Toaru Majutsu no Index

Volume 2, 2: The Witch-Hunter Moves Along With the Flames. By_The_Holy_Rood...

Volume 2, Chapter 2: The Witch-Hunter Moves Along With the Flames. By_The_Holy_Rood...

Part 1

Kamijou stared at the expression of the girl named Index.

His knowledge was complaining. She possessed an eidetic memory and forgot nothing and because of this was capable of memorizing 103,000 grimoires.

However, this ability was at time a double edged sword: she also could not forget something she would want to forget. The meaningless memories from a three year old department store brochure to everyone’s face during rush hour were ingrained in her mind, inerasable.

Magic was necessary to erase her memories every year. If the wiping were to not take place, an overwhelming burden on her brain would have killed her. But, as of then, she, beside Kamijou, gave carefree smiles.

According to her, the savior from her predicament was Kamijou himself. However, he remembered not what he was thinking or what had done.

Then, Kamijou began to think.

He had parted goodbyes with Stiyl and returned Index to the dorm. Next, Kamijou needed to return to the battlefield called Misawa Cram School. Of course, simply bringing Index along was unthinkable, making it preferable to not tell her about Misawa Cram at all.

Though, if he did not produce some reason to leave the house, she may have raised suspicions and perhaps even desire to go as well.


His palms were sweaty. A precarious situation, he had to avoid allowing Index to go.

“I said… ‘Touma!’”

As such, what he had to do was obvious.

Kamijou, to hide his insecurities, launched a barrage of verbal assaults.


As expected, under bombardment by technobabble, Index’s head released steam. It was to be expected. Index, who lacked general knowledge of the modern world, was the type to double-take at a train station vending machine saying “welcome”.

“Then, I’ll let you know before I go. Dinner’s in the fridge. Just microwave it and you can eat it. Don’t put the spoon in the microwave or you’ll start a fire. And, don’t you dare open the freezer to cool yourself.”

“Eh? Ah, uu… I can’t really use the microwave.”

One might suspect how another could misuse a microwave oven. However, Index had once microwaved a convenience store bento’s sauce package, which exploded. She also attempted to heat up a half-boiled egg, which also exploded. It seemed that how she used the microwave oven was irrelevant, it would explode anyways. Perhaps she believed that using it was a confident way to cause an explosion.

…Looks like she isn’t suspicious. Kamijou analyzed.

He watched Index stare at the microwave oven with narrowed eyes, apparently determined to succeed. He heaved a sigh of relief.

Then, Kamijou realized it.

“Oi! What’s hidden in your clothes? More like, your stomach!”

“Eh?” She froze. Then, she turned to Kamijou and spoke. “No-Nothing at all!? I swear to God that nuns don’t lie!”

The moment she finished, the abnormally large stomach let out a “Mi—“, cat’s cry.


Perhaps because of this discussion with Stiyl and his general nervousness that he did not notice. The cat was likely the reason that Index lagged so long in the alley rather than searching for the rune’s source.

“Uu! To-Touma! This piece of clothing is called the Walking Church, right?”

“So what?”

“A church should unconditionally extend its hand to any lost sheet. So, I will protect Sphinx, lost in the streets. Amen.”

“…” Kamijou’s lips felt somewhat numb. “...So, you mean you’ll raise the cat inside your cloths, right? I get it! The cat-box sand and toilet will be shoved in your sleeves, right?”



"Whatever! I've decided that Sphinx will be protected by the Church!"

“Oi! To the person who thinks before she acts! At least consider the one being taken care o!”

“It’s alright as long as I treat it as family!”


Though he did not want to, Kamijou truly considered dumping the cat on the way to Misawa Cram School. Well… Actually, he did want to. But, if he did so, Index would seek the cat and follow Kamijou the entire way.


“…Say that when you earn money yourself.”

“Actually, Touma doesn’t need to feel bad. I just said idiot out of frustration and I don’t really think you’re an idiot!”

"Are you speaking alien?" If Kamijou agreed to it, Index would follow his lead.

What can I say but… Such misfortune.

Kamijou sighed. Calculating the funds needed to raise the cat, it seemed necessary to reduce the number of meals each day. Why did Index choose that time to adopt a cat?

“… …Fine.”

“Hm? Touma? What did you say?”

“… …Can’t be helped. Let’s adopt it.”

It was fine. It seemed that those kinds of words caused Index to cry tears of joy, an expression of Index’s worth seeing.

“Ahh! Father in Heaven! Your warm light of love has finally reached the heartless, cruel, cold-blooded and snake-eyed heart in Touma! Thank you for saving this stray cat’s innocent soul; I won’t forget this for the rest of my life.”

Even as Kamijou Touma thought such things, he could not explain something.

Part 2

Upon leaving the dormitory room, he met Stiyl, whom he had parted goodbye to sometime previously. He was scattering card-like objects around the area.

“What are you doing?”

“Can’t you tell? I’m placing a barrier here to build a temple.” Stiyl said as he worked. “Before we leave for Misawa Cram, who knows who will come here with a stupid reason and kidnap Index? Even if we can only do so much, we can feel a little more optimistic if we leave Innocentius here. If something happens, it can help her buy time to escape.”


Though Kamijou lacked memories, his information database informed him that Innocentius was a humanoid, ultimate weapon consisting of 3000 Celsius flames with an automatic tracking ability. Its only weakness was—

“It can only be used in the boundary that has runes and will disappear if the runes are destroyed.”

“…I’ll tell you this,” Upon his words, Stiyl’s ears twitched. “I lost to you last time because of the location, not because I’m weaker than you. If you hadn’t set of the sprinklers…”

"Eh? Did we fight before?"

Kamijou, with only knowledge instead of memories, knew how to defeat Innocentius but knew not where the information came from.

“Ku… So you mean to say that that incident was too pointless to remember?” Apparently misunderstanding, Stiyl continued. “Then, fine. I won’t squabble with you over it. Once I’m done here, the boundary will be complete. And, we’ll be able to head to Misawa Cram… how troublesome. I have to set up a boundary to repel magicians but weak enough that that child won’t notice.”

Stiyl continued to mutter, seemingly quite happy. As such, Kamijou somewhat realized a fact.

“Do you like Index?”

“Eh? EH!?” Stiyl blushed as if his heart had stopped. “Wh-Wh-Wh-Why are you saying such ridiculous things all of a sudden?! She-She’s a target of protection, not for romance—!”

Kamijou chuckled and ended the conversation because he felt that if he delved deeper, he would dig his own grave. The main point was not whether the current Kamijou Touma liked Index or not but that the current Kamijou’s feelings must have been the same as the previous Kamijou.

The current him knew not how the pre-amnesia Kamijou Touma thought of Index or how the interactions went. If Kamijou were to say something contradictory, Stiyl would have realized his masquerade.

It’s like there’s two of “me”…

Kamijou sighed deeply in his heart. It was inaccurate to say there were two Kamijou’s. Kamijou felt that a false him invaded the real one’s body and assumed his personality, putting the current him in an awkward situation.

“Before we charge into Misawa Cram, let’s talk about our ‘enemy.’” Stiyl said, perhaps preventing Kamijou from questioning further. They exited the student dormitory to walk onto the night street. Kamijou listened to Stiyl speak.

“The enemy’s name is Aureolus Izzard.” He introduced the name. “Speaking of Aureolus, there’s a person you’d think of… hm? Are you shocked he’s so famous? Don’t worry, he’s just a descent and not as strong as the legend.”

"…Who is this Aureolus??"

"...Oh yeah, you don't know about the magic world. But, you have heard of Paracelsus, right?"


"Ku...! He's the most famous alchemist in the world!" Stiyl said impatiently.

“So… Is this guy really amazing?” Kamijou asked while walking down the evening streets.

The August sunset burned and the multitude of windows, windmills, turbines, everything, were dyed an orange-red. Kamijou thought it looked exactly like a faded photograph, perhaps assisted by the unrealistic aspects of their conversation.

“He shouldn’t be strong… But, what’s worrying is the fact he must have some ‘secret weapon’ to subjugate Deep Blood. The worst case scenario is one where he’s used Deep Blood to capture the certain creature.” Rather than Aureolus Izzard himself, Stiyl seemed to mind the creature.

However, Kamijou could not comprehend. Even if the conditions were unique, treating the enemy’s abilities as secondary was incomprehensible.

“Oi. That’s not right, is it? I don’t know how powerful vampires are but shouldn’t our primary concern be the enemy leader? It’s like fighting in a fire. We’ll be hurt badly if we’re only concerned with the flames.”

“Hm? Oh, you don’t have to worry about it. Aureolus’ name may be familiar but his descendants aren’t as powerful as him. And, in the magic world, there’s no such thing as an alchemist.” Stiyl spoke nonchalantly. “Divination, alchemy, summoning… these sound like your world’s language, mathematics and history. Japanese language arts teachers wouldn’t try to abolish mathematics, right? This so-called-magic is the study of learning a part of everything and choosing a world most suited for the user.”

Stiyl also added that the reason Aureolus Izzard became an alchemist was because he was untalented at other roles.

“And, also, alchemy isn’t a refined knowledge.”


Though Stiyl stated all of these, Kamijou understood none of it. His knowledge was like a historical calendar. It was because, for Kamijou, alchemy was only a fraudulent gimmick widespread in the 16th century. The purpose of alchemy, to his knowledge, was to fool royalty with scams.

“Alchemy—especially of the late Zurich branch—can be said to be a sub-branch of the Hermes school. Normally speaking, the main purposes were to turn lead into gold, create an immortality elixir, and so on.” Stiyl sounded unmotivated, perhaps because it was out of his scope of expertise. “But, these were all experiments. They’re like what you’d call a scientist, always looking for ‘foundations’ or ‘rules’. Scientists don’t care about what they get from the test tube because it wasn’t their aim. The same theory applies here. Alchemists weren’t actually focused on creating something but pursuing knowledge.”

“…Is it like how Einstein was only researching the Theory of Relativity? The atomic bomb was just a by-product?” If one examined it from this angle, scientists were the arrogant type, never considering the effects their creations have on society.

“Yeah. But, besides researching the formula and principle, they have a final goal.” Stiyl paused. “…It’s like a simulation of the world within his brain.”


“If you can understand the all the laws of the world, you could imagine the world in your brain. Of course, if even a single law were to be wrong, the simulated world in the brain would be flawed.”

“…? What? What do you mean? Are you talking about abilities similar to esper powers?”

On the primitive islands of the South Pacific like Fiji and Melanesia it was said that: to be leader, one had to be able to predict the next day’s weather with just a glance up at the sky.

Though such weather forecast ability seemed esper-like, it was just a result of calculating wind currents, cloud shapes, temperatures and humidity’s in the brain. The island leaders never realized that their brains were calculating. Instead, they believed they “listened to the voice of the wind” to predict the weather.

Stiyl’s meaning was similar to such an example. While it was true that a leader’s mind had simulated the next day’s weather, the imaginary world would have been miles away from reality if there were the tiniest error in their supposedly-perfect formulas.

“…Hold on. What could an ability like that do? Are they trying to make some algorithm that predicts the future for them like a weather report?”

“No.” He responded easily. “What if they could bring something imaginary into the real world?”

It was a shocking declaration.

“For example, there are spells that involve ectoplasm and spells that use telesma to summon Angels. In the magic world, it isn’t uncommon to see someone drag their brain’s thoughts into reality.” Stiyl folded his arms. “Thus, it’s important to have an ability that lets the brain accurately imagine the real world. Basically, with this power, they could operate the world. Any and all celestial beings or devils would bow before them.”

“…Oi… Oi…”

“Of course, it’s hard to do. The flow of the river, the clouds, the humans, the blood… there are an infinite number of laws in a world. If someone screwed something up, he wouldn’t create an accurate world. One distortion in the world is like a distorted pair of wings. Even if they’re summoned, they’d be vanquished.”

That’s like a computer’s processor. Kamijou rationalized. No matter how perfect the process is, if someone forgets to input an extra line, there’ll be an error and the program won’t execute.

“On the other hand, if he really somehow did it, wouldn’t no one be able to go against him? If he could alter the entire world, how could the world win?” Perhaps, deep within him, Kamijou refused to believe it.

He was right. Humans could not defeat “everything” in the world. It did not mean that gods or devils were strong or weak; it was not that. Instead, “everything” in the world also included the people living there, such as Kamijou himself.

The simplest example: a mysterious could make real anything it reflected. No matter how strong Kamijou was, if an opponent created an identical Kamijou, the battle between identical Kamijou’s would result in simultaneous deaths.

“I said it before, just relax. Alchemy isn’t a refined knowledge.” In contrast, Stiyl did not seem anxious. “Let me put it this way: If I wanted you to explain everything in the world, including every grain of sand on the beach or stars in the sky, how long would it take you?!? I don’t think you could finish in one… two hundred years?”

“That’s the situation. In reality, the incantations existed for a long time but the human life is so short no one finished chanting it.” Stiyl continued easily. “Though they tried all sorts of things like removing unnecessary parts to shorten it or breaking it up to allow each generation and descendant speak 10 lines and so on.”

Even under these cases, there was not a single case of success. A completed incantation would have lacked any excessive points. When each generation passed down the incantation, the incantations became gradually erroneous like a game of telephone.

“However…” Stiyl stopped there and seemed to finally show some hostility. “…If the alchemists were living things with no lifespan limits, they could recite and complete the very long incantation. Perhaps because of this, the certain creature is such a rather large threat to magicians.”

Maybe this is why the aim of the enemy is to get a vampire. Kamijou thought.

To scientists, it was painful when they knew an answer but did not know why.

If an alchemist’s body of flesh could not fulfill it, could they not just seek a creature that surpassed a human’s limits?

“It’s true that this alchemy is still pretty threatening. But, right now, Aureolus Izzard shouldn’t be able to do it. The most he can do now is create a few things and turn this Misawa Cram into a fortress and set up numerous traps to prevent outsiders from entering.”

“…?” Kamijou felt that something was off. Why is Stiyl so confident? “Oi. Do you know this Izzard guy?”

“Of course I do. We were from Church organizations after all.” Stiyl said smoothly. “I’m an Anglican and he’s a Roman Catholic… We did meet each other, though our sects differ. Though, of course, we aren’t friends.”

For Kamijou, it was difficult to associate the terms “Church” and “magician” together.

Necessarius’, the organization that Stiyl and Index were affiliated with, purpose was to consume magical knowledge and counter magicians. But, they were radicals among the radicals. Even if the Anglicans possessed such an organization would the Roman Catholics, of a different sect, have been similar?

Noticing Kamijou’s question, Stiyl frowned.

“Necessarius is an exception amongst exceptions. There can’t possibly be similar institutions.” Stiyl sighed. “But, even if we’re exceptions, his job as a secret recorder was a unique example among unique. He basically wrote grimoires in place of the Church. Even thought they were grimoires, the purpose was the complete opposite. It was like a guide to teach things like ‘which lines in the Bible could be used to counter spells witches use.’”

Stiyl stretched his arm and shook it about. “Of course, it isn’t rare to see members of the Church write grimoires as guides. The ones Pope Honorius III and King James I wrote are really famous.”

“…I see. So that’s why you said Aureoulus Izzard’s power isn’t really that much.”

“That's right. He might be knowledgeable about these things, but he can't fight. He’s like a quiet social club member that isn’t in a sports club. However, he's still a tough opponent. It’s because he's one of the few secret recorders of the Roman Catholics and possessed much influence. The Roman Catholics are planning to determinedly fight him and punish him as a ‘heretic.’”

“No, that’s not what I meant. I’m saying that Aureolus is a name worth mentioning with the top religious people and kings, right? Are you jealous of him?”

“…I can consider that a taunt, right?”

“I’m up for it if you want to fight but don’t mistake me as an enemy right now.” Kamijou stared forward. “We’ve arrived at the battlefield.”

The pair stopped. Under the seemingly flaming sunset, the building awaited them.

Part 3

"I gotta say…" Kamijou looked up at the building and muttered.

The building could only have been described as strange. The building itself was rectangular and rather standard. However, there were four 12-story buildings on each corner of the junction, forming a “ta” (田). Additionally, the linked pathways were overhead, as if forming a suspended bridge above the road as they linked the buildings.

A building like that violates the Land Area Planning Adjustment Project, right? Kamijou looked up at the suspended corridors. Simply put, the jurisdiction of the sky was under the lands’ owners. In other words, the space above the roads should have been public areas.

“Never mind. It’s not important.” Kamijou muttered and again stared at the Misawa Cram’s Academy City branch.

Examining the building, it was implausible for people to associate it with the term “religious science” that was outside of normal understanding. It truly seemed like an ordinary cram school: there were students walking in and out on occasion. It was nothing abnormal.

“Anyways, our initial target is the 5th level of the South Building beside the restaurant. Apparently there’s a secret room there.” Stiyl said conversationally. The diagram was incinerated after Kamijou read it which possibly meant that Stiyl had memorized the entire map.

“A secret room?”

“Yeah. It should be some trick illusion or distortion that makes people ignorant of its existence. The building’s interior is like a kid’s toy block, there are many crevices.” Stiyl stared at the building. “…I found 17 secret rooms just looking at the diagram. And the closest one is the one beside the restaurant on the South Building’s 5th floor.”

“…Ohh. But, it doesn’t look like those booby-trapped ninja houses.” Kamijou muttered.

“…Yeah, sure doesn’t look like it.” Stiyl responded viciously.


Kamijou turned his head and found Stiyl staring at the building that seemed to penetrate the sky and earth. After a time, he shook his head and sighed. “Nothing. In fact, as an expert, I can’t find any abnormalities… Nothing at all even analyzing as an expert.”

Though Stiyl said it, he seemed stressed. The expression on his face was like that of a doctor who found something wrong on an X-ray but still could not identify the source of the illness.


It was suspicious, much too suspicious. Though he knew not what was going on, it was much too suspicious.

Stiyl had only said that he could not find anything. He had never said that the building was safe. Inside the building, there could have been numerous mines that they simply did not know about and perhaps there was truly nothing. They could confirm nothing and in essence were entering blind.

Rhetorically speaking, was it safe to enter a building that a magical expert could not vouch for?

“Of course we shouldn’t.” Stiyl answered concisely. “But entering is the only option, right? Our aim is to save people, not kill them. I’d be really grateful if I could just burn this building to the ground from out here.” His words had to have been more than half serious.

“Hold on… What do you mean we can only go in? Are we going to go in through the front door? No tactics? Like no way to avoid being detected or beating the enemy safely?”

“What. Don’t tell me you have some ideas?”

“…ACK! Are you kidding me!? Are you really going to charge like that? How is that any different from charging into a building occupied by terrorists?! Even if it’s just a dumb trick, can’t you just throw in bait!?”

“…Hm. Using a knife to carve the rune ‘AnsuzGebo’ can hide a person’s presence.”


“Listen to me!” He answered with an irritated tone. “Even if we get rid of our presence or become invisible, I’ll leave a mana signal saying ‘Stiyl Magnus just used magic.’”


“You have no concept of how mana works at all. Seems like I’ll have to explain it to you.” Stiyl sighed. “For example, what if there’s a map that only has red colors on it?”

"…Psychologically, I think it's a bad omen."

“Shut up and don’t butt in. The red color indicates Aureolus’ magic in the entire building. What if I colored this map blue?”

“…I don’t really understand but you’ll basically be a walking transmitter, right?”

“That’s kind of right, but it’s more than that.” Stiyl continued as Kamijou was about to ask why. “Your Imagine Breaker is like an eraser than removes the red color. If one’s painting is being eating up, anyone would realize that something’s wrong. I wouldn’t be detected as long as I didn’t use magic but your ability is always active.”

“…Alright. So that means we’re walking transmitters so there’s no point in tactics and might as well enter a building filled with terrorists. Should we ring the doorbell first?”

“And that’s why we need your power. If you don’t want to be full of holes like a beehive, use your right hand and be a shield.”


“Ahahah. No need to be so nervous. It’s just an alchemist’s magic. Your right hand managed to block the Saint George’s Dragon Breath. It should be able to handle it. And, it’s useless to rely on me. I sent Innocentius to protect that child and right now I can only use a flame sword.”


Kamijou watched the exit; the automatic doors were not abnormal.

Incidentally, Kamijou did not want to enter. It was to be expected. What person would want to invade a booby-trapped battlefield housing an expectant enemy? What was more, it was the central stronghold for a fanatical religion that none knew the truth about.

However, because of these things, they had to enter. If men trembled before the sight of such a place, how could they allow a girl to remain inside simply because she is called “Deep Blood”?

“Let’s go.” The magician Stiyl Magnus said. Without another word, Kamijou approached the automatic doors.

Upon entering through the class doors, they found the scene to be extremely normal. Much of the glass that built the hall brought in extra sunlight. The hall itself was extremely wide and approximately three stories high. Near the elevator, a non-renovated staircase was placed for the sake of emergency exits.

Perhaps as a result of being evening, it was break time for ordinary schools. The length of time should have been as long as an afternoon excursion and there were a modicum of student heading out to purchase dinners.

Kamijou and Stiyl were not attracting any real attention, possibly because the manager had not memorized every student’s appearance. And, even if they were discovered to be outsiders, considering it was an entrance hall, others would have believed they were there to consolidate the administration process.

…Forget about me, does this guy even look like a student?

Kamijou sighed. Though one could call the man a teenager, he was still a priest that reeked of cologne, had hair dyed red, wore earrings and rings and was quite the ridiculous height.

Who he was aside, looking around, they could find nothing amiss. Those around them walked about seemed quite normal.


Thus, the only abnormality was rather obvious.

Of the four elevators, between the two on the right, there was a human-shaped robot lying—or rather placed—there. Its limbs were severely twisted and it was like a pile of scrap metal that reminded one of serious traffic accidents.

In terms of type, it was similar to a suit of Western armor. However, the figure was as exceedingly modernistic as a fighter jet with an intrinsic design and a texture that reflected a silver light, dissimilar from ordinary metal plate. An 80 centimeter long bow was dropped nearby, presumably equipment for the machine.

On the object’s right wrist was the word “Parsifal” that perhaps represented its name. At first glance, one could tell that the robot could not fulfill its original purpose. The supposed limbs were severely twisted while a slick tar-like black oil oozed from the dysfunctional limbs.

The rusty smell in the air caused Kamijou to frown.

What in the world is that?

First of all, where did this robot come from? The security robots and cleaning robots in Academy City look like large metal cylinders. Kamijou had never heard of such humanoid machines in Academy City that simultaneously lacked mobility.

Second of all, why did this thing break down? Though Kamijou knew not how functional the machine was originally, it was akin to the aftermath of a traffic collision. There would have been no need for such force, correct? What had occurred in that cram school’s hall?

And, finally: …Why hasn’t anyone noticed yet?”

The humans there ignored its very existence as if not even worth gossiping over. Rather than a sensation of deliberate ignorance, the machine was like a pebble on the road, unworthy of notice.

It was as if… the damaged robot had snuck into their daily life.

“What? There’s nothing here. Anyways, either we find Himegami or crush Izzard. Hurry up.” Stiyl said with ease.

“Ah… oh.” Kamijou at last managed to tear his gaze from the machine because none beside him paid it any notice, giving him the impression he witnessed a phantom.

But… it was not a phantom. It truly existed before Kamijou’s gaze.

“What? Are you interested by that thing? Oh well, that’s true, it might be something rare for you.” Stiyl had seemed to finally notice Kamijou’s interest in the machine.

“We-Well yeah… eh. Hold on. Robots are something from the science side, right?” As Kamijou spoke, Stiyl proceeded to frown. “What are you talking about? That’s just a corpse.”

It was an indisputably shocking reply.

“What…?” Kamijou could not comprehend.

“A caster’s incantations and a Heavenly Bow duplicate. This here should be one of the 13 Knights of the Roman Catholic Church. They’re probably here to execute the heretic but it looks like they were crushed. Really. Knights were an English specialty and these guys that just love to copy ended up like this.” Stiyl shook the cigarette in his mouth. “…Tch. Speaking of which, that man in formalin is too sneaky. There was already another church helping out and he still made us enter separately. Was he deliberately trying to make us fail…? It’s true that the ones here to settle this mess are elites of the church and it’d be good if he could get even one of them killed…”

Stiyl continued to mutter angrily. Kamijou, however, unaware of the circumstances, ignored it.

Kamijou chose to clearly stare at the something lying on the floor. The limbs were twisted, it was a pile of scrap metal like the wreckage of a collision, the silvery metal body was crushed and reddish-black oil oozed out. The remains of a machine.


What if it were not reddish-black oil but something less black and more red?


What if they were not machinery but a human clad in armor?

“Why are you so surprised?” Stiyl said, as if it were a pedestrian sight. “This is a battlefield. What’s so strange about seeing a corpse or two on the way?”

“…” Kamijou was speechless. He already knew. He should have known. It was a field of combat where humans killed humans. The enemy had already prepared traps for intruders like Kamijou and simply waited for them to enter. Even then, Kamijou and Stiyl had no intentions of negotiation with the vicious enemy.

Yes, they should have known. Even so, Kamijou could not overlook it.

“Damn it!”

Kamijou dashed toward the corpse. He did not know what he could have done, possibly bandage a few places, the amateur Kamijou knew not even the correct emergency procedurals. Not only was the armor severely damaged to the point of questionable life signs, Kamijou could not think of a way to extricate a person out of the twisted armor. Even so, without clear proof, the human being inside the metal may have been alive. If that were the case, it was possible to save the person if he acted quickly.

Kamijou spent a mere ten seconds to run from one end of the hall to the other. Because the fatality’s face was completely encased by the helmet, Kamijou could not see the expression. He could only hear slight air flow through the gap in the block of metal that was a helmet.

He’s still breathing!

As Kamijou felt relieved, he realized that he could not move the body carelessly and considered calling for an ambulance until he heard the sound of metal doors sliding apart.

A number of like-aged teenagers exited the elevator and failed to notice the flayed body. It was as if they saw a normal scene, just continuing to walk as they discussed trivialities like “the food in that restaurant is so expensive and so bad I got sick of it, how about we get something to eat from a convenience store.”

“You guys—!” They should be saving the injured. Kamijou understood this fact and was unable to maintain his silence. He inadvertently attempted to grab the shoulder of a nearby student. “—WHAT ARE YOU DOING? HURRY UP AND CALL AN AMBUL—“

However, Kamijou stopped.

Kamijou’s hand was forcefully dragged forward.


Dragged was inadequate. The force he felt was like attempting to grab the driver’s side door of a moving truck. The magnitude of the propulsion was completely different.


His arm was nearly dislocated. The true shock was that the student had not acted at all. Kamijou’s hand on that shoulder felt like a balloon tied to a car. What was more, the person seemed completely ignorant Kamijou’s roar let alone his hand.

Before them, Kamijou was like the twisted suit of armor.

“…What’s going on?” Kamijou recalled the sensation his hand experienced. While he expected the texture of soft fabric clothing, his hand felt like it passed through extremely hard glue. Forget the student’s shoulder, Kamijou could not reach the clothing.

“It’s a boundary like the two sides of a coin. The students are on the ‘front of the coin’ and can’t detect those of us on the ‘back of the coin.’ We, the intruders on the back, can’t interfere with the people on the ‘front’ who are ignorant. Look.” Stiyl spoke like he was chanting and raised a finger to point at a girl walking out of the elevator.

Kamijou’s eyes followed the girl’s back. She stepped into the blood but her shoes were not stained and left no bloody footprints. The pool of blood acted like one large sheet of hardened plastic.

“Hm.” Stiyl carelessly pinched the chewed cigarette in his mouth and pressed the burning red tip to the plastic elevator button. Despite his action, the plastic button was not burnt, let alone melted. “I see. So, the entire building is a part of the ‘front’? I guess that’s right since this is suitable as a fortress against magic. Kamijou Touma, it would seem that with our power alone we may be unable to open a single door, even automatic ones. We’re stuck.”

“...” A boundary. If it were a supernatural power, even if a term alien to Kamijou, a resident of the science side, was this not an opportunity for Kamijou Touma to rise?

Kamijou clenched his fists tightly. Imagine Breaker. If a supernatural power came in contact with that right hand, it would have been negated, even a miracle of God. It was a unique power among unique powers.

Kamijou clenched his fist and raised it high into the air. He then proceeded to slam his fist forcefully against the floor, wanting to smash the boundary into pieces. Yes, he hammered it down but there was only a dull noise.


“What are you doing?” Seeing Kamijou roll about on the floor, Stiyl, overwhelmed, sighed. “This’s probably like my Innocentius. If we don’t destroy the core of the magic, we can’t break this boundary. And, most likely… the core is placed outside the boundary or the people inside would be locked in. Hmm. We’ve got some trouble now.”

Kamijou seemed truly unaware of what to do. “…Damn it. So, what should we do? We’ve got an injured person here and we can’t call a doctor or take him outside…”

“We don’t have to do anything. He’s dead.”


“Yeah. He’s definitely alive if we go by heartbeat. But, his fractured ribs punctured his lungs, his liver’s crushed, his pulse is faint… he can’t be saved in this situation. His name might as well be ‘corpse.’” It was unknown whether Stiyl determined the facts through rune magic, but his words were as cold-hearted as a doctor declaring that a patient acquired a terminal illness.


“What’s with the expression? You knew from the start, right? Even if he’s breathing, he can’t be saved.”

Suddenly, Kamijou lifted Stiyl up at his chest with both of his hands. He could not comprehend. Kamijou could not comprehend. How could the person before him remain so calm? How could he say such words in front of a dying person?


Stiyl calmly pushed Kamijou aside. “We don’t have much time. I’ll let you cast, what you think is pity, on the dead. It’s a priest’s job to send the dead to heaven. You, amateur, step aside.”

Kamijou, releasing his hands, finally noticed. Stiyl, whose back then faced Kamijou, stared at the knight who was borderline from death. Stiyl was…

He’s… angry…?

It was difficult to imagine, given his typical mockery, but Kamijou was not mistaken. At that moment, Stiyl Magnus was not a magician while his back seemed to emanate static electricity, seemingly deflecting everything that came in contact. Yes. This was the back of Stiyl Magnus, the priest.

Stiyl did not enact some obscure, special ritual.

“…” He spoke unintelligible, at least to Kamijou, foreign words. The words came from the priest, not the magician. Kamijou did not know the significance of the action but the formerly immobile knight trembled and raised his right hand, stretching it out at Stiyl as if to catch something in the air.

“… …” The Knight spoke as well.

Stiyl nodded his head, Kamijou was as unknowing as always, and the knight’s body seemed to relax, losing tension. It was like he had handed over what he had wanted to… with no worries left, he relaxed with relief.

The knight’s hand dropped.

The metallic right hand landed on the floor, resounding like a knell.

“…” Still in his priestly persona, Stiyl Magnus drew the cross before his chest. At the point of death, there was no difference between an Anglican and a Roman Catholic. The last rites were still the last rights.

It was then that Kamijou finally realized.

It was a true battlefield.

“Let’s go!”

He spoke once more as a magician rather than a priest. “It would seem we have one more reason to fight.”

Part 4

He was feeling terrible.

Their initial goal was to seek the gaps in the building, the secret rooms. The nearest secret room was on the fifth floor of the South Block building so they began to climb stairs.

Why do I feel like shit? Kamijou wondered as he climbed the narrow emergency staircase. Initially, he believed it was because of the knight and then because the staircase was narrow and dark.

However, there was a physical reason additional to the psychological.

“My legs…” Kamijou looked down at his legs that were showing unnatural fatigue.

The “front” and “back” of the coin meant that magicians who knew of the “back” could not interfere with the citizens of the “front”. These were the rules of the game that Stiyl had outlined.

But, the entire building was a part of the “front”. The result of this part of the game meant that stepping on the floor would recoil against the foot. To analogize, it was the difference between punching flesh and punching concrete. As they walked on a “ridiculously hard floor”, the fatigue accumulated 2-3 times faster.

“We… can only… pray… that the… enemy is in… the same situation…” Stiyl seemed irate that they were fatigued so quickly. Though his build was rather large, it seemed that he had not done much physical training and was unaccustomed to strenuous physical activity.

“Che… if I had known, we should have taken the elevator.”

“We’re on the ‘back of the coin’, how can we press a button on the ‘front of the coin?’ If you can do it, teach me.”


“Even if we did enter the lift, if students on the front used it, we’d be crushed if a lot of them walked in.”

The individuals on the “back” could not interfere with those on the “front”.

For example, if a car from the “back” collided into a person from the “front”, the car would have been wrecked while the human would escape unscathed.

If the lift were crammed with people, they would be like raw eggs in a fully occupied train: crushed. …Ugh, this is just getting more and more depressing.

Kamijou lowered his head dejectedly. He was already tired and with the dark and murky thoughts swimming in his mind, he began to want to give up.

Think happy thoughts. Hurry up and think of something happy… Kamijou’s heart was in urgent need of rest.

“Oh yeah, where’re phones?”


“You discussed the ‘fronts’ and ‘backs’ of the coin right? Will phones work?” Kamijou asked as he took out his phone. He said the words himself and realized they were excuses. Because too many abnormal things occurred around him, he had to do something “normal” or he felt he may have gone crazy.

As for whom to call, Kamijou needed not a moment to consider: his room. Meaning, he would call the girl who was waiting in his room. As he was about to call, he considered something. “…Wait. Wouldn’t the enemy detect the signal and attack us?”

“Who knows? But, our existence might already be discovered. We did enter from the front door.”

“Then why weren’t we attacked?”

“God knows. Maybe it’s because they’re so overconfident or maybe because they intend to destroy us in one go. That alchemist is that kind of person. Right now, he’s probably preparing all sorts of ways to counterattack.”

“…” Really? Why in the world does your God exist? However, since their whereabouts were likely exposed, there was no need to dilly dally. Kamijou decided to brazenly make the call.

Three rings.

So it won’t work…?

Six rings.

…Looks like I’ll have to give up.

Nine rings.

HURRY UP AND PICK UP! Despite his impatience, Kamijou did not want to hang up. During his wait, he had another thought. What if this doesn’t have to do with the coin stuff? What if Index doesn’t want to pick up? Or… what if it isn’t that she won’t but she can’t?

Don’t tell me… Something happened to Index?


As a mysterious chill rose up in Kamijou’s stomach, he was met with a voice, Index’s extremely nervous voice to be exact. “Erm. Hello! This is Index Libror—excuse me, I’m sorry. This is Kamijou speaking. Hello? Hello?”

“Oi. Tell me…” Kamijou lethargically asked as if he had just trialed the wrong method of dieting. “…is this is first time you’ve answered a phone call?”

“Uweeh!? Th-This voice is Touma’s. Eh? Do all voices sound the same in phones?”

He then heard the sound of knocking. It was likely a puzzled Index with a tilted head, knocking the receiver against the floor.


“…That’s weird. The only person who’d say such stupid things is Touma.”

OI!!! Kamijou retorted silently.

It was expected considering it was her first time responding to a phone call (though it seemed she had seen others answer before, judging from her initial “hello”). Apparently she paced frantically in front of the phone but as it continued to ring she was forced to answer.

The “magic” expert who commanded the knowledge of 103,000 grimoires apparently understood nothing of science, a fact that amused Kamijou. However, Kamijou remembered something from his knowledge base that said that Index lacked most of her memories save but a year’s worth.

Considering that such a comical deficiency was caused by memory loss was actually quite heartbreaking.

“Niyai? Touma? Why did you deliberately use such a troublesome, exaggerated, excessive and unfriendly thing like a phone? Did something serious happen?”

“Ah… nothing…”

It seemed to Index telephones were an abnormal existence. “Ah. Is it because one of the two lasagnas in the refrigerator was for Touma!?”

“You ate it? …Oh well—“

“Ah!” Before Kamijou could continued, Index exclaimed. “Ah! There was pudding in the refrigerator…!”


“But there was only one!”

“CAN’T YOU THINK ABOUT THE MASTER OF THE HOUSEHOLD!? IT WAS BLACK HONEY PUDDING! ONE OF THEM COSTS 700 YEN!!!” Kamijou grieved. “…Ugh… O-Oh well. Never mind. I went off on a tangent. Since the call connected, never mind.”

“…? Touma were you looking for me or something?”

“Argh. I’m just testing if I can reach you. I’m hanging up.”


Right about now, Index is probably tilting her head in confusion, right? Kamijou thought and continued. “Ah. Oh yeah. Did you know, Index? For every minute you use a phone, your lifespan is shorted by a day?”

WAAHHH! The phone line cut off. It seemed the receiver was dropped onto the floor.

“…Such a simple-minded person.” He spoke to himself, having taken his pudding-induced revenge, and hung up the phone.

“…” However, it seemed the magician wished to say something.


“Nothing.” Stiyl sighed. “It’s just that I think you’re too relaxed. This’s a battlefield and yet you’re nonchalantly chatting away with a girl. I don’t really care if you die because of carelessness. In fact, I’d be dancing in joy, but, please don’t drag me down.”

“Are you jealous?”

“Ku… Ugh…” Stiyl silently seemed like he would burst 60% of his blood vessels. Kamijou began to understand how to handle the person before him.

“…Yeah, that’s right.” Stiyl’s words induced surprising shock for Kamijou, though he knew not why he was so affected. “…Don’t be mistaken. I’m not considering that child a target of romance.”

Without looking at Kamijou’s face, Stiyl continued. “You should know that up until now, the child had her memories erased in one year intervals or die. Then, you can understand how many people were once in your position.”


“Many have wanted to be her father, some, her older brother, others her good friend, and some even her teacher.” Stiyl elaborated. “It’s like that, just that simple. I failed in the past and you succeeded. This’s the only difference between you and me.”

Stiyl stared at Kamijou’s face and looked like he was facing an impossible future. “However, I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t care.” He said with a sigh. “Besides, she didn’t really abandon me, just forgot. If she recovered her memories, she’d coming running at me to hug me.”

Kamijou had no response. If there was a person, a really important person, that lost her memory… and unknowingly, someone just stepped in and accompanied her, how would I feel? Could I remain calm? Kamijou mused to himself. No, this isn’t just a problem of someone else being beside her.

Would he not have felt betrayed by this important girl? However, the man before him still believed in himself, still following through with his belief.

So strong.

Kamijou looked back at his phone and considered the meaningless five minute conversation. A person had actually given up everything he had in order to protect the person important to him, knowing there was no going back.

Such were people’s hearts. These hearts were crushed under the current Kamijou’s feet. What right did he of the moment have to keep the girl for himself?

…I don’t know.

If it were her only wish to maintain the status quo, Kamijou would have protected it until the end. However, Index had “merely forgotten.” How could a girl who was unaware of the other possibilities be expected to make a decision?

I don’t know. But, if Kamijou Touma really saved Index…

Yes, if it were the case, he had to take up the burden of protecting her. It was like enthusiastically giving a cat food but not taking it home, despite knowing it would die of hunger. Instead of giving the cat the hope that “this person might keep me,” it would have been better to give it despair from the beginning.


The one who saved her wasn’t the current “me”.

His thoughts came full circle.

Who Index needs is the Kamijou Touma of before.

Part 5

After climbing to the fifth floor, Kamijou and Stiyl arrived at a corridor.

Stiyl had completely memorized the diagram of Misawa Cram School, which was why they had gone to that floor. Using the parameters of the diagram and actual measurements taken through infrared and ultrasonic means, he had derived error spaces.

Halfway through the middle of the straight corridor, Stiyl lightly knocked on a normal-looking wall.

“…Even if we’re right here, if we can’t open it, we have to give up, right?”


Even if it were a normal room rather than “secret”, for Kamijou and Stiyl, as residents as the back, could not open the door. If they wanted to enter, they could slip in once a student of the front opened the door. However, if a secret room, students may not go in and out.

“But it’s best to check out the situation. No matter how strong the boundary is, the caster is Aureolus. We can just force him to remove the boundary by threatening—or killing—him.”

“…” Kamijou inadvertently stared at the other. It was a “battlefield,” and Aureolus was the “enemy” to defeat. Kamijou understood this. Considering the imprisoned Himegami Aisa and the knight killed by Aureolus, one could imagine the precariousness of the situation.

However, even so, Kamijou could not say something like kill Aureolus because his actions taken on the knight was also self defense.

He had said “kill him” instead of “beat” or “stop”, there was no ambiguity.

They headed down the wall nearest to the secret room and they arrived at the student cafeteria. It seemed they were mixing the people into the wide room to dilute the secret room’s existence. It applied an allusion and there were no doors for secret room visible from the cafeteria entrance.

To prevent themselves from being caught in the crowded entrance, Kamijou and Stiyl entered the cafeteria.

The individuals on the back could not interfere with the people on the front. Boys fought for the few available seats and the girls carried trays of food and chatted away as they walked. People rushed about like bulls. Unlike a corridor, the movements in the wide cafeteria were unpredictable. Kamijou and Stiyl were carefully avoiding the crowd.

Since it was evening, many students were in the cafeteria. It was actually quite the refreshing experience for Kamijou to have others ignore his presence, a feeling unknown when moving in traffic jams. Those experienced in such matters would realize that surrounding people consciously avoid one another to prevent collision.

The secret room contained a counter and behind it a small kitchen. The large freezer and utensils made the kitchen feel even more cramped, causing others to be ignorant of the space’s actual size.

“…Hm. It’s my first time actually seeing a science religion but it doesn’t look like much. It thought they’d at least put up the picture of some bishop.”

“…It’s true it doesn’t look that dangerous.” Kamijou looked around.

In the realm of science, there were indicators of a religion’s fanaticism. For example, there include the level of acquiring funds from believers, the expansion level of indoctrinating new believers, the absolutism level where believers accept all orders even at risk of self-destruction, the dangerous item level where poisonous gases or explosives are produced, and so on. Religions that scored higher were deemed as decidedly more dangerous.

From a scientific viewpoint, Misawa Cram was unlike truly dangerous religions. As members were students, acquiring significant funds was unlikely and as a cram school, creating chemical weapons was not a feasible idea.

“…No. This really is a dangerous science cult.” Kamijou said disdainfully.

Though the students were gathered in a cafeteria, the atmosphere was as heavy as an elevator.

It’s to be expected, Kamijou thought. Everyone here might be talking happily but the conversations aren’t. They had little else to discuss aside from things that belittled others like “how many I beat the last practice exam,” “how many points my score went up,” or “I don’t understand how there’re trash who won’t study” for the sakes of self-gratification.

Kamijou examined an extremely ordinary cram school poster on the cafeteria wall. On it were two extreme sentences, “If you study hard now, you’ll get into a great school and assure yourself a great future.” and “If you don’t study now, you’ll end up at the bottom and meet misfortune.”

This is just like chain mail. He thought. Chain mails were prank mails that promised good fortune or unhappiness with things like “If you send this mail to 7 persons within 7 days you’ll be happy forever. If you don’t you’ll be unlucky.” Such threatening intents were no different from radical religions.

“Hmph. This school’s motto is something like ‘extremely smart shall be those that study here,’ right? Well. These teachers must be brainwashing the kids with things like ‘this is something that’ll definitely be tested. I’m telling you, those that didn’t study here over the summer are inferior’, huh?”

“How infuriating.” Kamijou muttered with true disgust. He was unhappy that he could actually somewhat empathize for them. Exams tend to be involved in superstitions. Regardless of their sedulousness, students tended to attempt unscientific foods that increased concentration or would even bring to the exam hall talismans for becoming the top scorer.

It was a deficiency called insecurity. The religion of Misawa Cram exploited this gap and stabbed into it with a knife.

“Hm. Seems like you’ve been interested by the fanatical gas, eh? But, don’t forget our aim. We need to find the secret entrance.”

“Oh. Okay, okay! I got it!” Kamijou took a deep, calming breath and turned to examine the entire cafeteria.

Immediately, approximately 80 students turned to stare at him. Initially, Kamijou was under the impression that his loudly speaking resulted in attracting their attention.

“Well. This doesn’t look good… Is this the first safety?”

Despite Stiyl’s voiced seriousness, Kamijou could not react. “Ah? Eh?”

“Don’t you understand the situation? The people on the front shouldn’t be able to see those on the back. I see… so there’s an alarm like this around the secret room?”

“…” Kamijou peered around.

Close to 80 students were without question staring at them. Their individual humanness had disappeared and was replaced with a blank, glass-like stare.

“Do-Don’t tell me—“ It was true. The students were residents of the back of the coin. “—a magician!”

As Kamijou shouted out without meaning, Stiyl had abandoned Kamijou and back away.

“The wings of the seraph shines brightly and the bright light is a pure white color that reveals all sins…” One of the students near the front began to mutter ambiguities.

“The pure white color is proof of purity, the mark is the result of one’s actions…” An additional voice overlapped with the first.

“The result is the future, the future is time is uniform…” A second, third, fourth, fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen…

“Uniformity is all, all is created by the past, the past is the cause, cause is one. One is sin, sin are humans. Humans fear, fear is guilt. Guilt resides within oneself. If in oneself there is something one despises, the wings of the seraph shall reveal your sins and purge it from within!”

An 80-person chorus, or perhaps a pugilistic verbal maelstrom created by the thousands within the building, echoed unceasingly.

Hovering in front of each student’s forehead was a ping-pong ball sized blue-white glow. Perhaps the orbs were beginning to gather as they floated and even stuck to the floor below Kamijou, coming from the lower floor.

And then, like explosives or the sizzling of a strong acid, the orbs emitted smoke. Touching even one would have caused burns.

“Oi! Strongest shield Imagine Breaker! It’s time for you to step up!”

“What? Oi!” Peering back, the uncountable orbs were closing in, blocking Kamijou’s line of vision. “Uwah! With so many… HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BLOCK THEM ALL?!”

With a mad dash to the exit, Kamijou chased Stiyl’s back and overtook him. Stiyl, who had thought Kamijou would act as a shield, felt some panic and escaped behind Kamijou out of the cafeteria.

“Wh-Why are you running away?! You’re the shield! Your right hand blocked Dragon Breath! Instead of using your right hand you’re running away with your back exposed!? Are you crazy!?”


To analogize, it was like fighting something with four limbs. Even if one flawlessly guarded against two limbs, the other two could still strike. An individual’s power was unlikely to make that of a group’s.

With a boom, a large number of the orbs filed out of the entrance and flooded out the floodgates that were the cafeteria entrance. Kamijou and Stiyl could only run down the corridor.

“Tch. Speaking of which… this might be a replica, but to be able to replicate the Gregorian Chant means I underestimated Aureolus Izzard.

“What’s this Grego whatever?”

“Once, it was the ultimate weapon… A grand spell that required 3,333 praying monks gathered in a cathedral. It was like running sunlight through a magnifying glass to increase output.” Stiyl grit his teeth. “Though this’s a replica with only 2,000 students, as the saying goes in this country, ‘pile up sand and you can build a tower.’ Its power can’t be underestimated.”

Kamijou was stunned. Though his understanding was limited, did it not mean they were not facing 2,000 opponents? It was a battlefield and he was in the midst of an enemy camp, this much he could understand, but the concept of fighting 2,000 individuals was despairing.

“Then there’s no way we can beat this head on! Even if this place is huge, we’ll still get caught playing hide-and-seek with 2,000 people!”

“Not quite,” Stiyl said, still facing forward. “The emphasis is in the core. The Gregorian Chant requires the simultaneous controlling of 2,000 people or it fails. If we can find the core of the 2,000 people and destroy it, we’ll end the Gregorian Chant.

The two of them ran down the long corridor and finally arrived near the staircase. At the same moment, they noticed a large number of blue-white orbs deluging in. They were pincered.

“The stairs! Move it!” Kamijou and Stiyl frantically ducked under the stairs beside them. Kamijou intended to inquire whether they should go up and down the stairs, but he realized something was amiss.

“You… You’ve been looking so calm for a while. Do you have some secret plan?” It was true. For someone who had barely escaped the jaws of death, Stiyl seemed much too calm.

“Hm. I do have a plan. I’ve just been wondering whether I should use it.”


With an “oh”, Stiyl happily looked at Kamijou’s face. In face of the abnormal smile, Kamijou inadvertently held his breath and became more alert.

Don. Stiyl pushed Kamijou down the stairs.

“What…” Before he could even react, he had lost his balance and had tumbled down the stairs. The numerous stabs of pain surrounded him and it was impossible to even cry out, for if he did, he would have likely bit his tongue.

“Bad luck, scarecrow.” Stiyl’s joyful voice was audible from above. Dazed, Kamijou could see him running away in the opposite direction, upstairs. Then, the flood approached and split both ways, and rushed at Kamijou like flowing water.

“That bastard!”

Kamijou dragged his pained body and ran downwards. Stiyl’s words passed through his thoughts. They were in Aureolus’ stronghold, a place filled with mana. Like an entirely red picture, if any blue (in this case Stiyl’s) paint was added, the enemy would soon realize something was amiss. On the other hand, if Stiyl avoided using magic, he would go unnoticed.

However, it was different for Kamijou. His Imagine Breaker endlessly erased the red color. Stiyl had the option to use or not to use, but Kamijou was like a perpetual transmitter.

All in all, Kamijou was brought there to be a convenient decoy to abandon. He had thought Stiyl’s lack of planning was irrational but in truth this reasoning lied at the heart.

…Damn it! Eh. Hold on, something’s not right. Kamijou’s heart rang an alarm but he knew not why. As the current Kamijou could think of no reason, it must have been the pre-amnesia Kamijou warning him.

As his thoughts raced, a fresh set of footsteps interrupted him, coming from below… and blocking his escape route.


The deluging orbs continued to converge onto Kamijou, but he could not possibly stop. So, instead he dashed and peered downstairs. There was a girl, one whom he had never met and whose uniform was unfamiliar, awaiting Kamijou. She was perhaps a candidate, one or two years older than Kamijou, with black braids and rounded spectacles. In all honestly it did not seem that she could fight, let alone use magic.

“The flames punish sin; purgatory governs the flames. Purgatory was created to burn sinners, the only violence God recognizes.”

What came out of her cute lips caused Kamijou unhappiness. Each time she spoke, the blue-white orb in front of her grew in size. It seemed the front and back of the coin had flipped. The girl should have been a student on the front but became a magician on the back. This was perhaps true for every Misawa Cram student. Though in truth, Kamijou could have easily knocked the girl down.

I can win this…!

Kamijou clenched his right fist, and, though he could not definitively defeat 2,000 individuals, one or two of the orbs were no threat. Kamijou clenched his fist tighter as if to confirm the existence of Imagine Breaker.

Then, with a “crack!” the girl’s face exploded as if fire crackers were planted beneath her skin.


Simultaneous to Kamijou’s shock, the girl’s fingers, nose, under the cloths… released miniature explosions, one after the other. The explosions were small enough that they only burned holes a few centimeters wide on her skin.

“Violence… is the affirmation of death. Affirmation is… recognition. Re… cog… ni…” Each time the girl spoke a single word, her body cracked further. Her lips eventually began to crack as well and blood flowed out of her mouth, showing her innards were severely damaged. Despite the damage, she continued to speak. In reality, it was more like she could not talk. She seemed like a frog being controlled by a machine, her leg muscles twitched against her will from the continuous electrocution.

Don’t tell me…

Anxiety rose up in Kamijou’s stomach and his knowledge was informing him, though he knew not where the ridiculous information came from.

Espers can’t use magic. Though espers and magicians were similar in their abilities to utilize supernatural powers, the applications were different. The “circuits” in espers were different from those of ordinary humans; even if they attempted to imitate a magician, they would be unsuccessful.

That in mind, they were in Academy City. All students there had undertaken some esper development curriculum. With this assumption, what would have happened if espers unable to use magic… did?

“Stop… it…” Kamijou muttered, forgetting his personal situation.

The circuitry was incompatible, his brain told him this. Though Kamijou himself knew little magic basis, the feeling may have been like a generator meant to run on batteries being run through an alternating current. Though the current might flow and the circuit might work, such an unreasonable method would burn out the circuit.

“STOP IT! YOU CAN TELL YOUR OWN BODY IS IN TROUBLE!!” He had forgotten to even clench his fist. At that moment, though it felt like there was a gun pointed at his head, he dashed down the stairs without a thought.

“…tion. Re… st… with… in. Within… refers… to… the world. Connect your inner… self with the outside… world.” The girl suddenly let out a deep sound and went silent.

The bridge between her eyebrows exploded and the blue-white orb she casted disappeared, leaving behind a fresh red wound. Her last sound seemed to betray the fatality of the wound while the girl swayed about and tumbled forward on the stairs.

Kamijou’s mind was informing him… A human body is heavy. Even a girl of petite size can be truly heavy if carried around like luggage. If you’re burdened with several extra kilograms, evading the flood of orbs will be impossible.

Kamijou’s mind was informing him… This girl’s even an enemy. There will be no merits to saving her, you might even be attacked. If you consider life as the largest priority, leave this enemy behind and escape.

Kamijou’s mind was informing him… Most importantly, a severely wounded casualty like her can’t possibly be saved. Not only are her wounds obviously fatal, she’s been poisoned by a religious science.

“…” Hearing the voices in his mind caused Kamijou to gnash his teeth. “STOP MESSING AROUND!”

Kamijou still decided to rush down the stairs and reached his hand out to save the girl that was ready to collapse. It was true that the girl was heavy and it was also true that it was already difficult for him to make an escape and it was again true that with extra luggage, he could not possibly outrun the tidal wave of orbs. The girl was an enemy, a physically and emotionally wounded one at that, and Kamijou understood it.

Even so, there was no reason to abandon a wounded girl and let her be devoured by the coming deluge of orbs. Even if he searched the entire world, he would never find a reason to justify such an action.

Most likely, the girl had not intended for it to happen. She believed she was just joining an ordinary cram school but upon enrollment was soon manipulated by the science religion. Unknowingly, she became a pawn.

Kamijou remember the knight who had died in front of the lift. Most people could not have possibly left the injured there alone, even if an enemy.

“Guu… Damn it!”

Don! The girl collapsed onto Kamijou’s chest and she seemed even lighter than expected, even if this were only true from the perspective of people. As luggage, she could have been considered extremely heavy and, as this happened halfway down the stairs, Kamijou almost fell down as he attempted to maintain his balance.

Carrying the bloodied girl, Kamijou intended to continue his run down the stairs and he checked behind himself.


The flood had already appeared before him.

Kamijou began to frantically swat at orbs with his right hand while he rushed down the final steps with the girl cradled in his left arm. An unconscious person was quite a bit heavier than he had expected, as if he were swimming with a metal ball weighing him down.

He wanted to jump, but his body was grounded by the extra weight. That slight lag allowed the thousands of balls to form a swirling vortex around him.


Kamijou reflexively shut his eyes and began to think. With the girl under his protection in mind, he could block a few orbs with his body, but it was impossible with thousands chasing them. Kamijou’s body would be eaten away by the balls like metal in acid… devoured by uncountable worms…


Nothing had happened. For some time, nothing happened. There was a strange sensation of stopped time and Kamijou did not dare open his eyes recklessly. He was in some fantasy world that would have broken if he opened his eyes and time would flow again. Regardless, it was imperative he did open his eyes.

With a fearful sensation, like for someone disarming a bomb, Kamijou carefully opened his eyes.


He could see, but he could not understand. It was like time stopped. The phenomenon he was witnessing could only have been explained by time stopping. The vortex of orbs that was about to swallow him had stopped as if it were a still image.

After a moment, the seemingly impatient orbs began to move. However, instead of swallowing Kamijou whole, they slowly deliberately dropped to the ground like apples from a tree. Upon ground contact, they submerged.

Then, a new set of footsteps was heard. Kamijou did not understand. Even so, he sought the footsteps that he heard coming from below and stared down. The stairs were linked to the entrance of a corridor where the shining sunset gleamed into the dark emergency staircase.

From there, Deep Blood Himegami Aisa observed upward, as if in the bottom of a well.

Part 6

Stiyl watched as an expended flaming sword vanished. Card runes scattered into the air like sakura petals. There was an ordinary corridor a floor above Kamijou’s location, where Stiyl knew the core of the Gregorian Chant was.

He was a magician. To him, the detection of mana flow was a specialty and such a feat was simple. Though the energy harnessed by each individual student was miniscule, the power to control 2,000 people from a single point made the core’s location obvious.

“…I see. So this is considered hidden, huh?” muttered Stiyl with a cigarette in his mouth.

Hiding oneself on the front of the coin was an absolute defense against those on the back. The individuals on the back could do nothing to the front, even if it were just the removal of a Christmas wrapper. By putting the core inside of an ordinary wall, it was perfectly defended. Even if an enemy magician were to find the location, if it were impenetrable, the core was safe.

“First I have to wrap the core in the wall itself.” Stiyl uninterestedly puffed smoke while he created formless flames. If there were slight distortions in walls or windows that created gaps of barely one millimeter, he could force flames in with the intense 3000 Celsius heat.

The knowledge contained on the front was unsuited for the back. If Aureolus desired a perfect defense, his best option was to place the core into a plastic bag and tie it.

At any rate, without seeing the core, Stiyl destroyed it and it seemed he managed to end the Gregorian Chant.

“…Speaking of which…” Stiyl shook his cigarette. “Looking at this bloody trail, it seems like even the alchemist has fallen so far since we met. A real bloody road should be made with one’s own blood, right?”

An esper and magician’s physical makeup were different. If espers even attempted magic, the unstable mana would rip apart the blood vessels and nerves in the body. In fact, there were numerous collapsed students on the corridor, even the area around his very feet. Some were still trembling while others were immobile. Searching the rooms would likely have resulted in hellish sights ten times worse than what he saw. On top of the sights, an unknown, thick smell of rust floated about.

Even Stiyl was amazed at his own bitterness; perhaps he still harbored some human feelings.

That guy really seems to believe in me. Recalling that esper boy, Stiyl seemed unable to bear it any longer.

Then, he heard the clear sound of footsteps approaching him from another direction. The steps were confident, had an unsuppressed volume, and seemed to fully express their killing intent, prepared to deliver the killing blow.

If an illustration were needed, it was like daring to knock on an enemy’s door while fully intending to attack. Absolute confidence. It was a declaration of war with the firm belief of success, a preemptive declaration of victory.

The owner of the footsteps spoke. “Naturally, by using the pseudo-Gregorian Chant, I knew I could lure you to the core, no matter where you were hiding.” The footsteps prolonging, he continued. “Certainly, there should be two intruders… where’s the other one? Was that familiar of your swallowed by the Gregorian Chant?”

“I’d be really happy if that happened.” Stiyl said. “But, that guy’s life’ll be longer than you’d think. Also, he’s not something cute like a familiar.” Stiyl chucked and turned to face the owner of the footsteps, his eyes no longer smiling by the end of the turn.

The footsteps came from a pair of Italian leather shoes. The long legs and two meter tall build were wrapped in an expensive, white western suit. His name was Aureolus, and 18 year old male. He had dyed green hair to signify his control of one of the five elements, earth, while the slicked hairstyle made the Caucasian male all the more unique.

If others were dressed so ridiculously, perhaps they would have been ridiculed. But, for the middle-aged-looking man, his cloths were appropriate.

“What now? What do you intend to do by luring me here when you aren’t a fighter? You should know that you alone can’t stop me. Or rather, how many magic tools do you have on you, you antique salesman?”


The words seemed taboo for Aureolus. For alchemists to step up and fight on the frontlines, it was imperative that they equip themselves with weapons and spiritual tools. Aureolus would have had to use tens, even hundreds, of magic tools to simply be on par with Stiyl.

“Idiot. Can’t you tell that I don’t have any on me?”

“I guess so. But, this entire building itself is like a sacred city, one large magic tool. Even if you don’t use any tools to protect yourself, the surrounding environment will automatically help you. Hm… The problem is, why did you come out? If you stayed put, the sacred city would have fought for you. And, even if you’re out here, you’re still just relying on the power of the sacred city. Why are you here? Or rather, what can you do here?

“You bastard…!”

Like a snake slithering out of its hole, a cold knife shot out of Aureolus’ right sleeve with a swoosh.

A dart…? Stiyl frowned. Though it seemed like a dart, it was the size of a dagger. As Stiyl began to believe it was throwing weapon…

“Transmute!!” Immediately, the huge dart flew out like a bullet at Stiyl’s eye with a golden chain attached at the end. Stiyl bent his body downwards and the snake-like golden dart flew overhead. A second golden chain flew out of Aureolus’ sleeve, ripped through the air and grazed Stiyl’s face.


With the sound of a fruit being sliced open, the tip of the dart stabbed into the back of a fallen student.

“…” Stiyl wondered what to say. “…?”

BAM! As if piercing a balloon, the student’s body burst into bits and fluids. It was as if someone had used a powerful acid to dissolve the body but… something was strange. It was not an ordinary liquid but a shiny gold… It was pure gold that melted from the intense heat. With a swish, the chain curled and the dart was back into Aureolus’ sleeve.

“Why are you so shocked?” Aureolus again raised his right hand. “I’m an alchemist and, I suppose, you know how I got this name.”

Stiyl was speechless. The representative magic called alchemy, which was theorized to be able to convert lead into pure gold, truly existed. However, if such a project were to be carried out using modern materials, it would have taken seven trillion yen and a total of three years, a spell with quite the hefty price.

However, Aureolus had actually managed to achieve the magic in less than a second. It was impossibly fast, an unsurpassable record.

“Anyone who’s touched by my Instant Alchemy Limen Magna, will be forcefully transmuted into pure gold. It can’t be defended from nor avoided. Now, show me your ace, your Innocentius. I’m truly interested to see whether the shapeless flames can turn into gold.” The golden dagger lunged out of his sleeve like a snake.

“…” But, Stiyl did not speak. He seemed incredulous of the situation and completely rooted to his location.

“Hm. Inevitable. It’s to be expected you would be shocked after seeing my Limen Magna. But, don’t get killed too easily, I’m not satisfied yet. That attitude of your from five seconds ago can’t be compensated even if you died 10,000 times.”

“So, why must you do something so meaningless?” With surprise, Stiyl Magnus muttered like a child who saw a ghost.

“What…?” The alchemist was shocked.

“What’s so surprising about what I’m saying? The point of magic is to experiment, not get results, right? Even if an expert can make a magic drug in five seconds, what’s the difference if the drug’s effects are the same?”

Acting like he had seen something truly idiotic, Stiyl sighed. “It’s the same with what you did. Limen Magna? How stupid. How is this any different from dumping acid on someone?”


“I know you’re trying really hard, but it’s too much of an overkill to use Innocentius for this. Besides, he’s watching a house and I have no need for him here.”


In an attempt to block out the mockery, Aureolus released another Limen Magna from his right sleeve. The dart flew out with the alchemist’s rage and, as the strike was much too quick, formed afterimages of several golden lasers. A barrage of ten in one second, the flesh and blood body of the magician Stiyl could not match the velocities. In the end, six of the ten stabbed through the head and abdomen like a sewing machine.

“And, what’s with this? Haven’t you realized you’re just a magic tool?” The runic cards owned by Stiyl danced about in the air. His upper body was pierced into the shape of a honeycomb and there was even a hole through his head the width of an arm. However, Stiyl Magnus’ extremely bored and unenthusiastic voice still continued.


Extremely stunned, Aureolus continued to fire Limen Magna and Stiyl’s tatter upper body was continually pierced and his formerly unharmed lower body was also gaining holes.

“Using basic materials and Germanic Cross to materialize a soul… it really does like something a Roman Catholic priest would do. But, I’m just looking for the real Aureolus Izzard. Will the fake Aureolus please step aside?” Stiyl said, while his body swayed in the air. He gradually became transparent, seemingly about to disappear at any moment, but he continued to remain standing.

“What are you talking about!? These words defy basic premises! Obviously I created Limen Magna. Where else would this power come from?”

“Of course it came from the real Aureolus Izzard. I believe you’re beginning to realize something wrong, right? Alright, let me ask you a question. Fake Aureolus, why did you start to learn alchemy?”

“…Is there even a need to ask?” Aureolus said, raising Limen Magna. “The only aim of alchemy is to seek truth. I specialize in humans. Seeing how high I can go while maintaining a humane concept is the answer I seek."

For example, by consuming a poisonous plant hallucinogen, it was capable to accelerate the speed of assimilating and reciting incantations, even if it caused physical damage. Another example was the possibility to hibernate for thousands of years by entering the frozen mass of the South Pole.

But, what Aureolus sought was not a breakthrough that sacrificed one’s own humanity, but how high humans could climb while maintaining their form and pride. Such was his goal of Aureolus, the descendant of the so-called famous magician-doctor Paracelsus, as an alchemist, which was also his greatest pride.

“If that’s the case, why do you want a vampire, something said to surpass human understanding?”

The words of the magician crushed his beliefs.


“Hmph. See? You don’t understand. You don’t understand anything. You don’t know what Aureolus Izzard is doing and you don’t know what Aureolus Izzard is thinking of doing. You’re just a fake with basic ideas in your mind that can’t even understand why Aureolus Izzard would go against his fundamental beliefs to do this.”

If he truly knew nothing, how could he have been the true Aureolus Izzard? The magician that should have been physically ravaged spoke with more arrogance than the alchemist

“Also, about that Limen Magna of yours, since magic exists for research, how could Aureolus Izzard be proud to say he completed such a spell? Only a child would be happy to be cured after taking flu medicine, right?”

“Ugh… Ah…” There were too many arguments for Aureolus to counter. However, Aureolus could not prevent from listening because Stiyl’s words were like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, placing themselves in the deficiencies of the alchemist’s heart. He truly could not ignore him.

“I’ll say it as many times as you like. You’re a fake. I’m looking for the real Aureolus Izzard, not you. Though it’d be easy to destroy one or two of your security functions, I’m not too willing since your face is so familiar. Get as from here as you can.”

The fake Aureolus could take no more. It was not an issue of being a fake. The point was that he had spent immeasurable effort to create that one and only spell, how could it have originated from another person?

The fake Aureolus decided to use his full power to crush the enemy before him, raising his blade.

“Also, you should understand this one clearly. How could the real Aureolus Izzard lose so easily?” said a voice from behind the alchemist. In a moment, a warm, oven-like atmosphere brushed past the alchemist’s face. Then, in a formerly empty place, Stiyl Magnus appeared.

A mirage…?! The fake Aureolus began to back away.

The so-called mirage was a phenomenon caused by thermal expansion that caused light to refract. Thus, it was possible for Stiyl to seemingly melt into the air or cause himself to appear somewhere like a movie projection. Such a fake image was what was repeatedly speared by Limen Magna. The true Stiyl had hidden himself in the air and crept behind Aureolus.

Aureolus thoroughly perceived Stiyl’s tactic in but a moment. It was with such mirages that Stiyl avoided Limen Magna. However, the illusions that were speared seemed to cause mental falsehoods for the alchemist and the moments where the illusion and body overlapped were the most precarious.

If Stiyl stopped to think, he would have been filled with holes.

As the false Aureolus dragged his thought back to reality, a sword of flames appeared in Stiyl’s right hand, which swung vertically and hacked his left hand and leg off. The cuts were extremely smooth, like a hot knife slicing butter. The parts sliced by 3000 Celsius flames did not even bleed.

“Uuah… Ah…” What dominated the alchemist’s mind was not the bodily pain.

Also, you should understand this one clearly. How could the real Aureolus Izzard lose so easily? Stiyl’s words echoed in his mind and shook it. It was true, Aureolus Izzard was certainly invincible and overwhelming, never knowing either failure or retreat. He could only have been called a perfect saint.

But… what was his currently sorry state? As of then, was he no different from a frightened cat that used all sorts of gimmicks for protection and trembled before attacks?


The fake Aureolus finally lost all sanity. Despite his lack of an arm and a leg, the fake alchemist still fired Limen Magna. Stiyl, still wary of the golden dart, raised his flaming sword. However, Limen Magna flew off in a completely different direction, stabbing the students gathered on the floor and causing the entire floor to overflow with molten gold.

Then, Aureolus stabbed Limen Magna into the molten gold, perhaps having the ability to manipulate pure gold like how a magnet attracts iron sand, splattering gold all over. Of course, this included the area around Stiyl Magnus, who responded with casual blocking and a flame-sword explosion. Though the numerous droplets of gold were not blockable, the storm repelled them. Stiyl then created a new sword and sliced apart the smoke surrounding him. He saw no signs of the fake Aureolus, who had possibly escaped during the explosion, and hesitated whether to chase after him, but decided otherwise. The five meter corridor before him was covered in high temperature, lava-like molten gold that would result in burns if the distance was not jumped.

It seemed he could only make a detour, but, lucky for him, Misawa Cram School consisted of four buildings and each was linked through an overhead corridor.

There’s nowhere I can’t go if I don’t mind some detours. Stiyl pondered.

Part 7

“It looks bad but the injuries aren’t serious. Treatment will do.” calmly said Deep Blood Himegami Aisa. Kamijou had dragged the Misawa student, the girl with braids, onto the corridor.

“BU-BUT SHE’S COVERED IN BLOOD!” Kamijou placed the girl on the floor and could not help but roar at Deep Blood’s words. The unknown school’s summer uniform was dyed a fresh red and her face, hands and other visible skin were damaged, looking like a layer of plastic was wrapped over them.

“Only her damaged skin caused damage to the capillaries. Had her arteries ruptured, it would have been worse. The blood would have gushed like a fountain.

“How… do you…”

You’re not a doctor. And even if you were, you’d need to thoroughly examine this. How can you make a prognosis just like that? Kamijou thought.

“I’m well informed about blood flow than other people.” Kamijou was stunned and automatically recalled the name of Himegami Aisa’s ability.

“Help me!” Kamijou’s reaction went unnoticed, likely because she began emergency treatment and proceeded to undress the wounded girl in front of the boy.

“Uwah! Hold on…”

“Don’t overreact. It’s disrespectful to the injured.”

Though Kamijou was panicked for whatever reason, considering it, it was wrong to think that it was a girl’s naked body. It was similar to how quickly a doctor would be fired if they were excited because of a patient’s naked body. Himegami then, like a doctor or paramedic, used a handkerchief to stop the bleeding and, since it would not suffice for the bleeding wrists, used Kamijou’s belt to tie her wrists. The ruptured abdominal muscles were then stitched together with the injured girl’s hair and needles from a sewing box.

Kamijou could do little but follow Himegami’s directions and lift the arms higher than her heart or use the handkerchief to press the wounds. Doing such things caused his hands to stain red and, considering it was because of attempts to save a life rather than hurt, caused a rather remarkable feeling for Kamijou.

“Anyways, she’s alright.” Himegami, whose miko outfit was stained with blood, spoke with little impact. “We managed to stop her blood loss. It’ll take 15 minutes for the blood to clot but once it does, the wounds will be patched up. However, the sterilization’s incomplete. Though there won’t be any danger for the next couple hours, it’d be best to send her to a hospital just to be safe.

“…” Kamijou stared at the injured individual on the floor. She was about Kamijou’s age but her wounds were so sever it was a difficult fact to imagine. Psychology, it was unlikely she was faring any better. It was true that he should have been happy that they saved a life, but, the fact that she had lost everything bothered Kamijou.

“We did what we could. Now… we can only leave it to Academy City’s technology.” He said, still staring. As the wounds were internally caused, her damaged skin stuck to her flesh like damaged plastic sheets.

“It’ll only take plastic surgery. She just needs the skin from her arm.” Himegami Aisa noted with an according knowledge of modern medicine.

“...” However, Kamijou still found it unbelievable that the arm could have been used as a replacement for facial dermis. "Speaking of which, you were amazing just now. Are you a certain doctor that operates without a license?" [1] [2]

“I’m not a doctor.” Himegami continued before Kamijou could ask what she was. “I’m a spellcaster.”

“…” Kamijou recalled that she had previously said something similar. “Eh? On what basis are you a spellcaster?”

“I have a magic wand.”

“O…Oi! Hold on! That’s a police baton!”

“New material.”

“STOP MESSING AROUND.” Kamijou, who was loudly criticizing such ridiculousness, finally realized that he could only do so because the injured person before him was safe.

He collapsed onto the floor, the current activities allowing Kamijou’s tension to be seemingly released. It was an easing feeling in an out-of-the-way, unknown place where many people were killed. It would have even been unsurprising to find someone in tears. Even if they managed to save one or two people, it would have been insignificant compared to the hellish sight.

However, saving a person was still something to be happy with.

“If she needs a hospital…” Regardless of anything else, he could not leave an injured person there. No matter how they intended to deal with Misawa Cram School and Aureolus Izzard, finding an ambulance took first priority. “I’m going back. We can’t leave a wounded person here and it’ll be better to let the ambulance wait at the entrance.”

“Mm. That’s true. Since it’s not just one person, we can save travel time by calling the ambulance here.”

“…Don’t say it like it doesn’t involve you.”

“?” Himegami stared at Kamijou with inexplicability. Perhaps because of her long-term imprisonment, her mind had not considered running away.

“Eh… I meant you don’t have to be locked up in here. Let’s get out of here. In fact, we came here to save you.” Himegami, unresponsive and frozen, revealed a frozen look of surprise. “What is it? Did I say something weird?” “…” Himegami responded softly. “…Why?”

“Why, what? Do I need a reason to save others?”

Himegami, shocked once more, remained stiff with what seemed like a blush, which was perhaps just Kamijou’s imagination.

“But… I…” Himegami Aisa seemed like she had wanted to say something. However, she was then interrupted by the sound of something being dragged which was followed by the sound of heavy breathing. Kamijou had heard no one speak but still felt the negative feelings of hatred and anger, as if an echo of his mind.

“Damn it! Damn it! Exactly why am I so injured! He’s supposed to be material but he’s dragging me down… Kuku… huhu... dragging me down? Dragging me down? That’s interesting, isn’t it Aureolus Izzard! You don’t even have a leg for others to pull! Kuku! Kukuku! You bastards looked down on me! In the end I’M GOING TO MELT ALL OF YOU…!” said an abnormally loud male voice, sounding like crashing echoes.

With an extremely loud swoosh and the sound of dragging, the man escaped down the stairs and into the corridor. Kamijou was stunned by the green-haired foreigner in a white suit. His left arm and leg were sliced off at the joints and slanted golden sticks were attached the damage parts, serving as crutches. It should have been painful but the man seemed unperturbed. His sweaty, exaggerated face perhaps betrayed the anger, hatred, ecstasy and insanity that served as anesthetic for the man.

Additionally, in each hand, his normal right hand and prosthetic left, were the collars of bloodied boys and girls, three on each for a total of six.

“Wh-What’s going on?”

The man stared at Kamijou with bloodshot eyes. “Kid, what’re you doing here? Only magicians are allow here! Are you an intruder? A friend of that flame magician?”

He was approximately three meters away and continued to allow his saliva to fly. However, Kamijou stood his ground. “You… those people.”

“Of course these are just materials! Alchemy requires materials! Why’re you looking at them? That’s weird! Aureolus Izzard and his Limen Magna stand before you and you’re looking at the materials!? I should be perfect!! Why are you unmoved!?! What do I lack!?”

The name Aureolus Izzard shocked Kamijou, finally caused him to back away. However, Himegami Aisa, beside him, maintained her expression.

“Poor thing… If you hadn’t realized the truth, you could have continued to be Aureolus Izzard.”

“Ku…!? Damn you!!” With Aureolus’ growl flew a large golden dart from the right sleeve, which quickly spun around the alchemist, the golden chain making some sort of boundary.

The dart pierced through the bloody students that Aureolus had dragged with him. The six students immediately melted into something gold. It was no ordinary fluid. The mercury-like metallic substance’s hissing and the noisy beast-like breathing of the steam proved that the fluid was molten metal.

“Wha— DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU’RE DOING YOU BASTARD?!” Seeing this, Kamijou Touma worried for the melted students, ignoring the murderous technique itself. Aureolus faced Kamijou, seething with anger.

“Of course. ACCEPT YOUR FATE!” Aureolus cried out and the golden dart and chain spun around the alchemist with increasing velocity. Even the surrounding golden dirt flew in mid air like a tornado. It seemed like a wall, yet like a tsunami and yet like a meteor crashing into the sea. It raised waves around Aureolus that extended to the ceiling.

During this, from the corner of his eye, he saw Himegami move. She wordlessly bent down and lifted the injured girl before backing away. Staggering slightly but visibly not anxious, she clearly knew she had to back away and get clear of the attack range.

Luckily, the fluid formed by the spike was different from water. Rather, it was more like sticky, melted chocolate. Even if it were to crash like a tsunami, splash damage would not have been a factor.

Kamijou followed the burdened Himegami’s lead and backed away. Then, a hole appeared in the golden tsunami from whence a golden dart lunged with terrifying speed.

“…!?” Though he would have dodged it, as he was backing off, he could not find proper balance in such short notice. Instead, he chose to use right hand to grab the attack that approached.

The sound of ripping muscles was heard from his hand. The golden dart was not so easily caught; it retreated and returned to the golden storm. The cut palm felt hot, as if scalded by a metal plate.

After a moment, the golden tsunami began to rise. Kamijou jumped backwards and then rolled, avoiding the molten hot attack. The golden sea separated Kamijou and Aureolus a distance of three meters.

…Ku. Damn it. I have no feeling in my right hand! Kamijou grit his teeth at the difficulty of clenching his right hand’s five fingers. The right hand that could negate any miracle had no power to block a small knife.

“What—What’s going on?” After the gold tsunami subsided, Aureolus reappeared, seeming to be more anxious, perhaps even confused, than Kamijou. The golden dart in his hand began to disintegrate like sand.

Kamijou’s right hand, Imagine Breaker, began its effect. The dart was something imbued with super natural power, which was destroyed upon contact with his hand. The wound on Kamijou’s hand was caused by the blade just before destruction.

“Just what exactly is up with your range hand? Certainly… it won’t change? Without question, my Limen Magna is alchemy’s pinnacle! It’s a miracle that even two schools, Bohemia and Vienna, abandoned thinking it impossible! This is unbelievable! Exactly what did you use to negate my theory!?”

Limen… Magna? Kamijou felt his wound pulsate with his heartbeat. He automatically frowned and analyzed. By “change” does he mean that molten metal?


Aureolus swung his right hand vertically and revealed a new dart that was pointed at the spot between Kamijou’s eyebrows, exacting the killing intent held in his eyes.

He’s coming!?

The dart nearly reached his forehead. Kamijou had frantically used his right hand to block his face, swatting the dart aside, causing a sharp, cut-like pain in his own hand.

“Tch!” Aureolus attempted to use his chain to counter, but Kamijou’s right hand shattered it like glass before he could catch it. Another dart appeared from his right sleeve.

Just as Kamijou prepared to dodge, golden darts fired out like machine guns from Aureolus’ suit.

It was fast. The firing, the damaging and preparation for the next each lasted less than a fifth of a second. The level was no longer something a human could handle. However, Kamijou could not simply run away or even turn his back on others. The smallest mistake would have allowed for a dart to lance his chest or other vitals.

Luckily, the dart, though fast, had a relatively simple trajectory. It continued to fire in straight lines which were much easier to predict than the straights and hooks of a boxer.

“Ku! Ahh!!”

Though Kamijou knew he ran the risk of cutting his hand, he could only choose to deflect with Imagine Breaker. Considering the dart’s ability to transform, he would have been melted into gold if he had blocked with anything else. Thus, after some time, the remains of darts and chains surrounded him.

“HAHA! HAHAHAHA! SUCH AN INTERESTING HUMAN SPECIMEN! IT’S NOT EVEN USING A CHANT TO ABSORB THE MAGIC OR A LANCE OF LONGINUS GOD SLAYER! IT USES ITS BARE HAND TO DESTROY MY LIMEN MAGNA!” Though he was continuously unable to kill his enemy, Aureolus seemed quite ecstatic. He was like an adventurer exploring some mysterious place that none had reached prior. “IT’S NOT ENOUGH! HAHA! BOY! THIS ISN’T ENOUGH TO TEST YOUR LIMITS!”

The speeds of the golden dart’s destruction and regeneration more than doubled, continuously ripping the air and flying at Kamijou.

Kamijou’s hand was already stained in blood, unable to even clench into a fist.

Da-Damn it…! MY FINGERS MIGHT GET SLICED! As Kamijou experienced the frightening thought invade his body, a dart unexpectedly missed and whizzed past the slowly moving Kamijou

“The enemy missed” was much too optimistic a thought. Standing behind Kamijou was Himegami Aisa and the injured girl!


Kamijou turned his head around and attempted to yell. However, facing where the dart originated, the action was too slow. It was aimed for the area between her eyes. Perhaps Aureolus’ extreme mental confusion caused him to not consider showing any mercy for the Deep Blood he had labored to obtain.

Before them was the shocked look of Himegami Aisa’s face. Kamijou attempted to shout… but the sound of a dart piercing flesh was heard. In fact, there was a shocked cry whose origin Kamijou was unsure of. He could not tell because the scene before him was much too pitiful and much too unexpected.

The golden dart had not pierced Himegami Aisa.

Instead, the thoroughly injured girl that she was carrying, a girl who could not possibly lift a finger, had actually moved her hand to protect Himegami.

The dart deeply pierced into her soft hand but the girl did not show a look of pain. Instead, she used her other hand to gently push Himegami’s chest, swaying her and forcing her one step away from the girl.

She seemed to mutter something with an extremely weak voice. She went unheard… but she smiled.

Rather than a smile for her, it was one for the consoling of others.

Then, the anonymous girl was simply transmuted into flowing gold.

For an instant, Kamijou seemed to shout something. He knew not what he shouted but he had nearly ruptured his throat. The alchemist also seemed taken aback and, likely due to luck (or a lack of it), the golden chain stopped winding.

Kamijou grabbed the chain, not with his sure-kill right hand but instead his left. His instincts told him that only the dart could carry out Limen Magna because, if the chains could, Aureolus would have swung the chain rather than fire the dart because of the extended lateral range.

“Ugh…!” Aureolus naturally attempted to pull the chain back but was held straight like a rope in tug-of-war as Kamijou used his foot to hold it in place. Aureolus himself was the one pulled.

And… in front of him was the fiery liquid gold he had created!


Upon stepping into the golden fluid, Aureolus attempted to escape, but could not. The golden chain had become a bind, restricting his movements.

Aureolus roared and released the chain hidden within his suit, managing to eventually drag himself out of the gold. Although the contact was only two seconds, his foot was smoking.

Perhaps understanding he could no longer bind him with the chain, Kamijou’s bloodied hand abandoned it.

Should he run? Or should he attack?

As Aureolus hesitated, he witnessed something unbelievable. Kamijou bent over in an attempt to maximize his jumping distance and jump over the golden stream in order to attack the opposite alchemist.

In truth, the abandonment of the chain had nothing to do with locking Aureolus in place. As for the leaping distance, anyone could have told him it was impossible. The gold stream between them was three meters wide, which was possible with a running start, but impossible starting at rest.

Even so, Kamijou’s eyes lacked hesitation.

It was as if he were saying that even if he were to fail and jumped into the burning gold, then he just had to beat the enemy before him before he was burned.

The intense, unrestrained emotions caused Aureolus his fear.

The next instant, Kamijou jumped without hesitation.

It had seemed like a suicidal jump… but it was not toward Aureolus. Instead, his foot landed on a slightly protruded platform window in the corridor that allowed in the shining sunset; Kamijou flew at him!


Kamijou had already jumped before Aureolus could prepare an attack, and from a position much higher than both Aureolus and the floor. The alchemist’s survival instincts told him to respond quickly and use a dart to shoot Kamijou out of the air. However, as he rushed to raise Limen Magna, he realized that Kamijou Touma was overhead. If he used Limen Magna, the fiery gold would have rained down.

“Apparently, I didn’t foresee this…!”

Actions, pride and a burning foot were all abandoned by Aureolus as he frantically rolled to flee Kamijou’s attack. In comparison to the shame of losing to an ordinary person, a non-magician, unendurable damage was a greater fear.

All the alchemist could do was crash about as he ran away on his battered legs, into the darkness.

Part 8

The fake Aureolus continued to tread the corridor’s long, seemingly endless distance. After he was grabbed by the boy, he had lost all of his power, which was over all trivial. The golden dart was merely a materialized tool. Limen Magna’s actual identity was the entire fortress called Misawa Cram School.

Even if the tool’s mana supply were cut off, as long as the main body was supplied with mana and the shape was recreated, it was reusable. Though, this was not the reason for the fake’s escape. The power in the boy’s right hand had seemed limitless. No matter how much mana was placed from the main body into each dart, the right hand still eroded it. If such a cycle had continued, the body would have eventually been depleted of mana, a possible crisis that sent chills down Aureolus’ spine.

"Ku, damn…" The fake Aureolus still planned the next step. Even if Limen Magna itself were ineffective, both Stiyl and the boy had to carefully avoid the molten gold. “…In other words, if there’s so much gold they can’t dodge, they’ll be powerless. Ha. I have 1982 pieces of material in here and naturally, it’ll be more than enough to be rid of them.”

The area of question was large, but it was still a building. If he chose to pour enormous amounts of gold from the top level like water bursting from a dam, he could have easily flooded the levels below. Just imagining it, just imagining it consume his unhappy feelings was enjoyable for the alchemist.


Fortunately, the alchemist had placed the cram school students on the back of the coin and now he simply had to gather these materials. Once done, all that remained was the trivial matter of piercing Limen Magna through them. Giving it consideration, Stiyl had destroyed the core of the Gregorian Chant replica, the tool that allowed him to manipulate the students’ actions.

“Regardless of anything, these guys are against me…” Anger ripped the air like a burning blade but the sounds of footsteps behind him were even sharper. “…!?”

Aureolus’ back seemed to visibly shrink as he heard the footsteps. When afraid, ordinary people would typically choose to run away. It was a normal response. People would choose to run rather than endure irritating and painful events. If possible, they would ignore it.

However, the footsteps disallowed the alchemist even the ability to act on primitive instincts associated with normality. The footsteps contained killing intent, bringing with them despair. If he had turned away, he believed, he would have chopped into 100 pieces. Thus, Aureolus could only seek its source. His heart told him to crazily run away without looking and his mind was already unable to endure the pain. However, like a puppet, the alchemist could only look on.

There, ten meters way, Kamijou Touma stood like a savage beast that had escaped a laboratory.

“Wh-What’s going…” He did not understand. He was supposed to be perfect. How could someone have pushed him so far?

But, Kamijou Touma truly stood there.

“…Have you had enough fun?”

Kamijou’s muttering caused Aureolus to frown. It was the voice of one standing in the midst of icy cold rain. Onlookers would have been confused as to who had pushed whom into despair.

Kamijou had seen Hell. He saw people die before him and he understood that somewhere, he knew not where, many had died. But, he had managed to save just one injured girl. The alchemist before him had taken away his heart’s one saving grace. Kamijou spoke not of this for if he had the time to speak, the efforts were better spent elsewhere. His eyes glared at his enemy a look filled with the iron inferno of murder.

“Ugh...” Aureolus disorderedly raised Limen Magna out of pure fear, which gave Kamijou even more determination.

Wordlessly, his feet dashed, or rather exploded, with all his might towards the alchemist. Consumed by fear and anxiety, Aureolus fired the dart at Kamijou’s face to keep him from approaching. In response, Kamijou crouched like a spider and easily dodged, even taking an additional step at the same time.


The alchemist’s nervousness rose. However, even if his restlessness caused Limen Magna to be less effective, he could still prepare six in a single second. He recovered the dart and once again fired at the boy’s face.

Having already bent down, Kamijou had nowhere to go. He used his right fist to land an uppercut into the alchemist’s abdomen, shattering the dart and chain in the same stroke. The perfect counterattack had seemingly predicted the dart’s path.

Crouching down was a ploy. If there were no retreat options coupled with a large opening, the enemy would predictably attack. Thus, the straightforward trajectory was much too simple compared to the rule-less alleyway brawls. With a distance of ten meters, just dodging the first dart would not have covered the distance. Kamijou had devised this tactic as a way to dodge second attack.

And… if he could do it…

“Wait!” With a stunned, twisted expression, Aureolus roared in an attempt to fire a third. However, before it could happen, Kamijou’s fist had found its way to the alchemist’s face. Then, without slowing down, despite the one-head difference in height, Kamijou smashed his forehead into Aureolus’ jaw.

Having taken two direct strikes to the head, Aureolus stumbled to the floor. He attempted to roll away but Kamijou did not allow. He stamped heavily onto the gold prosthetic and maneuvered his foot to remove it. With the sound of crushing fruit, the wound, which was given makeshift treatment, ripped.

“GYYYYAAAAAAAAH!!!” Aureolus screamed in pain and shot another Limen Magna at Kamijou, who was about to sit on the alchemist.

Despite the risk, Kamijou used his left hand to grab the golden chain in order to keep it intact. It seemed he had not considered that the slightest mistake would have turned him into gold.

He twisted his left hand and tied the golden chain to his arm. Once Limen Magna was completely sealed, Kamijou looked down upon the alchemist.

Idiotic… if this keeps up I’ll be killed. Aureolus' better judgment had him cut the golden chain linked to the inside of his suit. Having previously balanced his balance with the chain’s resistance, Kamijou swayed. Utilizing this opportunity, Aureolus rolled away and escaped Kamijou’s clutches. The alchemist cried in his own heart. Rather than the Limen Magna he so believed in be destroyed, he had abandoned it of his own will, questioning his entire belief system.

He had believed that he could save his life if he abandoned everything, which would have been for nothing if it failed. However, Aureolus could not walk, let alone run, with his prosthetic leg ripped out.

Kamijou raised the golden chain and whipped the crawling Aureolus. The heavy hit caused the air to leave his lungs, causing him to roll about on the floor in pain.


Kamijou silently closed in on the alchemist and stepped on his back, proceeding to wrap the chain around its former master’s neck. He could have then hanged him by pulling on the chain. What he could not do was break the neck because Kamijou was right-handed, not left. The boy was not acting on emotion, simply because he could not. His mind was infuriated and blank, reality having little hold.


The words seemed to douse Kamijou’s brain in cold water, clearing him of his anger. It was an unreasonable request. How many had he killed? Considering how many, there was only one option. Even in superhero movies with special effects that were shown to children, none would have hesitated to kill such a person.

But, Aureolus was inhuman. He knew he could not run, but he continued to stretch his arms to struggle.

Kamijou began to recall the knight, abandoned in the hall, the students who still continued incanting the Gregorian Chant, damaging their own bodies, and the anonymous girl who was morphed into gold because she protected Himegami. He knew there was only one option.

Kamijou wordlessly tugged at the golden chain… but… in the end chose to let go.

Aureolus crawled away on the floor, only capable of escaping the boy who had caused his downfall, wondering what misfortunes befell him. He was relieved to be living.

He was still human, how could Kamijou have killed him?

The fake Aureolus no longer even knew what floor it was. Though he managed to tumble down a few floors, he no longer had the strength to crawl. His body no longer had the energy. His back rested against the wall of the dark emergency staircase while he stared at his remaining hand.

Since he was punched by the boy, he felt like the strength that supported him was being taken away. The sense of powerlessness told him that a certain mana source was cut off.

It was then that the fake Aureolus realized. He was not human. If the existence that provided him energy ceased to exist, he could not even stand. He was like Limen Magna, a tool amongst numerous substitutes.

"Ahh…" The alchemist sighed as the feeling in his fingers gradually faded. He somehow felt satisfied.

What is this? Whether it’s Limen Magna or this body, magic is negated on contact. What is that boy’s right hand? Thinking of such things, the alchemist was like a teenager looking through a telescope, his eyes sparkling with the thirst for knowledge.

The greatest question in his heart appeared: How much humanity can you maintain while you raise existence and pride?

Aureolus seemed to find his answer. Though the boy’s abnormal power was a part of it, it was the fact that, though he had such power, he still grew angered and saddened like a human.

Considering it, his tragic fate seemed meaningless. A scholar who found his final answer had no reason to live on and think.


He weakly looked up the stairs and found Stiyl standing there.

“Naturally I can see that… you haven’t gotten tired of killing me?” said the self-mocking alchemist. “Even if you leave me alone, I’ll certainly die anyways. Why do you still want to kill me?”

“Yeah. It’s true I have no interest in killing you. Besides, that child didn’t interact with you.” Stiyl responded with disinterest. “Speaking of which, a member of the 13 Knights was killed. I suppose you didn’t do that, right?”

The fake Aureolus continued to lean and continued to stare up. His weapon was Limen Magna. Though he could not turn anything and everything into gold, it could not have possibly forced the enchanted knight’s armor into that dented shape.

“…Hmph, speaking of that… Certainly, I never killed any of them.”


“Inevitably, I lost. You can go ahead and think of the reason.” Aureolus said with a smirk. “Speaking of which, since you’re not interested in me, why’re you here? Naturally, can’t I die alone?”

“It’s the complete opposite you idiot. I’m here to send you off. Could you endure dying by yourself like this?”

“…” For some time, the alchemist stared blankly at Stiyl.

Then, he smiled.

It was a rarity for the man, but he smiled. Though a fake, he was a scholar and, as of then, was extremely satisfied that he had managed to obtain the answer to humanity’s highest limit.

There was still some time until he died, less than ten minutes.

He was a scholar. In the remaining time, he would think of a new question to ponder, perhaps a research topic waiting for him.

However, the alchemist lacked the time to ponder. For a scholar, it was Hell to have doubts that were not researchable before death. It was an unavoidably unhappy feeling of regret.

It was also why Stiyl spoke.

“Before you find that sweet question and ponder hard, let me send you off while your goals are complete.”

“Hmph.” Aureolus smiled. “I can’t tell if you’re an angel or the devil.”

“Those two are similar beings that only differ from whom they take their orders from.” Stiyl slowly walked down the stairs. “I prove why my name is the strongest. Fortis931.” Stiyl’s black coat writhed and numerous runic carts scattered about like sakura petals.

“Magic name, huh?” muttered Aureolus as Stiyl walked down the stairs. What was his magic name? The alchemist began to recall. “Oh. I remember.”

My honor is for the world—Honos628.

Having finally remember his name and purpose, the alchemist’s eyes narrowed.

“Do I need to make a final prayer for you as a priest, alchemist?” Down the stairs, Stiyl Magnus spoke as he arrived before the man.

“Stop dragging this out. You’re just a magician.”

The moment the fake Aureolus replied, Stiyl’s flames entered him through the mouth, quickly consuming the inside of his body. The flames burst out from every opening and the abdomen shattered, splitting him in two. Copious flames continued to burst out and Aureolus’ upper body shot out like a rocket.

Part 9

In a certain student dormitory, or rather, a certain student dormitory’s bathtub, the girl named Index, watching over the house, was exchanging looks with the stray cat named Sphinx. The calico cat seemed an indoor cat, lacking a cute personality. It did not chase after thrown balls of yarn, nested under tables even after being called and snatched people’s food while they ate. The final point was significant to Index, who had a voracious appetite, and to Kamijou Touma, who cooked for her.

It seemed imperative that she train it. Having decided to abandon the loving treatment, she now battled the bubble covered calico cat. As a side note, Index read through Kamijou’s elaborate explanation of how to operate the bathroom’s automatic hot water supply and had gingerly figured it out.

…But, where did Touma go?

A few questions rested in her mind. The first was from during the conversation. It was not because Kamijou had said that he had wanted to test whether the phone would work but rather when Kamijou had so easily forgiven that she had eaten his pudding.

Speaking of which, it was the same for the shampoo-bubble covered cat whose fur was standing up. To put it simply, Kamijou did not do what he did not want to do. Even if he knew there was no other way, if he truly did not want to do it, he would pursue an alternative.

It was truly odd that Kamijou had not pursued those two things that he disagreed with.

Having decided, Index nodded her head. She exited the bathroom and donned her habit, the Walking Church. At the corridor, before she even opened the door, she realized that even if she wanted to question Kamijou, she had to know where he was. Of course, calling was not an option. In all honesty, Index knew not how to operate the phone and since Kamijou’s residence phone had a faxing function, there were so many buttons that Index did not know where to begin.

Would she give up? As Index considered returning to the room, she noticed what appeared to be a tarot card stuck on the wall. It was the runic imprint that the magician Stiyl Magnus utilized.

"…” Index stared at the card with distrust. Something was happening. Kamijou had surely gone alone to deal with something.

Index recalled that a few days ago, she had met the feeling-less teenager. Despair and anxiety caused Index restlessness.

Run. She could only run.

Luckily, with the knowledge of 103,000 grimoires, she understood the workings of Stiyl’s magic. The runes required the magician to continuously provide mana to maintain it.

For example, when a soul is lost, a thin string-like something would link the soul and body. Though Index could not use magic, she could trace the mana to prevent from getting lost.

And, like that, Index ran off for the battlefield while neglecting to even lock the door.

She did not know that that action would bring about the worst consequences.


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