Twin Reincarnation: Epics Of The Worldline

Chapter 184 184 Cat and the familiars

Chapter 184 184 Cat and the familiars

[OP: ]

"Ba-bay Nessy~. Seeeeeee youuuuu in the morningggggg~! Muha!"

She kissed her cheek one last time before Nes shook her head with a happy smile and vanished from the place.

[[ One does not understand the actions of the one. Not only does it not make any sense sometimes, but even if one tries to understand them and the meaning behind them, one cannot grasp the intention behind intentionally doing those things. ]]

And right after she was gone, Anna came out of her familiar mark and started flying around the room they were in, checking everything with a curious look in her pretty eyes.

"I told you to not pay much attention to it, didn't I, Anna? She's Auriel, the most unpredictable person I have ever known.

Even I don't know the reason behind many of the things that she does even after living with her for a few decades."

Lucy set down on the couch in the center of the room they were in and, right after him, El also came and sat down on the couch, with her head on his lap, a smile present on her pretty face.

"Hehe, Lucy-"

"You want to talk to me, stop that act. I am sick of it already."

"Hehe, hiccup! You used to endure the real drunk me, why not the one acting~?"

"Because I know you are acting and, today was boring. I don't like this anymore. Why don't we start with the main things? Call Cary and Raz. Let the three of them meet for the starters while we check the content of that box you found in the labyrinth. Perhaps we will get something interesting from that thing considering it belonged to the pope."

"Hehe, offff courseeee~. Why nottttt~. But first a kissssy~!"

She connected their lips without waiting for his reply and, though surprised, he gave in to her soft lips in a matter of seconds.

And, while Anna continued her curious searches, the two of them stayed connected, waged a war against the lips of one another, enjoyed the clothed bodies of the other one, and, enjoyed themselves for a little moment.

"Hehehe… Lucy bastard~! My lovely Lucy bastard~!"


She was enjoying his kisses on her neck, she was laughing, he was enjoying as well, and everything was going perfectly, so, to make this perfect moment even more perfect, she, slapped his butt, and, just when he was surprised by the sudden attack, she pushed him off the couch.

"Alright, I'm full for the time being. Cary darling. Come out~."

Lucy definitely hurt his head when he fell right on the edge of the table before the couch, but thankfully, he wasn't hurt too much so he looked up at her from the ground, with an upset expression.

"Not fair El."

"What's not fair? You fell, your problem. Now get up. Let's finish up the necessary work. I wanna see my cute little slime as well.

I wonder what it will grow into when it becomes my summon."

"Yeah, yeah. Gimme a hand."

"Nah. Take this sexy leg. You love thighs more anyway. Pervert bastard~."

She offered him a leg as a support to stand up, and he didn't refuse it, grabbed it, and stood back up before kissing her flexible feet that rested on his shoulder even when he was standing.

[[ What kind of relationship do you two have exactly? I try to ignore it but you seem like twins, feel like twins, but even if you have a twincestious relationship, are you two some past life lovers who were unfortunate to have been reborn in bodies like these or something? I get this weird chill every time you two are doing these sexual things. ]]

And, Cary came out right when the two of them were done with their little play.

He was a considerate one that knew the basic things, so, Lucy liked him far, far more than that pervert kitten bastard.

"Hehehe~. My dumb Carry~? How were you so spot on~? How did you know we were lovers in our past lives~?"

And he also didn't enjoy it when she hugged him tightly. So, for Lucy, this miserable dragon was a far, far better partner than that perverted cat that tried having a feel of her body at every chance he had.

[[ Ughhhh! Please stop with these hugs! They are becoming too much! ]]

"Hehe, not even a day with your pretty master and things are already difficult for you~? My dumb Cary is so weak~. Don't worry though~!! Your amazing master will make you into an amazing big, long, hard, attractive dragon! You will become a big boy! Hehe~. Muha~!"

She kissed him on the forehead at the end of her hugging session, and, only then did she put him down.

[[ I should have never agreed to this… ]]

"It's fine little brother. You will get used to her in no time. She isn't a bad person. She's just… well… quirky? Unique would be a better way to describe this diabolical abomination of a person."

[[ How crazy were you to love this person for so long? I am more afraid of you than her… ]]

"Hahaha. You can say, well, I am the craziest person you will ever find. You will need an (infinity+1) times crazy person for this unmeasurably crazy girl, right?"

[[ You are a crazy bastard. Crazy… ]]

Oh, he didn't know the two of their craziness yet. But it won't be long before he gets to know that.

"Okay, cuties~! Enough cit chat! Anna! Come here~! Let me introduce you all to the last member of our family~!"

[[ There was someone else left? Another crazy one? ]]

"Nope. This one is a pervert."

[[ Carzy people, dumb people, crazier people, and now perverts… what the hell have I gotten myself into? ]]

"Something you won't regret getting yourself into. that much I can guarantee."

Lucy smiled at him sweetly, a smile he was seeing for the first time, which certainly didn't go well with the little dragon, but, since he found some sort of sincerity from those words, he didn't say anything else.

[[ One found many things in this place! This place is amazing! One loves this! ]]

"Righttttt~?! You can have whatever place you want Anna~! It's all yours if you like it~!"

[[ One is very grateful for that! One will surely use this place to the best of its potential~! ]]

She was giving this grand operational base, something that not many know much about, to a creature that was ever curious about the mysteries of the world and the elements of the world...

Anna was curious about this place as well and since it was a construction of one of the offspring of the Worldline, there was no way she would not be curious about this room which was the most precious place in this entire tower.

"Okay then~!"

She was hugging Anna but she released her sooner than Cary, of course though, she didn't forget to kiss her forehead before that.

El loved kissing now that he had enabled her.

[ "Command: Call exclusive dimensional merchant 'Raz'!" ]


<Nyaaaahahahah~! Your friendly neighborhood merchant is ba-... Nyaaaaaaaaa!>

He appeared out of nowhere like he always does but, this time, though he was wearing only a nice looking hat, as soon as he appeared and bowed with his hat in his hand, out of nowhere, he felt something very strange and jumped up in shock and surprise, and threw his hat towards the couch, at Cary who was sleeping right there.



[[ What is wrong with this cat?! Why is he attacking me out of nowhere?! ]]

The way he had thrown his hat was simple but the way the hat spun at a speed that broke the sound barrier and appeared before Cary in no time was something none of them were expecting to witness in that short time.

<Nyaaaaaaa! What are these things?!>

And then, right after he had attacked Cary with his hat, he jumped towards Anna on the table before Cary with his claws out, ready to attack.


"Oyyy! Stop! What's wrong with you?!"

Fortunately though, right when he was before her, Anna had covered herself with a powerful barrier and was able to take on his attack head-on.

She was fine after that, however, the table she was on wasn't as fortunate as her.

His nail had lightly graced the table, which was more than enough to completely destroy it.

Raz was out of his mind for a moment and ended up doing something dangerous, but, El caught him right after he attacked Anna, and, restricted his movements with the help of her weapon, which she turned into a red ribbon.

<Nyaaaaaa! Let go! Let go of me El! There are suspicious creatures! I smell divinity from them! They are definitely not something that should exist in this realm! Release me Nyaaaaaaa!>

"No, you dumb fucker! Calm down! Listen to me and calm the fuck down!"

She slapped his small face lightly to bring him back to his senses… and, it only took three of her hard slaps to get the work done.

"Have you calmed down?"

Lucy was hiding it pretty well but, he enjoyed every moment of Raz's agony. He loved it actually. He was so happy he wanted to slap Raz a few times himself. But, knowing the circumstances, he held himself back and only smirked while looking at the little creature.

<Nyaaaaa… this hurts.>

"Answer me first. Have you calmed down?"

<Nyaaaaaa… yes…>

"Good. Then stay still."

She opened the ribbons around his body, and only left the one on his neck, and, as she knew, as soon as she did that, he jumped on Cary once again with his claws out.

"You fucking bastard."

She knew he would do that, that's why she had kept the ribbon on his neck.

As soon as he jumped on him, she pulled the ribbon and pulled the little kitten with it. He had gone crazy completely...

<Nyaaaa! Why are you protecting these dangerous creatures El?! Look at them! Don't you know just how dangerous they are?! Nyaaaaaa! This lizard seems hungry as well! He might eat up all my fish and perhaps you as well! Why are you saving them nyaaaa?!>

"Because they are our familiars damnit! He's my new little bastard Cary and she is Roxanna, Lucy's amazing partner!

Fuck, Raz! This is bad manners! Attacking someone just because they seem dangerous?! I don't remember ever teaching you something like this!

You didn't even check their information! Is this how you should do it? Bad boy!"

She slapped him again… and Lucy almost laughed out loud at this scene.

He was feeling a greater bliss than what he felt when receiving all the sweet rewards from the headmaster.

"And you! Lucy bastard! Why are so happy?!"


She quickly stood up and slapped Lucy as well… it certainly must have been painful.

But he was still happy.

Seeing that little pervert bastard in pain was far more fun than feeling this little amount of pain from this one slap.

He was used to her slaps anyway.


However, that look of pain on Raz's face was short-lived since the shock, confusion, and questions that overtook his sharp mind after her explanation, were far more intense than the great pain caused by her genuine slaps.? And...

She was strong ok!? Her slaps hurt like crazy!


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