Unbeatable Martial Emperor

Chapter 25

C25 – Cripple Your Cultivation


When titans clash, damage is inevitable.

The instant Min Zhenkang’s sword met the wolf’s claw, the earth trembled.

The spectators gasped as they saw only the hilt of Min Zhenkang’s sword remained, its blade vanished.

Across from him, one of the flaming wolf’s claws was fading away, almost making the Martial Spirit appear as a three-legged creature.

“Hahaha, with no sword, how will you defeat my flaming wolf? Min Zhenkang, prepare to meet your end!” Jee Gong laughed triumphantly upon seeing the hilt in Min Zhenkang’s grasp.


The flaming wolf howled, as if to claim victory before the fight was over.

The flaming wolf had never known defeat since its inception, filling it with unshakeable confidence that today would be no different.

“Oh, really? Then brace yourself for my fist!”

Instead of anger, Min Zhenkang responded with a smirk and summoned his Martial Spirit.

“Hahahaha~ Are you trying to make me die laughing, Min Zhenkang? What is this, a One-star Martial Spirit? And the weakest humanoid kind at that? You can’t be serious about fighting my flaming wolf with that!”

“A One-star Martial Spirit? That’s just pathetic.”

“Seriously, even a nobody could muster up a One-star Martial Spirit!”

“Indeed, this is the first One-star Martial Spirit I’ve ever seen. It’s laughably memorable.”

“I’ll remember this too. Next time someone brags about seeing a Five-star or Six-star Martial Spirit, I’ll top their story with my encounter with a One-star, especially one in human form.”

Jee Gong and the onlookers couldn’t resist mocking Min Zhenkang’s Martial Spirit.

“Try beating me first!” Min Zhenkang, with his Martial Spirit in tow, lunged at Jee Gong.

“Bring it on, for this day next year will be your day of remembrance!” Jee Gong charged, equally determined not to show weakness.

The Wolf Claw of the Fierce Flame Wolf, on the verge of fading away, had now fully regenerated.

Having sustained minimal damage, and with Jee Gong unscathed, recovery was effortlessly achieved.

The healing pace of a Martial Spirit hinges on the extent of its wounds and the current condition of its master. Lesser injuries and a stronger master equate to a swifter recovery.

Conversely, if a Martial Spirit is completely shattered and the master grievously injured, summoning it anew could take an indeterminate amount of time.

In a mere moment, Min Zhenkang and Jee Gong had clashed through hundreds of exchanges.

Min Zhenkang grew increasingly valiant and vigorous with each move.

But Jee Gong found himself becoming more startled and fearful as the battle wore on.

Despite the prolonged fight, Min Zhenkang’s Martial Spirit hadn’t been dispersed by the Inferno Wolves; instead, it thrived, growing stronger with every blow.

“This is a One-star Martial Spirit?”

“It’s been holding its own against a Five-star Martial Spirit for this long without faltering. Have One-star Martial Spirits become this formidable?”

“Does this mean I’ll have to steer clear of any warrior with a One-star Martial Spirit from now on?”

The onlookers were astounded to see Min Zhenkang’s One-star Martial Spirit not only withstand the lengthy battle but also gain momentum.

This defied everything the Cultivation World took for granted.

Unbeknownst to them, and to Min Zhenkang himself, his Martial Spirit was far from ordinary.

Thus, Min Zhenkang was equally astonished by the resilience and increasing might of his Martial Spirit.

What’s more, across the entire Suanikos, it was believed that human-shaped Martial Spirits were the weakest. Yet, aren’t all cultivators human, growing from frailty to become the mightiest beings of their realm?

With a resounding crash, the battle continued without a victor in sight.

Min Zhenkang stood his ground, his extraordinary combat strength keeping him unbeaten.

Jee Gong, with his cultivation and Five-star Martial Spirit, managed to withstand Min Zhenkang’s onslaught.

Without deploying their ultimate techniques, neither could claim victory in this standoff.

“I didn’t expect your One-star Martial Spirit to hold up so well. Now, let’s see if you can handle my next move!”

Unwilling to prolong the conflict, Jee Gong resolved to finish the fight and simultaneously take Min Zhenkang’s life.

Min Zhenkang’s actions spoke volumes of his own resolve.

“Destroy the Heavens!”

In that instant, Min Zhenkang’s right hand transformed into a clenched fist, channeling all the Profound Qi within him into that singular point, unleashing the most powerful martial skill he possessed.

His Martial Spirit mirrored his actions, poised to strike.

“Roar of the Inferno Wolf!”

Jee Gong’s mouth gaped open, his neck swollen to the point where his throat vanished from sight, as if something was on the verge of bursting forth.

The Inferno Wolf, too, had its massive jaws agape, its neck grotesquely distended.

At this critical juncture, neither Min Zhenkang nor Jee Gong were battling with their Martial Spirits alone; they had become one with them.

This fusion represented the pinnacle of attack within the Martial Spirit Stage. Should the Martial Spirit be dispersed now, the summoner would suffer shattered meridians, a damaged dantian, and severe injuries.

In the worst case, it could mean death.

“This move will be your end!”

Both combatants unleashed their mightiest martial skills, a single strike to determine the victor.

It seemed inevitable that Min Zhenkang would emerge triumphant.

Yet, it was Jee Gong who had the last laugh.


A thunderous collision ensued as their attacks met each other’s Martial Spirits head-on.

The residual shockwaves kicked up a maelstrom of dust, sending those nearby flying and prompting the crowd to hastily withdraw.

After some time, the wind dispersed the dust, revealing the aftermath to the onlookers.

“Hiss ~”

“Can he even be called human? How is he not dead?”

“Who is this young man? Surely, he can’t be an unknown!”

“I overheard him call that man ‘father.’ Isn’t that Min Qi, the lord of the Min’s mansion in Whalespell? Could it be?”

“Is this kid Min Zhenkang? But wasn’t there a rumor that Min Zhenkang is nothing but a failure?”

“Right, I’ve heard the same about Min Zhenkang of the Min’s mansion in Whalespell. When did he manage to start his cultivation?”

“What failure? Isn’t Min Zhenkang a prodigy? I seem to recall that his initial display of talent even caught the attention of the Bacia Dynasty.”

“Your information is outdated. Min Zhenkang was indeed a prodigious talent before he turned seven, but during his cultivation at that age, he suffered a berserk episode. It shattered all his meridians and his Martial Spirit, rendering him incapable of cultivating ever again—a complete washout.”

At that moment, everyone around was stunned by the outcome of the battle, buzzing with commentary about Min Zhenkang.

At the epicenter of the clash lay a massive crater, three meters deep and nearly ten meters in diameter. Min Zhenkang stood within it, his clothes in tatters, his humanoid Martial Spirit nowhere to be seen.

Not far from him was Jee Gong, now lying unconscious on the ground. If not for his Martial Spirit, the Inferno Wolf, absorbing most of the damage, Jee Gong would have met the same fate as the guard captain. However, it was precisely this defense that led to Jee Gong’s Martial Spirit being forcefully dispersed by Min Zhenkang.

Witnessing a Five-star Martial Spirit defeated by a One-star Martial Spirit flipped the worldview of all the onlookers.

A cultivator’s summoned Martial Spirit can only be dispersed, never destroyed.

Once dispersed, the Martial Spirit would regenerate within the cultivator’s dantian. But due to its weakened state, it couldn’t be summoned for combat for some time. Even a forced summoning would result in significantly diminished offensive and defensive capabilities.

Only if the cultivator’s dantian is destroyed or if they are killed does the Martial Spirit dissipate completely.

Had the guard captain summoned his Martial Spirit in a timely manner during his fight with Min Zhenkang, he might have avoided death.

Unfortunately, his arrogance prevented him from summoning his Martial Spirit before the fight. Later, overwhelmed by Min Zhenkang’s onslaught, he forgot to summon it, ultimately leading to his demise.

Min Zhenkang staggered toward Jee Gong, who at that moment resembled a lamb awaiting slaughter.

“Spare him!”

Suddenly, a voice echoed from the east gate. It was Tang Tian and the others, along with Jee Luoyang.

It was Jee Luoyang who had cried out for mercy.

“Min Zhenkang!”

Tang Tian also called out, signaling to Min Zhenkang to restrain himself.

But Min Zhenkang seemed deaf to the pleas of Jee Luoyang and Tang Tian, continuing his advance toward Jee Gong.

Jee Luoyang, seeing his words fall on deaf ears, was seized by panic and dashed toward the pit with all his might.

A loud thud resonated from the depths. Jee Luoyang and Tang Tian froze, fearing the worst. Jee Luoyang, believing Jee Gong dead, let out a thunderous roar to the heavens.

“Min Zhenkang, I swear, today you will die by my hand, and no one shall stand in my way!”

Tang Tian, no longer holding back, sped toward the pit with urgency.

Min Zhenkang, overwhelmed, finally collapsed. The dual onslaught of intense battles had pushed his body to the brink of ruin.

Even then, Profound Qi continued to flow from his dantian, albeit more slowly. The once destructive force was now gently mending Min Zhenkang’s wounded meridians.

Jee Luoyang and Tang Tian reached the pit’s edge just in time to witness the heart-wrenching scene below.

Though Min Zhenkang had not taken Jee Gong’s life, the damage was done. Jee Gong’s cultivation was destroyed, his dantian shattered, leaving him a broken man, incapable of further cultivation.

For a cultivator, the abrupt loss of the ability to cultivate, to be crippled in such a way, is a fate worse than death.

Only if he were as fortunate as Min Zhenkang to find a cultivation method that defied the heavens, might he have a chance to cultivate once more.

“Min Zhenkang, I swear I’ll tear you to shreds!”

Jee Luoyang, in a frenzy, unleashed a mighty assault and lunged at Min Zhenkang.

At that moment, the space within the deep pit was distorted by Jee Luoyang’s Profound Qi, causing the entire area to become rigid.

As Jee Luoyang bore down on him, a wry smile crept onto Min Zhenkang’s lips. Yet, this smile was one of self-derision, his heart brimming with resentment.

He despised his own frailty!

He loathed his inability to protect the one he cherished!

Was he destined to die in such a manner?

Resigned to his fate, Min Zhenkang slowly closed his eyes, awaiting death’s embrace. Given another chance, he would make the same choices. He had given it his all, and his conscience was clear.


Jee Luoyang’s attack finally struck.


Min Zhenkang was not dead. Tang Tian intercepted Jee Luoyang’s blow, sustaining injuries in the process.

The residual force of the attack hurled Min Zhenkang and Jee Gong out of the pit. Upon impact, Min Zhenkang succumbed to unconsciousness.

Blood trickled from the corner of Tang Tian’s mouth. Already at a disadvantage in terms of cultivation compared to Jee Luoyang, Tang Tian had borne the brunt of his wrathful strike, resulting in grave injuries and internal turmoil.

“What are you playing at, Miss Tang? This villain has wreaked havoc in the Jee household, slain my guards, and now crippled my son’s cultivation. There’s no way I can let this slide. I am determined to claim this scoundrel’s life today!”

Thwarted by Tang Tian time and again, Jee Luoyang’s rage knew no bounds. He didn’t care anymore that she was from the castellan’s residence.

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