Unbeatable Martial Emperor

Chapter 26

C26 – Ending

“Patriarch Jee, your son Jee Gong is still alive; he has merely lost his cultivation. I’ll arrange for a Meridian Protection Pill to be sent to him shortly. It won’t restore his cultivation, but it will save his life,” Tang Tian stated, managing to keep the tumultuous blood within her under control as she addressed Jee Luoyang.

“Furthermore, Min Zhenkang had the opportunity to kill your son but chose not to. He simply stripped him of his cultivation, which suggests that Min Zhenkang harbored no real intent to kill.”

If Min Zhenkang were to overhear this, he’d surely leap up, exclaiming, “It’s not that I didn’t want to kill Jee Gong; I simply lacked the strength to go over and snap his neck. I had no choice but to strip him of his cultivation instead. Otherwise, I’d never leave myself open to future threats.”

Regrettably, Min Zhenkang was not privy to Tang Tian’s remarks.

“Miss Tang, I cannot accept your explanation. This young man must die today,” Jee Luoyang said, dismissing Tang Tian’s attempt at mediation.

“So, does the Jee family patriarch truly wish to wage war against the castellan’s residence?”

“War it is, then. The Jee family has never shied away from a fight. Regardless, this boy’s fate is sealed today.”

Jee Luoyang’s insistence on killing Min Zhenkang stemmed from his belief that the young man possessed something extraordinary within him. Jee Luoyang had noted that Min Zhenkang’s cultivation seemed to peak at the third level of the Martial Spirit Stage at best. Yet, in two separate battles, Min Zhenkang had demonstrated the ability to take on opponents from the Martial Warrior Stage. Without some hidden treasure, such feats would be impossible.

Thus, Jee Luoyang was willing to risk conflict with the city lord’s residence to eliminate Min Zhenkang. Should he manage to seize such a treasure, what would he have to fear from the city lord’s residence or even the venerable Tang Guo?

Despite Jee Gong being his son, Jee Luoyang found little favor in him. Jee Gong’s reckless antics had become a source of disdain for his father, so much so that Jee Luoyang would not grieve his death.

“Miss Tang, I urge you to reconsider. Are you truly prepared to face the repercussions of waging war against my city?” Tang Tian’s words hardened in response to Jee Luoyang’s challenge.

“There’s no need for you to worry about that, Miss Tang. Kindly inform your father, the City Lord, that Jee Luoyang will soon pay him a visit. As for this young man, I am resolved to end him today.”

“Very well. I will relay your words to my father. But make no mistake, I am determined to safeguard Min Zhenkang today. If you wish to harm him, you’ll have to step over my lifeless body first.”

Witnessing the escalating hostility, the crowd hastily withdrew. The previous clash between Min Zhenkang and Jee Gong had nearly cost them their lives. Should these two engage in combat, anyone too close would risk becoming collateral damage.

“Bring me that boy! Anyone who succeeds in capturing him will be handsomely rewarded upon our return,” Jee Luoyang commanded his family’s followers, even amidst the standoff with Tang Tian.

“As you command, Patriarch!”

The Jee family members advanced toward the unconscious Min Zhenkang.

“Soldiers, where are you?”


Their response thundered through the air.

“Guard Min Zhenkang with your lives. Should anyone dare to interfere, show no mercy.”


The castellan’s residence soldiers formed a protective ring around Min Zhenkang, facing the encroaching Jee family.

The tension suggested a battle was on the brink of erupting.

As the atmosphere grew heavy with anticipation, some spectators retreated into the heart of Steelgrave City, while others withdrew to even safer distances, all eyes fixed on the unfolding drama.

Meanwhile, the Jee family’s guards and elders inched closer to Min Zhenkang and the Steelgrave City soldiers, who stood fully armed and braced for conflict.

“Patriarch, this is madness!” The Great Elder, having dealt with the aftermath within the Jee family, finally arrived outside the city. With his shrewd insight, he immediately grasped the gravity of the situation.

“Great Elder, I cannot, under any circumstances, let Min Zhenkang slip through my fingers today.”

Since uncovering Min Zhenkang’s secret, Jee Luoyang was adamant in his pursuit.

“Master, I understand what’s on your mind, but the timing isn’t right just yet! The Xia Family has made it clear that in a month, the castellan’s residence will cease its protection of those three. Then, we’ll have free rein to deal with them as we please.”

“We may be forbidden from laying a hand on Min’s mansion in Whalespell, but that doesn’t mean others are,” the Great Elder murmured to Jee Luoyang.

Jee Luoyang, hearing the Great Elder’s insight, realized he too had recognized the issue with Min Zhenkang. Yet, with the Great Elder’s unwavering loyalty, Jee Luoyang felt no cause for concern.

Furthermore, he pondered the situation with Whalespell’s Min’s mansion. Although he was barred from action, Tang Tian hadn’t restricted others. The Guo family, Min’s mansion’s arch-nemesis, was currently seeking his favor. Surely, the Guo family patriarch would be eager to take on such a task.

The Great Elder, receiving no response from Jee Luoyang, understood his silent agreement.

“Jee family guards and elders, stand down,” commanded the Great Elder.

The Jee family members exchanged uneasy looks, uncertain of how to proceed. The patriarch had commanded them to take down Min Zhenkang at any cost, yet the Great Elder had ordered a halt. What was the right course of action?

“Insolence! Are my orders falling on deaf ears?” the Great Elder bellowed upon seeing no movement from the Jee family.

“Yes, Great Elder,” they replied. The patriarch’s lack of intervention signaled his implicit endorsement of the Great Elder’s directive, prompting the Jee family to quickly comply and withdraw.

“Our patriarch has erred in this matter. We ask that you, Miss Tang, do not take it to heart. Please convey to the City Lord that our patriarch will personally bring a gift to offer an apology to Castellan Tang in the days to come,” the Great Elder said, turning to Tang Tian with a bow of contrition.

“An apology is unnecessary. I only hope that the Jee family head will be more deliberate in his future words and actions. A single misstep could jeopardize the entire Jee family’s prospects, and that would be an irrevocable regret,” Tang Tian replied coolly.

Upon hearing Tang Tian’s words, Jee Luoyang felt the anger he had barely kept in check flare up again. Thankfully, the Great Elder was quick to react, promptly grabbing hold of Jee Luoyang to prevent an outburst.

“Absolutely, Miss Tang is correct. I will ensure that upon our return, we prepare a generous gift to offer our apologies to both the castellan and Miss Tang,” the Great Elder said, maintaining a smile.

“We’re leaving,” Tang Tian announced, ready to head back with Min Zhenkang and their soldiers in tow.

“Farewell, Miss Tang,” the Great Elder said, still smiling.

As Tang Tian and her party departed, Jee Luoyang couldn’t contain his curiosity any longer and turned to the Great Elder.

“Great Elder, why did you stop me from declaring war on the Tang family?”

“Clan Master, I’m aware that Min Zhenkang likely possesses valuable treasures. Should you acquire them, your combat strength would indeed skyrocket. However, we currently have no knowledge of Tang Guo’s level of cultivation. This is an opportune moment to gather intelligence on Tang Guo’s abilities.”

“Moreover, Clan Master, let’s not overlook the presence of the Huangfu Family within the city. They may have been discreet in recent years, but we must never underestimate them. The Huangfu Family also has strong ties with the castellan’s residence. No matter how formidable your powers, it’s challenging to take on multiple adversaries at once.”

The Great Elder laid out the strategic considerations for Jee Luoyang.

“Hmph!” Jee Luoyang, having listened to the Great Elder’s reasoning, said nothing further and turned to leave with a cold snort.

“Someone, carry the Second Young Master back.”

Following his command, the Great Elder led the rest of their group back to Steelgrave, with two individuals carrying Jee Gong.

As the Jee family prepared to leave, the onlookers at the city gate quickly scattered. By the time Jee Luoyang and his entourage approached the gate, the place had emptied, casting an eerie silence over the area.

“Where will you be staying now?” Tang Tian inquired of Min Qigang on their way back.

“Miss, we’ve taken up residence at the Spring Blessing Inn,” he replied.

“Good. Escort them to the inn and then stand guard. Do not leave their side,” Tang Tian ordered.

Tang Tian addressed the soldiers behind her, “Yes, Miss Tang.”

Upon returning to the castellan’s residence, Tang Tian reported the incident to Tang Guo. With his approval, she dispatched someone with a mid-grade Profound Rank Spiritual Weapon, a low-grade Profound Rank martial skill book, and a Meridian Protection Pill to the Jee family as restitution for their losses.

“Li-er, I’ve noticed how concerned you are about Min Zhenkang. You’re even willing to go to war with the Jee family to save him. Surely you haven’t fallen for him? I’ve never seen you compromise your judgment for a man before; you’ve always put the greater good first.”

“Father, what are you implying? I’m simply acknowledging that he’s fighting bandits on our behalf. Besides, as members of the castellan’s residence, who in Steelgrave City would dare to kill one of our own? We must not set such a precedent.”

“Is that the case?”

“Truly, when have I ever deceived you, Father?”

“Very well, but no more taking such risks in the future. We both know what Jee Luoyang is capable of. What would we do if something happened to you? Any issues, come to me, and I will ensure justice is served.”

“Thank you, Father. I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Hmm, and how is that young man faring with the bandits? Any updates?” Tang Guo inquired about Min Zhenkang’s mission.

“Father, I witnessed it myself. The bandits’ second-in-command has been slain by Min Zhenkang and his companions,” Tang Tian recounted the day’s events.

“Oh? His Martial Spirit takes a human form and is a One-star Martial Spirit, no less. Intriguing,” Tang Guo mused after hearing the details. He found Min Zhenkang’s approach commendable but was particularly curious about his Martial Spirit.

“I find it puzzling too. Can he truly be that weak? Yet, he doesn’t seem to be.”

Both pondered over Min Zhenkang’s Martial Spirit, yet they overlooked a crucial question: wasn’t it rumored that Min Zhenkang was no longer able to cultivate? What exactly was happening now?

“Butler, what happened here?” Jee Youyou hadn’t even stepped through the door of the Jee family home when she noticed the chaos inside.

The butler was busy directing the cleanup effort. The bodies of the guards had been buried, but the bloodstains on the ground were still fresh.

Clearly, a brutal fight had taken place before her return.

“Miss, a man came and wreaked havoc at the Jee residence, killing many of our guards, including the captain of the guard,” the butler recounted with a heavy sigh.

“Is my father okay? Where are they now? Who would dare to cause such trouble here?” Jee Youyou asked, her concern evident.

“The Master is unharmed. He’s currently leading a search party for the Second Young Master outside the city gates. The troublemaker was someone named Min Zhenkang.”

“My second brother? He never takes care of proper matters, always bringing trouble to the family. Which gate did they head to?”

“The east city gate.”

Without hesitation, Jee Youyou dashed towards the east gate. Just as she exited the Jee estate, she encountered an irate Jee Luoyang returning, flanked by the family’s elders and guards. Jee Gong was being carried by two guards, apparently too injured to walk.

“Father, what has happened?” Jee Youyou approached him quickly.

But Jee Luoyang, in a foul temper, brushed past Jee Youyou without a word and continued on his way.

“Miss, the Master is not in the best of spirits right now. It might be best not to disturb him,” the Great Elder advised Jee Youyou.

“Great Elder, can you tell me what happened?” Jee Youyou turned to ask the Great Elder who was following behind.

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