Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting

Chapter 68

Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting Inventory 68



Dragons covered in green scales flew across the sky at incredible speeds.

The three Saltus Dragons were known as the tyrants of the jungle.

They were siblings, born on the same day from the same father’s essence.

[Look at these humans and their ridiculous antics.]

The dragons had detected the scouts that Minhyuk had deployed around the Scorched Fortress.

They had even figured out that the humans were using the Durango Twin Rings to communicate with each other.

The sibling dragons could not only communicate telepathically over long distances, but they could also share the audio-visual information they saw and heard.

As a result, the three siblings could observe the world in great detail, as if they had three pairs of eyes and three pairs of ears.

[Does it matter if they know we’re coming?]

The two dragons flying ahead were confident in their victory.

The dragon flying in the rear scolded his siblings.

[Don’t get careless. Stay sharp!]


His siblings looked back at him with puzzled expressions.

He spoke in a dull voice.

[He’s not an ordinary human, he’s a visitor. Have you already forgotten the humiliation we suffered 200 years ago?]

He wasn’t giving them a serious warning, but rather mocking the Akara Dragon who had been defeated by Minhyuk.

[Tee-hee, pathetic Barnak!]

[He got his leg mangled by a human. It’s embarrassing just looking at him!]

The fortress of Tamrin entered the dragons’ sight.

[There it is.]

[Then shall we enjoy it? Brothers!]


The dragons separated in flight and approached the fortress from different directions.



The sound of a drum signaling battle readiness echoed throughout the fortress.

“The dragons are coming!”

“Hurry and evacuate!”

The elves working on the castle wall all evacuated underground.

Except for the necessary personnel, the soldiers also all evacuated underground.

Thud, thud, thud-

Minhyuk ran to the center of the fortress.

There was a wagon with Gaon loaded on it.


He jumped onto the wagon and activated Gaon.


A curtain of light connecting to Asdel Fortress opened.

On the other side of the curtain of light, archers were waiting as before, with the strings of their large bows pulled back.

However, the main weapon to deal with the dragons today was not Gaon, but the high-explosive bombs placed outside the fortress.

Gaon was just a tactical decoy to confuse them.

The dragons do not yet know of the high-explosive bombs.

He would use that to catch them off guard.

‘The most powerful weapon is one whose existence the enemy is unaware of.’

From the ring on Minhyuk’s finger, the voice of the communications officer flowed out.

– Dragons are approaching from directions 2, 7, and 12.

“Firing squads 2, 7, and 12, prepare to fire.”

– Yes sir! Preparing to fire!

He had trained soldiers by assigning numbers to the 16 directions.

North was 1, north-northeast was 2, northeast was 3, and so on.

When multiple dragons approached at the same time, it was not a good idea to use drum sounds to indicate the direction, as they had done last time.

It was slow, and it could easily lead to confusion.

So he assigned a communications soldier wearing Durango’s ring to each high-explosive bomb firing squad.

Each firing squad had 10 soldiers assigned to it.

1 shooter and 2 assistant shooters,

5 ammunition handlers to load the high-explosive bombs,

1 communications soldier,

and 1 officer to control the squad members.

There were 16 firing squads in total.

They are deployed one unit per 16 directions outside the fortress.


Three dragons appeared from the north-northeast, southeast, and west-southwest directions.

Professor Lehman, who observed the dragons with a telescope from the watchtower, reported to Minhyuk using the twin rings.

“Their entire bodies are green, and they have three horns on their heads. All three are Saltus dragons. It says in the book that Saltus dragons use venom.”

Minhyuk relayed the information he heard from Professor Lehman to the soldiers.

The soldiers generously filled their potion pouches with green potions.

“I am now transferring the firing authority to the squad leaders of each firing squad. However, only use simulation rounds.”


The ammo troops loaded the simulation rounds.

The personnel assigned to the firing squad were the 200,000 soldiers with the keenest shooting sense and the most agile movements.

While the high-explosive rounds were being developed, Minhyuk had them practice shooting using simulation rounds.

The simulation rounds contained only gunpowder and no beads made from dragon bones.

They were bullets that would explode but had no killing power to kill dragons.

The reason Minhyuk ordered simulation round shooting instead of using live rounds right away was to confuse the dragons and cloud their judgment.



At the officer’s firing signal, the shooters fired simulation rounds at the dragons.

Spheres the size of watermelons flew accurately towards the dragons’ flight paths.

High-explosive rounds required much more precise shooting than the indiscriminate machine gun fire of arrows.

They had to apply the lead angle and elevation angle considering the target’s movement speed and direction.

Minhyuk had repeatedly given the shooters anti-aircraft shooting training.

[Oh! The humans are using firearms!]

The dragons knew about the firearms that humans had used in the past.

However, the performance of the firearms that they remembered was very insignificant.

Their firepower was like child’s play compared to the dragons’ flames, and the steel fragments flying as shrapnel could not cause any harm to them.

[Still, I should at least pretend to be emotional. After all, he is a visitor who is not an ordinary human. Kekeke!]

The dragons used their emotional abilities to inspect the bombs flying towards them.

There was no magic imbued in them.

And they were not made of any particularly strong material either.

Just like the firearms of the humans that they knew in the past, they were not weapons that posed any threat to the dragons.

Still, they had to be wary for the time being.

There might be some kind of trick hidden within them.


The dragons changed their flight direction and dodged the bombs from afar.


The bombs that missed exploded in the air.

As expected, their firepower was nothing special, and the shrapnel was not powerful either.

[Why haven’t humans developed at all? Is it because their lifespans are short?]

[I thought they would be a little different since they called him a visitor, but I guess we overestimated him.]

[This is all Banak’s fault! He must have given the coward’s disease to him.]

[Let’s quickly cut off the visitor’s neck and go back! Let’s go and make fun of Banak!]


The dragons ignored the launch pad and entered the fortress.

Minhyuk, who was in the center of the fortress, came into their sight.

The dragons scanned Minhyuk with their emotional abilities.

As Akara had said, they could feel the aura of chaos.

He must be a visitor from another world.

[That red-haired human is the one.]

[He’s standing in a very visible place without any fear? Is he overflowing with courage?]

[Visitors are originally arrogant.]

The dragons looked at Kaon next to Minhyuk.

And they used their emotional abilities to scan Kaon.

[That’s what Srinagam was talking about.]

[We just have to be careful of that?]

The dragons knew that the other party would use Kaon to fire arrows made of star metal.

Star metal was weaker than their bones, but it could pierce through their skin.

So it could be fatal if they were shot consecutively.

But they weren’t afraid of Kaon at all.

Kaon was only one, and there were three of them.

Minhyuk couldn’t aim at three of them at the same time.

If one of them got hit by an arrow, the other two could attack Minhyuk from behind.

But anyway, one of them had to catch the arrow.

[Let me get hit once, let’s see how painful it is. Kekeke.]

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One of them volunteered to approach Minhyuk first.

There was no way he would die instantly from being hit by a star metal arrow.

It would hurt if his skin was pierced, but he could heal it right away with recovery magic.


Minhyuk turned Kaon and aimed it at the dragon approaching him.


At Minhyuk’s command, the archers of Asdel Fortress fired arrows at the curtain of light.


The arrows teleported and flew powerfully toward the dragon.


The first arrow hit near the dragon’s chest.

The arrowhead made of dragon bone pierced the dragon’s skin and damaged the ribs before lodging itself deep in the lungs.


The dragon, whose lungs were punctured, was in great pain, but he couldn’t even groan properly.


Minhyuk kept firing arrows at him.


The dragon’s body was riddled with arrows everywhere.


The dragon used recovery magic.

Then, as the arrows were pulled out, the wounds healed.

At the same time,


An arrow pierced the dragon’s head.

The arrowhead penetrated the creature’s skull and dug deep into its brain.


The dragon collapsed powerlessly and fell heavily to the ground.

It died instantly, without even having time to use recovery magic.

<You have slain a Saltus Wyrm.>

<As a reward, you have earned 240 hours of return time.>

<You have succeeded in hunting your first dragon.>

<As a reward, you have earned an additional 480 hours of return time.>

<Current return time: 35 days, 15 hours, 13 minutes, 24 seconds.>

Minhyuk had finally succeeded in hunting his first dragon.

The dragon’s life was worth 10 days, and with the additional 20 days he earned for successfully hunting his first dragon, he had accumulated a total of 30 days of return time.

This was a generous reward, unlike anything he had ever received before.

‘I can’t believe it was this easy!’

In fact, Minhyuk had expected the Akaradra Wyrm he had fought before to attack him again.

That creature had been badly beaten last time and would never have come near Gaon again.

He had planned to use Gaon to keep the creature at bay and then create an opportunity to finish it off with a high-explosive bomb.

However, a different kind of dragon had attacked them instead.

And one of them had hovered right in front of Gaon.

Thanks to that, he had been able to kill the dragon very easily.

[M-master, it’s dead!]

[Tunaka is dead!]

The two dragons that had unexpectedly lost their sibling were stunned.

It had all happened so quickly that they hadn’t had a chance to react.


Minhyuk turned Gaon towards them.


The dragons were startled and fled.

If they had regained their senses even a moment sooner, one of them could have acted as a shield while the other attacked Minhyuk, and they might have been victorious.

But who would want to be a shield against a dangerous weapon that could kill them with a single shot?


The panicked dragons fled towards the edge of the fortress.

Minhyuk checked the direction of their flight and gave an order to the high-explosive bomb squad.

“Squads 7 and 9, prepare to fire! This time, we’re using live ammo, not blanks.”


The loaders loaded live ammunition into the launchers.

The officer shouted to the squad members.

“This is His Majesty’s order! If you slay the dragon, all squad members will be promoted three ranks!”

The eyes of the shooter holding the launcher’s joystick gleamed.

They only had one chance to shoot the dragon.

Their own promotion, as well as the promotion of their colleagues, depended on this one shot.

‘I will definitely hit it!’

The squad members held their breath and waited for the dragon to leave the fortress.

If they fired while the dragon was still inside the fortress, their comrades from the other launchers could be caught in the blast radius of the high-explosive bomb.


The dragon flew over the launcher and out of the fortress.



At the officer’s signal, the shooter fired the high-explosive bomb.

The dragons noticed the bomb flying towards them.

However, they did not change their flight path.

For now, it was important to fly in a straight line and quickly get out of the range of Gaon’s forces.

They had already confirmed the capabilities of the bomb.

There was no need to avoid such weak firepower.



As the high-explosive bomb exploded, thousands of bone beads from the dragon scattered in all directions.

The beads mercilessly pierced the bodies of the dragons.


The riddled dragons fell to the ground.

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