Toaru Majutsu no Index

Volume 2, 1: A Tower of Glass. The_Tower_of_BABEL.

Volume 2, Chapter 1: A Tower of Glass. The_Tower_of_BABEL.

Part 1

It was a windowless room.

There were no doors, stairs, lifts, or corridors. As a part of the building, the room had no functionality. There was no way to enter the building except via a level 4 esper’s teleportation ability. It could have been said to be the most impenetrable stronghold.

It was a tower formed from the materials known the deflect impacts and more defensible than an air-raid shelter. In such a tower stood a magician whose name was Stiyl Magnus.

Stiyl, a well-versed runic magician, especially in fire magic, was also an Anglican priest. A fourteen year old versed in magic and fully capable of killing other magicians could have been said to be a rarity.

Truthfully, he should not have been there.

Instead of the building, he should not have been in the city entirely. He was a member of the Christian sect “Necessarius” while Academy City was a purely scientific body that rejected the supernatural and instead produced espers via drugs, body manipulation and hypnotism.

As of then, his presence was as unnatural as shuffling a tarot card into a poker deck.

However, there was reason for his presence however unnatural it was. He was acting as a liaison for the Anglican Church in order to negotiate with Academy City on equal footing. However, as far as representatives go, he was a flawed one.

He was a man who would kill with no hesitation and could order flames to swallow a human being without a thought.


Despite it all, he was still fazed by the scene before him.

The area was too large to be described as in-doors and there was supposedly no lighting. However, the room was filled with starry lights because of the numerous flashing screens and buttons. Equips of all sizes, thousands of cables and tubes were gathered at the center of the room like blood vessels on the floor.

An enormous cylinder was centered in the room.

It was four meters in diameter and over ten meters in height. The cylindrical container of reinforced glass was filled with a red liquid.

The color was said to represent a weakly alkaline recovery fluid. Of course, to magician Stiyl, the scientific were not in his field of expertise and would not understand even after an explanation.

A human wearing a green surgical cloak floated upside down.

No word beside “human” could have described him. The silver-haired “human” appeared like a man but somehow feminine, like an adult but somehow childlike, like a saint but somehow criminal.

Had he obtained all of the possibilities that a "human" can only dream of? Or did he give up on all the possibilities that a "human" had?

Whichever it was, the only word that could describe him was “human”.

"Everyone who comes here observes me and has a response similar to yours.” The "human" in the cylinder spoke. He sounded like a man but somehow feminine, like an adult but somehow childlike, like a saint but somehow criminal.

"...Why let a human do it when machines can as well?"

It was how that "human" existed.

His own life was maintained by machines and so it was meaningless for him to act as he did. This "human" who seemed like he had extended his lifespan to 1700 years was now before Stiyl.

Stiyl felt fear.

He feared not the scientific technology of Academy City that could operate lives for humans but the way the “human” existed. As he had the option of machinery, he could have abandoned his body of flesh without a thought and offer himself to the machines.

It was terrifying to meet a “human” twisted enough to live that way.

"I suppose you want to know why I called you here..." The General Director of Academy City, the "human" Aleister who floated upside-down, spoke with a stern tone. "The situation has become complicated as of now."

Hearing Aleister say this, Stiyl inadvertently frowned. He could not imagine that the “human” before him would show weakness with a statement like “the situation has become complicated as of now.”

"It's regarding Deep Blood, am I correct?"

Stiyl, who normally neglected honorifics, used them with Aleister.

Of course, rather than his status as "liaison for the Anglican Church," he also he knew that if Aleister detected hostility, he would be cut into pieces.

It was not an overall issue of hostility; even if it were misunderstanding or misconception, if Aleister decided it, Stiyl’s life would end.

It was because they were in the enemy’s base, the command center for 2.3 million espers.


Noticing Stiyl's trembling, Aleister spoke. "It wouldn't be a problem if this were an esper-only issue, because it would be one of the espers I 'had'. As long as it's a citizen in this city that creates a commotion, there are about 70,632 ways to handle it and clean up..."


The words invoked no particular feeling from Stiyl. He was uninterested in Academy City procedure and lacked understanding of how the Science side operated.

"...The complications are because a magician has taken part in this when he should have not.”

Thus, Stiyl pondered it.

Deep Blood: The Blood-Sucking Killer. The name came not from Academy City databases but the Great English Library.

From the wording, one could imagine that its purpose was to kill "something” which may or may not have existed. None knew what sort of ability it was or whether or not it was even genuine. All that was known was that a girl possessed the power.

In particular, the girl with "Deep Blood" was being held prisoner by a magician.

The situation was that simple. “Fu. Because the enemy is an outsider to this city, it has become troublesome.”

Aleister remained inverted and spoke. "Of course, it would be trivial to send out 2.3 million espers to crush one or two magicians. But, this isn't the main issue. If we did that, it would mean that the Science side defeated magicians."

Academy City and Necessarius each had its own “world”, a sphere of influence.

“Powers” and the “supernatural”... it was because each monopolized technologies that they could keep their positions. If Academy City, which controlled “espers”, declared that they had defeated a “magician”, those on the Magic side would not remain silent.

For example, if the latest fighter jets crash-landed in enemy territory, the wreckage could reveal the secret technology.

“It seems it’d difficult for you to send in reinforcements.” Stiyl said calmly. Espers and magicians coordinating... may have been too precarious. It was already problematic to decide between the two who would lead because of the excuse of checking the other’s battle abilities in order to spy on the technology.

Considering this, Stiyl formed a question. Two weeks ago, he entered Academy City, and had a battle with an esper. Why was the battle allowed so silently? Perhaps, beyond Stiyl’s knowledge, the two had made an agreement. Or perhaps because he was a Level 0, he held little importance.

The situation at the moment, however, was different. Most of the espers and magicians involved were considered “important people”.

"I see. So that's why you specifically asked me, an 'exception', to be here." Stiyl's expression did not change but seemingly had confirmed something.

Essentially, Stiyl Magnus was an exception. There would have been problems if espers from the Science side defeated magicians from the Magic side. However, there would be no issue if Stiyl, a member of the Magic side, defeated a magician. Additionally, Stiyl’s superior also felt it important that the magician be defeated by a magician for the sake of cleaning house.

"This is the blueprint of the 'battlefield' in question."

It was unknown what technology was used to form an image in the darkness. The hologram seemed like computer graphics and the image of a building seemed ordinary enough. Then, a positional diagram of the "battlefield" appeared.

The words “Misawa Cram School” were written on the corner of the diagram.

"Through the initial building blueprints and various satellite images, we have analyzed the interior layout." Aleister's voice lacked cadence and tone. "However, we know not the magic equipment inside. Regardless, we have no understanding of magic."


"This 'Misawa Cram School' is somewhat unique.” Aleister began to explain. Incidentally, Academy City was an educational enterprise consisting of hundreds of schools of different sizes. Also, the Curriculum included the paranormal, such as esper development.

It was said that Misawa Cram School catered to all of the levels of society in the country and was set up as a school in Academy City to learn the secrets of esper development exclusive to the city. It had the makings of a large corporate spy incident.

However, Misawa Cram School, which knew nothing about power development, gave off a strange impression. Perhaps it was a science cult that used the exclusivity of the scientific knowledge as a reason they were chosen by God, creating a new religion.

Misawa Cram School had even begun to go out of control and rejected the main branch’s orders and did something extreme: they imprisoned the Deep Blood in accordance to the religion.

"But why must they imprison Deep Blood? Are their teachings like 16th century fanatics to achieve immortality?"

"No. Misawa Cram School lacks true existence. Essentially, they simply desire a unique esper whose power cannot be duplicated. Anyone would do.”


"Levels in Academy City are decided by aptitude and power. Thus, they wanted to take the Deep Blood and examine her. As long as they could use the slogan 'we duplicated a super rare ability', students lamenting that they have ordinary abilities or Level 2s or 3s will be attracted by it... Such idiocy. They cannot change their developed power even with a brain transplant."

However, it sounded strange. Even if having a rare ability were a cultural unique in Academy City, how could anyone believe that Deep Blood, from the Magic side, existed in a scientific environment?

Just as Stiyl's considered it, Aleister casually stated the answer.

"Furthermore, objects are more valuable if rare. As long as such basic logic exists, there will be points of contention. There are many espers with unknown truths behind their powers beside Imagine Breaker. Some espers possess such tremendous power that none have seen them in a serious state.”

It if it were just that Deep Blood was imprisoned, the situation would be simple. However, as Aleister had said, conflicts in the city had 70,632 solutions.

This was not the issue.

Before the situation was settled, a magician came from the outer world and invaded Misawa. He aimed for Misawa. Instead of destroying it he usurped it, transforming it into such a complicated situation.

"..." Stiyl silently stared at the diagram of Misawa. He could not see any objects modified by magic. A tension like charging into complete darkness enveloped Stiyl. Though an uncomfortable sensation, it was one he was accustomed to. It was a battle of life or death, nil or one.

He was rather unhappy that he was to battle alone in a city housing 2.3 million espers.

"Not quite." Seemingly reading Stiyl's mind, Aleister spoke. Perhaps there was a machine that could analyze a person’s mind with temperatures or blood flows. "I do possess an esper who is a magician’s natural enemy." Stiyl immediately froze.

Imagine Breaker: the boy who fought a life or death battle against Stiyl two weeks priors. All supernatural powers, regardless whether magic, ESP, or a Godly miracle were negated upon contact with his right hand. Such a power was considered an exception among exceptions.

"But, didn't you say that you can't use any espers to beat a magician?"

"You need not worry about it." Aleister spoke in a tone as if he had memorized it, "Firstly, as a level 0 he carries no valuable information. If I were to allow working with you, there is no fear of an information leak."


"Secondly, his lacks the intelligence to analyze Magic side technology and duplicate it accordingly. Thus, even if he were to go with you, your technology would not be stolen by us."

That old fox... for the first time, Stiyl harbored tangible hatred for Aleister. What is this 'human' in front of me thinking about? Stiyl did not understand. No matter what, Imagine Breaker definitely should not have been classified as Level 0. He experienced it first hand in battle.

It was true that the functionality of Imagine Breaker was not something that could be understood with an examination or two and he most certainly could not duplicate it and return it to the Church. However, it should have been the same case for Academy City. Or rather, Stiyl hope it was the same. If Academy City had a way to duplicate Imagine Breaker, the Church’s existence would have been jeopardized. Even weapons with hundreds, perhaps thousands, of year could be destroyed by contact with his hand.

However, Aleister did not seem to treasure the precious Imagine Breaker at all. It was as if he were giving a Saint a number of trials. He was like a heavy hammer striking a piece of scorching metal into the shape of a powerful sword.


And, more importantly, the boy had the knowledge of the 103,000 grimoires beside him. Was using him a sound measure? His inner thoughts conflicted with his words. Though Stiyl harbored such suspicions, he suppressed them from appearing on his face. Careful not to show it, because of the girl’s involvement, Stiyl did not want to raise unneeded problems.

"...Deep Blood." Stiyl muttered. His expression was like that of a scholar perplexed by something found that was unexplainable. "Does Deep Blood really exist? If it does that means--"

Stiyl could not continue.

Deep Blood. If there were Deep Blood, then the species to be killed must have existed. In other words, if the existence of Deep Blood were to be believed, then the other something had to exist as fact.

"Hm, the occult is not a scientist’s specialty. But, you magicians—including your world— have to admit that some truly supernatural exists, right?”

Of course. Stiyl cursed in his heart.

The magical energy that magicians used could have been described as similar to gasoline. In other words, using their lifespan and life-force, the “crude oil”, was refined via breathing, blood flowing, and thinking into “gasoline” for simpler use.

Thus, magicians were not omnipotent. No matter how they sought for high-leveled magic, the amount of gasoline was finite.

However, the certain creature had no such a limitation.

That certain creature had the ridiculous characteristic of immortality, meaning that they possessed infinite magic power. Even if the Earth’s resources were to eventually run dry, the magical power of the creatures would continue on.

Cain's descendants: the vampires.

They were, for certain, not the feeble creatures depicted in fiction that could be dealt with by a cross or sunlight. In fact, one was enough to initiate a nuclear-level global calamity.

"Hm." In the huge container, the still inverted stared with dullness at Stiyl. "Speaking of which, do you know what do we mean by esper powers?"

"...No." Stiyl could not possibly understand neither did he believe Aleister would tell him. It was because if the moment came that Stiyl knew the enemy’s secrets, he would no longer have the option to escape alive.

"In fact, esper powers are but a difference in perspective." Aleister spoke casually. "Have you heard of 'Schrödinger's Cat'? It is the most famous animal abuse case in the world."


"I shall gloss over the details. Overall, it roughly experimented that 'reality is seen differently from human to human'. Of course, the micro and macro physical laws are different, so this cannot explain it all.

The rules of this world can be seen as a microscopic (micro) and telescopic (macro). As for which were micros and which were macros, it was said that those were also within Aleister's range of research.

"...I don't really get what you mean."

"It is alright, there is no need for you to. If you did, I would have to kill you immediately." Aleister nonchalantly told him. "...Speaking of which, it is I who truly does not understand. Is there really a Deep Blood? And what is the difference? It is just like the cat in the box."

Aleister stated that espers changed the world like how litmus papers changed colors in different acidities.

The purpose was not to marvel at the change in color from red to blue but to wonder why it had changed and whether one could manipulate such a rule. Though Aleister controlled 2.3 million espers, they were not enough to declare on the entire world. Espers are not an aim but a means.

Stiyl trembled. The human before him truly believed that machines could replace all human actions.

To this human, which parts were mechanical?

To this human, which parts were human?

"That is right." The human spoke, the being that appeared like a man but somehow feminine, like an adult but somehow childlike, like a saint but somehow criminal formed an expression which could have been considered a smile and continued. "...If Deep Blood proves the existence of vampires, whose existence does Imagine Breaker prove?"

Part 2

In his heart, Kamijou Touma shouted: What the heck!

On the second floor of the fast food restaurant, a no-smoking zone was packed. At completely full four-seating table, Kamijou, Index and Aogami Pierce sat there.

Hm, it was okay up here but—

"—Spent all my money and ruined myself."

—why is there a miko in this crude shop lying on a table and saying such insanity?!

Her age was similar to that of Kamijou’s and her waist length her seem like a textbook example of a miko



The heavy presence was like they were in an elevator.

What should I do? Kamijou wondered.

At that moment, he noticed Index and Aogami Pierce staring at him.

"...Wha-What's up?"

"...Kami-yan, when someone talks to ya, ya should oblige and reply, right?"

"...That's right, that's right! Touma, you can't just back out after seeing the appearance. You must follow God's teachings and reach out, amen!"

"...Oi, are you kidding!? We should at least settle this by rock, paper, scissors to make it fair! Oi, Index! You think I’ll lose, huh!? Oi! Why’re you making a cross over your chest!?"

In the end, the trio had decided to play rock, paper, scissors to determine the martyr.

Rock, rock ...and scissors. Kamijou lost. Overall, Kamijou Touma was simply unlucky.

"Erm, excuse me?"

Kamijou, the only one who chose scissors, in confusion, could only speak to the miko. Her shoulders jerked.

“Ah... Erm... What did you mean by spent all your money and ruined yourself?”

Well, it’s better to have a normal conversation, Kamijou thought. The miko did say it herself and was likely hoping for others to ask her why.

“As I had a lot of free coupons and a hamburger costs 580 yen (a. $7.04)—“

“Uh huh.” Kamijou, as a result of his amnesia, had forgotten how a hamburger tasted. However, he knew that hamburgers were simply a meat patty with rotten lettuce, an impoverished person’s vile friend.

"—I went ahead and ordered 30 of them."

"You ordered too many, stupid girl." As Kamijou retorted on reflex, he had noticed the miko was unmoving. Because of her silence, one could tell that she gave off an aura of emotional hurt.

It was an uncomfortable atmosphere. He had not expected for her to respond so seriously. Truly, the atmosphere was uncomfortable.

“Ah! I didn’t mean it like that! I didn’t finish! I actually wanted to say ‘stupid girl, why did you order so many?’ I just meant to make the conversation go smoothly. I might be blunt, but it’s a proof of my friendless, I don’t have bad intentions! OI! THE NUN AND BLUE-HAIRED DUDE OVER THERE, WHY ARE YOU STARING AT ME LIKE THAT?!? JUST WAIT TILL WE TALK OUTSIDE!!”

Unable to withstand the pressure, Kamijou began to shout madly.

“Meal of frustration. The stationary miko that was approximately half-dead finally spoke.


"Train fare back home: 400 yen."

Facing such suspicious words from the miko, Kamijou could only swallow his saliva. He had no memories of riding a train but he knew that riding a train or bus in Academy City was extremely pricey.

“What does 400 yen for a train ride have to do with a frustration meal?”

“My total fortune: 300 yen.”

“...And you’re telling me because?”

"Overspending... lack of planning..."


"...So I'm having a frustration meal."

Kamijou had barely managed to swallow the words “you idiot” that were rising from his throat.

After careful consideration, he spoke. “But, why don’t you use that 300 yen for the train ride? If you can’t pay for one, you can just walk the 100 yen difference. And if you can’t do that, why don’t you just borrow 100 yen from someone?

"...That idea's good."

"Why are you staring at me like that? What’s with the expectant look?”

Kamijou frantically backed away from the miko as much as possible. He had already spent 3600 yen on a reference book (meaninglessly at that) and had even bought three shakes to calm down Index. So, even if it were 100 yen, it was a heavy burden to bear.

On that topic...

The miko, who had lifted her face up, was unexpectedly beautiful.

She was differed slightly from the foreign Index; she had skin as white as the Japanese that contrasted with her black hair and eyes. Though her eyes lacked emotion, they also lacked aggression. Even if she did not want someone around, she emanated a comforting feeling. It was an encompassing nature.


Index scowled and glared at Kamijou.

“Th-That’s impossible! Kami-yan’s actually talking to a gal... to actually be talking to a girl he just met, it’s impossible!” Aogami Pierce grumbled angrily, truly attempting to ruin Kamijou’s reputation.


"What? It's not over yet Kami-yan! Ya were a good man for 16 years, how did ya get so many unique girls like a nun and a miko within 2 weeks!? Is this a gal game?" Aogami Pierce cried out in confusion and Kamijou truly desired to reward him with a punch. However, as they sat diagonally, he could not do so. Just examining the positions of their seats was enough to see how misfortunate Kamijou was.

"100 yen please." The miko lifted her head and stared with a complicatedly pained expression. She continued. “Will you lend to me?”

"Nope. No money here."

"..." The miko pondered for a while and spoke. "...So stingy. Won't even let me borrow a mere 100 yen."

"...Who's the idiot who doesn't even have a stupid 100 yen!?" Kamijou inadvertently retorted back.

"Kami-yan! How can ya respond like that so naturally!? As a good man, shouldn't ya stutter in front of a beauty!?" Aogami Pierce shouted out with a Hellish voice.

"...Beauty." The miko's eyes waved, causing one to wonder what she was thinking about. "Lend me 100 yen since I'm beautiful."

"Shut up! You terrible woman! A woman who uses her looks to get money can't be called a beauty! And you know what? I just bought three shakes so I don't have any money left!"

"That's-That's great Kami-yan! Ya still think that a beauty's heart must be kind and pure, it seems like ya haven't left the 2-D world!"

"...Hold on Touma. You're saying that you'd give her 100 yen if you didn't help me buy shakes? Humph!"

The stares and cries of outrage began to surface and they far surpassed Kamijou's computing abilities. Kamijou grabbed his head, wondering which point he should settle first. At that point, Index, slurping the shake with a straw, was glaring at the miko with hostility.

“Humph. Seeing as you’re wearing red pants, I suppose you make divinations, right? So divining mikos will also sell their faces, right? I’ve even heard that the term ‘miko’ was a secretive way of calling someone a ‘whore’ in the Heian period, right?”

Kamijou jumped and shouted at the words while Aogami Pierce’s voice raised pitch for some unknown reason shouting, “Hahaha, a nun and miko are going at it!”

As Kamijou prepared to force Aogami Pierce to remain silent, the miko spoke. “I’m not a miko.”


The black-haired girl who looked exactly like a miko, whose picture could have been used in an encyclopedia entry on mikos, caused the present company to stare at her.

“Eh... If you’re not a miko, what are you?” Kamijou asked, having somehow become the group’s representative.

"I'm a spell caster."


Completely silent. The sounds of the shop’s cable broadcast seemed distant. For some reason, despite his amnesia, Kamijou felt that he had experienced it before. But, of more importance, why was Index trembling? Kamijou cried in his heart.

BAM! Index slammed the table with both hands. Before the shakes on the tray could even jump up, Index roared. "What kind of spell caster? Kabbalah? Knoch? Hermes? McCue's idol or Modern Astrology? Don't just give us something that vague and tell us your specialty, school, magic name and order name, idiot!"


"You dare to call yourself this even without knowing all of these? Since you're a divination miko, you should at least pretend to be an oriental-style astrologist or something!"

"Alright. I'll be that."

"You'll ‘be that’!? Did you really just say that!?!"

Index continued to slam her hands and Kamijou sighed while he looked around him. Though the shop was rather noisy, Index’s flailing was too much. He had to quiet her soon.

“Alright. Alright. We understand that this miko isn’t a miko but a spell caster. But so what? Calm down.”

“Touma! Your attitude is completely different from when you first met me!”

Index glared at Kamijou as if to bite him but the reality was that Kamijou had truly forgotten. Of course, simply telling her “sorry, I lost my memories” was not an option.

“If she thinks she’s a spell caster, leave her be. Since she’s not trying to harm or trick anyone, ignore it.”

“...Uu. When I wanted to prove that magic was real, my clothes were stripped.”


“Nothing! I said and thought about nothing!” Index angrily looked away and, underneath the table, Kamijou’s foot was repeatedly stomped. It seemed there could have been only one culprit

“Ah.” Index, who had turned her head aside, seemed to notice something.

Kamijou wondered whether the shop attendants would chase them out for their riotousness.

At that moment, Nh... people?

As he felt that something was amiss, Kamijou realized that the table the four of them sat at was surrounded by about ten people.


Why didn't we notice? Kamijou wondered.

It was perhaps the same distance as the space between customers and attendants waiting for orders. The group of ten looked over in that direction, seemingly desiring to surround the table. It was incredible that no one had noticed.

Also, though shop was crowded, no one had noticed the anomaly. Essentially, these individuals could erase their presences like professional assassins.


All of them, in their 20s and 30s, were dressed in the same Western suit

If they were squeezed together in a train station, they could cause those around them to not remember their faces and names. However, their expressions lacked emotions completely. And, because of that, they contrasted from their surroundings.

Emotionless expressions...?

Kamijou wondered where had seen the expression before and looked back around the table.

...The anonymous miko...

Her expression was still deadpan even with ten men surrounding the teenagers.

“100 yen more.” She spoke as she silently stood. Her attitude was as casual as meeting someone for a planned arrangement, showing her unwariness of them.

One of them backed away and made a path while another respectfully handed over a 100 yen coin to the palm of the miko without a word.

“Eh? Ah? So you know these people?” Oblivious of the situation, Kamijou spoke.

"..." She looked around herself, seemingly pondering something. “Nn. They’re cram school teachers.”

A nonchalant tone. The miko walked down to the first floor and the ten men silently followed behind like bodyguards or even shadows.

The familiar buzzing and wired music seemed far away as the volume softened. When everyone had left, Aogami Pierce finally spoke. “Hold on, why did cram school teachers bring her back? They’re not elementary school disciplinary officers.”

Part 3

Later, it was evening.

In order to erase the memory of the mysterious miko and the suit-clad men, Kamijou and company played energetically and dispersed home after 5:00 like elementary school students afterschool.

Aogami Pierce said “bye-bye” like an elementary school child and disappeared into the evening streets. He lived in a bakery instead of a student dormitory. It was said that he stayed there because the uniform looked like a maid outfit.

On the road in front of the department store station, Kamijou and Index were alone.

Kamijou sighed. As the idea that they were alone appeared in his mind, a numbing tension spread through his body. There was no need to mention why.

“What’s the matter Touma?”

Facing a question with such an innocent smile, he could only answer that it was nothing. He carefully maneuvered to avoid being found out and sighed. It was because they lived together. On top of that, secretly, in a “boys’ dorm”. Most important of all, she was such a little girl.

It was several days since he had returned from the hospital. And, every day, she slept beside Kamijou as if it were normal. Also, her sleeping habits were terrible; perhaps it was because of her dislike of the heat that she would reveal her feet or bellybutton from her pajamas. All said and done, he could only choose to lock himself in the bathroom and, because of it, Kamijou Touma was recently sleep deprived.

“...Am I so bad I could end up on the tabloids?” He muttered. How would the Kamijou Touma with his memories have viewed the situation? He continued to mutter. In fact, the concept of “living together” was proposed by the Kamijou with his memories.

What were you doing, Kamijou of the past! He roared in his heart.

Walking half the distance, Index suddenly stopped, seemingly having seen something.

“Eh?” Feeling depressed, Kamijou stared where Index’s gaze was directed. At the base of ta windmill turbine sat a corrugated paper box with a cat purring inside.

"Touma! Ca—“

"No way!" Kamijou interrupted Index before she could finish. "No. We can't."

"Why why why why why? Why can't we raise Sphinx?"

"Because we're not allowed to have pets in student dormitories, and I don't have any money. And don't go ahead and name the cat so quickly! And what? Sphinx? THAT'S A JAPANESE CALICO CAT, WHY A FOREIGN NAME?"

"Why don't you keep a cat! Do as you are told!" (Note: This was spoken in English)


"...Humph! Don't think a few English words can convince me!"





In the summer sunset, the two shouted at each other. Kamijou casually thought how did the Kamijou Touma then treat her? Maybe it was like this?

If it were the case, it would be great for him. But... it was somewhat lonely. After all, the girl was not looking at this Kamijou. What made her completely at ease was the Kamijou of old.

It was painful... But, Kamijou still intended to struggle on.

“Humph! I heard that the Shamisen was made from cat skins? Why must the people of this country always be so cruel to cats?”

“...Idiot, don’t criticize other countries’ cultures! You English folks also love to gather together and chase down foxes, right!?”


Halfway finished shouting, Index noticed something and moved away.

“Na? What? Where did the cat disappear to?” Kamijou said as he looked around, but did not see any sign of the cat.

"...That's strange. Touma. I seem to sense that mana is being gathered." Index stared at Kamijou and muttered.

"...The attribute is earth, color is green. This ritual... uses a medium to introduce mana and acts through conscious intervention..."

She seemed to mutter her thoughts. Kamijou knew not what she spoke of and only stared at her. As he did so, she finally spoke.

“Oi, Index!”

“It looks like someone just set up a magical array around here. I’ll go check it, go home first, Touma!” Just like that, Index vanished into the alley.

"She told me to go back, but..." Quite the mysterious girl, he thought. Regardless, he could not simply leave her behind and leave first. Anyways, a girl just ran down a dangerous alley. The chances of encountering something bad is as high in a third rate RPG’s storyline.

Misfortune reared its head again and Kamijou sighed. He raised his foot to follow her into the alley. But, at the same instant, a voice came from behind him.

“It’s been a while, Kamijou Touma.” His foot, about to step into the alley, stopped.

The words “It’s been a while” were essential taboo for Kamijou. He remembered information like the Japanese language or first grade mathematics but he had no memories. He remembered nothing, not even the trivial from when he bought a game to the important like how he scored on his end-of term exams. As he could not remember names and faces, hearing something like “It’s been a while” caused him to only give his most sincere false smile.

It was to protect her happiness. He had decided he must never let others realize his amnesia. With such a conviction, he turned to look behind him.

“Ah.” Seeing the man standing there, Kamijou had no impressions. He was more of a teenager than a man but for a man over two meters tall, the term teenager could have been a stretch. He wore a black priest’s robe and, like Index, he lacked the pale white skin of the Japanese.

Though he was a priest, the smell of cologne was overwhelming. His long hair was dyed red, his ears were pierced, every one of his fingers was decorated by rings and under his right eye was a barcode tattoo. This fallen impression he gave was like that of a renegade monk or even a heretic.

How could such a thing exist? And, he did not desire to leave any impressions.

“Humph. Not even a ‘hello’ even though we haven’t met for a while? Hm, that’s fine too. That’s how our relationship should be. We can’t just act like comrades after working together once.” The cologne priest spoke earnestly.

Who is this guy... Kamijou could not voice this.

Besides the existence of such a suspicious priest, Kamijou was even more suspiciously curious why he had known such a person. Additionally, one more thing bothered him. Index had run off somewhere and there was little time to bother with the dark priest.

"Ah, don't worry about Index, I just used Opila runes. She probably just detected the magic flow and went to take a look."

Kamijou was stunned.

Runic magic: a magical language that the Germanic people adopted in the 2nd century A.D. Essentially, they were “words of power” such as “kenaz,” flames. With “kenaz” on paper, flames would form over.

...What’s going on? He could not voice his concerns. Rather than the priest’s speaking of runic magic, it was because such ridiculous knowledge flowed naturally from Kamijou’s mind.

It was certainly abnormal. It was like running a rusted locomotive into the middle of a clear river, like a large gaping hole in a logical world. It had mixed into a world where green meant go and text messages cost money. The thing called magic had weaved into everyday life.

What kind of world did the Kamijou Touma of the past live in?

For the first time, Kamijou feared his past self.

The scented priest seemed to see something in Kamijou’s eyes and closed one eye and smiled. Kamijou knew not what was going on and neither was he in the mood to speak to others. He could only ambiguously smile and suppress the nebulous feeling.

As Kamijou smiles, the red-haired priest pulled out what appeared to be a card and spoke. “Don’t smile with everything. Are you ready to die?” (English) He smiled like melting wax, the face extending sideways.

A chill. The knowledge that Kamijou still had told him that there was danger. Without time to think, he raised his right hand.

Quickly raising his right hand before his own eyes, as if he were blocking light shining into eyes, and, at the same instant, the priest’s right hand burst out flames. As if he were hosing out gasoline, a fiery-red sword of flames formed.

There was no delay. No hesitation, no mercy—the sword was swung great force, downwards at Kamijou. The instant the sword and hand came in contact, the former exploded like a ball of gas the flames scattered.

The flames absorbed oxygen and released a terrifying sound as a 3000 degree flaming Hell formed a vortex that invaded all nearby. With a boom, the flames did not completely stop. It shined but, without a moment’s notice, vanished as if broken.

"Ha... hah..." Kamijou did not lower in a panic his right hand that protected his face. He continued to breathe heavily.

Imagine Breaker: the mysterious power hidden in Kamijou’s right hand. No matter what the super natural power, even one of God’s miracles, would vanish completely on contact.

"Hah... hah...!"

Seeing the stiff, trembling and immobile Kamijou, the priest finally smiled. “Yes. Yes. That’s the face I want. The relationship between Kamijou Touma and Stiyl Magnus should be like this. Don’t make me repeat myself: our relationship isn’t such that could call each other comrade after working together once.”

The priest’s smile ruptured and melted. Kamijou, on the other hand, could not respond. It was not that he feared the abnormal power within him, neither did he fear the priest called Stiyl Magnus. If it were a question of fears, there was but one issue.

What bothered him was that he could actually respond in time to block the attack, a flame sword at that without a thought. In other words, his knowledge feared him.

It was truly frightening.

"Wha... are you—" Kamijou frantically took two, three steps because the knowledge leftover from the previous Kamijou Touma was telling him that an enemy was there.

There was no time for him to fight the enemy within. As of then, the most important issue was the enemy without. Perhaps, as a result of the knowledge imprinted in his mind, Kamijou growled and entered a fighting stance of no particular style. He was in fact quite surprised he was accustomed to fighting.

Facing Kamijou, the pseudo-priest magician chuckled. “Hn? I want to tell you a little secret.”

What nonsense are you spouting? As Kamijou thought as such, Stiyl extracted an envelope.

It seemed like it contained much information. Is he really going to tell me some secrets? Kamijou frowned. This guy just made a huge explosion on this one direction, 3-lane road as wide as a runway. Now he’s trying to tell me a secret...?


Considering it, Kamijou realized something. There was a large explosion and yet the surroundings were not involved in the commotion.


No. It was then that Kamijou realized the truth. Rather than a lack of commotion, there was a lack of people. On the said road as wide as a runway, there were department stores lined up on either side. But, giving it thought, there were no people, no cars, only Kamijou and Stiyl.

The windmill turbines rattled, causing echoes through the empty street like a laughing skeleton. From far away, the ringing of a siren was heard in the empty crossing.

"I said it before," Perhaps to break the silence of the night cost, Stiyl chuckled. “I used Opila runes.”

“Ehwaz.” Stiyl said and flicked the large fan-mail like envelope with his index finger. It spun like a Frisbee and slowly landed in Kamijou’s hands. There were mysterious words on it that seemed to seal the documents inside. As Stiyl muttered, the words began to glow. The seal opened down the middle as if cut by a knife.

"Have you heard of Misawa Cram School, the prep school?" Stiyl asked as if singing. A large amount of information appeared on every scrap of paper and, like a magic carpet, only the necessary information flew out of the envelope and floated around Kamijou.

Lacking memories, Kamijou could only scan the name through his own knowledge. However, he still had no impression of the name Misawa. It had seemed his past self lacked interest in college entrance exams.

“It’s said to be the prep school with the largest market in the nation.” Stiyl spoke with melancholy. A prep school, as the name may have implied, that was tuition based. Repeat students who failed their college entrance exams gathered there to study.

However, the “promotion prep class” in Academy City has another meaning. It was to provide to those individuals who already had the potential to enter college but chose to spend a year to study.

A piece of paper floated in front of Kamijou. It seemed that Misawa Cram School provided not only “promotion classes” but “pre-exam express” services to those students yet to take an exam.

"...So, why are you telling me about prep classes? Is there a discount offered when you introduce it to friends?" Kamijou asked Stiyl with an obvious look of distrust. Kamijou could not imagine any sort of relationship the cologne reeking priest had with a preparatory school.

“It’s like this,” Stiyl nonchalantly began. “A girl is imprisoned in Misawa and it’s my job to save her.”

Completely stunned, Kamijou stared at Stiyl. Instead of the frightening word “imprisoned”, it was because he suspected that the man was serious. Of course, even if Stiyl were mad, it was nothing to Kamijou. However, as the man could use flames like weapons, it would have been dangerous for him to go berserk.

“Hm, I thought that you would understand if I showed you the information. “ Stiyl lifted his index finger up and the envelope in Kamijou’s hands released printing paper that continued to fly around Kamijou like snowflakes. One particular piece was a positional diagram of Misawa Cram School.

However, the picture of the diagram contained errors in regards to the measures when one compared the infrared and ultrasonic scans. Naturally, it was an unknown place that consumed much electricity.

A Misawa Cram School electricity bill... Even after investigating the electrical consumption of each room, the sum did not tally up. There seemed to have been a room where “something” was consuming large sums of electricity.

A personnel entry and exit list of Misawa Cram School... The teachers and students seemed to take in a myriad of foods. Some investigators acted as garbage men and checked the trash but the numbers there did not tally either. Misawa seemed to provide food for other “people” inside the building.

The final sheet of paper... was a reported sighting one month prior of a girl walking into the Misawa building. According to a caretaker of the student dormitory, the girl was never again seen at the dorms.

“As of now, it would seem that Misawa Cram School has become a phony religious cult devoted to scientific worship.” Stiyl said smoothly.

Scientific worship...? Kamijou frowned in surprise.

"You're, talking about those things, right? Gimmicks like how God's real identity is that of a UFO or with an extraction of a Saint's DNA, they could make clones, right...?"

The concept that science and religion are unrelated was rather shallow. In the Western world, there were many doctors and scientists who were also Christians.

However, if such a relationship were forced, it was fact that atrocities would occur. It was common for those individuals to have the most advanced technology in producing explosives and poisonous gases.

Academy City, the leading entity of scientific technology and coincidentally learning and education, would normally act extremely carefully when dealing with science and religion mixing. The places whose purposes were educational could become brainwashing institutions.

“I don’t know what they’re teaching. But, to be honest, it’s pointless no matter what kind of fanatical religious group that Misawa Cram School becomes because it’s already been dissolved.”


“To put it more bluntly...” Stiyl continued, appearing to have not a care at all. “Misawa Cram School was taken over. The half-baked science phony-religious group was consumed by a real magician—no, an alchemist of the Zurich school to be precise.”

"An authentic one...?"

"Yeah, I know it sounds suspicious... hold on."


"...Since when were you so docile? Are you just listening to me and letting the words come out the other end? Did you not understand at all?”

Kamijou was shocked. Stiyl was incorrect. He was truly listening to Stiyl and was trying to understand and respond to the unfamiliar terms. But, it was because of that that Stiyl felt something was amiss.

It was like someone had realized that the Kamijou Touma of now was different from the Kamijou Touma of the past.

Don’t realize it. Don’t realize it...!

The Kamijou of the present did not know the magician’s relationship with Index. But, no matter how distant they may have been, Kamijou did not want others to know about his amnesia.

Kamijou saw it. In the patient’s room, he saw the white nun’s habit wearing girl cry. The tears of happiness were shed for the boy that was the Kamijou with his memories. He could not topple her mental support... ever. So, Kamijou had decided to fool the entire world. Even himself.

“What, are you giving me this crap just because I’m listening attentively? You aren’t a masochist are you? You the type that wants others to interrupt what you say all the time?”

But, of that moment, Kamijou did not know how different he acted from the previous Kamijou. It was like walking with a map. Even if he knew he was going the wrong direction, looking around and finding desert everywhere would not tell him the correct path to take.

For a time, Stiyl stared with suspicion at his face. “Fine, whatever. It’s not a problem that this conversation’s going well anyways.” Stiyl finally ended his digression. “The point is the reason why the alchemist took over Misawa Cram School. Of course, the simple reason is that he probably feels it convenient to use Misawa as a base. Most of the students may not have realized that the principal of the prep school has changed.”

Stiyl lightly exhaled and continued. “The most important reason why is because Deep Blood is imprisoned in Misawa Cram.”

Deep Blood?

Kamijou had never heard of the name before and neither did he possess any knowledge of it. However, the name itself already sounded terrifying.

“Originally, Misawa Cram seemed like they imprisoned her to be a miko. In actuality, their idea wasn’t wrong. It’s a viable method to use a miko as a sacrifice to summon higher class beings.”


“But Deep Blood was already a target for the alchemist. Misawa Cram had simply taken her first. No, perhaps for him, it couldn’t have been helped. His original plan should have been to abduct Deep Blood without any notice and proceed to escape Academy City. However, because Misawa blew it out of proportion, his plans was ruined.”

“So... he forcefully took what he wanted from Misawa?”

He was like a master thief who formulated various preparations to steal something from an art gallery only to find terrorists occupying the building. The thief then would proceed to steal the painting he desired from the destructive maniacs who did not understand the value of the artwork and then finds police flooding the gallery.

Unable to do a thing, the master thief would build a barricade at the entrance and hide inside.

“Yeah. For the alchemist, it’s his greatest wish to be able to get Deep Blood... or, more accurately it’s the wish of for the entirety of magicians. Or maybe even the wish of the entire world.”

“???” Kamijou appeared puzzled.

“It’s an ability that kills a ‘certain creature.’ No, not only that. It offers the only possibility of capturing the creature alive to prove it exists.” Kamijou still did not understand. “Well, if I have to use Christian terminology, this creature is called Cain’s descendant.”

Stiyl chuckled and spoke in a whisper. “Basically, they’re vampires.” He had finally said it.

“Are you kidding me?” Upon hearing such a word, it was Kamijou’s first response. Vampires... Kamijou did not know where the legend originated from but, according to the depictions in games and manga: vampires fear crosses and sunlight, vampires die when hammered with a stake, vampires reduce to dust upon death, and those bitten by vampires become vampires.

He only knew those facts. And, for some reason, the information that Kamijou knew were from mangas and games (and fighting games at that). In reality, the Cross was useless.

“...Those that can consider it a joke are considered lucky.” Stiyl gnashed his teeth and looked away. As of then, the adept flame manipulator magician seemed to fear something. “Humph. If there’s a specialist that can kill vampires, it’s obvious that the vampires to be killed must exist too. It’s like how villains exist for the sakes of the heroes of justice. It’s a vicious cycle. But, one thing I can confirm is that... well, if possible I don’t want to admit it.”

“...What do you mean? Do these fictional vampires actually exist?” Kamijou was still denying it in his heart.

But, the man before him was as stern as ever, unable to brush it off.

“Nobody has ever seen a vampire—“ Stiyl Magnus seemed like the embodiment of self confidence as he continued in a chant-like tone. “—because everyone who did, died.”


“Of course, I’m not going to just believe it so easily. The troublesome thing is that no one has seen a vampire before but Deep Blood’s very existence proves vampires’ existences. Nobody knows how strong they are, how many there are, where they are... No one knows, no one knows, no one knows... How can we deal with something we know nothing about?”

Stiyl continued to rant on but Kamijou, who still had not accepted the term vampire, could understand nothing. In the end, he could only think that they were dealing with hidden terrorists all over the world.

“But on the other hand, it's because no one knows about the truth behind them that there're all sorts of unknown possibility.” Stiyl sneered cynically.

“Kamijou Touma, have you heard of the 'Kabbalah?”... I suppose you haven't, right?”

“...Do you think you’ll hurt my pride like that?”

“Whatever. Anyways, the 'Kabbalah' represents the 'soul level' of God: Angels, humans, et cetera. Simply put, humans can climb the ranks with training. But, at some point, they’ll hit a wall they can’t climb.”

“...You're treating me like an idiot, aren't you? What are you trying to say?”

“Is your pride hurt? What I'm trying to say is... there are some disciplines that humans can't reach no matter how much they try. But, humans do want to continue their ascent no matter what. Magicians became magicians because they want to surpass human limits. If so, what must humans do to surpass this limit?” His expression seemed like he would rip his sneer apart. “It’s simple. They just need to borrow the power from something that isn’t human.” Kamijou could not speak.

“So-called vampires are immortal. You could rip their hearts out or stab them with a magic sword and they can continue to live like a magic tool.” Stiyl easily continued. “The authenticity is unimportant. Scholars are those who would try anything with even just a tiny possibility.”

In other words, whether the vampires existed was irrelevant. What was important was that some believed that they did and raised issues over it. If someone blew something up, another would have to deal with it. This was the situational crux.

“So... no one knows if vampires exist or not, right?”

It was a common occurrence to find a number of people fighting in action movies over some ancient treasure whose existence was questionable. However, it was ridiculous for such a thing to occur in real life.

“Confirming such an unknown existence is our job.” Stiyl chuckled cynically. “Thus, Misawa Cram and the alchemist were serious. They really wanted to face off against a vampire and needed the ace called Deep Blood.”


“Oh yeah. Do you know about Deep Blood’s past? It’s rumored that the girl used to live in a mountain village in Kyoto. But, one day, everyone in the village died. The last villager who reported on the case might’ve been in a state of disarray, fearing a monster would kill him. When the rescue arrived, all they found was an empty village caked in a white snow-like ash and a girl, absent mindedly standing there.”

Ashes... It was rumored that vampires turned to ashes upon death.

“It's true that vampires are an unknown sort of existence. Deep Blood is a power that can 'kill vampires'. But if, Deep Blood wanted to kill vampires, Deep Blood has to meet vampires. As for those who want to find vampires no matter the cost, the easiest way is to catch Deep Blood. However, since Deep Blood is powerful enough to kill even vampires, how can they subdue Deep Blood? That’s the question.”

It was a completely supernatural discussion.

Kamijou’s instinct told him it was dangerous to listen in. If he continued to listen, his common senses would become twisted. Kamijou had a premonition that, if it kept up, it may turn into an irreversible situation.

To end the conversation, Kamijou explicitly raised a suspicion. “Alright. You’ve told me these secrets. What do you want to say now?”

“Nn. That’s right. We’re short on time so let’s end this quickly.” Stiyl nodded twice and continued. “...Basically, I have to charge into Misawa Cram and save Deep Blood.”

Kamijou nodded in response.

“Don’t nod away like that. You’re going with me.”


“What? What did you just say?”

“That was an accurate description of the situation. Also, the conversation was a discussion of our battle plan. Do you still remember everything? The papers are engraved with flame runes and are due to burn up after you see them. It’ll be bad if you forget.”


ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? Kamijou thought.

The person before him named Stiyl whose power was most suited for killing was merciless. If he was entering some enemy alchemist’s stronghold, it would be unsurprising to see him tangled in a dangerous development.

“Also... one more thing.” Stiyl continued. “I believe you don’t have the right to refuse. If you disobey, we’ll take away Index from you.”

For some reason, the words carved deeply into Kamijou. His past “knowledge” was afraid. The remnants of the past Kamijou seemed to fear something.

“The mission that Necessarius gave you is for you to act as a shackle. You are a shackle that’s preventing the chained Index from betraying the organization. But, if you don’t do as the Church wishes, you aren’t functioning as a shackle.” Stiyl sighed. “Speaking of which, it’d be good for me if you Church felt you were useless. I’d really thank you if you could do it. Since broken shackles are useless, I could just take that child back.”

It was a threat. If he disobeyed, Index would be taken away.


He was trembling. His heart was beating as if a wooden stake were being hammered in. Kamijou Touma had no memories and the one the girl met was the previous Kamijou Touma. It no longer had anything to do with him. The reason for his rapid heartbeat was likely because of the remnants of the last Kamijou.

But... for some reason,

“...Are you serious?”

Why did he believe with such conviction that his anxiety was a correct response?

Kamijou wondered.

It was true that Index had first met Kamijou when he had his memories and the trusts and smiles she had were not directed at the current him. Even so, it was alright. He had once seen the girl in the white room cry as she saw a battered and fatigued Kamijou.

In order to prevent her tears... Even if he had to deceive the entire world, even himself, it was alright. Kamijou swore to adhere to his own lies!

“...Humph.” Stiyl detachedly looked away. His expression was the inexplicable one of an actor whose role was stolen. “If you want to settle things with me, wait till we deal with the alchemist hidden within Misawa Cram. Also, I forgot to mention, Deep Blood’s name is Himegami Aisa. Here’s a photo. It’s best you take a look. It’d be bad if you didn’t know the face of the person you’re going to save.”

A photo slipped out of the envelope, one that seemed powered by Stiyl's runes as well as it danced in the air and stopped in front of Kamijou.

Kamijou looked at the photo... What does the esper with this terrifying Deep Blood look like?

But, in the photo, he saw the face of the girl from the restaurant.

“Eh...?” Kamijou froze.

Perhaps the photo on a student report book or some I.D. card was enlarged because the face of Himegami Aisa was the same as the miko’s.

Kamijou recalled Stiyl’s words.

Originally, Misawa Cram seemed like they imprisoned her to be a miko.

He recalled the girl’s previous words.

...I'm not a miko.

Then the magician’s.

...A girl is imprisoned in Misawa and it’s my job to save her.

Himegami Aisa’s.

...They’re cram school teachers.

But why? He wondered. According to Stiyl's explanation, Himegami Aisa was imprisoned in Misawa Cram. IF the miko's really Deep Blood, how can she enter a fast food restaurant to eat hamburgers?

...Train fare back home: 400 yen.

Did she escape? Kamijou considered. The only possible reason why the imprisoned Himegami Aisa would be outside is because she escaped Misawa.

...My total fortune: 300 yen.

If that were the case, it explains why she had so little cash with her. Besides, if she escaped without much money, she’d have less if she took trains and buses.

But, why was she at a fast food restaurant? He wondered. Since she escaped, how was she there?

...Spent all my money and ruined myself.

“Ah!” Suddenly, Kamijou finally remembered what she had said. What if she couldn’t run any further because she ran out of funds? It’s because she couldn’t go any further?

And so, the girl had one final wish? The girl needed 100 yen. If she had 100 yen, could she have escaped Misawa Cram School? Who was the idiot who refused her?

...Spent all my money and ruined myself.

“Damn it...”

Additionally, Himegami conceded when she was surrounded by the cram school teachers. Obviously, she must have desired to resist. How could she be willing to return after escaping Misawa Cram School?

Any other person would have chosen to run. If escaping on her own were impossible, then she would have asked others for help. But, asking another would involve end up involving them.

“Damn it...!” Extremely unhappy about the circumstances, he was so frustrated he could not think. He was in outrage that Misawa Cram treated the girl as nonhuman and imprisoned her. He was revolting against the alchemist that snatched her and was infuriated by Stiyl who claimed that Deep Blood was the ace, the vampire deterrent.

But, the one thing that vexed Kamijou the most was the fact that Himegami Aisa had sacrificed herself for Kamijou’s sake.

It was wrong. If Kamijou had handed over 100 yen, he could have changed her fate. However, the girl was actually willing to sacrifice her efforts in escaping Misawa to save the boy who returned her to despair. It was fundamentally wrong.

Though Kamijou did not know what type of “new religion” it was, he could not imagine how a captive girl would be treated. Naturally, he did not want to imagine at all.

Kamijou was supposed to adopt the pain.

On what grounds can you even... Kamijou bit his lips and the taste of blood was felt on his canines. TAKE AWAY ANOTHER PERSON’S MISFORTUNE!?!

In reality, this was the root of Kamijou’s frustration, a fact that made his mind boil.

Kamijou lacked memories. However, Himegami considered her treatment as a tool as acceptable. She ignored her own pains to help others and thought it a form of happiness.

In the past, Kamijou felt he had met such a girl before. Why was the memory absent? Kamijou vexed himself.

He had to save her?

What should he have said? Kamijou Touma was going to be unable to relieve his angers unless he punched the selfish and stubborn Himegami Aisa.

Between the Lines 1

...The girl stood in the center of a sea of ashes...

One of the 13 Knight Squads of England, the 1st Lancer Squadron, was assigned the mission of “gathering enemy information before any others.”

That time, the enemy territory was a mountain village located in Kyoto. They had to decipher why the mana flow had become abnormally large and eliminate any threats. Thus was their aim.

...It had been over six hours since they had lost contact with the village...

...It had been over three hours since the investigating police had disappeared...

As every member of the squad could have guessed, the village was in ruins. It was not a rare occurrence for them. England did, after all, possess the flesh and blood sacrificial altar that could search for every spiritual tool in the world.

Compared to the raging soul of some ancient emperor residing in age-old treasure, the mission was riskless.

In fact, they were only equipped with cast armor and cross-shaped spears that were not enough mass-produced holy spears. Though the cast armor were simply defenses possessing magical power that increased the bearer’s mobility by 20-fold, they were still first class spiritual tools that their superiors saw as more than enough.

But, there was one thing that everyone was mindful of. The last survivor who had called had said something along the lines of “Help... me—that’s not human... that’s—“

Of course, nobody had believed him. The church superiors did not believe it and had not afforded the knights proper equipment.

But, the battle-hardened Knights of England felt some irritating sensation.

Though many records existed in the English National Library, none had actually seen it before let alone capture one. As this creature seemed to somehow exist, it was a mystery as to why so many refused to admit they existed.

If they admitted that the certain creatures existed, the world would have been destroyed.

The terrifying fact about them was not the power they wielded. If the power were unmatchable, humans could always improvise with something besides brute force, such as tools and weapons to succeed.

The terrifying fact about them was not their immortality. If they could not kill the enemy, they could use other means for victory. For example, they could freeze them beneath the Antarctic ice or cut up the immortal flesh into 200 pieces and place them in bottles.

These were not issues. The issue at hand was the rumored mana stores the certain creature possessed. Mana was the magic world’s gasoline. It involved the refining of raw fuel like lifespan and lifeforce into something simpler to use. To humans, who from the very beginning had shortened lifespans, the power of the mana depended on the adept or inept refining methods.

However, it was different for the creature.

In essence, their original fuel, lifespan and lifeforce, could not simply be compared to a human’s. Or rather, more accurately, their lifeforce was infinite so of course, the amount of magic they could use was on a completely different level. How could a handgun with limited ammunition combat an unlimited missile raid?

Thus, the members of the company laughed at their insecurities but still could not rid them completely. Like that, they passed through the mountains and reached the age-forgotten village. As they encountered the scene, their hearts felt crushed.

Around, ash was everywhere.

The seemingly age-abandoned Eastern wasteland was caked by a layer of white ash. The roofs of the huts, the earth in the fields, and the narrow channels were covered in ash.

Were the ashes... the remains of the creature?

But, that was not the truly shocking part. If they were real corpses, the number of dead was not limited to 10 or 20. By looking at the amount of ash, the members of the squadron were in disbelief.

In the middle of it all, a girl stood.

Around 5 or 6 years old, she was an Eastern black-haired girl. But, seeing the cute face of hers, the knights specializing in the elimination of radicals could not stop their hearts from beating wildly.

Among that scene of dancing ash, where the remnants of the certain creature were present, the girl was unharmed.

The wind began to blow and the ashes rose.

The ash that covered the entire wasteland scattered about except the area around the girl, as if she were in a Holy Sanctuary. It was as if the dead ashes still feared and avoided her presence.

“I...” The girl spoke. “...I... killed so many again.”

It was like she was describing her everyday life.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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