qingyue entering <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace>.

They discussed their plans in front of the city gate.

Chu Yueli - If that's the case, we can start our journey right now. Mistress had always wanted to meet you for many years, ever since I have mentioned you to her. I believe that if she sees you, she would definitely like you.

Xia Qingyue - Father has already helped us prepare profound horses. I request Master and sect elder to walk towards the foyer.

Xia Qingyue respectfully said.

Chu Yueli - No need. Profound horses are too slow. I'll take you back using the Profound Floating Technique. Also, you should take care to sense the changes in my body's profound energy in the middle of my technique, it will benefit your profound strength greatly in the future. Let us depart. Give me your hand.

Xia Qingyue held out her delicately white right hand without hesitation. It was obvious that Chu Yueli's Profound Floating Technique would speedily bring her up high into the sky. This thought had let a bit of excitement and expectation rise in her heart.

Chu Yueli extended her ice-cold hand to grasp onto Xia Qingyue's. In a flash, the profound energy on her body shifted and the formidable Frozen Cloud Arts started to rapidly swirl bringing them both flew towards the sky.

Issei followed right after them.

Xia Qingyue felt a little bit excited being able to soar in the sky. It's quite a marvelous experience after all.

Chu Yueli thought of something mid-flight before she spoke towards Xia Qingyue.

Chu Yueli - Your younger brother, I remember his name Xia Yuanba, was it? Yesterday, I took the opportunity to check his profound vein. He was naturally born with nine profound entrances. Although his talent is mediocre, his profound veins are a whole two times thicker than that of a normal person's. It was the first time I have ever seen anything like it. Perhaps, that is one of the reasons why your brother is so burly. I will try to find more information regarding his condition once we return.

Xia Qingyue - I thank Master for the consideration.

Xia Qingyue said gently. Her eyes shifted towards the direction of her home and she gently murmured.

Xia Qingyue - After I'm gone, Yuanba will also head toward <New Moon City> by himself and enter the <New Moon Profound Palace>. I hope he won't get bullied and always live in peace

She didn't ask Issei to open all of her little brother profound entrance since she already owed him quite a lot.

Chu Yueli also thought the same thing as Xia Qingyue.

Then the three of them departed from the <Floating Cloud City>...


As expected, Xia Qingyue becomes flabbergasted by sigh of profound beasts and animals alike kneeling towards their direction... Well, her sect Elder direction.

Chu Yueli explained briefly that it's just one of their sect elder trait to which she nodded understandingly...

She becomes increasingly curious of this sect elder of theirs...

On their way back they passed by the <Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range>.

Chu Yueli - The mountain range is very big, with profound beasts becoming more and more ferocious deeper into the mountains. As an indication that this region was fairly well explored, there are many warning signs along the mountain paths warning people of high level profound beasts. It's said that the Scarlet Dragon Prohibited Region is where the Scarlet Dragon resided.

Issei - Oh? There's an actual Dragon here?

Chu Yueli - Um, at least that's what I've heard.

Chu Yueli herself is not certain since she has never explored this place directly.

Not really surprising since her profound arts are based on ice while the dragon is clearly of fire element so there's no use for her and the sect trying their luck here.

At most they can only sell the dragon profound core and the likes but not use them for themselves... So it's not worth the risk. The rumors said that the Dragon is at the peak of <Sky Profound Realm> but it's still just a rumor so they don't want to try their luck.

"Do you mind if we inspect it? I'm quite curious about this Dragon. Oh, you don't need to follow me if you don't want to", Issei thought of something before he proposed his idea towards Chu Yueli.

"No, I don't really mind... How about you, Qingyue?" Chu Yueli stated that she doesn't mind since she's not really feeling afraid or anything with Issei here with them.

"This disciple doesn't mind either" Xia Qingyue agreed with Chu Yueli since she also thought that they won't be in any danger with their sect elder here.

"I see. Then stay close with me so if anything were to happen I could protect the two of you" Issei nodded at them and then they went deeper into the mountain.

Issei is curious about the Dragon in this world and even though the <Zinogre> from before is part Dragon but it's only a wyvern at most.

They don't encounter any attack from the profound beasts residing the mountain and they arrived in front of the cave that's supposedly the nest of the scarlet dragon.

Issei felt a little disappointed since even though there's indeed a Dragon inside this cave but it's quite weak and it's not a true Dragon either... At best it's only a lesser Dragon which only slightly higher in terms of bloodline compared to your typical wyvern.

But the same couldn't be said for Chu Yueli and Xia Qingyue because this profound energy clearly doesn't belong to a peak <Sky Profound Realm> but it's a peak of <Emperor Profound Realm> instead...

They sweat a little but they don't feel afraid at all for some reason and they unconsciously turn their heads towards Issei direction... They don't know why but when he's in their presence they felt like they won't be in any danger at all...

Soon the Dragon comes out of its den and Chu Yueli and Xia Qingyue become a little tense but they don't lose their composure even in front of the Dragon knowing that Issei is protecting them.

With a 100 meter in height that reached a hundred feet and an entire body scarlet-red, like red-hot steel, its enormous wings and tail lit with a blazing fire. Its two scarlet-red eyes "were" full of prestige.

"Were", since those eyes full of prestige instantly shrunk at a visible rate and the next second it plopped down to the ground and instantly exposed its belly towards Issei...


It's as if its surrendered just like how a puppy would act when they're in front of an overwhelming enemy... It would've been cuter if his body wasn't so big however...

Both Chu Yueli and Xia Qingyue become dumbfounded seeing the Dragon act like this...

What happened to it's awe inspiring act from before? How come it acts like a puppy now?

"No need to be afraid, I'm not here to harm you", Issei reassured the trembling pup- dragon... Its face went bright right away when it heard Issei words.

It stopped its pleading act and even started acting spoiled towards him nudging his body with its nose. Then it purred something at Issei.

"Hm? Are you sure?" Issei asked to which it nodded profusely.

"U-Umm... You can understand what it's saying, Ise?" Chu Yueli hesitated a bit before she asked him since he seems able to converse with the Dragon.

Even Xia Qingyue is very curious about it.

"Kind of... It wanted to give us its treasures inside its nest" Issei answered her question while he patted the Dragon head which made it purred happily.

"I-Is that so...?" Chu Yueli face started twitching a lot thinking how incredulous the situation right now...

Issei then went inside its nest followed by the happy Dragon. Chu Yueli and Xia Qingyue hesitated a bit before they went along with them...

Chu Yueli who saw the content of its nest is feeling really surprised since there's really a lot of <Fire Spirit Grass> inside the cave.

<Fire Spirit Grass> is a Medical Herb used to refine the <Fire Spirit Pellet>, and after consuming it, one would be able to resist a large degree of fire elements for a certain period of time. It could also temporarily change a person's profound energy, which resided in the Profound Veins, into one of the fire attribute without any harmful side effects of burning or injuring oneself.

It is exceedingly rare and only grew in areas with concentrated fire elements. At the same time, the Fire Spirit Grass's growth speed was extremely slow and usually took more than ten years to reach maturity, and as a result, caused the value of mature Fire Spirit Grass to be remarkably high.

The other reason why the Fire Spirit Grass was valuable, was due to the fact that it was extremely difficult to collect and store. Even the slightest amount of carelessness may cause the fire spirit inside the grass to all disappear.

The sheer amount is very overwhelming for Chu Yueli while Xia Qingyue doesn't have that much knowledge in the alchemy field so she's unaware of how precious the <Fire Spirit Grass> is...

Only after hearing Chu Yueli explanation that she understand how precious they are... It's basically a gold mine!

Although they don't really need it but they could still sell it at a high price in the merchant guild.

Issei is not really interested about these grasses but he felt some unique aura coming from the depth of the cave so he went further deeper inside...

What he saw is a small red orb glowing in the dark. He can feel this orb is quite special and it is also the reason why there's so many <Fire Spirit Grass> nearby...

He becomes very curious so he picked it up and finally knew why knew why it seems special... It's basically a <Fire seed> that enables anyone to fully master the <Fire> element as long as they can utilize it to it's full capabilities.

For example, he could give this seed to Natal who excel at using <Water> element and if she were to completely absorb this seed then she could immediately perfectly mastered the <Fire> element as well.

This would've been quite a catch if all he needs to do is to have one of his wife absorb it, but it appears that this seed can't be used as it is...

If his guess is not mistaken then this seed is only usuable by someone with a special type of vein or physique. He could just absorb it and gain it's effect but it's useless for him since he already mastered all element in existence...

Nevertheless, it's still quite a found and he thought that he should try to cultivate this seed when he gets back so that way he could make its copies... That way he could make his wives become even stronger than ever.

As for how he will extract this seed power then he will discuss it with Da Vinci and the others later on. He won't believe that he won't be able to extract the seed of its power when the time comes.

He started thinking that since there's a <Fire Seed> then maybe there's also another type of seed as well? Such as the <Water/Ice Seed> for example?

'This ought to be a good souvenir... Now I wonder if there is more variety of this seed' Issei smiled slightly under his mask thinking that he found another hidden treasure for his wives.

He created a giant concentrated red crystal combined with his own unique <Dragon Flame>.

Issei used his flame breath to create this one particular crystal and gave it to the ecstatic Dragon.

With this it will have a greater chance to become a True Dragon in the future! It's not everyday that it could get such a treasure and it's from its very own King at that! The joy!

The Dragon would've prostated itself and even kiss Issei feet if it's allowed to but it knows that its King wouldn't like that since it's a male... If he's a female then maybe he could court his King? Darn... Too bad I'm a male the Dragon thought to itself.

It's as if Issei could read the Dragon's thought to he knocked its head.

"Cut that out or I will beat you up..." Issei groaned feeling goosebumps seeing the look from the Dragon face.

The Dragon smiled goofily towards Issei...

Issei then took the <Fire Spirit Grass> with him as well.

Chu Yueli who saw that become flabbergasted since she could tell that Issei just perfectly harvested the grass...

She sighed tiredly since everything that revolves around this elder of hers is very abnormal and surreal... Xia Qingyue also thought the same thing as her Master...

The 3 of them left the mountain while the Dragon send them off with a big goofy smile and a wave...

Later on in the future the Dragon is besieged by Five high-level profound practitioners from the <Burning Heaven Clan> tried to slay this dragon to obtain its fire-attribute Profound Core. They were all at the <Sky Profound Realm> and one was half a step into the <Emperor Profound Realm>, Fen Jiu.

But all of them died at the hands of that said Dragon since when at that time, it already broke through to the <Tyrant Profound Realm> and easily slaughtered its foe without breaking a sweat...


Issei's party finally returned to the <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace>... But on that very same day the whole sect screeched in surprise from what they saw...

Not only that Issei brought a large number of <Fire Spirit Grass>, he also brought some rare herbs/plants such as the <10000 years old profound Ginseng> with him. This ginseng will be able to extend the lifespan of one individual up to a 1000 years.

And to make matter even more ridiculous, Chu Yueli also told them of his capability to open all 54 profound entrance... But the surprise doesn't end there... He also showed them the <Purple Veined God Crystal> which weighted 50kg at the very least!

In a single day the whole sect lose its calm while Feng Qianhui fainted with a silly smile on her face after this incident followed by Gong Yuxian soon after...

Good Heavens! Just what kind of deity they brought into their sect?!

The 7 fairies can only look ludicrously at their sect Elder...

When Feng Qianhui wake up, she immediately head towards Issei location wanting to ask him to become their sect Master. But he refuses right away which made her feels disappointed... But she won't easily give up just like that! If asking him won't work then they can just entice him!

Feng Qianhui announced a secret order to the whole sect to try their best to entice their sect elder... If before she only wanted them to take it slow and steady, then now she wanted them to take it fast and quick!

She especially put her entire hope to the 7 fairies and also Xia Qingyue who just recently arrived... But soon after she also put herself into the fray since she reverted back to her younger self after Issei opened all of her profound entrances with a little bit of a bonus...

"Yuxian! Let's do our best!" Feng Qianhui pumped her fist with her eyes shining brightly. She's acting like a teenagers the moment her body reverted back to her younger self...

If the previous Feng Qianhui and Gong Yuxian looks like a woman in their 40s, now they look like a woman in their 20s...

The wrinkles on her face had disappeared, and her skin looked so smooth and supple. She could even rival the smoothness and suppleness of a newborn baby's skin. Her whitened hair have completely turned glossy black and it looked so lustrous.

Her slender body, with ample and generous bosom and proud and plump buttocks, was now showing off their destructive charm that could topple a kingdom and nation alike.

Gong Yuxian who's also become younger can only smile wryly at her previously respectable sect Grand Mistress conduct... Not that she can blame her since she's also feeling extremely happy when she becomes younger...

Her natural beauty was enhanced even further, and the strands of white hair on her head also disappeared completely and become silky black just like Feng Qianhui's hair.

Her body curves and full bossom and buttocks could also rival Feng Qianhui's.

If they're standing in line with the 7 fairies then they could be regarded as fellow sisters instead of a Master and Grand Master! That's how young they looks now... While for the 7 fairies, all of their beauties also become more prominent than ever.

Basically, Issei discovered another side effect from their cultivation, it reduces their lifespan and so he fixed that problem as well and the result is as such... They become significantly younger...

He discovered this when he was opening the profound entrance of Xia Qingyue. Since she has only been learning the <Frozen Cloud Arts> for short amount of time, Issei could easily pinpoint the last side effect of their cultivation.

He was having a little bit of trouble before since he can't exactly asked them to let him inspect their body more closely, couldn't he?

After that, the <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace> truly becomes a sect made of Fairies... There's not a single girl here who's not beautiful as a fairy inside their sect... Their strength also started increasing at an alarming rate since all of them basically have the <Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins>...

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