This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

5.36 – High Priestess

5.36 – High Priestess

Slapping her hips into Aria's ass, the priestess's tight pussy walls caressing her—while ahead of Zoey, Delta violated her throat—Zoey had more or less forgotten the whole point of this ritual.

A part of her did recognize that something was happening, though. The room felt too hot, writhing with carnal energy, and some sixth sense of Zoey's tingled, whispering that their lustful ritual was coming to fruition. But, again, with a cute priestess sheathing Zoey's cock, and her orgasm rapidly approaching, Zoey couldn't particularly care. Her original goals didn't matter. Only tight priestess pussy. Ephy was the last thing on her mind.

Groaning, Zoey gripped Aria's hips and shoved forward with one last hard smack, kissing the girl's womb with her cock tip. Hot waves of pleasure wracked through her, working her higher and higher, bliss electrifying every nerve ending as her climax—

—stopped. The oncoming rush refused to hit the peak she was promised. Zoey's eyes squeezed shut, and she strained deeper into Aria, whining with her need to finish, to paint the priestess's womb white and give her the hot load she'd been begging for. But her body refused. She was vaguely aware of Delta groaning in a similar manner, smacking her hips forward and slapping into Aria's face as she tried, and failed, to come to her own peak.

"It's a delightfully agonizing experience, isn't it?" an amused voice came from Zoey's side. "Being right on that cusp, but unable to fall over? It's one of my favorites."

Zoey's head snapped in the direction of the voice. Even mid-orgasm—or mid-denied orgasm—the shock of hearing Ephy's familiar tone snapped her out of her carnal, animalistic need.

"Yes, it's me," Ephy said amusedly. "The goddess you were begging to meet, since you seem to have forgotten all about that."

Zoey gaped at her. Coming back to her senses wasn't an easy task for a whole list of reasons, most of them obvious. Though this was Zoey's third time seeing the goddess in person, her form was no less difficult to take in. The presence of a divine creature—much less one of sensuality and lust—could be overwhelming in the best of situations, much less when Zoey was tugging on a priestess's hips, her legs shaking, trying to get her cock as deep as possible so she could breed the priestess like she'd been begging for.

Delta, likewise, stared at Ephy with shock. She had frozen with Aria's mouth shoved down as forcefully as possible, so the blonde's nose was squished into her pubic region.

Then, Zoey became aware of something else. Aria's lack of reaction. That took immediate precedence—Zoey's brow furrowed with concern.

"Aria?" Zoey asked.

"It's just us, right now," Ephy said. "I had a one-on-one with her earlier. I wanted this to be between us."

"What? What happened to her?"

"She's under stasis. And—please, don't pull out," Ephy said, interrupting Zoey as she tried to step back to check on the blonde. And also because Aria's squeezing heat was rather distracting; she couldn't exactly think while buried into her. "I like the setting as it is," Ephy continued. "It's a delightful sight, a young priestess filled up from both ends." Ephy sighed in approval. "You really know how to get my attention. I'm impressed." The goddess turned to Delta with sparkling eyes. "Especially you. What better way to meet a new follower?"

Delta, understandably, was more caught off guard with this situation than Zoey. With Aria's face still pushed down into her pelvis, she visibly gaped at the goddess—floundering as she tried to come up with something to say. What was she supposed to, when meeting a goddess for the first time? While she had her cock nine inches down a priestess's throat? Maybe Delta hadn't even fully believed Zoey, despite everything; it was rather fantastical, having a goddess for a patron.

Zoey shouldn't have been surprised by what the foxgirl eventually settled on.

"Why don't you have a cock?" Delta blurted out, her fox ears twitching in confusion. "I thought you'd have a cock."

Zoey sighed in exasperation. Ephy turned to her with raised eyebrows.

"Don't look at me," Zoey said. "She's always like this."

Ignoring Ephy's earlier request, Zoey stepped backward, trying to pull out of Aria. But Zoey's attempt to remove the distraction turned out to be futile. The goddess waved her hand, and Zoey's hips slapped back into the priestess's ass without her input—hard, with a meaty smack. Zoey groaned at the sensation of suddenly re-sheathing herself, and orgasm tickled at her entire body, waves of heat that refused to advance to their promised peak.

"This is," Zoey gasped, "really mean. How am I supposed to talk like this?"

"Figure it out," Ephy said, lips curling in amusement. "But both of you are staying as you are. Like I said, it's a nice setting for this discussion." She turned back to Delta, finally addressing her. "I was just scolding this one," she said, waving at Aria, "for being too reverent. But now, here you are, with your first words out asking a goddess why she doesn't have a cock. That's not exactly a question for a first-meeting, you know?"

Delta, hilariously, actually blushed. "I just figured you would. It surprised me. Since, well, Zoey does, so …"

"Like disciple, like mistress?"

"Yeah." Delta coughed, seeming more than a little off-foot. Her eyes flicked down to Aria, who remained silent. Not that she could have talked with foxgirl cock cramming her throat, but still.

What did 'put in stasis' even mean?

"And, uh, I don't mean any disrespect," Delta said. "My … Goddess?"

Ephy laughed. "Ephy is fine. Or Mistress. I'm fond of that too." She turned to Zoey. "So. You took my advice. I expected you to gallivant around for a few weeks, truthfully. I'm flattered you didn't waste time for once."

"We're really going to talk like this?" Zoey asked, looking down at the woman she and Delta were stuffing with their cocks. "Really? With all three of us frozen?"

"Frozen? Don't feel like you have to stop on my account. By all means, keep using her."

Zoey gave Ephy a flat look, but a squelching noise interrupted her coming retort. She looked over to see Delta shivering as she slid out of Aria's throat, then back in. The priestess gagged, her first reaction since the whole ordeal.

At Zoey turning the incredulous look her way, Delta shrugged sheepishly. "I wanted to know if she'd react to it." Then looking down at Aria, Delta asked Ephy, "She is fine though, right? What's 'stasis' mean?"

"Don't worry about it," Ephy said. "I just bought us some privacy, and didn't want to deprive you two of your holes. Now, let's stop dancing around the subject. You've called an audience with me." She faced Zoey. "With more reason than to just introduce me to your girlfriend, I assume. I'm a busy goddess, so get to the point."

The word 'girlfriend' made Zoey's heart flutter, and she shared a quick look with Delta, who blushed in return. The two of them really should talk about that—make sure they knew where they stood on the topic. And what they wanted from each other.

"You told me to contact you," Zoey pointed out. Though, she internally conceded that she had sought Ephy with specific questions in mind, so the goddess had a point.

Plus, maybe being too casual with a divinity was a bad idea. Ephy needed Zoey, but she was also a being of unknown, but certainly considerable, power. She deserved some respect. And being on her good side was smart, considering her task in this world.

"But, uh, yeah. We haven't heard anything about the vampire, and the Church was a dead end too." She paused. "Have you been watching us?" Did Ephy even know what Zoey was talking about? Zoey assumed the goddess wasn't omniscient, but surely she was keeping tabs on her assigned champion.

"Are you asking if I'm a voyeur?" Ephy asked. "Peeking in on you and your filthy dalliances? I'm offended. Of course I am."

That was good to know.

"You've been watching us fuck?" Delta asked. "Really?"

"I'm the goddess of sex, dear," Ephy said. "I'm aware of nearly any intimate relation, in an abstract sense. But my champion, I pay more attention to than most."

"How does that work?"

"Godhood is complicated, and not the topic at hand."


Zoey, personally, was a bit more perturbed by the announcement than Delta seemed to be. She tried to ignore the fact that Ephy had apparently been watching her, Rosalie, and Delta get up to all sorts of inappropriate activities. She wasn't surprised, of course, but voyeuristic perverted goddesses peeking in on their intimate sessions was something Zoey wasn't necessarily thrilled about. Though, maybe Ephy didn't mean it literally? With it being some aspect of her divinity? Godhood was, again, probably something not easy to understand. Ephy's clairvoyance could only extend so far, and 'watching' might not mean 'watching' in the way Zoey thought of it.

Or maybe the goddess was just teasing her. There were high odds that was what was happening, too.

"The vampire," Zoey said firmly, reining the conversation in. "How do we find her? Or more about the threat?"

Ephy rolled her eyes. "Do you really think I could answer that? I don't mind touching base with you, but you already know I can't intervene directly—and certainly not hold your hand the whole way through."

"Then what are we supposed to do? How do we find an invisible woman who refuses to be drawn out? We don't even know if she's following us."

Ephy shrugged, unconcerned. "That's for you to figure out. And if you can't in the short term—then keep getting stronger." Her eyes flicked to Delta, then smirked. "And keep growing your loyal harem. That'll help, too."

"I prefer to think of it as my harem," Delta said. "But whatever."

Ephy laughed, which Delta seemed pleased by. It wasn't every day someone got to make an actual goddess laugh.

"And what's up with the shards?" Zoey asked. "They're changing, permanently. And the bosses, too, it seems like. What's going on with Mel?"

Again, Ephy shrugged.

"What's the point in communing if you're not going to answer anything?"

At the frustrated edge in Zoey's voice, Ephy pouted. "What, is saying hi to your benevolent patron not enough? Maybe I just wanted a social visit. Besides, I found this meeting useful, even if I can't help you directly. Mostly because of her." She gestured at Aria. "I was going to chide you on not properly venerating me, but I've solved that problem—and set you up for future success. This young woman is much more eager to serve. I like her."

Zoey looked down at Aria, and at the reminder of her situation, her cock pulsed inside the woman. She fought a groan at the renewed sensation, the conversation having somehow distracted her. The young priestess's pussy really was so tight.

"She was helpful? How? What did you talk about?"

"I've instated a new High Priestess to worship under you," Ephy said simply. "Since you're clearly too distracted to start a following." The goddess walked up to Zoey, then poked her on the chest. "That said, I do want you to declare yourself my priestess, like I told you earlier. Make your allegiance known."

"Why would you even care?"

"Maybe I'm a vain goddess. Maybe I have other motives. It doesn't matter. Just do as I say."

A part of Zoey wanted to reject the goddess purely by instinct, since she didn't really trust the woman, but of all hills to die on, this wasn't the one.

"Okay," Zoey said.

"Good." She squeezed Zoey's shoulder. "That's all I have for you. Like I said, I'm not here to solve each and every of your problems."

"You haven't solved any of them," Zoey said dryly.

"Yes, well, there's rules on intervention, as I've said a million times. How about you stop whining and do your job. I gave you a new life and a fourteen-inch cock—and I never even got a thank you for it. Considering that, you complain a lot." She faced Delta. "But it was lovely meeting you, at least. Take care of this one," she said, gesturing at Zoey. "She's annoying, but it would be even more annoying if she died. And she's the best candidate for the job."

"Uh," Delta said. "Don't talk about my girlfriend like that?"

Zoey's heart did a few jumps at the word, and Ephy just laughed.

"Bye-bye, then," the goddess said. "And enjoy your climax. Give your High Priestess a little something extra—consider it a gift from me. She's earned it."

With a wave of her fingers, Ephy disappeared, and reality re-asserted itself.

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