Unbeatable Martial Emperor

Chapter 24

C24 – Fight Against Jee Gong

“Then we shall proceed as the Great Elder suggests. I trust the castellan’s residence will not disgrace the Jee family.”

“Very well, I’ll have someone deliver the compensation to your residence shortly. Farewell.”

“Miss Tang, may I inquire how long the city lord’s residence intends to employ these individuals?” The Great Elder interjected just as Tang Tian was about to depart.

“One month,” Min Zhenkang cut in before Tang Tian could respond.

“Ridiculous!” Tang Tian had meant to propose a year, but Min Zhenkang’s audacity caught her off guard.

Yet the words were out, and there was no retracting them.

“Fine. The Jee family will endure this young upstart’s antics for a month. I trust there will be no interference from the castellan’s residence,” the Great Elder declared.

“Come with me.”

“I cannot. My father is still in their clutches.”

“Really? Lord Jee, are you aware of this?”

“This is news to me. It’s my son’s doing.”

“Someone fetch Jee Gong for me.”

“Master, the Second Young Master is not on the premises.”

A servant hurriedly relayed the information to Jee Luoyang.

“Where has he gone?”

“Master, the Second Young Master has taken his men outside the east city gate.”

In a flash—

Before the Jee family servant could finish speaking, Min Zhenkang dashed off at top speed toward the east city gate.

“Lord Jee, I trust your son will refrain from any impropriety. Otherwise, my father will be compelled to pay a personal visit.”

With those parting words, Tang Tian led her entourage toward the east city gate.

“We should leave as well.”

“Oh, and one more thing I neglected to mention to you, Patriarch Jee: regardless of whether these individuals serve me or not, I expect the Jee family to steer clear of any designs on Min’s mansion in Whalespell.”

Tang Tian added this final reminder before exiting with her group.

“The response of the castellan’s residence in a month’s time will be telling,” Jee Luoyang retorted.

Without another word, Tang Tian continued on with her people toward the east city gate.

Concerned for his son’s wellbeing, Jee Luoyang also gathered his men and followed in pursuit.

As the incident came to a close, the crowd of onlookers quickly scattered. No one wanted to draw the ire of the Jee family in a bad mood—that was definitely not a situation to be taken lightly.

The three elders who had formed the Five Elements Integration Formation felt utterly wronged. They had risked shortening their lifespans by ten years and spent half a month bedridden, all in the hopes of taking down Min Zhenkang. Yet, to their dismay, Tang Tian appeared unexpectedly. Not only did Min Zhenkang survive, but they also had to endure the lingering effects of the formation. It was a costly endeavor that hadn’t even grazed their enemy.

“What exactly happened? How did you get into such a major conflict with the Jee family? And why did Jee Gong kidnap the head of the Min family?” Tang Tian inquired of Min Qigang as they made their way to the city gate.

“Miss Tang, this morning we returned to Steelgrave. Zhenkang asked me and his uncle to head back to the inn while he attended to his affairs. We never anticipated that Jee Gong would abruptly seize his uncle and demand that Zhenkang come to him, threatening his uncle’s life if he didn’t comply. After I relayed the message to Zhenkang, he stormed the Jee residence, leading to the scene you witnessed,” Min Qigang explained.

“This kind of recklessness is unacceptable!” Tang Tian’s disdain for Jee Gong deepened upon hearing the story.

“Please, Miss Tang, don’t hold it against Zhenkang. He was backed into a corner,” Min Qigang pleaded.

Tang Tian could only sigh. It seemed every time she encountered Min Zhenkang, he was embroiled in some sort of trouble.

Meanwhile, Min Zhenkang pushed himself to the limit, his speed leaving a trail of afterimages in his wake.

“Father, you must be safe. I won’t let the Jee family off the hook if anything happens to you,” he thought desperately.

Unbeknownst to Min Zhenkang, despite the lengthy battle at the Jee residence, his Profound Qi showed no signs of depletion. In fact, it continued to surge from his dantian, seemingly inexhaustible.

The Profound Qi within Min Zhenkang’s Dantian flowed into his meridians at a rate far exceeding its consumption, causing some of his smaller meridians to burst from the pressure. Yet, Min Zhenkang felt nothing, as if he were disconnected from his own body.

Upon reaching the city gates, Min Zhenkang was met with a sight that filled him with rage. Min Qi was suspended outside the gate, his body covered in blood, not a single patch of skin left unscathed. Clinging to life by a mere thread, Min Qi’s situation ignited a fury within Min Zhenkang.

With a swift flick, Min Zhenkang sent his sword slicing through the air, cutting the rope that bound Min Qi, and caught him firmly in his arms.

“Father, I’ve arrived too late and you’ve suffered for it,” he said, his eyes welling up with emotion.

“Cough, cough, cough—Zhenkang, you shouldn’t have come! By coming here, you’ve walked right into this villain’s trap,” Min Qi managed to say between labored breaths. He had intended to scold his son, but seeing Zhenkang’s concern, he held back his reproach.

“Father, save your strength. Healing comes first,” Min Zhenkang urged, placing a Healing Pill from his Bag of Heaven and Earth into Min Qi’s mouth. With the situation as it was, Min Qi ceased his rebukes and began to focus on his recovery, seated in a meditative posture on the ground.

“Kid, have you finished your family reunion? If so, it’s time we settled our own score,” Jee Gong called out. He had been aware of Min Zhenkang’s arrival but remained unhurried, confident in his advantage. Unbeknownst to him, the Jee family was on the brink of collapse due to Min Zhenkang’s actions, yet he sat there, smug and untroubled.

“How would you prefer to meet your end?” Min Zhenkang asked, standing tall and composed as he faced Jee Gong, his expression betraying none of the storm within.

When Jee Gong locked eyes with Min Zhenkang, an intense fear and sense of danger welled up inside him.

It felt as though he was the prey of a wild beast, with every struggle proving futile.

Sensing his own unease, Jee Gong averted his gaze, knowing that to maintain eye contact would mean certain defeat.

“You’re quite bold. You’re like a trapped turtle, yet you spout such bravado. Let’s see how I deal with you.”


Clang, clang, clang~

The sound of clashing weapons echoed around Min Zhenkang.

“Present!” The crisp response sent the spectators scrambling backwards.

Now, only Min Zhenkang, his son, and the Jee family guards remained in the arena.

Min Zhenkang glanced at the Jee family guards with disdain, leaped up, and drew the long sword anchored to the pillar.

He then began to advance toward Jee Gong, one step at a time.

“Seize him!”

As Min Zhenkang approached, Jee Gong hastily commanded his guards.

A few guards broke ranks and charged at Min Zhenkang.

Had they known that Min Zhenkang had effortlessly dismantled their Thousand Killing Array and slain all their comrades, they would have been paralyzed with fear, not daring to confront him.

Min Zhenkang paid no mind to the guards attacking from behind, dispatching them with a casual backstroke of his sword.

He kept moving forward. The three guards who had continued their assault were now severed at the waist, their upper bodies motionless.

It was only then that the crowd and Jee Gong realized the guards had been bisected in an instant, meeting their end.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

The bodies hit the ground, followed by the lower halves toppling over.

The heads bore eyes wide with shock, oblivious to their own demise.

“Everyone, together! Finish him off.”

Witnessing Min Zhenkang’s effortless dispatching of the guards, Jee Gong urgently rallied the remaining men.

The remaining guards hesitated, grappling with the reality that to strike down a comrade of equal strength would likely mean their own demise.

“What are you waiting for? Capture him now!”

Jee Gong’s urgency spiked as he watched the guards stand motionless while Min Zhenkang steadily advanced toward him.

“Get into formation!”

At last, the guards sprang into action, assembling several groups into the formidable Thousand Killing Array as they moved to engage.

Unfazed, Min Zhenkang continued his deliberate approach toward Jee Gong.

With Min Zhenkang closing in, Jee Gong swiftly retrieved a high-grade treasure artifact from his Bag of Heaven and Earth.


His voice boomed as he launched a ferocious assault on Min Zhenkang.

“Ten Thousand Sealing Sword Technique!”

Jee Gong was flanked by his own potent offense and the guards’ Thousand Killing Arrays—a formidable strategy from the Jee family arsenal. He was certain of his victory over Min Zhenkang.

Yet, Min Zhenkang merely flashed a menacing grin in the face of the onslaught.

The sight of that smile reignited the smoldering fear in Jee Gong’s heart, but with no turning back, he steeled himself against the dread and pressed forward.


Jee Gong’s sword, charged with might, reached Min Zhenkang, only to be effortlessly sidestepped. In a fluid motion, Min Zhenkang redirected the attack back toward the Thousand Killing Array.


The collision was inevitable; Jee Gong’s fifth-level Martial Spirit Stage cultivation was no match for the Array’s force.

His strike not only missed Min Zhenkang but was also manipulated against the guard’s Array, leaving Jee Gong both stunned and enraged.

As his own attack was dismantled by the Array and Min Zhenkang loomed before him, Jee Gong beat a hasty retreat, all while summoning his Martial Spirit to aid him.

“Five-Star Martial Spirit, Blazing Wolf!”

In that instant, a Blazing Wolf engulfed in flames materialized on the battlefield, encircling Jee Gong with its fiery body. It fixed a vigilant gaze on Min Zhenkang, eyes ablaze with caution.

At the same time, Min Zhenkang found himself under assault from two other groups of the Thousand Killing Array. With no other option, he spun around to fend off the incoming attacks.

Shadow Sword Style, First Form: Formless Blade.

Min Zhenkang pivoted and parried the strikes from behind.

Shadow Sword Style, Second Form: Blade Breaker.

Having countered the Thousand Killing Array with the Formless Blade, Min Zhenkang swiftly switched techniques. Before his opponents could react, he unleashed the Blade Breaker, shattering the Array.

A chorus of agonized screams echoed across the field. As the cries subsided, the ground was littered with bodies and the crimson of spilled blood.

A mere two or three adversaries survived Min Zhenkang’s Blade Breaker. They fled without a backward glance, abandoning Jee Gong to confront Min Zhenkang alone.

“Relying on your Martial Spirit for protection is a clever strategy. Yet, I wonder just how dependable that Spirit is.”

Min Zhenkang sneered at the Flame Wolf, his smile dripping with scorn.


The Flame Wolf let out a roar, seemingly offended by Min Zhenkang’s dismissive words, having never before been underestimated in such a manner.

“Beasts will be beasts, always quick to howl. But first, withstand my blade!”

Shadow Sword Style, Third Form: Sword Thrust.

The Shadow Sword Style comprised seven forms, with only the first and fourth dedicated to defense. The remaining five were designed for offense.

Each form served its unique purpose, whether for attack or defense. Yet, one truth remained undeniable: with each subsequent form, the power multiplied, growing exponentially stronger.

This was especially true for the seventh form, which boasted a hundredfold the might of the sixth.

Nevertheless, at this moment, Min Zhenkang was limited to the first three forms. In his current state, he could scarcely muster the strength for the second.


At the sight of Min Zhenkang advancing, the Flame Wolf let out a defiant howl and surged forward to meet the challenge.

With a mighty heave, it lifted its enormous paw and brought it crashing down toward Min Zhenkang’s Shadow Sword Style.


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