Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting

Chapter 55

Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting Inventory 55


Minhyuk listened to Luna’s explanation.

“Fill a large bottle or water bag with recovery potions and continuously administer them into your body during battle!”

From Noble mtl dot com

“How are you going to administer them?”

“You need to connect it to a tube.”

What Luna was suggesting was essentially a Ringer’s lactate.

It was like how patients in hospitals receive IV fluids for 30 minutes to an hour, but during battle, continuously administering recovery potions into the body.

As long as the potions were being administered, the body could continuously maintain a strong recovery ability.

Minhyuk had also thought of a similar method.

Of course, a regular Ringer’s lactate wouldn’t work.

He knew from experience with Ringer’s lactate that you had to keep a needle inserted into your arm and push around a wheeled IV stand, which made it even inconvenient to go to the bathroom.

How could you fight enemies in such a state?

He would need to design it to be conveniently portable and make technical improvements so that the potion could be injected into the body with constant pressure regardless of the position of the IV bag.

However, there was a critical reason why the Ringer’s lactate method couldn’t be used to administer recovery potions into the body.

“The needle will just get pushed out as I recover.”

The recovery effect of the scarlet advanced potion was so strong that it could even push arrows or blades that were embedded in the body out.

So the Ringer’s lactate needle would also be pushed out of the body.

If that happened, he wouldn’t be able to continuously administer the potions into the body.

“You don’t necessarily have to use a needle. The human body has several holes where potions can be administered.”

There were other ways to administer medicine into the body besides taking it orally or using a syringe.

Small amounts of potions could also be administered through the eyes and ears.

And large amounts of potions could be administered if a tube was inserted through the nostrils into the esophagus.

Since this method used existing holes instead of piercing the skin like a needle, the inserted tube wouldn’t be pushed out of the body during the recovery process.

“But if you connect a tube to the nostrils, it will get in the way during battle. I guess it would be better to use the hole below that one, rather than the one on the face…”

After listening to her explanation up to that point, Minhyuk suddenly felt dizzy.

He seemed to know what hole Luna was talking about.


He was terrified to hear any more of Luna’s explanation.

Of course, if he administered potions through that hole, the effect would be certain.

He had once seen a news article about how some college students in the US were being taken to the emergency room after engaging in the perverted act of drinking alcohol through that hole, known as “butt chugging.”

Doctors said that ingesting alcohol through that hole was several times faster than drinking it orally, and it could be fatal to the human body.

So if recovery potions were administered through that hole, the absorption rate would be high, and the effect would be faster.

But even so, he didn’t want to use that method.

Minhyuk had never even tried the coffee enema that everyone else was doing.

“Isn’t there any other way besides that hole, I mean, that method?”

“Why? I think that’s the best way to do it.”

Minhyuk shouted at the other alchemists.

“Any other opinions?”

Minhyuk shut Luna up and listened to the other alchemists’ opinions.

However, they all shared the same opinion as the method that Luna had recommended.

‘Is that really the only way to do it!’

At that moment, an old, gray-haired alchemist sitting in the corner spoke up.

“Anyway, the thoughts of young people… Don’t worry, Commander! If you have Charon’s Potion Pouch, it will be an easy problem to solve.”

“What’s that?”

“It’s a legendary magical tool. If you put potion bottles inside the pouch, the potion contained in the bottle will be teleported into the wearer’s stomach when they need it.”

If he just put the potion bottle in the pouch, the potion would be magically and cleanly administered into his body without the need for a Ringer needle or a connected tube below.

A smile formed on Minhyuk’s lips as he listened to the gray-haired alchemist.

‘That’s exactly what I wanted!’

Minhyuk approached him and asked,

“Where can I get that pouch?”

“I don’t know where Charon’s Potion Pouch is either. However, I know someone who has used it.”

“Who is that?”

“He is the first emperor who founded Asdel.”

At that moment, the ancient temple that Minhyuk had discovered in the bat cave came to his mind.

It was the temple where he had found the stone statue shaped like an industrial refrigerator.

The head of the founding emperor was hung on a dead tree there.

“Emperor Marcus?”

“Yes! Charon’s Potion Pouch was like a symbol of his.”

Thanks to the Potion Pouch, Emperor Marcus was invincible in one-on-one combat.

A big part of the reason why he, a mere knight, was able to establish a country was because of Charon’s Potion Pouch.

If King Arthur had Excalibur, then Emperor Marcus had the Potion Pouch.

“But that’s just a legend.”

The alchemists all nodded at someone’s words.

Emperor Marcus lived hundreds of years ago.

So, no one knows if Charon’s Potion Pouch actually existed or if it was just a made-up story.

However, Minhyuk had a way to confirm it.

‘I’ll know if I ask him myself.’

He would go to the ancient temple in the bat cave right now.

He might be able to hear information about the Potion Pouch from Emperor Marcus’ head.

“I’ll be back, so keep brainstorming.”

After instructing the alchemists and blacksmiths to continue their idea meeting, Minhyuk left the annex alone.

And he moved to the basement of the main house.

Kaon, who could teleport, was there.

Minhyuk took a magic bead out of the refrigerator and brought it to Kaon’s magic diagram.


A curtain of light was created under the arch.

Minhyuk walked into the light.

And teleported to the Tamrin Fortress.

He had left the other side of Kaon in the underground space of the fortress.

He teleported here because the bat cave was close to the Tamrin Fortress.

“Welcome, Commander!”

The captain of the guard in charge of the fortress saluted Minhyuk.

“Any problems?”

“Nothing so far!”

Minhyuk ordered all the troops in the fortress to stay underground, except for the minimum number of people to monitor the outside situation.

Because the dragon might suddenly attack.

This place was outside the realm of protection, so it was not safe from the monster.

If it suddenly appeared and breathed fire, there could be a huge number of casualties.

That’s why everyone was placed underground, as if preparing for an airstrike.

But the dragon hadn’t shown up yet.

It might be useless to assume that the monster was waiting for an opportunity to take revenge.

However, it was necessary to be thoroughly prepared in case it attacked when they let their guard down.

“Where is Ben now?”

Ben was someone who had worked as a member of the special forces on the last expedition.

Minhyuk didn’t memorize the names of all his soldiers, but he remembered him.

Because he was able to enter the innermost part of the temple using his blood.

Ben’s maternal grandmother’s surname was Marcus, so he was a descendant of the founding emperor.


Ben came running at Minhyuk’s call.

“Did you call, Commander!”

“Follow me.”


Minhyuk took Ben out of the fortress.

If too many people moved unnecessarily, the probability of becoming the dragon’s target would only increase.

So, the two of them moved to the bat cave alone.

Flap, flap-

The bats were swarming inside the cave.

They had been completely wiped out before, but now they had become this numerous again.

‘I should catch them and clean them up some day.’

Minhyuk quietly eliminated the bats that were attacking him and reached the entrance of the temple.

And after passing through the narrow passage, he finally arrived at the underground space with the dead tree.

The head of Emperor Marcus was still hanging on the branch.


The head opened its eyes.

Ben flinched at that.

“Jeez, I can’t get used to it even after seeing it for the second time.”

“What are you afraid of? It’s your ancestor.”

“It’s still creepy.”

Marcus’s head began to speak, its mouth moving.

[I am Marcus, the king of Asdel.]

Minhyuk told him,

“You’re an emperor now. Your descendants promoted you to emperor.”

[I am Marcus, the king of Asdel.]

Marcus’s head only repeated the same words.

Minhyuk stopped the useless talk and asked the main question right away.

“I’m looking for the potion pouch you used, where is it now?”

[If you wish to find Charon’s potion pouch, moisten the tree roots with the blood of my lineage.]

That’s why he brought Ben.

When Minhyuk looked at Ben, Ben pricked the tip of his finger with a dagger and dropped a few drops of blood on the tree roots.



The floor vibrated and something rose up.

It was a box made of stone.

Minhyuk opened the lid of the box.

There was a stone slab inside.


In the dark underground tomb,

A woman was kneeling in front of a sarcophagus.

She was Christina, the princess of Asdel.


Only after the emperor died did she realize

How the emperor must have felt when he said he was going on an expedition.

After losing her only blood relative, she felt as if her soul had been drained and nothing seemed to matter anymore.

The revival of Asdel, the cause of unification.

They all seemed worthless and fleeting.

Now, all that remained in the princess’s heart were her original emotions, devoid of grandeur.

Compassion and longing for her father.

And vengeance toward Mina.


The princess collapsed to the floor.

It wasn’t just her mind that was weak, her body was too.

She hadn’t eaten anything for days.


She began to sob.

The tears she had been holding back finally spilled out.

She cried like that for a long time.

As she lay on the cold stone floor and wept sorrowfully, a new desire sprouted.

A desire to be comforted by someone.

And with that thought, a man came to mind.

It was Minhyuk.

‘Why is he the one I think of at a time like this?’

Just then,

Thud, thud-

Someone approached her through the darkness.

The princess raised her head and looked at him.

Minhyuk’s face came into view, refracted through her tear-filled vision.

‘Am I really going crazy?’

The princess thought she was hallucinating.

She hadn’t even seen a vision of her beloved father, whom she missed so much, and yet she was seeing a vision of Minhyuk.

She couldn’t understand herself.

But it wasn’t a hallucination.

“Huh? Why are you here?”

The princess gasped in surprise at Minhyuk’s voice and asked in return.

“I was seeing Your Majesty off here. But why did you come in here?”

“Oh! This was that place?”

Only then did Minhyuk realize that he had entered the underground tomb where the emperors of Asdel were laid to rest.

There was a map drawn on the stone slab he had obtained from the ancient temple.

He had followed the map and entered a cave outside the castle alone, which had led him here.

He had unintentionally interrupted the princess’s sorrowful ritual.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know I would end up here.”

Minhyuk apologized sincerely.

And he explained to her the whole story of how he came to be here.

A faint smile spread across the princess’s lips as she listened to his explanation.

She had been feeling disheartened and worthless, but Minhyuk was still fighting hard for the cause of unification.

It was good to see him like that.

Enough to make her forget her grief for a while.

“I should come back later.”

At Minhyuk’s words, the princess shook her head.

“No need. Give me that.”

The princess took the stone slab from Minhyuk and looked at it.

“I’ll help you find the potion pouch. I know this place like the back of my hand.”

The princess began to walk ahead.

As she said,

“Michael, I want you to be the Emperor of Asdel.”

The princess suddenly declared to Minhyuk that she would give up the succession.

“I won’t even ask you to marry me.”

With the emperor already dead, Minhyuk could become the emperor of Asdel without any constraints if the princess said so.

It was the best possible outcome from Minhyuk’s perspective.

However, her words were not yet complete.

“Instead, I have one condition.”

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