This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

5.39 – Eager Saleswoman II

5.39 – Eager Saleswoman II

Adrienne's attention flicked down to Ivy's brown eyes looking up at her. The girl ran her tongue in teasing circles around Adrienne's cock tip, and Adrienne eyed her in silent warning—though she also had a begrudging admiration for the girl's antics. Ivy smirked in reply, then, in a smooth motion, plunged down, bulging her throat outward as she impaled herself on Adrienne's girlcock. She didn't even gag as she went down.

Adrienne leaned forward onto the counter, her legs going wobbly. She swallowed a moan. She might be able to survive the encounter if she could fend her climax off, but if she slid over that edge, then there was obviously no keeping things under wraps.

With luck, Zoey was only here to say hello. A minute or two of brief pleasantries, then Adrienne could stop resisting. More than that, and things weren't looking good. Ivy knew what she was doing, which Adrienne had been appreciating earlier, but wasn't anymore. Or, at least, she had complicated feelings about the girl's talent, now.

"Yep. Things are going good," Adrienne said cheerfully, plastering a smile onto her face—one that wasn't entirely feigned, since it was hard not to smile at a woman as pretty as Zoey. "No complaints on my end. What can I do for you, boss?" The last word had a bit of a flirtatious inflection, with Adrienne unable to help herself. And she hoped Zoey had missed the hitch in her voice halfway through the sentence when Ivy's throat had squeezed down on her.

"Just stopping by," Zoey replied. "Meant to yesterday, but I got, uh, busy."

"You do seem like a woman with a lot going on," Adrienne teased.

Again, she wasn't trying to flirt, not fully. In fact, if Zoey hadn't been her very generous employer, she might have flicked her eyes down and really driven home the innuendo with her typical brand of bluntness. But that was the original dilemma: Zoey was her boss, Adrienne liked her job, and while they were in a business that was sexual by nature, that didn't mean Zoey wanted Adrienne misbehaving in such blatant ways. Even if not just because it could run afoul of exhibitionism laws, but because—well, a store owner probably shouldn't be using their merchandise to throat-fuck as many girls as she could get her hands on.

Zoey rolled her eyes at Adrienne's implication, and, adorably, her cheeks even colored. Adrienne didn't get the feeling Zoey was inexperienced, so the fact she blushed so easily was pretty endearing. Seeing the woman's colored cheeks, Adrienne fought, again, the urge to start flirting with her even more blatantly—but she cut the desire off. It took some effort. She was finding it harder to be professional than usual. Probably since she was having her cock pleasured under the counter. Hard to keep her thoughts chaste in a situation like that.

"Everything's running smoothly, then?" Zoey asked. "Really? You can tell me if there's issues."

"Potions are flying off the shelves. Don't think there's been someone who came in and didn't buy something. Even expensive as it all is."

At a pleasurable bobbing of Ivy's head, a carnal urge hit her: her hips jerked forward, just a few inches. It was, tragically, too much for the poor girl to maintain her stealth: she gagged as Adrienne's cock unexpectedly shoved deeper into her. The muted noise came from under the counter, faint, but still compromising. Zoey paused and tilted her head, as if trying to place the noise.

"Have you thought about raising prices?" Adrienne asked hastily, knowing that her only possible salvation was a distraction. "You could seriously get away with charging a lot more."

"You think so?"

"The growth potion for sure. We're almost out. Who would've guessed that—" she stifled a gasp as Ivy's tongue swirled around her cock head. "That girls really like having cocks?"

Zoey laughed. "Yeah, it's not that much of a surprise." She smirked at Adrienne. "And speaking of, who's down there, anyway?"

Adrienne froze.

Zoey peeked over the counter, and Adrienne hastily leaned forward, trying to block the view.

"Oh, please," Zoey said, rolling her eyes. "You're not fooling anyone. Let me see."

For a moment, Adrienne's thoughts sprinted in every direction, trying desperately to find a way out of this. But eventually, she came to terms with her situation. She'd been caught. And, obviously she had. Zoey was a wayfarer. didn't they have crazy enhanced senses? The act had been up as soon as Ivy had gagged. Which had ultimately been Adrienne's fault, because she hadn't been able to stop herself from thrusting.

Not that it was really her fault she couldn't resist moving her hips when a girl's throat was wrapped around her cock. She was only human.

Sighing, Adrienne stepped back from the counter, unblocking the view of Ivy. Zoey, peeking over the edge, laughed as brown eyes came into view. Ivy used that opportunity to drop her last paltry attempts at stealth: she grabbed Adrienne's hips and started choking herself on cock. If anything, she was even more excited than before, having another spectator.

Seriously. Bless that woman. If only that eagerness hadn't come with such awful timing.

Then, shockingly, Zoey leaned back off the counter, only seeming amused at the reveal. "We might raise prices later," she told Adrienne. "But this first week is just a test. Earning some starting capital for our real opening. So if we sell out, we sell out—it's not a big deal."

Adrienne floundered for a response. Zoey was going back to their earlier conversation? She was brushing past all of this? That Adrienne had a girl under the counter?

Did she not care? She didn't seem bothered. But while there were lax bosses, surely there weren't bosses that were fine with their employees throat-fucking customers on the company's time. Right?

Adrienne didn't get a chance to reply—Ivy filled the conversation in for her. She pulled off Adrienne's cock with a squelch, not even having the shame to gag, then asked Zoey from down between Adrienne's legs—a huge strand of spit dropping onto her tits—"Wait, you aren't staying in Treyhull?"

Annoyed, Adrienne grabbed Ivy's head and shoved her back down. That, at least, made the girl gag. Adrienne roughly manhandled the woman back into her proper position. This was a conversation between her and her boss; the nuisance of a woman had already threatened her job. In a delightfully spine-tingling way, yes, but she had still kept sucking despite Adrienne's warnings. If she wanted to be a cock-sleeve, then she could be. But Adrienne wasn't going to be nice about it, at that point.

And Ivy didn't seem like she wanted Adrienne to be. She contentedly returned to pleasuring her.

"Not more than a few more days, probably," Zoey confirmed to Ivy, finding the whole interaction not worth a moment's pause. The woman must have seen some stuff, to not be fazed by her employee using a customer's throat as a cock sleeve. And yet—Adrienne's thoughts went back to how easily she had blushed earlier. Experienced yet still fast to embarrass? And apparently an easy-going boss. Adrienne might be in love.

Though, she didn't know if she was actually in the clear. Maybe Zoey was just playing it cool.

"Speaking of that," Zoey added, "you'll be fine to move, soon? Do you need help with anything there, either?"

That question boded well. If Zoey was asking her about long-term plans, then Adrienne really might not be in trouble.

"Um. Think so. Still getting all my ducks in a row."

"You don't need help with anything?" Zoey pressed. "I'd be happy to help."

"I'll let you know," Adrienne promised. "But, um, can I actually—" she sucked in a breath of air. "Finish this chat in a second?" She winced at the audacity of even asking, but the pleasure was becoming too much to ignore.

Shamefully, Adrienne couldn't wait for Zoey's permission. She shuddered, then grabbed Ivy's head and started working her hips back and forth. She lost control of her movements. Raw, animal need had her humping back and forth, plunging her cock down Ivy's tight, slippery throat.

"It feels so good," Adrienne groaned. "Sorry, Zoey. I can't stop. J-Just let me finish, real quick."

Zoey's lips curled up in amusement, and she hopped onto the counter, sliding over so she could get a better view. Adrienne's skin tingled, knowing that Zoey was going to watch her finish down another woman's throat. Apparently, she didn't just have no problem with it, but she was more than happy to watch.

Seriously—best boss ever.

Adrienne's breathing picked up as her pleasure grew. Ivy struggled and gagged as Adrienne used her roughly, but the other girl kept her hands clasped around Adrienne's hips and tugged her in with each jerk, helping Adrienne despite how thoroughly she was being violated. Such an angel.

And after working so diligently, Adrienne could finally give her her reward.

"Can't hold it," Adrienne gasped, the words coming out ragged. Her whole body trembled with pleasure, and her cock swelled in imminent release. She slammed Ivy's face down to her hilt, then groaned in bliss as her orgasm hit. "Fuck, yes," she moaned. "Take it, you fucking slut."

Her mind went fuzzy, only the hot, tight squeeze of Ivy's throat remaining. The other girl bobbed up and down, milking Adrienne as she spilled seed into the eager girl's stomach in long, shuddering spurts.

"Holy shit," Adrienne finally breathed, sagging into the counter. She came down from her high, then hazily glanced sideways to see Zoey biting her lower lip, admiring Adrienne and Ivy—who was still pressed into her crotch. Despite having the confidence to jump up onto the counter and watch, Zoey's cheeks were flaming at the show Adrienne had just put on. Then at being caught admiring them, the woman blushed and looked away, clearly flustered.

So cute.

Adrienne pulled out of Ivy's throat. Ivy coughed, then leaned her forehead against Adrienne's thigh. She rested a hand on her stomach as if feeling the hot load deposited there.

"So," Ivy eventually asked. "One sample only? Or can I get a second?"

"Sample?" Zoey asked.

Adrienne's cheeks burned. "I, um, thought it would be a good strategy to help move merchandise. I paid for the potion myself, just so you know." She might be acting totally inappropriately as a shopkeeper, but she wasn't stealing—and in a way, she was selling potions. She doubted Ivy would be leaving without one to try herself. "And yeah," she said to Ivy. "Only the first is free."

Ivy shakily got to her feet, and Adrienne shooed her away: "Now, seriously, let me talk with my boss."

Ivy quirked an eyebrow at her, but gave them some space.

Adrienne wiped her cock off, pulled up her shorts, then gave Zoey her full attention.

"Sorry about that," she said sheepishly. "But I can focus now. What were you saying?"

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