Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting

Chapter 56

Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting Inventory 56


“Take me with you wherever you go.”

From Noble mtl dot com

The princess wanted to participate in all the expeditions that Minhyuk would lead in the future.

“Even if you make me a foot soldier, I’ll do my best to not become a burden.”

“Why would you want to suffer so much?”

“If I follow you around the world, there will come a day when I will face my enemy.”

Her goal was to avenge Mina, who had killed her father.

No matter how much she wandered around the Asdel fortress, her enemy would never appear before her.

She thought that if she joined Minhyuk’s cause of unification and traveled around the Lania continent, she would eventually encounter Mina.

“If you wish, so be it.”

“Thank you!”

Minhyuk understood the princess’s feelings.

Her family had been murdered by someone, so of course she would want to chase the culprit to the ends of the earth and kill them.

However, he did not give his permission simply because he felt sorry for her.

He had gained some understanding of the princess during the expedition to obtain the Heart of Teidon.

She was not the type to push herself to make great achievements.

Furthermore, she did not stubbornly insist on her own opinions when making decisions.

During the battle, she had mingled with the other soldiers and shot a crossbow, and after the recapture of Fort Tamryn, she had managed the construction of the castle walls.

She was not the type to try to do flashy things that would attract attention, but rather to find tasks that someone had to do and to carry them out silently.

She seemed to be the type of person who could be included in the expedition without any problems.

Flames flickered as the princess clenched her fists.

With a path open to her to avenge her enemy, she suddenly felt a surge of strength in her body and mind.

‘Mina, from now on, the reason I live is you!’

As Minhyuk and the princess walked along the underground passage, they reached a dead end.

A large rock blocked their way.

The princess checked the stone tablet again and opened her mouth.

“There is a path that continues on the other side of the rock.”

As Minhyuk looked at the rock, a message appeared before his eyes.

<Entrance to the underground labyrinth discovered.>

Emperor Marcus built an underground labyrinth beneath the imperial palace to safely store his treasure, Charon’s potion pouch.

And he killed all the builders.

That’s why even the imperial family didn’t know about the existence of the labyrinth.

<You can open the entrance to the labyrinth using a magic orb.>

Minhyuk examined the rock carefully.

A magic diagram was engraved on the bottom corner.

He took out a magic orb from the refrigerator and brought it to the magic diagram.


The ground shook as the rock sank downwards.

A narrow passage leading to the labyrinth was revealed.

<Precious treasures are hidden within the labyrinth.>

<Various dangers lurk within the labyrinth.>

<Form a party of at least two to explore the labyrinth.>

He was told not to go in alone and to go with someone else.

But he couldn’t take the princess with him.

She was currently being punished.

“I’ll go from here alone, so you go back to the cemetery.”

At Minhyuk’s words, the princess shook her head.

“No, I’ll go too. Have you already forgotten? I said I would follow you wherever you go.”

“It’s not the right situation now. There’s no way there’ll be an enemy in here.”

“I’ll still go.”

“It could be dangerous.”

“If I can’t even follow you to a place right below the imperial palace, how will I follow you on that long journey in the future?”


Minhyuk took out a set of armor, a longsword, and a shield from the refrigerator.

He handed them to the princess.

It meant to follow him.


The princess took off her mourning clothes and began to put on the armor.

After putting on her pants, she looked at Minhyuk with a troubled expression, holding the breastplate.

“Can you help me? I can’t put it on by myself.”

The replica armor didn’t have an automatic on and off function, so she couldn’t put it on by herself.

Minhyuk helped the princess put on the armor’s upper body.

It was the first time he had dressed a woman.

Anyway, armor is clothing.

“Thank you.”

After finishing putting on the princess’s armor, they immediately entered the labyrinth.


Suddenly, an arrow flew from somewhere.

As he had consumed the pink potion, he could clearly see the arrow flying even in the darkness.


Minhyeok brandished his sword and blocked the arrow.

The princess was also able to quickly block the arrow by raising her shield, thanks to the armor that enhanced her agility.

The speed at which the arrows were flying was not that threatening.

It seemed that the firing mechanism had deteriorated due to the long period of time since the labyrinth was built.

The steel arrowheads were also rusty and blunt.

Minhyeok and the princess continued to advance.

As they did, they were attacked several more times by various mechanisms installed in the labyrinth.

Suddenly, a large rock fell from the ceiling, and blades protruded from the walls and floor.

However, none of these posed any threat to Minhyeok.

Thanks to her magical armor and superior potions, the princess was also able to pass through the traps without any problems.

And finally,

The two of them reached the deepest part of the labyrinth.

It was a large, open underground space.


The torches hanging on the walls and ceiling lit up automatically.

The princess checked the map drawn on the stone tablet once more.

“There is a passage hidden within this space that will allow us to enter the secret chamber.”

Minhyeok looked around.

Two identical statues caught his eye.

They were statues of tigers with their mouths wide open.

The two statues were about 50 meters apart.

<Place magic crystals in the mouths of both tigers at the same time.>

<The hidden passage to the secret chamber will open.>

Now he understood why he had been told not to explore the labyrinth alone.

It would be impossible for one person to place magic crystals in the mouths of two tigers that were so far apart at the same time.

Naturally, the hidden passage could not be opened.

Minhyeok explained the secret of the statues to the princess and handed her a magic crystal.

“We have to do it on the count of three. One, two, three!”

The two of them placed the magic crystals in the mouths of the tiger statues at the same time.



A section of the ceiling opened up and a metal ladder descended.

Minhyeok climbed the ladder and entered the secret chamber.

There, he found the treasure he had been looking for.

<Discovered Karone’s Potion Pouch.>

He had obtained the legendary magical tool that he desperately needed.

If it could be turned into something easy to mass-produce and store in a refrigerator, it could once again greatly increase the defense power of the soldiers.

If everyone was equipped with the potion pouch, they would not die in vain when fighting the dragons.

Information about the potion pouch appeared before Minhyeok’s eyes.

<Karon’s Potion Pouch>

– A belt with pockets.

– A legendary magical tool with an unknown creator.

– When a potion bottle is placed in the pocket, the wearer can automatically consume it whenever they want.

– Can hold up to 15 standard-sized potion bottles.

– Cannot be destroyed or disassembled.

The main function of the potion pouch was something I already knew.

However, it also had a mysterious characteristic.

Karon’s Potion Pouch could not be destroyed.

If the potion pouch turned to ash from a dragon’s flames while I was fighting a dragon, I would be in a very difficult position.

However, I was relieved to know that it could never be destroyed.

‘That’s good.’

But there was also a downside.

Since it could not be destroyed or disassembled, it could not be modified either.

If the potion pouch turned out to be hard to retrieve when I put it in the refrigerator, I had planned to slightly change its design.

If you change the design, it becomes a completely different item.

Just like when a human-sized suit of armor that was a ping-pong ball was modified to be wearable for dwarves, it turned into a walnut pastry.

However, since the potion pouch could not be modified, I couldn’t use any tricks.

‘So please turn into something easy to retrieve.’

Minhyuk put the potion pouch in the refrigerator.



With a flash of light, I moved to the back of the truck.

I opened the refrigerator door and checked inside.

There was a glass bottle filled with liquid inside.


Minhyuk picked up the glass bottle and checked the label attached to it.

It really was alcohol.

However, it was a kind of alcohol that Minhyuk had never drunk before.


‘This is it!’

Minhyuk checked the place of origin written at the bottom of the label.

<Place of Origin: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea>

As expected, it was North Korean alcohol.

Karon’s Potion Pouch was Deulgsul, a North Korean specialty.

Deulgsul was a famous alcohol among South Koreans because it often appeared at inter-Korean summits or reunions of separated families.

That’s why Minhyuk knew its name.

However, this was the first time he had seen the actual thing.

‘Can you buy Deulgsul in South Korea?’

I searched the internet and found out that it was being sold at security tourism sites like the Unification Observatory and Imjingak.

Minhyuk immediately called the souvenir shop at the Unification Observation Deck.

– Hello, this is the Unification Observatory.

“Do you sell Deulkkeut Sool there?”

– I’m sorry, we’re out of stock at the moment.

He called Imjingak, but it was the same.

They used to import a lot in the past, but now, due to the strong economic sanctions on North Korea, it’s impossible to import North Korean products.

Sometimes, they import small quantities through China, but they’re sold out immediately.

‘I need a different route.’

Minhyuk searched the internet to find other routes.

The only way to purchase Deulkkeut Sool in Korea was through direct purchase or a delivery agency from a Chinese online shopping mall.

However, since it had to go through import customs, it was only possible to buy a few bottles for the taste or as a display; mass procurement was impossible.

‘Don’t they make Deulkkeut Sool in Korea?’

Double-A batteries, USB memory sticks, etc., regardless of the manufacturer, are all the same items as long as the specifications and capacity are the same.

So, if it’s liquor made with Deulkkeut, it could be turned into Karone’s potion pouch.

Minhyuk searched the internet thoroughly.

But unfortunately, there was nowhere that made it in Korea.

This is because Deulkkeut, the main ingredient of the liquor, is not widely found in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula.

Deulkkeut is a type of blueberry that grows in mountainous areas.

North Korea’s Deulkkeut Sool is said to be made from Deulkkeut grown in Baekdusan Mountain and the Kaema Plateau.

‘Deulkkeut is a type of blueberry?’

Minhyuk called the liquor store closest to his house.

– Hello, this is Nagaja Liquor Store.

“Do you have any liquor made with blueberries?”

– Yes, we have blueberry-flavored fermented liquor and infused liquor.

“Please send one bottle of each product. Here’s the address…”

After a while, he received several types of blueberry liquor by express delivery.

Minhyuk put them in the refrigerator and checked.

They had all turned into something completely different.

He had to get North Korea’s Deulkkeut Sool.

‘Why does it have to be North Korean liquor?’

In the current situation, there was only one way to obtain Deulkkeut Sool in bulk.

He had to go to a country where it was easy to obtain North Korean goods and buy it.

He had to go to China, Vietnam, or Laos to buy Deulkkeut Sool.

And he had to take a refrigerator with him.

If he put the Deulkkeut Sool in the refrigerator there and brought it to this world, he wouldn’t have to import it into the country.

He wouldn’t have to do anything as risky as smuggling.


If the potion pouch had turned into something like 5.56mm bullets or a rifle, he would have given up right away.

However, obtaining Deulkkeut Sool was just troublesome, not impossible.

‘Should I go abroad for once?’

If I go abroad, it’ll be either Vietnam or Laos.

China definitely requires a visa to enter, but those two countries allow visa-free stays.

I had more than two weeks of vacation time accrued, so I had enough time to go on a trip.

And taking a refrigerator with me wouldn’t be difficult either.

I could easily carry a small refrigerator on the plane.

However, going abroad alone was a bit daunting.

It’s not like I travel overseas often.

I wasn’t just going on vacation, but I had to go around looking for mugwort, so it would be good to have a guide who knows the local situation.

But I hesitated to hire a complete stranger.

‘That’s right!’

Suddenly, one person came to Minhyuk’s mind.

From Noble mtl dot com

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