Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting

Chapter 67

Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting Inventory 67


“I met him by chance when I was not even 60 years old.”

When Carana was 60 years old, it was 220 years ago.

That was before the Great Flood, and even before the birth of the great wizard, Alan, who created the Altar of Protection.

“Those days were completely different from now. Everyone lived to pursue their dreams and love, not just to survive. It was an era full of romance. And that man was at the center of such an era.”

Carana’s eyes glistened as she reminisced about him.

“He was a man who stood out like the sun among the many heroes who were as numerous as the stars in the sky.”

As the story continued to go off track, Jeria asked her instead of Minhyuk.

“But what part of that man resembles His Majesty?”

Carana ignored Jeria’s question and continued to talk about what she wanted to talk about.

“Just as there are those who have the spirit of a hero like Your Majesty in the era of the Great Flood where everyone is cowering, there were those who lived in solitude even in the era when everyone enjoyed adventure and romance.”

“I was like that. I longed for the lives of heroes as I listened to their many tales of adventure, but I myself was confined to a small village and had never taken a single step outside the world.”

“Then one day, he visited our village. My father was the village chief at the time, so I was able to see him very closely.”

Carana continued, staring intently into Minhyuk’s eyes.

“Your Majesty and he have eyes that are too similar. The eyes of desire that want to possess everything valuable in the world and the eyes of indifference that don’t care if they don’t get anything coexist together. Those eyes really… made my young heart flutter.”


Carana picked up someone’s glass on the table, took a sip, and continued speaking.

“Also, he and Your Majesty are incredibly strong. He also won a battle against a dragon. People called him ‘Invincible Enoch’.”

Professor Raymond, who had been listening to Carana’s story next to Minhyuk, opened his mouth.

“I’ve read the legend of Invincible Enoch in a book. He was a hero among heroes who fought and defeated two dragons all by himself.”

Carana glanced at Professor Raymond, who had interrupted her story, and continued speaking.

“I admired him after hearing of his fame, and I was completely fascinated by him when I saw his eyes in person. I thought at that time. Even if I couldn’t enjoy adventure and romance myself, if I could share the passion by being in the arms of a hero, wouldn’t I also become a protagonist in this world? So, I waited for him to get drunk and fall asleep, and then I went into his bed without anyone knowing…”


Jeria cut off Carana’s story as it suddenly took a strange turn.

And she apologized to Minhyuk instead.

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty! I think Carana has had too much to drink.”

“I’m not drunk at all. Hic!”

“You are drunk! How rude is this in front of His Majesty, let’s go somewhere else quickly!”

“No, I’m not going! I’ll stay next to His Majesty!”

Ultimately, Jeria forcibly dragged away Carana, who was resisting.

Carana couldn’t resist and retreated in front of Minhyuk’s eyes.

Valin clicked his tongue as he watched in the direction she disappeared.

“Tsk, tsk, one should age gracefully. That old woman is acting recklessly.”

Minhyuk asked Professor Raymon.

“That man named Enoch defeated two dragons by himself?”

“Yes. Not only were his martial arts great, but the armor he wore and the sword in his hand were not of this world. After the undefeated Enoch disappeared, countless adventurers have tried to find his armor and sword, believing they must be hidden somewhere on the Lania continent. However, no one has found them yet.”

Minhyuk became interested in the armor and weapons that Enoch had used.

And one more thing,

“Is there a time when dragons attack together?”

“It’s extremely rare for more than two dragons to attack a single human. Dragons are very proud creatures. However, if the dragons decide that they must eliminate someone, there is no reason why they can’t.”


Minhyuk’s mind flashed with a scene of several dragons attacking the Tarnin Fortress at once.

If it’s just one dragon, I can easily deal with it using Gaon like last time.

The ‘Dragon-catching Arrow’ is also ready, so I can kill the dragon.

But it’s a different story if several dragons attack from all sides.

I can’t deal with all of them with just Gaon.

It would be possible if I had a gun, but the development has been delayed due to problems with the material of the gun barrel.

If several dragons attack the Tarnin Fortress right now, there is no other solution but to hide underground.



With a flash of light, Minhyuk moved to the back of the truck.

He entered the house and sat down on the sofa in the living room.

Then he opened his laptop and searched the internet.

Since I can’t make a gun, I need to make other firearms.

‘Is there anything good?’

As he looked around, something very suitable caught his eye.

‘This is it!’


Flap, flap-

Two dragons were flying in the sky.

The red dragon was followed by the Akara dragon.

The dragons arrived at a pillar located at the southern tip of the Lanian continent.

It was a huge stone pillar that made the giant dragons feel like sparrows.

Flap, flap-

The dragons landed on top of the stone pillar.

The red dragon cast a dragon language spell.


The magic diagram engraved on the stone pillar began to glow.

And a gate of time and space opened above the dragons’ heads.

And through that door, a voice was heard.

[Srinizam, what have you come for?]

[Oh, Mother of the Sky! A visitor has appeared on this land.]

[All things in this world move according to the plan of the gods, but we who deal with it also have free will. I will leave everything to your choice.]

[Thank you for trusting me. I will never disappoint you.]


The door of time and space closed and the light of the diagram faded.

The red dragon had been given full authority by the Mother of the Sky regarding this incident.

Flap, flap-

At that moment, three dragons flew in and perched on the pillar.

They were all green and similar in appearance.

The three dragons bowed their heads to the red dragon and paid their respects.

[Great Srinizam! We have flown here from the northern end upon receiving your call. Why have you called us?]

[Vanak will explain.]

The Akara dragon spoke to the three dragons.

[A visitor has appeared.]

A visitor referred to a human who had crossed over from another world.

Visitors were so rare that even dragons, who lived for an eternity, rarely encountered them.

[Are you sure about this, Vanak? It was only 200 years ago that a visitor appeared, and now again?]

[Yes. I felt the aura of chaos.]

All the visitors who had appeared on the continent of Rania to date had possessed special abilities.

However, the abilities of each visitor were different.

Some had magic power that surpassed that of dragons, and some had martial arts skills that reached the realm of a martial god.

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Dragons’ emotional abilities could not discern the abilities of visitors.

They could only sense the unique aura that visitors emitted.

An alien aura that did not belong to this world.

Each time, that aura created a huge vortex on the continent of Rania.

Therefore, the dragons called it the aura of chaos.

The Akara dragon pleaded with the red dragon.

[A head-on confrontation will not work. We must first ascertain his abilities accurately. Please grant me permission to use a puppet.]

A puppet referred to a human whose body was alive but whose soul had been extinguished.

Sometimes, dragons would walk the world in human form, but that was not shapeshifting.

They created and controlled puppets.

The dragon’s body remained dormant in the nest, seeing through the puppet’s eyes, hearing through its ears, and controlling it as if it were their own body.

Since puppets could enter the realm of protection, they could conduct espionage activities within human strongholds.

The three dragons looked at Akara dragon’s injured foot and mocked him.

[Vanak, have you become so fearful of humans after being badly beaten by them? You look like a lion crying after being kicked in the hind leg while chasing a deer. What’s so complicated about killing a mere human? Just fly over like the wind, bite him to death, and burn him.]

[He is not an ordinary human, but a visitor. Have you all forgotten the disgrace of 200 years ago?]


The red dragon cut off Akara dragon’s words.

And he spoke to the three dragons.

[That is why I have called you. Fly east at once, kill the intruder, and bring his head back here.]

[Yes, Srinagam!]

Flap, flap, flap—

The three dragons flew off towards the east where the Tamrin fortress was located.



A sphere the size of a watermelon was launched into the air.

A moment later,


The sphere exploded with an enormous boom.

‘It’s a success!’

Minhyuk had succeeded in developing a weapon other than firearms.

It was a high-explosive bomb.

Professor Raymond had found a way to manufacture a high explosive with much greater explosive power than gunpowder in an ancient book.

It was different from the high explosives of the real world.

Only by mixing alchemical ingredients that existed in this world in very precise proportions could a high explosive with proper performance be created.

So he called Luna, the owner of the Luna Alchemy Shop, to the Tamrin fortress and had her manufacture the high explosive.

With the completed high explosive, he created the ultimate high-explosive bomb.

The container of the high-explosive bomb itself was made of a soft metal.

However, inside the bomb were thousands of beads made from dragon bones.

When the high-explosive bomb exploded, the beads, which had tremendous killing power, would scatter in all directions, scorching everything in the vicinity.


Minhyuk put the high-explosive bomb in the refrigerator.

If he could change it into something that was easy to procure in large quantities, he would be able to secure a large number of bombs without the dangerous manufacturing process.



With a flash of light, he moved to the cargo bed of the truck.

He checked inside the refrigerator.

A small plant was inside, roots and all.

And it gave off a fragrant smell.

‘Isn’t this that thing?’

He checked the internet and saw that it was watercress.

Watercress, a delicious vegetable that could be eaten raw or in soup.


He wouldn’t have to go far to buy watercress.

Growing all around the fence of Minhyuk’s house was watercress.

That was why the old ladies who had been hanging around the fence before had been trying to dig up the watercress.

Minhyuk took a shovel and dug up the watercress around the fence.

Thud, thud—

With a single swing, he could dig up five or six radishes at once.

In less than 30 minutes, he had harvested hundreds of radishes.

Minhyuk climbed into the cargo hold and put all the radishes in the refrigerator.



With a flash of light, they were transported to the Scorched Fortress.

When he checked the refrigerator, all the radishes had turned into high-explosive shells.

Only the weeds that had accidentally gotten mixed in remained unchanged.

He had already created several high-explosive bomb launchers and deployed them around the perimeter of the fortress.

Minhyuk distributed the high-explosive shells to each of the launchers.

‘Now, all that remains is to wait.’

In preparation for the dragons’ attack, he had set up a surveillance network centered around the Scorched Fortress, just like last time.

“Your Majesty!”

The officer in charge of communications ran up to Minhyuk and reported.

“Three dragons are approaching our location as we speak.”

The moment he had been waiting for had finally arrived.

This time, he would definitely succeed in hunting his first dragon.

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