This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

5.37 – Caught

5.37 – Caught

Delta's orgasm, magically repressed for an agonizing length of time, finally crashed into her, the goddess's presence releasing its supernatural grip.

Her toes curled, and she whined with the sudden blast of heat that rushed through her body. She shoved Aria's face down, burying the priestess's nose into her abdomen. Blissful streaks of pleasure rushed up her cock, then, no longer denied, burst from her. She spilled thick, hot ropes down Aria's constrictive tunnel, splashing ropes of cum straight into her stomach.

Aria, having returned from her temporary stasis, choked and gagged, gripping at Delta's thighs, struggling to take Delta's load—but no less eager for the fact. Her spasming, clenching muscles massaged Delta's cock as she released thick strings of girlcum nine inches down the priestess's throat.

Ahead of Delta, Zoey curled forward, bending over the priestess as she pumped her own heavy load into the girl's womb. Almost as much as Delta was enjoying Aria, that was what electrified her: watching Zoey empty herself into Aria. Neither of them had taken an infertility potion. Zoey was breeding the priestess. Blasting potent waves of seed into her unprotected, fertile pussy. Delta shivered, her hips arching forward just a bit harder, lewdly sharing the girl with Zoey. The two of them pumped a pair of hot loads into their prey for the night, filling the priestess from either end.

Ephy had said to give the priestess 'something extra', because she deserved it. Delta discovered that hadn't been a suggestion—or even an encouragement. Imbued by the goddess of fertility, never-ending waves of white-hot bliss crashed across her, igniting every nerve ending as her cock spasmed. She pumped her load into Aria for nearly a minute straight, and by the time her hips stopped jerking forward to get one last string out, Delta was nearly incapable of standing. Trembling, she took a step back to let the poor girl breathe, her cock slipping out with a squelch. Long strands of saliva bridged her cock to Aria's lips. Aria gasped for air. She'd been down for a while.

Zoey stayed hunched over the priestess, panting heavily from her equally as blissful finish, enjoying her warm pussy sheathe—her recently bred priestess—as a few last spurts visibly squeezed out of her, body jerking with each ejection. Making certain she'd been properly stuffed.

For a while, the three of them simply caught their breaths, coming down from their mind-boggling high. Delta leaned against the altar with a spinning head, finding it difficult to think, much less talk.

"I've … never been so full," Aria finally groaned. "What did you two do to me? I feel like an éclair."

At that comical imagery—a cream-filled pastry—Delta, despite her exhaustion, laughed. She patted Aria on the shoulder, but moving brought another wave of dizziness, and she sagged back onto the altar. Zoey, somehow looking even more squeezed out than Delta, also chuckled, if less enthusiastically.

Then, something they probably should have expected happened.

Their loud, sweaty exercise in a thin-walled prayer room had drawn attention: the door to the outside hallway opened.

Someone walked in with all of the confidence of a person who wasn't expecting to find a cream-filled priestess, Zoey still firmly embedded inside her, and Delta sweating and panting as she regained full consciousness.

"Aria? Abigail said she heard something coming from here. What—"

All four of them froze. The tall, serious-looking priest went especially still.

Then, to Delta's horror, the situation became even worse.

"Dad?!" Aria screeched, scrambling to cover herself. That wasn't an easy task when Zoey still had her bent over the altar, fourteen inches of enormous cock buried in her. "What—what are you doing? Get out. Get out!"

The man gaped at the messy scene defiling the prayer altar. Delta's stomach sank. Aria's dad, of all people, had walked in? Talk about bad luck.

"Ari? What is the meaning of this?!"

The poor man sounded like he genuinely didn't understand what he was looking at. He stared at the three naked girls with bulging eyes, and Delta covered herself up. She wasn't exactly bashful, but having been caught fucking a priest's daughter over an altar was—well, not especially pious or not, Delta's cheeks were burning.

Had she just committed legal blasphemy? Probably not, right? Aria had led the whole thing. This was an official ceremony.

"Get out!" Aria screeched. She finally staggered backward and to her feet, un-impaling herself from Zoey. Cum poured from down between her thighs, Zoey's massive cock no longer keeping the ridiculous load in. The image of cum pouring from Aria probably didn't help the situation—not that being caught with another woman inside her was really redeemable.

The older man finally reacted. He stumbled back, then fled the room with all haste.

For a while, the three of them stood there, disbelieving of the unfortunate turn of events.

Delta broke the silence.

"Probably not the best way to meet the parents," she said. "But surprisingly, not the worst, either."

Aria spun on her. Delta raised her hands immediately, trying to placate the furious expression on the priestess. She had a habit of letting her mouth run when it really shouldn't, and this was no exception.

"Sorry, sorry," Delta said. "Uh. Maybe we should've blocked the door, or something. We could've seen this coming."

Aria glared at her, but, rather than letting loose whatever torrent of anger was brewing, her shoulders sagged, the heat going out of her. Then, she laughed. "Oh, heavens. What just happened?" She groaned. "And why did it have to be my dad?" She looked down at herself. "And, really, what did you two do to me? My stomach is bulging. Literally." Emphasizing that point, she rubbed a hand against herself. In the best of cases, Zoey could already put out enough of a load to make a girl's stomach feel heavy—Delta would know, being on the receiving end more than once—and with the magical blessing of Ephy to help them, and Delta's assistance too, the priestess had literally been stuffed silly.

Delta admired the sight of Aria's once-flat stomach turned round, her cock twitching in excitement.

"I would ask for a round two," Delta said, eyes crawling up and down Aria's figure, her cock stiffening as it found new excitement. "But I've got the feeling we're going to be kicked out, soon."

"I think that's likely," Zoey said dryly. She turned to Aria. "We need to talk."

"Talk?" Aria asked incredulously. "We need to do more than just talk. But it'll have to happen somewhere else. I've got some things to deal with, apparently." She glanced at the door, going a bit pale at the prospect.

"If we told him you were just being a gracious host, would that help?" Delta asked.

Aria narrowed her eyes at her.

"You don't think he'll fall for the 'it was just part of the job' spiel?"

"Ignore her," Zoey said. "Do you need help cleaning up? Or what can we do for you?"

"We could double down," Delta said. "Rounds two, three, and four sound nice. Doubling down's never failed me."

To Delta's surprise, Aria actually hesitated, as if, despite everything, a part of her genuinely considered the ridiculous suggestion. Zoey, like usual, gave Delta a scolding look that vetoed the idea.

Really, for the literal disciple of the goddess of sex, she was way too responsible.

Plus, Delta hadn't been the one who'd just pumped a bucket of hyper-fertile goddess-imbued cum into the priestess's vulnerable womb, so who was really the responsible one, here?

"What do you need from us?" Zoey repeated to Aria. "How can we help?" She looked around the messy room—the sticky mess left all over the altar.

"Um," Aria said. "Honestly, nothing. You two should leave. Get out of here before … whatever happens. My dad comes back. But we really do need to talk, so where can I find you?"

Zoey gave her their room number at the guild.

"Then I'll come for you later," Aria said, still glancing around at the ruined altar and surroundings with a daunted look. Their frantic rutting hadn't left the tidy prayer room in great shape—and that wasn't even mentioning the cum everywhere.

"But, just to confirm, you did see her, right?" Zoey asked. "Ephy?"

Aria nodded. "I'll give the details later. I have so many questions. But, seriously, before my dad comes back, you need to leave."

"Are you sure? If we stayed and explained, would that be better?"

Delta rolled her eyes. Zoey didn't sound thrilled by the idea, but she offered anyway. Always so thoughtful. How Zoey could go from domineering and downright mean to soft-spoken and worried was just … disgusting. It made Delta want to gag. And it also made her heart do weird things—little flips and squeezes that she didn't fully understand. Or, was choosing not to understand. Zoey was annoying like that.

"No, that's not a good idea," Aria said, sounding certain. She walked over to their pile of clothes and started tossing them to Zoey and Delta. Delta pulled a towel out of her inventory and handed it to Aria—she needed it. "Tonight, then. Or tomorrow at the latest."

"If you're sure."

"I am." Aria hesitated, then leaned up on her tip-toes and kissed Zoey on the cheek. "This is a lot to take in. Maybe it's good I have some time to think, anyways." She looked at the doorway with a nervous expression. "But the fallout isn't going to be fun." She bit her lip, then groaned. "Didn't I tell you two to keep the noise down? What happened to that?"

"You were too good at dick-sucking," Delta said. "And your pussy is too tight, apparently."

"Delta," Zoey scolded.

"What? Is it not true?"

Zoey hesitated. "We should get going," she said firmly.

"Yeah, yeah," Delta said, rolling her eyes. "But just for the record, my vote's still on doubling down." She turned a sly, predatory look to Aria, and the priestess's eyes widened. "But if I have to, I can wait till tomorrow. Don't be late."

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