Tori Transmigrated

Chapter 125: So Much For Stopping a Spectacle

Chapter 125: So Much For Stopping a Spectacle

Tori heard a shocked gasp behind her and looked over her shoulder. Sonias mouth was parted, but there was undisguised delight in her eyes. JPs brows had shot up, stunned, and Axton turned his head to the side to hide his muffled laugh.

Tori looked towards the man whod spoken. Piers lifted the wine glass and took a sip, as if he didnt just tell Alessa she was an incompetent noble.

Piers.... Gideons disappointed voice was quiet. He looked at his brother with crinkled eyes and seemed at a loss as to how to take his brothers scathing comment. You know thats not Alessas fault.

Piers raised a brow, but kept his eyes on the few drops of wine remaining in his glass. I did not blame the Baroness. I stated the bare minimum of what is required of Soleil nobles. His violet eyes rose and looked over the rim of the glass, narrowing as they swept over Gideon. Is what I said incorrect? His voice was challenging.

Alessa looked at Gideon with hopeful eyes, clearly expecting him to defend her. However, Gideon was weak against his brother. The second prince could only avoid Piers gaze.

No, but-

Do not misconstrue my words, Gideon.

Im sorry. I didnt mean to. Gideons obedience to Piers didnt wane over the summer. I only think that Alessa just succeeded in her position. It will take time to pull her barony out of poverty.

Alessa nodded eagerly and looked back at Piers with determination. Yes, Your Highness! I am serious about the state of my barony and am working hard with my father and possible investors to improve the economy and overall state of Chetterswickshire.

Tori tried not to show her suspicion on her face. She wanted to know who the possible investors were. It sounded as if she had someone else other than Adrien backing her. Thats somewhat worrying. I better bring that up to Kasen.

Piers merely nodded and put his wine glass on the tray of a passing server. We do not expect immediate changes, but within several years, there should be some improvement.

I understand, Your Highness.

Is the Anlar March assisting? Tori asked. I believe last year; the state of the barony was of concern and the march had offered assistance for economic recovery. Bridget oversaw the general management of the march, and last year, Andy had reported the troubling situation to her.

It shouldve taken some time to review the issues concerning the barony, and then another few months to work out even the most basic of a recovery plan.

The OTuagh are not involved, my lady. Chetterswickshire is not a military village, Alessa replied.

Tori cocked her head. I didnt say the OTuagh, I said the Anlar March. A brief look of confusion crossed Alessas face, and she looked at Gideon.

When the military is involved, we refer to it as the OTuagh March. If it is governing the land, including management of resources, economics, and legal and judicial issues, it is usually referred to by the region, in this case, Anlar.

Tori nodded. For example, I have Guevera knights, not Sur knights. Marches are run differently due to the nature of their positions. However, since Alessa said the OTuaghs were not involved, did that mean their efforts were scrapped? Tori had confidence that her cousins would be of help.

Alessa nodded and seemed to let their words sink in. I see...then.... Her eyes flickered towards Tori with some curiosity. Since the Countess has only recently attained a peerage, and it is wasteland populated with refugees, are you facing the same difficulties I am with the poverty of your region?

No, I have money.

Lady Guevera! Fabian choked out her name and moved to stand in front of Alessa, as hed done in the past. How can you say such a thing! His sunburnt face was scowling, and Tori lifted her chin and sneered.

If youre upset by this, then dont compare us, she said in a matter-of-fact voice. And it is countess now, Sir von Dorn. Please remember to address me as such.

Fabian had a hardened look on his face as he took a step forward. A large, light brown hand pressed against his chest and kept him back.

When did your liege command you to make an aggressive move towards the Countess? Tori hadnt heard Axton approach, but he seemed to have materialized in front of her and was glowering at Fabian. Are you a knight or an untrained dog? You should know better by now.

Fabian grit his teeth. His eyes darted to Tori, quietly glaring at her before looking at Axton. He took a deep breath and lowered his head. He did not command me, Duke Alvere.

Is this your will? Piers glanced at his brother. Gideon shook his head.

Fabian was just taking a step-

Knees bent, hips aligned, right arm rising while his left is moving back, Tori said as her eyes went up and down Fabian before turning her head away in distaste. He was going to grab me.

He wasnt! Gideon frowned. Stop trying to make trouble, Lady-Countess!

Gideon, Piers said in a low voice. Both of you spent several months in the naval academy. I expected better discipline.

His words seemed to physically wound Gideon. The second prince clenched his hands at his sides, and he turned his head away. Im sorry, Piers.

To make it clear, our hunting party is full, Axton said as he crossed his arms over his chest as he stood in front of Tori, half hiding her from the other three teenagers. In addition, Tori knows how to ride a horse, but her brothers dont want her riding without supervision because the accident two years ago nearly killed her. Lastly, Cosora does have the advantage of a wealthy ruling noble who is willing to invest heavily into it. Thats nothing to be ashamed of.

My family invests heavily in our military and our marchs infrastructure. Tori narrowed her eyes. I was taught that this is a necessity for a regions prosperity and stability, which our survival depends on.

Duchies also invest heavily into their lands. Even when I didnt have my title, I still had people doing so on my behalf, Axton said.

Piers glanced towards him. The Alvere Duchy is still behind the others.

I know. I have a lot of work to do. Axton rolled his eyes. Tori could only imagine hed been nagged about it often since he regained his title.

The Alvere Duchy? Alessa furrowed her brows and looked at Axton, confused. Has something happened to Montans father?

Tori barely held back a low, cringing hiss. Across from her, even Gideon looked horrified that Alessa mentioned Axtons father and by way of his half-brother in front of Axton.

Does she know about their family?Or did Montan hide it from her? It certainly wasnt something to brag about. Toris other hand reached towards Axton and grasped his forearm to try to offer some support. She wasnt sure how Axton would react, especially after he realized his father was obsessed with their imaginary family. She craned her neck and Axtons face had tensed. His lips were in a tight line and the muscles of his forearm were tight.

His title has been stripped, as he was not a blood member of the Alvere family. He married into it and had no right to succession. Piers spoke up and his voice was cold. For Piers to step in and shield Axton wouldve been unexpected to others, but Tori didnt find it strange at all, even considering Piers disposition. Axton is and always has been Duke Alvere.

The confusion didnt leave Alessas face. If anything, she seemed even more at a loss. What about Montan?

Oh my God, you idiot. Read the room! Toris grip on Axtons arm tightened.

Montan is unrelated to me. Axton sounded as if he were confirming details. He neither came off as disgusted or angry. Simply detached.

Alessas shoulders slumped, and she gasped. But hes your brother! How can you say such a thing! Its not his fault that your father betrayed your mother!

The air around them went cold.

Should I drag Axton away? Hes pretty big, I dont think Im strong enough.... Maybe I should signal JP and Sonia for help. Or maybe I should shut Alessa up permanently.... Toris mind whirled and was lost between considering fleeing with Axton and throttling Alessa.

Baroness Hart. Tori shuddered as she heard Piers icy, accusing voice beside her. Their situation is not any of your concern. Refrain from speaking on such topics. Normal people would consider his words an imperial order.

I know its not my business, but Montan is my friend! But Alessa did not. She stepped forward and stood up straight, as if she were on some righteous warpath. The increasing volume of her voice drew the attention of other guests and the room had grown quieter. Your Grace, please dont discriminate against Montan. He really admires you! I know; hes a good friend of mine!

Shes insane.... Sonia muttered behind them. Tori looked over and saw that Sonia was holding her comcry in her hand and it was glowing, meaning someone else was listening. Tori would bet money it was Ilyana.

Baroness Hart, do not overstep your place. Axtons face darkened and Tori released Piers arm to pat Axtons back. Axton had so much patience and shed never seen it tested like this by a stranger. She needed to stop it before an even greater spectacle was made.

Hes my friend! I wont let him be disgraced-

You wont let him be disgraced, but you let him come with you when you ran away from home, and then knowingly put him in danger by confronting poachers, while unarmed? Toris voice matched Alessas as her eyes bore into her. So much for stopping a spectacle. I just dove right in....

That was an accident! We didnt plan to run into poachers-

Was it an accident that made you run away from home?

I was upset at the time-

Oh, so you also have feelings and thoughts that influence your actions?

Thats not a bad thing. Fabian interjected, and Tori shot him a silencing glare.

Its not, but it is not up to Baroness Hart to dictate how Axton should feel about Montan. Toris cold gaze settled on Alessa. Nor was it her place to dictate how her father should feel about Madam Voss, but I suppose its fine to scream at and belittle someone so long as you get your way.

Alessas face flushed. I was trying to protect my father from being manipulated and taken advantage of!"

And what are you trying to accomplish by mentioning Montan to Axton unprovoked? Tori narrowed her eyes more so. You are not familiar with Axton at all, and I doubt Montan asked for you to intervene.

Alessa looked hurt as she shook her head. I only want Montan to be happy. Hes very kind to me. Is it so wrong to wish him some happiness?

Are you merely wishing or actively trying to force it? Tori raised a brow. Baroness Hart, this matter is complicated and should not be addressed in such a setting, let alone by an unaffiliated party. In addition to overstepping, you are making it uncomfortable for everyone here, especially Axton. So, as he is my friend whom I also wish to be happy, Im going to kindly ask you to shut up and keep your distance from us for the duration of the hunt or I will have you removed.

She could feel the eyes on her, and almost taste the surprise and excitement in the air as everyone watched the drama unfold. It wouldnt end in blows, but it wasnt unheard of for noblewomen to slap or claw at each other. There was a slight chance that a fight would ensue, but even if it did, Tori was confident she could either disable or knock out Alessa before they were ripped away from each other.

She didnt go gallivanting around her original world alone without knowing how to defend herself. Her parents sent her to taekwondo for ten years, starting at age eight. She was very rusty, but she could still throw a punch. Worst case scenario, she had experience grappling.

Say the word, my lady, and I will call for my familys knights to expel her immediately, Evzen said behind her.

Alessa jerked her head back and stared at them with wide, stunned eyes. But...but Im a guest....

Then act like one. Tori put her hand on Axtons shoulder. Lets go claim a table for dinner. There isnt a reason to stand here further. Are you going to join us, Evzen?"

Yes, my lady!

Piers moved to the other side of Axton, as if to shield him from view as Tori steered him away. They didnt spare any more glances at Alessa, Gideon, or Fabian. Tori gave Sonia and JP a nod, and Evzen quickened his steps to tell two valets to open the doors to the adjacent dining room.

As Piers and Axton were with them, they were seated at the head of a large table where the Duke and Duchess would sit.

Do you want to return to the room? Piers asked, leaning towards Axton, who sat between him and Tori.

I can have your meal brought to you, Your Grace, Evzen offered from across the table. JP and Sonia sat to his left.

Axton took a deep breath and shook his head. No, its fine. I was caught by surprise. I didnt expect the Baroness to say such things.

It was inappropriate. Piers continued to frown.

Wait, wait, did you leave her behind? Alberts curious voice came from the open comcry next to Sonia. Several eyes moved towards it and Sonia let out a sheepish laugh.

I thought it would be easier to let them hear it.

Everything is fine, Albert, Axton said, leaning towards the comcry. Well wait in the dining room until dinner.

I hope she keeps her distance, like Tori said, Ilyanas irritated voice followed. I bet shell complain that Tori picked on her.

Let her complain. There were plenty of other people in the room who heard it, Henrik said.

If she brings it up at school, Ill deal with it, JP told Tori. Are you all right?

Axtons the one she was complaining to. Tori shrugged. She looked over and saw him still wearing a frown.

This was different from his expression when she and Piers told him about Montans abuse. Axton had gone quiet and frowned then, too, but it had been a more confused and contemplative frown. Piers told her that Axton read the reports from his people and agreed to keep their men nearby in case Axtons father tried anything. As expected: just because he didnt personally like Montan didnt mean Axton wanted to see him abused.

Tori and Piers didnt force Axton to act. They mentioned what they discovered and let Axton do what he wanted. In addition, they were his friends. If they had an opinion, Axton would be willing to listen to it.

But Alessa was a stranger. She was an outsider with no power or influence over Axton. It was downright rude for her to insist Axton change how he thought about his brother. Anyone wouldve been offended if a random stranger told them they were wrong and should treat the son of their fathers mistress well.

And to demand this publicly, in front of dozens of nobles? Tori was the one who transmigrated and even she knew that was a no-no.

Do you want a hug?

Tori slowly turned her head towards Piers. It was an unexpected question, but he seemed sincere. He looked at Axton with some hesitancy, but was starting to raise one arm. When Axton didnt reply and just gave him a strange look, Piers moved his arm around Axtons shoulder and patted it.

There, there. There, there, he repeated in a robotic voice.

Tori shut her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. Perhaps sympathetic and comforting hugs were still out of Piers ability. Axton tensed; his face twisted with a troubled expression as he looked at Tori for help.

Piers, lets work on one type of hug at a time, she said with a wry smile. Next time, all right?

Oh. He looked a bit disappointed as he brought his arm down. Tori replaced him. She looked across the table as her arm rose and began to rub Axtons back soothingly.

Lets focus on tomorrow. You have a long day.

Thats right. Sonia agreed with a firm nod. Lets not forget why were here.

Evzen nodded as he listened to them. To honor the Empress-


I am opening the balcony door so you can get to your litter, Tori told the fluffy gray cat in a firm, serious voice. Not for you to run around. This is not Viclya. You can get hurt.

Two yellow-green eyes with large, innocent pupils looked up at her. Alexander tilted his head, as if he didnt understand. Tori frowned.

Im serious, Alexander. If you run off, we will leave you here. Do you understand? Alexander tilted his head again. Meow if you understand.

Tori, I know hes a smart cat, but I dont think-


Tori looked at Sonia and pointed to Alexander with a look that said, you see. Sonia raised a brow and looked towards the partially open balcony door. The sun had yet to rise, so it was still dark outside; however, to make the most of their time and get deeper into the forest before it was swarmed, they needed to leave early.

Were a bit high and there isnt anything for him to climb down.

If the side of the wall exists, he has a chance, Tori said, giving one last look at Alexander. I will be back later. Stay here.

The cat let out another meow, as if in confirmation, and Tori and Sonia walked outside. JP was already outside their door, holding both his and Sonias arrow-filled quivers and bows. Piers was with him and dressed in the simple neutral-colored clothes theyd coordinated. One strip of bright orange was tied with a bow on each arm.

Wheres Axton? Tori asked.

He went to prepare the horses with Sir Granger and Sir Lloyd. Theyll eat breakfast and get the horses ready, JP told her.

Tori nodded. You three eat in the dining hall. Im going to prepare the lunches before the kitchens get too busy.

How much water should we bring? Sonia asked. Is there a stream or river in the forest?

Even if there is, we may be hunting away from it, JP said. They marched down the stairs. Just fill your water canister.

When they reached the dining hall, the light crystals were turned on and there were a few servers, but they were the first ones there. Most of the guests were hunting for bragging rights, but they also werent willing to get up before dawn.

Hunting parties could leave Granite Tower at first light, so they planned to ride through the gates as soon as a glow reached the horizon. Tori would see them out, but first, she went to prepare their meals.

There was a thick, locked chest that was lined with ice calcite to keep its contents chilled. Tori had brought it all the way from Viclya, and it contained the ingredients for the lunch. The Duchess had ordered the kitchen to leave a stove and preparation area for Tori that morning. When she arrived, the stove was already heated.

Tori thanked the cooks and opened the chest.

Things were pre-cut and seasoned, she just had to cook and assemble. The smell of meats filled the air as Tori made quick work of mini burritos, sandwiches she cut into triangles, and small sausages wrapped in flaky pastry. She then sorted them equally amongst the party of six, and some spares in case someone asked for more, before adding additional snacks of berries, nuts, and jerky.

She then had one of the assistant cooks help her carry the drawstring canvas bags out. When she got back to the dining hall, the butler said that Piers and the others had already gone to the courtyard to get ready, so Tori brought her easy-to-carry-and-eat lunch there.

There were two other groups out in the courtyard with them and everyone was examining their horses and equipment under light crystals. Sonia called her over and Tori headed in their direction, but studied their competition.

The two parties were noblemen, but there were men who looked like legitimate hunters shed seen at Daybreak Garden. She pursed her lips. Competition was already looking fierce.

Everyone gets a bag of food. There is a cooling charm activated in each bag to keep the food chill, but when you want to eat it, have Piers activate these heating charms Ive tied to the food packages, Tori instructed. Sonia and JP couldnt ground, and she didnt know if Axton or the knights could, so she handed the responsibility to Piers.

Whatd you make us? Axton asked as he accepted his drawstring bag and looked inside.

The paper cones are marked; one has berries and the other has nuts. The long, flat paper wrapped thing is jerky. Sonia and JP, yours are spicy. Piers, yours is salty. Everyone else gets a smoked flavor. The paper-wrapped tubes hold mini-burritos. Triangles are sandwiches. And the round one contains sausage wraps, like the ones at the Deck.

I love those.... Sir Granger said as he gleefully closed his lunch bag. Thank you, Countess!

Remember, safety first, Tori said. She handed out paper charms to everyone and then a small, clear tumbled stone the size of her thumbnail.

Whats the crystal for? JP asked.

Ive charged it. Tori patted his shoulder. In case the crystal beacon goes out, I can find you. Instructor Ignatius said my radius for searching, even without sacred geometry, is well above average, so it wont be difficult considering the area youre restricted to.

JP lifted the small stone to examine it further. Sonia carefully tucked hers away under her tunic.

Well be back before sunset. Dont worry, Sonia said as she reached to give Tori a hug.

Tori gave her a squeeze. Good luck. She then embraced JP and Axton, before grasping Piers hands. You are still a prince. Dont take any unnecessary risks.

I wont.

He agreed too quickly. Tori looked over at the two knights. I leave them in your hands, Sir Granger, Sir Lloyd.

The two knights on horseback lifted their fists to their chests and gave her a bow of their heads. She raised a brow and watched them line up. She didnt expect them to give her a marchs greeting.

When everyone was on their horse, Sir Granger led them to the gate. The portcullis was already raised, but two knights stood in the way. The sky was still dark.

Tori walked back to the steps of Granite Tower and watched with the last drawstring bag of food over her shoulder. She saw a flag from the corner of her eye and turned her head. Someone was on the castle wall and waving a yellow flag. She heard a neigh and snapped her attention back to the gate. The flag mustve been the signal that dawn had broken.

The two knights barricading the door rushed to the side and Piers group was the first to gallop out of the gates. Tori smiled to herself and lingered until she could no longer see her friends.

She turned around and froze.

Gideon stood several steps away, in the foyer, with Fabian behind him. Both were staring wide-eyed, as if they didnt expect to see her there.

Tori could almost hear the showdown music in her head as her hand twitched over her hip. Youre a responsible adult, Tori. Be the responsible adult. The corner of her lips curled up into a smirk as she lifted her chin. I hope youre ready to lose. Nailed it.

Her comment snapped Gideon out of his uncertainty and a mocking sneer filled his face. Its not a competition.

The word tournament is in the name. It is very much a competition.

Fabian moved forward and stood in front of Gideon. Countess Guevera, please do not aggravate His Highness.

Tori snorted and turned her head away in distaste before walking past them.

Did you want to make a wager? She made it three steps past them when he finally called out.

Tori turned on her heel and faced them with a pleasant smile. Im not one to gamble if my chances are too low. Who else is in your hunting party?

Fabian, Sir Wagner and Sir Ruben-

Hold on. Tori lifted her hand. She took out her comcry. Call Axton du Nassaun. As the comcry glowed she glanced over. He hasnt re-registered his comcry, yet. He said hed do it before school starts, so afterwards, youll need to call for Axton Alvere. She paused and narrowed her eyes. Of course, Im only reminding you in case there is an emergency involving Piers and you need to reach Axton.

The unpleasantness in Gideons face faded a bit at the reminder that while they didnt like each other, they both cared for Piers. He huffed, but nodded. Fabian, take note of that.

Yes, Your Highness.

Axtons voice came from the crystal. Were still riding, Tori. What is it?

Im making a bet. What are Sir Wagner and Sir Rubens backgrounds? Can they hunt? Tori asked.

Wagner and Ruben? Axton took a moment to think. Wagners from the area around Alpine valley. Its also hilly forests.... He trailed off and Tori heard someone talking, but couldnt make out the words. Sir Granger says that they like to hunt on their off days, but they havent done so in a while...Sir Lloyd says that theyre both lousy shots anyway.

Tori drew in her lips and looked over at flustered Gideon and Fabian. Okay, I just wanted to check.

Who are you betting against? Piers asked. He likely snatched the comcry from Axton.

Your brother.

There was a pause. Carry on. The comcry dimmed and Tori put it back into her pocket. She looked at Gideon with critical eyes.

What about the other two people in your party?

Mother, I dont want to go! Countess Tori is here and-

Evzen, you are the heir to the Fekete Duchy! You must take part in the hunt! The three teenagers by the entrance turned towards the hall and saw a smiling Duchess Fekete dragging her tween son towards them. The pale, somewhat frail looking boy was trying to free himself despite having already been dressed. Good morning, Your Highness, Countess Guevera, and Sir von Dorn.

Good morning, Your Grace, Tori said with a small bow. She furrowed her brows. Is Evzen all right?

Countess, save me! I dont want to go hunting with the second prince! I want to try the new game plot you told me about last night! Evzens eyes were filled with a silent plea to be saved, but Tori grimaced.

Evzen, your mother outranks me. I cant stop her.

Itll be fine, young lord. Gideon put on a reassuring smile and walked forward. Youll be in good hands. There are three knights with us.

Im not worried about safety-

Thank you for agreeing to bring him into your hunting group, Duchess Fekete cut off her son. Her smile didnt falter. I assure you, Evzen has experienced hunting before.

I refuse!

Come now, young lord. It will be fun! A cheerful voice rang out behind them and as Duchess Fekete set her eyes on the newcomer, her smile finally faltered. Alessa walked out in pants, boots, and a buttoned-up shirt beneath a long tunic vest, looking ready for the hunt.

And...of course, Alessa would be part of Gideons hunting party. Surprise.

Baroness Hart.... Duchess Fekete gave her a curt nod. You are also in the second princes hunting party?

Yes, Your Grace. We three are friends from Lyce, Alessa said as she moved to stand in between Gideon and Fabian. She grasped their hands and swung them once to show how close they were, but as soon as the swing finished, Gideon pulled away and Fabian brought his hand behind his back. His face was red.

For a moment, Tori could almost see the Duchess regret pushing her son into the second princes party, but it was too late to retract it without making it awkward.

Baroness Hart, do you also have experience hunting? Duchess Fekete asked.

Alessa nodded. I used to hunt for small game in the forests around Chetterswickshire with my friends.

Tori raised a brow. That was the first shed heard of that. Then again, Alessa also said she could prepare fish when they were camping. Tori turned towards Evzen. The boy was trapped, and his defeated expression showed that he knew it.

Evzen, did you already prepare your lunch? Tori asked.

The boy shook his head. Mother has provided a standard lunch for all the hunting parties. It should already be packed with the knights....

Wait a second, if there was a standard lunch planned, why did Piers tell me to prepare food for it before I left Viclya? She let out a resigned sigh. Then again, its probably safer for him if I make it. Tori looked at the last bag that remained in her hand. Surprisingly, Axton and JP didnt ask for extra, so she was going to take it to her room to eat. This has six mini burritos, two kinds of sandwiches, and other snacks. There is a cooling charm in the bag. When you want to eat the burritos, you can heat them by charging the heating charm I wrote on the wrapper. You know how, yes?

Evzen nodded and extended his hands to take the drawstring canvas. I can have it?

Yes. Make sure to bring two canisters of water with you and drink periodically. When you get back, we can play a round of the new game plot with Axton, Sir Dobchek, and Sir Lloyd. Theyre advanced players; youll enjoy it.

For the first time that morning, the boy looked excited. All right! But if they get here before me, you cant start without me.

Tori dug into her pocket and took out another tumbled clear quartz from the handful she brought down. And carry this with you.

Crystal? Evzen still took it and studied it between his fingers.

Its clear quartz Ive charged myself. Should something happen, and youre unable to break the crystal beacon, I can track you if you have this on your person, Tori told him seriously.

Duchess Fekete gasped and pushed her sons hand holding the crystal closer to his chest. Evzen, carry it well. Dont lose it. This is important, she said. The poachers kidnapping the three Lyce students was also fresh in her mind. She looked at Tori and gave her a grateful bow of her head. Thank you for your consideration, Countess.

Tori chuckled and ruffled Evzens hair, causing him to blush. Well, we cant lose our number one tabletop gaming fan, can we?

The ducal heir was much more willing to join the hunt now that he was armed with food and a crystal. As they walked out to the courtyard, Tori heard Gideon whisper to Fabian to ask what their lunch would be. Fabians embarrassed voice replied jerky, cheese, and bread. It was the provided packed lunch.

Tori remained with the Duchess on the top step as the two knights brought their horses. Tori suddenly gasped.

Hey! We never settled on the wager! she called out. Gideon turned his head as he sat atop a silver and gray horse. Whoevers hunting party accumulates the most points wins! Do you dare?

Gideon curled his lip into a sneer. Thats hardly a wager, but more a certainty! If Piers hunting party gets more points, then you win. If my hunting party gets more points, then I win.

And what do you want if you win? Tori asked with narrowed eyes.

If I win.... He furrowed his brows and thought. Tori rolled her eyes. He was the one who mentioned the wager in the first place, and he didnt even know what to ask for. If I win, you must organize and execute my next birthday party, free of charge, in Viclya! And I can invite whoever I want!

Tori squinted and looked at him strangely. Thats it? This idiot knows I have money, stores, and land, right?

Gideon lifted his chin, his eyes telling her that she wouldnt understand. Im a prince. I dont need anything from you that I cant buy myself.

Well, that makes one of us. If I win, I want two imperial carriages - new without too many decorative embellishments, and spare tires with the recently imported rubber, and a dozen horses to pull them.

Gideon jerked his head back. Why do you need carriages and horses? Youre still the daughter of a march! You can afford those!

Yes, but if I dont have to pay for it, why should I? Tori asked shamelessly. Gideons face reddened and Tori crossed her arms over her chest. Do we have a wager or not? Its not too late to back out if youre scared.

There is no need to! I expect fireworks for my birthday and a tiered cake at the celebration, Countess. Prepare it well. He tugged on the reins and stormed towards the gates. His knights called for him to slow down as Fabian, Alessa, and Evzen went after him.

Do you really need a carriage, Countess? Duchess Fekete asked as they watched the group disappear beyond the gate with two other groups.

They would be nice to have...and Ive grown accustomed to imperial carriages. Tori grinned and turned around. Ill bring the sample games we brought to the great hall in three hours, Your Grace. Thank you for letting me use this opportunity to promote Duel.

Always a pleasure to assist you...Id also like to play the settlers game. Delilah is here and I think shed like it. The Duchess sounded more predatory than amused.

Tori chuckled and gave her a nod before picking up some breakfast from the dining room. Unlike some time earlier, it looked like most of the guests were up and scrambling to eat so they could leave. Tori also got a small bowl and a portion of the food that was usually prepared for the Dukes cats for Alexander.

The problem was that when Tori returned to her room, Alexander was gone.

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