Twin Reincarnation: Epics Of The Worldline

Chapter 183 183 A place to stay, not to live

Chapter 183 183 A place to stay, not to live

[Lucy's POV: ]

"What do you think?"

It was a simple apartment type room, however, instead of being in a building like environment, this place was completely somewhere in the middle of a forest.

There were trees here, a simple looking treehouse, and everything was actually real. Not some illusion but something real.

"It's not the same place, I can tell, however, this is… amazing…"

Even Nes herself was shocked how this was possible.

The reseptionist had only done some light tapping on the screens before they came here but, all that she was seeing right now, this grassy soil, this treehouse, the artificial view before, her, and, the original winds of the forest that w3ere flowing here, all the things aside from some unfortunate ones were real…

"This tower has a speciality. It could recreate the original environment of a digressed location actually existing somewhere in this planet in the customizable rooms.

It's not an easy task and takes up a lot of resources to maintain, that's why there are only fifty one customizable rooms among the hundreds of thousands of dorms rooms and special facilities present in this tower.

Miss Kaplan did pretty good job but still, look around for now, and tell her if anything at all needs to change.

And, there's a special function in your key that will allow you to connect her directly when you 'really' need her assistance so, only use that function whe it is necessary.

You perhaps know alredy, but she is like a old grandma that likes peace and her own company more than anything else."

Miss Kaplan was pretty old, and, the way she warned AJ should have been enough indication that his rizz wouldn't work on her.

She was alredy above the mortal pleasures and things that were too bothersome. Also, on a side note, she was an asexual being. That was the main reason she was a virgin dragon with no offspring even after being more than six thousand years old.

"I will be careful-"

"Wooooooowy~. This place is ammmmmmaaaaazzzziiiiinnnnggg Nessy~! I love this! I loooooooove this~! Let us have dinner here tomorrow~!"

"Hmmmmm? Ohhh! That would be amazing! Let's do that!"

"Well, we can do that."

Her suggestion, though said with the same weird tone, wasn't that bad.

This place was pretty much the best natural spot we could have to have an outdoor dinner… which would still be indoor since we are practically inside a structure, but, whatever.

"Well, Nes. Now you have your own place to live-"

"No brother Lucy."

She cut me off mid sentence and firmly shook her head with a sad smile on her face.

"This place… this whole pretty place that resembles my house but, is a completely different place, is not some place I would be 'living'.

This is just a place to stay, for a short time, brother Lucy… not a place to live, spend a major part of my life, with the people I would love to have with me.

Living in a place, in a moment, in the short life, is certainly different from staying in a place that's devoid of the other's company, devoid of what makes that place a 'home', devoid of the love we share."

At her words, El suddenly stopped acting drunk and let go of my collar. She was choking me before that but thankfully, thanks to Nes' heartily words, I survived.

"A place to stay, not live… Nessy, I'm sorry. I thought you would be alright on your own. If I had known-"

"No, El. It's alright. I'm not a kid anymore. I should start learning how to take care of myself."

"You don't have to though! I'm here-"

"El. Stop… she wants to be by herself, learn what she could not with us around, and explore more of what she couldn't previously.

She wants to find herself, so, let her be.

Too much affection is poisonous sometimes, as well as sickening."


She looked ahead of her, at the first friend she had made in this world, at the pretty girl she cherished too much to leave by herself.

She hadn't thought just being separate from them would become so big of a deal for her that she would start calling this amazing dorm room nothing more than a simple place to 'stay' for a short while.

El thought she would understand and also want the same, she thought it would be alright, but now that she was seeing her bitter expression, she couldn't help herself.


She hugged Nes tightly, warmly, and lovingly.

"There is a reason it has to be like this, Nes. I bet you must have alredy figured out we have many different motives behind the things we do, goals that we have to achive on our own, and challenges that we have to have by ourselves.

Some of those things are dangerous, very dangerous. And I know just strong you are, but, I don't want all those bad things to affect your time in this place.

You have to learn more than anyone else, you have to gain more than any other student of this academy, you must get as much as you can before the end of our time in this academy.

I know you have somewhere to be after that, a place that is the real version of this pretty place, and we will be there to accompany you if you want, however, until then, please forgive me.

There will be times when you won't see us for days, weeks perhaps. There will be times you'll be worried and anxious, alone, perhaps lonely as well.

There will be times you will have to experance unexpected things because of us, but, remember this Nes, my dear friend Agnes… I… We, love you.

You are a precious friend of ours, more than that, perhaps.

And whatever happens, we will be there for you. Even if you don't want to."

"Yes… please…"

There are things in this world that El doesn't give an ounce of fuck about, be it some higher being or some Offspring controlling a function that's very, very important in other's eyes.

But, at the same time, there are things in this world that she cherishes nearly as much as me. Things like her will, Ego, and her precious people.

Raz was the first precious being in that list, then Eva, and now, Nes was one of them as well.

One of the people she would destroy this entire world for if she ever needed.

'She loves her too much… it's enviable not to, actually.'

Nes is precious.

But, we know having us too close to us will not only be dangerous for her, but, it would hinder her growth as well.

And that was the last thing either of us wanted.

"Alright alright you two. That much love is enough. Let's go. We have to see our place as well."

I hugged the two emotional, pretty girls, and after a while pulled El away from Nes as well.

I know her tactics so she would have tried doing things to Nes after that hug and, she was in a vulnerable position which would have made her tricks even more effective.

It wasn't necessarily, for either of us. So, pulling them away was the best idea.

"Umm-ehhh… alright? W-we should see your place quickly as well. I'm feeling sleepy, so I will return and go to bed early."

"That's fine as well."


I didn't wait for what El had to say since I alredy knew what it would be, so, before she could do so, I used the key and transferred both of us in our dorm room, the place that cost us a pretty penny.

"Welcome, Nes… to the [Terminal of possibilities]."

The best dorm room of this entire tower, one that perhaps no one knew the true use of.

A place so big that it covered an entire floor of the tower, filled with anything one can think about hidden behind one of the doors present in this maze like place connected to the main drowning room tha we were standing in.

And, disregarding everything else, just this drowning room was a pretty spacious place with a large window wall on one side, that displayed one of the prettiest views of dawn and twilights, a space place, a kitchen, a few big sofas in the middle, twelve doors all around us leading to different places with other doors, and cool looking things that insistently caught Nes' attention.

"Ohhhh! Is that a control station?! Can I see the other parts of the tower from there?!"

"Yup~. And, some other parts of the school areas as well. Mostly the outer areas though, but it's pretty cool."

"Hmmm? How do you know that, El? Isn't this the first time you are coming here?"

"You really want to ask me about this simple thing when you don't ask about other complicated things? Hehe, I know many things~."

"Ummmm… ok? Then, is that a game area in the corner?! Can I play games there?!"

"Yup~. We will play together first thing tomorrow morning! Wake up early and be ready~. I will come pick you up~!"

"Yesssssss! And! And! That open balcony garden! That looks so cooooool! Let's harvest things in the afternoon and make something yummy in the evening from them~. I want to plant new things as well~."

"Of course~. You can have that entire place~. We ain't much into gardening anyway."


This was one of the most special places in this tower and, it was filled with things that one might take years to completely understand.

There was a large indoor lab of all the subject one can think, a big library, a few offices, indoor pools, a farm, a greenhouse, and much, much more.

In the game, it took me thre I game years to complete explore this place… but, the versatility of possibilities of this room was not the reason we specifically chose this dorm room.

'The main reason we chose this place, was because of the 'room of summoning' it had. A place, one of the only places in this entire special academy, through which we could bring in people of the outside world. '

This place was a crucial piece we needed for our future plans and to get it, we had to get enough points and clearance to have it, for which, the death of Eisheth was necessary, and to do that, we had to remain pure.

'We still technically are pure, but, well, who knows how long it will stay that way.'

I don't, certainly.

But, one thing I know for sure, is…

'Since we have already secured the 'base of opration', it was finally time to get her the people that will help us achieve some of the most amazing things this planet would have ever seen…'

The first person in the list of desired people was a normal person working in a normal place, with a thick mask of normalness… or so I thought would be the first person.

I didn't know that instead of getting the Ace of Spades as the first member of our 'organisation', we would end up getting the Joker of Clubs…

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