This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

5.40 – Interlude – Free

5.40 – Interlude – Free

Sol stood in front of the mirror, scrutinizing herself. She drifted fingertips over her lips, nose, cheekbones, and eyelids. Felt her silky black hair hanging down to her mid-back. Cupped her breasts and weighed them, watching how their naked form changed shape in the mirror. Pushed them together. Squeezed. Turned to view them from the side, then from the front.

Humans. An interesting species. One Sol felt unusually attuned with. The Famished had no true physical form, no default to return to. They were beings made of magic. To interact with the world, they needed corporeality, but they weren't strictly beholden to it. There was always the Passage to flee to, a realm physical creatures couldn't enter.

Sol turned around and looked at herself over her shoulder. Her bare, feminine back, the curve of her ass and thighs, her milky and unblemished skin. There was something so appealing about these creatures. Graceful wasn't exactly the word she would use, though in some ways, they were. But more prevalently: Alluring. Sensual. Humans were hardly the only sexual creatures Sol and her people had appropriated the forms of, but she had never felt such a strong urge to explore those desires.

She faced back forward. Running her fingers through her hair, she focused on morphing her form. Black locks melted to brown, then to blonde, to red, and less typical colors: blue, green, orange. She lengthened and shortened the silky material, turning it curly, then straight, then short enough she couldn't get a grip on it. Her eyes were her next target, shifting through colors, testing to see how each felt. She grew a few inches, then shrunk. She made her breasts larger, and her butt, exploring different shapes.

In the end, she reverted herself back to how she'd been. Long black hair, red eyes, medium height, and a lithe but still curvy form. It had been the form she'd initially chosen, and it felt right. An echo of whatever initial memories had imprinted upon her with her arrival to this world. Perhaps in time, she would explore the full variety of shapes a human body allowed, but Sol hadn't even begun to learn what this shape was like. Experimentation with deviancy came after understanding the base.

Sol withdrew a vial from her pants—which was laid on the sink—and peered at the liquid inside. The cock-growing potion, which she had stolen from Zoey's inventory.

While Sol could morph her body, the potion was special: an item of divine origin. The physical addition it created wasn't any different from a mundane one—besides being larger and prone to heavier emissions, from what she'd seen—but to Sol, particularly, it was special. The magical liquid vibrated to her senses, and she itched to drink it. To consume the energy held within not for the effect it provided, but for sustenance. It wasn't the overwhelming, intoxicating power that radiated from Zoey, but it had her mark on it, and even an echo was enticing.

Zoey. It was a shame Sol needed to avoid the woman. It was too risky to interact with someone blessed by the divine, ignorant as she was. But it was a hard conviction to keep. Every time she thought of that throbbing, fourteen-inch monster between her legs, Sol's heart started slamming. Like it did now. She placed a hand on her chest and felt the wild beats. A hunger grew in her stomach, thinking of Zoey. A hot clenching. And not Hunger as her people knew it, but a different kind. Lust. Desire. Familiar, but not.

Sol shook her head to clear it. There would be time enough to indulge in Zoey later. Once she knew more about the world and felt more confident in her understanding, Sol could afford to be bold. To seek out that ultimate prize. Until then, she needed to learn.

She downed the potion. The dense magic slid down her throat, and Sol shuddered in delight. She repressed the urge to dismantle the magic and Consume it, since doing so would ruin the effect.

Her crotch heated in a becoming-familiar way—this wasn't her first experiment—and her legs trembled as her cock surged and grew. She watched in the mirror as her member formed, ten inches long, and two wide, a thick, hefty beast. Smaller than Zoey's, but still a cock that would make most women go pale.

Sol reached down and grasped it. She didn't mean to, but her hand started sliding up and down the thick shaft, squeezing the warm, throbbing rod. The desire had come out of nowhere, shockingly intense. She bit her lip, pleasure washing through her as she played with herself.

Women didn't normally have cocks, Sol knew—even just from her passive memories, not something she had needed to learn. Maybe that was what made the sight so alluring. So special. The lewd, angry weapon, framed by all the plush curves and softness of a woman. It was really something.

The door to the bathroom swung open. Sol paused, then glanced over to see a short blonde woman step inside. She was wearing a tight black tank top and a pair of shorts that clung to her curves—typical for the venue. Her face was framed by a pair of glasses with thick black frames.

Their eyes met. The woman froze. She looked at Sol—at her naked body—and her eyes went wider and wider.

"W-What the hell?" the woman squeaked. "What are you doing?!"

Sol tilted her head, confused. She looked into the mirror, then back to the woman.

"Experimenting," she answered honestly.

The woman gaped at her.

"With myself." Sol gestured at her cock, which jutted from her as angrily as ever.

The woman continued to gape. She seemed to have frozen in surprise. Which Sol didn't understand. Why was she shocked? Sol had every right to be here. This was a communal space.

"Bathrooms are for handling private business," Sol told her, confident in the fact, but hesitant because of the woman's strange reaction. "Where else would I do this?"

"This is a public restroom," the woman shrilled.

"Exactly." Which meant everyone was welcome in it. "What's your point?" she asked, genuinely wanting to understand.

For another long moment, the woman stared at her, mouth hanging open. Finally, she unfroze and scurried away. The door swung shut behind her, and Sol puzzled over what human social norm she had misinterpreted. She looked down at her ten-inch cock standing proudly from her crotch, frowning as she tried to figure it out.

It had felt like a logical conclusion that this was an appropriate place to handle what she was doing, but she knew she had a lot to learn. Her memories were flawed. A flimsy outline detailing only the most basic of concepts. She had no context, no experiences to fall back on. Hence her desire to explore—and why she was avoiding Zoey. She wanted to be more comfortable in how this world worked before confronting a being blessed by a Prime.

Ultimately, Sol shrugged to herself, then returned to inspecting herself. She had the sense that a restroom was a place where humans went to do their private business, but beyond that, the logic of the situation was lost on her. Obviously, nakedness was taboo to varying extents, but where else would it be acceptable if not a restroom? Deciphering the woman's reaction would take time. And more knowledge of the world.

She didn't get to keep checking herself out—both visually and by touch—before whispering outside the bathroom door interrupted her.

"You can't be serious," the same woman from before hissed, the noise muted by the door. "I know what I saw, Olivia."

"Yeah. That's why I'm interested," a second, lower voice laughed, dismissing her friend's concern. "Come on. Let's go check it out."

The door swung open. Two women walked in. A new one led the pair, taller and striding in with confidence. Timidly following behind her was the wide-eyed blonde woman from earlier.

The taller—Olivia, apparently—was as gorgeous as her partner, if in a different way. Tall, lean, with defined arms and a mix of sharp and soft features, she had a boyish roguishness that drew Sol's eye. Her short brown hair was ruffled, her cheeks dusted with freckles. She was wearing a simple jacket, a white shirt, and a pair of faded jeans.

"Oh, shit," Olivia said, freezing a few steps in as she caught sight of Sol. "You weren't kidding."

"I said I wasn't!"

"Hello," Sol greeted them hesitantly, but earnestly, wondering what was going on.

"That's a cock," Olivia said, nearly gawking as she stared. "That's a huge fucking cock."

Sol looked down at herself. Why was this woman stating the obvious?

"Yes," Sol said. "It's much larger than average, as far as I know." She tilted her head. "But isn't it rude to stare? This is a restroom."

She had forgiven the initial looks because she knew it was an unusual sight. But prolonged staring? Sol's knowledge of propriety and social conduct was threadbare at the absolute best, but she was pretty sure staring at a nude person in the restroom was simply poor manners. Not that she minded, necessarily. It made her skin tingle in a delightful way. But these two were acting very indiscreetly, according to everything she knew of humans.

"Holy crap," Olivia just repeated, still ignoring Sol. "That thing's … a fucking monster. How do you not faint when it goes up?" She nudged her friend with an elbow. "You undersold it, Hailey. And shit, can we even blame her? I would be showing that thing off too."

"Showing off?" Sol asked.

She hadn't been showing anything off. This was a restroom. Where a person could handle private business. Seriously, what was going on here?


The realization hit.

These two were just perverts.

They'd come into a private area, saw Sol politely minding her business, and decided they wanted to ogle her. How indiscreet. Her skin prickled at the idea, a reaction borne from her newfound human instincts. The emotions were all still so very novel, and thus more intense. Even if her understanding of the situation was tenuous, her body heated up.

She was being accosted by two perverts.

How lucky of her.

Sol grabbed her cock, leaned against the sink ledge, and wiggled herself up and down, the thick member bobbing in her grip. Both of the perverted voyeurs' eyes widened, and Hailey squeaked in surprise.

"I didn't plan on having anyone watch," Sol said. "But I suppose I don't mind, either."

"W-We should leave," Hailey said, frantically tugging on her friend's jacket—but Olivia swatted her hand away.

"Leave? You're kidding. Look at that thing. Seriously, is it even real?"


"Or some kind of toy?"

Sol tilted her head. "It's real."

"You're joking."

"You could come verify, if you want," Sol offered.

Olivia's eyes went even wider, and like usual, Sol didn't understand why.

Her face split into a grin. "Oh, shit. Okay. Yeah. Sure. I mean, if you're offering."

"Really, Liv?" Hailey asked.

"Oh, come on," Olivia said dismissively. "We both know we came here to get laid, and look at her. Hello?" She gestured at Sol, who observed the interaction with interest. Humans were really so interesting. "She's basically throwing herself at us."

Sol paused. That wasn't her interpretation of this event. But humans deluded themselves all the time; Sol knew this. She had seen it constantly observing that blonde woman in Zoey's company. From everyone, in varying capacities.

Hailey bit her lip, hesitant, so Olivia grabbed her hand and pulled her forward. Her protests were apparently flimsy—also unsurprising to Sol, from other observations—and let herself be guided forward.

The two women approached, and Sol's cock twitched in anticipation. All she had been planning on was inspecting herself in the mirror before moving on to explore more of the city. This was an unexpected turn of events. Though not an unwelcome one.

It seemed she'd be getting a chance to learn more about anatomy and the human sexual experience. First-hand, this time.

How very exciting.

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