Tori Transmigrated

Chapter 124: As If She Were a Bond Villain

Chapter 124: As If She Were a Bond Villain

Sonofabitch, I cannot get a fucking break.... She muttered the words before she could stop herself. Her grip around Alexander tightened a bit before she heard his small meow. Tori took a deep breath and adjusted her cat in the crook of one arm before turning around.

I thought you said she was under house arrest the rest of the summer, JP leaned towards her and whispered under his breath.

Tori clenched her jaw. She was.

Sonias eyes were narrowed, and her low voice reached her ears. Then what is she doing here?

The fuck I know. Tori kept her mouth shut, placed her hand on top of Alexanders head, and stroked him from the head to the base of his tail. It was more to calm herself than to cuddle, as seeing Alessas bright, unabashed smiling face as she stepped out of a new carriage made restraining her temper difficult.

Tori could understand if Alessa, who now had authority as the Baroness, would un-ground herself. Alessa and that little red-haired bastard Adrien were able to convince Baron Hart to hand over his title. Even if Alessa wasnt the Baroness, talking her father into releasing her was within her ability.

But this didnt mean Tori agreed with it.

Her sharp eyes followed Alessa as a middle-aged woman in a modest maroon dress stepped out of the carriage with her. She held a large black and rose embroidered carpet bag in the crook of one arm and a wide-brimmed, decorated hat in the other.

My lady, do not forget your hat, she said, addressing Alessa.

Motherfu- did she get a personal maid? The Harts were in dire straits all Alessas life. Alessa didnt have a nanny. Toris mind continued to click, trying to make sense of what she was seeing. Unexpected arrival at one of nobilitys most anticipated events of the year; new carriage; new maid. Tori kept her face neutral, but she was scowling inside. The Harts dont have the money for this. Is it from Adrien? Is he trying to My Fair Lady her? What is your game, Cow Man?

Baroness Hart, welcome to Granite Tower. As per protocol, Duchess Fekete approached the newly arrived young woman, but unlike her familiar reception of Tori and the others, Alexander included, Duchess Fekete stood at a distance and gave a polite nod of her head towards Alessa.

Duke Fekete didnt approach and remained near Tori and the others. He kept an equally neutral expression on his face and showed no signs of greeting Alessa personally.

Thank you for the invitation, my lady! Alessas face lit up at the welcome and her maid let out a small cough. Alessa looked over at her and the maid gave her a small shake of her head, making her knit her brows in confusion.

My lady, the Duchess should be referred to as Your Grace, the maid said, keeping her eyes lowered and her voice calm.

Alessa gasped and straightened up. She looked back at Duchess Fekete and bowed her head once more. My apologies, Your Grace!

The Duchess gave her another small nod. Its all right, Baroness Hart. No need to be so stringent on formalities this weekend. We are all here for a good time.

Yes, I am looking forward to it!

The Duchess stepped to the side to clear the way up the steps and into the castle. One of our servants will meet you in the foyer and escort you and your entourage to your rooms.

Thank you, Your Grace! Alessa beamed and took a step forward. She put a foot on the first step and turned her head towards Tori. Her eyes seemed to grow wide as she grasped her skirt and suddenly scrambled towards Tori like a cockroach trying to hide when the lights were turned on. Lady Guevera!

The corner of Toris eyes twitched. The excitement in Alessas eyes was somewhat unsettling. Alexander seemed to tense in her arms, as if ready to flee if some strange woman tried to touch him. Tori continued to stroke her cats back as if she were a Bond villain. She forced a smile and replied in a polite, but distant voice. Hello, Baroness Hart. Great, now I sound like one.

JP stepped between them before Alessa would try to reach for her. My lady, her title is now Countess Guevera, he said with a placid smile on his face. Please refer to her as such.

Countess? Alessa clapped her hands together and smiled. You were given a peerage? Was it because Dad sent the Emperor a recommendation for finding me?

Toris eye twitched once more. She hoped Alessa wasnt trying to take credit for her getting a peerage. There were multiple reasons, Baroness. Congratulations on your succession, as well.

Thank you very much, my lady! Alessas glistening amber eyes looked down at the ball of fluff in Toris arms and her face reddened. Is this your cat? She stepped around JP and reached for Alexander, only for the cat to pull down his ears and let out a hiss.

Its okay, its okay...shes not going to hurt you, Tori said as she stroked the back of the cat. Alexander let out a small huff and twisted his body. He climbed up to her shoulder and draped himself around her shoulders like a scarf. His thick tail was stiff. Tori looked at Alessa and gave her a wry smile. My apologies, Baroness. My cat does not like strangers.

Oh.... Alessas face fell, and she drew her hand back. Thats a shame....

My lady. Alessas maid called out for her. We should retire to your room and rest before tonights festivities.

Yes, Ms. Noah! Alessa looked at Tori once more. I hope to see you at dinner, my lady!

Tori kept her forced smile on her lips, not only for the sake of etiquette, but to distance herself from the villainess position she was supposed to occupy. Although, at this moment, she did feel like one.

Alessa scrambled up the stairs and was reminded to straighten her back when she reached her maid at the top.

Tori released a heavy breath. Good job, Sonia.

JP raised a brow. Im the one who stepped in.

Yes, but Sonia didnt punch her in the face.

I would if JP got out of the way.

...Good job, JP.

Duke Fekete glanced over at them, and the corner of his lip turned up. The invitations sent out were sent in accordance with the guest list from last years Empress Banquet. Im afraid we did not understand Baroness Harts unique circumstances last year until Duchess Tetri told us.

This hunt is organized by the Duchess, Your Grace. It is not our place to insist the guest list be catered to us, Tori told him as magnanimously as she could. She glanced over. Though, I wonder if Your Grace knows what party the Baroness will be hunting with tomorrow?

That will be finalized this evening and my secretary will post the hunting parties in the great hall by morning, Duchess Fekete said as she walked back to them. Alessas carriage passed them, and the next carriage was brought up. But I am certain that she will join a hunting group.

How so?

She has already inquired how to join one.

Tori pursed her lips and hummed. The Duchess then moved forward once more to greet the next guest. Tori felt the warm weight on her shoulder lifted and turned her head to see Sonia gathering Alexander in her arms and then slinging him over her shoulder.

We should head inside now and get settled in, Sonia told her.

JP looked towards the valet who was waiting to personally escort them. Are our rooms beside the Countess?

Yes, sir, as requested. Miss Vissage will share a room with Countess Guevera and the auxiliary room beside it will be yours. There is also a room for the knights escorting Countess Guevera.

Have His Highness Prince Piers and Duke Alvere arrived yet? Tori asked. Since they were coming from Horizon, they took a different road to Granite Tower. The distance was about the same as from Viclya, so they would likely arrive around the same time.

No, my lady. They have not yet-

I see the imperial knights! Sonia lifted her head and looked down the queue of ornate carriages. I recognize them. Tori followed her gaze and saw the imperial knights of Piers escort. They were all familiar with the knights who were part of Piers personal retinue after over a year of being escorted by them to and from the delta.

Tori nodded. You two go to our rooms. Make sure all our things arrive. Sonia, can you ask for food for Alexander? Ill wait for Piers and Axton.

The twins nodded and followed the valet into the castle. Tori walked to a stone bench beneath a tree to the side of the entryway, and took a seat to wait for the carriage to arrive. As she sat down and looked back, the door of the third carriage behind the current one flung open. The knight beside it let out a small cry of protest as Piers stepped out.

A tired-looking Axton followed, but held up his arm to stop the knight from dismounting as Piers walked past the carriage ahead of his. Tori could almost feel his eyes locked on to her as she stood back up.


Dont cringe. Dont cringe. Her eyes flickered to the Duchess and the nobleman she was greeting. The two stopped talking at once and took a step back, bowing their heads as Piers walked between them without so much as a look. Tori cringed. He couldnt have walked around them or wait for them to finish?

Have you been waiting long? Piers stopped in front of her, and Tori squinted.

You were a few carriages behind us....

Thats good. It wasnt long. Piers gave her a nod. Why did JP and Sonia leave?

They went to our rooms and took Alexander. He stowed away and I didnt know he was here until we arrived. Tori frowned and glared ahead of her. What did he eat last night? Did he stay in the carriage the entire time? Now that she thought about it, how could she not have noticed her cat?

Alexander was young, but he was big.

He is a cat. He can survive on his own, Piers told her. I read that they are natural hunters.

What if he got into a fight and was injured? Or we left him behind? We dont know what couldve happened to him! Its dangerous to stow away like this.

He will be fine. He is a very smart cat. We have raised him well.

Hes only a few months old, Piers.

It is different for cats. A few months old will suffice. He needs his independence. Hell be an adult soon.

Not this soon!

Piers had a slight look of pity on his face causing her to look at him with suspicion. He lowered his eyes once more. Mama J said that mothers always see their children as such, no matter how old they are. You must learn to let him make his own decisions.

Toris lips tightened into a line. Alexander was a cat, not a toddler. Ill just be more careful next time. After the hunt, Ill send him back with Sonia and JP.

I will have a talk with and reprimand him, if you wish.

Piers, he is a cat-

Welcome to Granite Tower, Your Highness! Duchess Feketes voice drew her attention and Tori turned towards the approaching woman. The Duchess stepped back and bowed at Piers.

Beside Tori, he stood up straight and gave a curt nod in return. He lifted his left arm as he took a step closer to her, so her arm brushed against his. That was the silent signal. Tori lifted her hand and placed it in the crook of his arm.

Thank you for hosting these festivities in honor of my mother, Your Grace. She is excited to see the outcome.

The Duchess looked pleased. Then, I shall need to depend on you, Your Highness. May your hunt be fruitful.

Piers gave her another nod and glanced over her shoulder. Tori followed his gaze and lifted her arm to wave. Axton! I made you a charm for hunting tomorrow! Who is going with you? I made them charms, too!

Sir Granger and Lloyd, Axton said before turning to speak to one of the knights escorting Piers.

Good choice. Tori nodded, satisfied. Sir Granger and Sir Lloyd were from hilly, forested areas in the region. Both came from villages that did periodic hunts to supplement their meat, and were known for hunting during mandatory training excursions.

Tori gave Piers a small tug to get him to follow her forward. Axton reached the base of the steps and Duchess Fekete, and her husband came to greet him.

Axton bowed his head and swept his hand over his stomach, only for the Duchess to stop him.

What are you doing? Her voice was firm and disapproving. You are now Duke Alvere! We are equal in standing.

At the reminder, Axton stiffened. He stopped himself from bending further and lifted his head. He swallowed and gave her a small nod. So we are, Duchess Fekete.

Tori watched the Duchess eyes glisten. Her stern expression was replaced with a fond look. Beside her, Duke Fekete stood up straight, and wore a slight, pleased smile on his face.

Genevieve, may you rest, your son is back where he belongs. The Duchess stepped forward, ignoring formalities as she lifted her hands and cupped the sides of Axtons face. Axton closed his eyes and smiled, accepting the affection. After a moment, Duchess Fekete stepped back and took a deep breath to reign in her relieved joy. She stood up straight and met Axtons gaze proudly. The hills of Fekete welcome the forests of Alvere.

Tori tilted her head. Shed never heard such a greeting. She looked at Axton.

The forests of Alvere greet the hills of Fekete, Axton replied. Despite his collected demeanor, his voice choked ever so slightly.

Each duchy speaks of its landmark as a representative of the ducal family. Piers voice whispered in her ear. Fekete is its hills, Alvere is its forests, Tetri its lakes, Sinan its valley, and Servana its river. The greeting is only said between reigning dukes and duchesses.

Huh...then I wonder if Axtons father....

It is a sort of secret language between the dukes and duchesses, and learned by the heir for use when they come into their position. The previous duke did not know about it. Tori snapped her head at Piers and narrowed her eyes.

Thats interesting, but are you reading my mind? She paused and watched him, waiting for him to answer. He didnt, instead diverging his eyes elsewhere as soon as they met hers.

Piers, lets go. Tori, wheres your room? Axton called for them and they followed up the stairs, leaving the Duke and Duchess to continue greeting guests.

I dont know.... Tori reached into her pocket. Let me call Sonia. Im sharing a room with her, and JP is in the auxiliary room next to us.

Your Highness, Your Grace, my lady. An older man in a crisp uniform bowed to them as they entered the tower. I am Darius Kurt, the head butler of Granite Tower. I will escort His Highness and His Grace.

Oh, then, can you direct me to someone who can take me to my room? Tori asked.

I will take you, Countess Guevera. Your room is in the same wing.

Wonderful! She slipped her comcry back into her pocket. Is it far?

Not at all, my lady. As instructed, your room is across from His Highness.

I wasnt the one who requested it. JP furrowed his brows as she and Sonia met him outside the hallway after they settled into the room. Tori made sure Alexander was inside and that had food, water, and a round litter box. Duke Fekete had two cats and had helped them arrange it.

Tori frowned as she walked down the hall. The two Guevera knights escorting them remained one behind and one in front of their trio as they headed to the stairs to get to the reception dinner in the great rooms adjacent dining hall below.

Then who requested it? I was sure we were only arranging for our rooms.

Im going to take a guess that it was His Highness, Sonia said. Her hair was pulled up and in a small twist. Aside from her Lyce uniform, Sonia rarely wore dresses mainly because she rode horses often and couldnt be bothered to change out of pants. The only times she wore a dress or a skirt outside of class was on the rare occasion where she wasnt riding, but she didnt look uncomfortable or out of place wearing one at all.

In Viclya, her only nice dresses were the ones from Lions Gate, so she brought a few with her in preparation for the reception and dinners. It surprised them to find that Duchess Fekete had provided local dresses for both of them. Sonia had a warm, golden complexion and so the Duchess had sent coral and gold dresses for her to choose from.

He wouldnt have made the effort. Tori shook her head.

Maybe the Duchess requested it? JP asked. After all, in Viclya, your tents are across from each other.

Sonia nodded. She mightve thought youd feel more comfortable this way.

If she wanted me to be comfortable, she wouldnt have invited Alessa.... Tori muttered under her breath. She and Sonia had a long, rambling discussion on Alessas unexpected arrival as they laid on their beds to rest after the long carriage ride. They even called Ilyana to vent as Sonia tried on dresses.

Rationally, Tori knew it was likely an accident if the invites were based on the previous year. In addition, it wasnt as if the Duchess was aware of the awkward tension between Tori and Alessa. Tori didnt make a point of bringing that up. At most, the Duchess knew Alessa had been grounded after the kidnapping and poaching debacle.

Tori couldnt really blame the Duchess, though she was still somewhat bitter.

Im not a noble, but isnt it in poor taste to release oneself from punishment after getting an innocent man killed and instigating a multi-day search? Sonia said in a dull voice.

We dont know if she released herself or if her father gave in and retracted the punishment before he handed her the title. Unfortunately, there are a lot of things we dont know about the transfer of power in their barony.

One thing was clear: the only reason Alessa was on the guest list last year, and therefore this year, was because of Gideon. That douche.

If anything, this was all his fault.

Im glad weve already formed a party for the hunt. I dont want to spend the entire day trying to stop Sonia if Hart somehow joined us, JP sighed as they reached the stairs. His sister gave him a sharp look.

Lets just go downstairs, check-in, and meet with the hunting party, Tori said. Well sit down for a meal and then retire for the night. We must get up before dawn. Even if Im not going with you, I have to prepare your lunches and see you off.

They came down the stairs and were met with a row of valets waiting to escort the guests to the great room. As they approached the wide double doors, there were two tables to one side to confirm hunting parties. However, it didnt seem as if there were many hunting groups set, as there were only two people in front of the table.

One looked over his shoulder as he heard their footsteps and nodded. JP, Sonia, come here and sign-in. You will get an orange ribbon and a crystal beacon for tomorrow.

Tori stood to the side as the twins rushed over to check in. Each member of the hunting party received two orange ribbons; one to go on either arm. Tori assumed it was the same as orange hunting vests and meant to increase the hunters visibility to avoid being accidentally shot.

The other item was a crystal beacon. They were smaller than the ones shed seen on her cousins ship, but when the tip of the crystal was cracked, it would release energy in the form of a bright light column into the air, like a searchlight. From what she overheard; the ones provided would last ten hours each or a little more than one night. Lost or injured and incapacitated individuals were to remain in place, crack the crystal once the sun set, and wait for rescue.

Tori, JP told us that Baroness Hart is present. I did not know. Piers moved beside her with the corners of his lips pulled down, disapproving.

Tori raised her hand and rubbed his arm. Its all right. She is also a noblewoman. She cant be avoided forever. His hand wrapped around hers and put it around the crook of his arm. Did JP call you?

He was waiting for you and his sister in the hall when we came out of our rooms. I wanted to wait, but he said you two would take some time.

What about Sir Granger and Sir Lloyd?

They were with us and are already signed in. They went to the library to review the topographical maps of the hunting area I had the Duke pull.

Tori narrowed her eyes. Does anyone else have access to those maps?

Piers kept his gaze elsewhere. Everyone does.

Let me ask instead: is anyone else looking at those maps?


I see.

Is this not what you would do in battle? Study the terrain?

This is a hunting tournament.

A battle is a battle. Toris lips tightened into a line. Piers patted the top of her hand as Axton chatted with JP and Sonia on the way to the double doors. Lets enter.

Their knights followed behind them. In such an event, there were plenty of guests who brought their own security detail, but aside from the two imperial sons and Tori, who had received approval ahead of time due to her recent injury, everyone elses guards and knights were not allowed to escort them inside Granite Tower. However, even their knights had to remain outside the great hall, so they lingered by the doors.

JP and Sonia were allowed to slip inside without much fanfare, but for nobles, an announcement was mandatory.

Duke Axton Alvere!

Tori couldve sworn Axton twitched. It wasnt that he hated the title, but he was still getting used to it. When he was only Piers knight, he could enter the room without drawing any attention, but now, his presence was advertised each time. It was more significant because of the recent title turnover in Alvere and because this was his first public appearance as a duke.

Tori glanced around the room. The few people who arrived before them leaned close in their little groups and began to whisper. There were looks of surprise, confusion, and approval from various men and women. At the very least, no one looked disapproving of Axton becoming a duke.

His Highness Prince Piers Emil du Soleil and Countess Victoria de Guevera, the Countess of Cosora!

Oh my God, I forgot about that part.

All at once, the chattering grew louder and more intense. Tori didnt know if her recent peerage had been made public, but now it was. Without context, any number of reasons couldve been spread by loose mouths on how she got the title. Shed need to clarify that she was appointed to the position before questionable rumors spread.

Tori put on a pleasant smile and walked beside Piers as if nothing were amiss, and casually greeted anyone she recognized on her way to the side of the room where JP and Sonia were talking with Ezven, Duchess Feketes son.

She found that she and Axton were stopped every few steps to be congratulated. For Axton, people were telling him it was about time he took his place and how he looked every bit a duke. For her, they asked when she had received her peerage and cautioned her about the responsibility it was.

I fucking know, thats why I didnt want it! Tori nodded her head without snapping back, and leaned forward, occasionally voicing her agreement that the duties of a landed count were significant instead. These people would be her noble peers; she needed to be on good terms with them. At the very least, she used the attention they gave her to tell them the story of how she was presented with the title on her birthday and why.

It took longer than she expected to reach her friends.

His Royal Highness Prince Gideon du Soleil! The name made Tori turn back to the entryway as she stopped in front of Sonia and JP.

Sonia immediately squinted. Why is his face so red?

Tori inwardly grimaced. Gideons face was shades of pink and red with a slight tint of brown. If she didnt know how pale he was before he left, she wouldnt be so shocked. The glaring sunburn across their faces overshadowed their growth in height and build.

Hes not used to being out in the sun for so long, especially by the water, Tori said as she accepted the wine JP gave her. Thanks.

Von Dorns red, too.

They were at the naval academy the entire summer, so theyre outside from dawn to dusk.

We were outside, too, Sonia said. And we didnt get that red.

Some people are more prone to sun damage than others. I also make you all wear hats outside and have those creams my cousins gave me. The previous summer, before she left Anlar, her cousins had given her some creams to help protect her pale skin against the sun while on a ship. It was the same creams they used, which explained why even Andy didnt look sunburnt after being on a ship for weeks at a time. It wasnt expensive and so Tori shared some jars. Grammy uses them, too, when shes in the field. But were not here for that. How are you, Evzen? Did you get the last game I sent?

I did! The young lords eyes widened with excitement as Tori greeted him. He had been a fan of the delta after his first trip had won him over. He and his had parents attended her birthday, and he wouldve stayed longer if his parents had let him. The settlers game is quite fun, but I still enjoy the dungeon crawl the most.

My lord, who do you play with? JP asked. Tori was curious as well. The Duke and Duchess didnt seem to be interested and Evzen was an only child.

Mother. She enjoys the settlers game. Shes very aggressive and I think the game suits her very well, Evzen replied. Father had no interest, but as we needed more people, some maids and knights played. Father and the knights enjoy the dungeon crawl, as well.

Tori nodded. Duke Fekete had already commissioned a game play table from Lions Gate; the most complex one with hexagonal tiles that could be mixed and matched to create new landscapes. However, she kept that to herself. It was going to be a gift for Evzen when he finished his primary classes.

Piers! As expected, Gideons eyes landed on Piers as soon as he entered. The small group turned their attention to the second prince and the sunburnt knight tailing him. Gideons red face was filled with idol worship as he looked at his brother. What time did you arrive? I was looking for you when we arrived, but they said you were resting, and I didnt want to bother you.

He stopped about two paces from Piers, and behind him, Fabian bowed to Piers. Axton was still caught up with some nobles and had yet to reach them. Piers sipped on the wine JP had given him.

This afternoon.

Why did you leave the inn before me? Gideon looked a bit hurt.

It was very early when we left. There was no need to wake you so early. You should rest. Piers looked down at the wine as he swirled it in his glass. Gideon's eyes widened, touched that Piers appeared to be taking him into consideration, but Tori was sure Piers was just trying to avoid traveling with him.

Why are your faces so red? Axton asked as he reached them. He gave the second prince and Fabian a once over and frowned. Did they leave you stranded at sea the entire summer?

No, but we spent a lot of time outside. Gideon gave Axton a small nod of his head in greeting. Congratulations on regaining your peerage, Duke Alvere.

Axton opened his mouth to thank him, but Baroness Alessa Hart was announced. Gideon whirled around and Fabian seemed to be holding himself back from running towards the young woman.

Tori glanced at JP and Sonia, who met her gaze and returned it with a small nod. Without a word, they began to step away from Gideon to try to put as much space between them and Alessa as possible.

How much longer until dinner? Sonia said in a low voice. Her brother rolled his eyes.

Too long.

Alessa, congratulations on your succession, Gideon said with a smile as Alessa approached them. Her cheeks flushed and she beamed. Axton also.... He turned around and his voice faded. Axton had retreated when JP and Sonia took their first steps away.

Piers was following behind Tori, but he wasnt fast enough.

Your Highness! Its good to see you again! Alessa gave a respectful bow of her head to Gideon, but did a full curtsy to Piers. She didnt receive a reply, but it didnt stop her mouth. How was your journey? Are you ready for the hunt tomorrow?

Im sure he is. My brother is always prepared! Gideon puffed out his chest and seemed to brag. Tori resisted the urge to shake her head at him. By the way, have you filled in the other spots?

His eyes moved towards Tori. She gave him a small nod of her head, but remained standing between them and the direction JP, Sonia, and Axton had fled. Piers jaw clenched and he gripped the neck of his wine glass. Several eyes were on him, and Tori studied his face. He had a familiar expression of fighting his urge to ignore everyone and walk away. It had been something hed been trying to change for some time.

For the most part, if there werent too many people, Piers would be able to respond and maintain his expression. If there were too many or someone made him uncomfortable, hed freeze up.

If you are still missing a hunter, I would be happy to join you. Alessa offered. It is the least I can do for your help this summer.

Thats her excuse? Tori heard Sonias irritated whisper and stepped forward to let Alessa and Gideon know that Piers hunting party was spoken for.

Yes, I have. Piers spoke before she had a chance to open her mouth. She glanced at him, and he swallowed hard before turning to his brother. He met Gideons eyes briefly before darting away. All the spots are filled.

Gideon cocked his head to the side. Who else are you bringing? He looked towards Tori once more.

She lifted her chin and closed the gap between her and Piers. She took his arm once more. While I was invited to join, Im afraid I am unable to. After a riding accident two years ago, I cant ride-

You dont know how to ride a horse? Alessas eyes were wide and looked at Tori, shocked and, if Tori was reading her expression right, somewhat appalled. Impossible! How can ones education be so lacking? Daddy said that every noble should know how to ride a horse.

Before Tori could explain, Piers opened his mouth.

Every noble should properly manage their land and keep their people from destitution, as well.

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