Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 47: First Disciple

Chapter 47: First Disciple

Cough! Cough! Cough!

Butcher Wang was choked by the noodles, the spiciness reached his nose and tears gathered in his eyes. He immediately got the glass near his bowl and gulped in one go.

Sun Zhou Yi's request to be Heero's disciple was quite a shock to him. Usually, the master and disciple had a big gap in age. At least 10 years, but not between young men in their early twenties like Heero and Sun Zhou Yi.

That was why Sun Zhou Yi's request made him choke. But then, he noticed everyone inside the shop cast a weird glance toward him. There were only Han Ying, Hong Yu, Heero, Sun Zhou Yi, and Xiao Xi inside the shop, so when these people stared at him, Butcher Wang immediately noticed he was being stared at.

Butcher Wang ignored the strange gaze and continued enjoying the noodles. He nonchalantly asked for another glass of water to Han Ying, assumed an elder manner, "Little Ying, please get me another glass of water!"

The recollection event of three days ago displayed in Butcher Wang's mind. How did Heero break and cripple the members of Iron Fist Martial Art, How did Heero toy the Silver Class - Rank 1, Hanzo Shusake.

Remembering that incident, Butcher Wang found it was not strange if Sun Zhou Yi requested Heero to take him as a disciple. The age gap did not matter as long as Heero was stronger and had things for Sun Zhou Yi to learn.

Butcher Wang nodded and continued slurping his noodles.

In fact, not only Butcher Wang was surprised, but Heero also caught off guard by Sun Zhou Yi's sudden request. Everyone inside the shop with an exception Xiao Xi was surprised.

Heero did not give his answer yet. He looked Sun Zhou Yi at his eyes. Strong determination and a strong will radiated from Sun Zhou Yi's eyes.

Heero was considering Sun Zhou Yi's request. But there was uncertainty deep inside Heero's heart. It was whether if he allowed teaching all techniques he learned from Saint or not. Heero was not sure about this. After all, it was Saint's technique.

While Heero was in his deep thought. Sun Zhou Yi was quite nervous. Even though he did not witness how strong Heero exactly was, but he got to know that from Xiao Xi. Later, he also found a post on the forum that said Heero fought against Silver Class - Rank 1, Hanzo Shusake.

Even though no one knew the result, the masses predicted it was Hanzo Shusake's win. At first, Sun Zhou Yi was worried and he decided to take a visit. Then he found Heero was fine, there was not a single trace of injuries that could be found on Heero's body.

This meant Heero was at least at the same level as Hanzo Shusake or maybe even stronger. That was why he wanted to take Heero as his master. He did not know how strong Heero was, but he sure Heero was stronger than him. Taking someone stronger than him as his master, he believed he could a thing or two things to make him strong.

Moreover, Xiao Xi told him how Heero destroyed the members of Iron Fist Martial House. She said the members of Iron Fist Martial House were taken down effortlessly by Heero. Even Dong Gong, Iron Class Ranker - Rank 14 was down in a few seconds.

That was why he promptly decided to take Heero as his master. No one in a high-class hero wanted to take the unranked Wood Class Hero like him as a disciple. That was why he made up his mind, requesting Heero as his master.

Since the incident happened three days ago, Sun Zhou Yi desired to get even stronger. It was fortunate that night, Heero was back in time and saved him and his girlfriend. If there was no Heero, he did not dare to imagine what would happen to Xiao Xi.

Even though it was only a little stronger, Sun Zhou Yi desired that power to protect everyone close to him.

Heero was not a hero, moreover, Sun Zhou Yi believed Heero held no discrimination even to the unranked Wood Class Hero like him. It could be said Heero was the chance he had to grab if he wished for more power.

Sun Zhou Yi waited for Heero's response, nervousness, restless, and worries were mixed into one. That was what Sun Zhou Yi's feeling.

'Hmm, I don't know if I can teach the Saint's technique, but let Sun Zhou Yi learns to control Ki is not a problem.'

Ki Comprehension was a universal technique everyone knew, at least all heroes in Dramonia knew the basics of Ki Comprehension.

'Furthermore, I have created my own technique. I can teach him that if it's necessary.'

With that thought, Heero concluded that he could take this honest and upright young man as his disciple.

'Having someone protects this place when I am away is also good.'

"Hmm. Come back here in three days. We will start the training in three days." Heero responded as he nodded. Currently, the shop was not busy, he could spend his time to train Sun Zhou Yi for a while.

Hearing the positive response, Sun Zhou Yi's eyes went round, his jaw dropped in shock. He was prepared to get rejected, but he never expected Heero would agree with his selfish request.

Sun Zhou Yi had an unbelievable look, it could be looked from his eyes and mouth.

"Brother Xing, are you sure you accept me as your disciple. Do you know, I have no talent or special ability like the other heroes have?" Still, in an unbelievable look, Sun Zhou Yi wanted to confirm what he heard was not wrong.

"Hmm, there's no need talent or special ability. You only need to push to your limit, again and again, eventually, you will become strong!" Heero copied his Master's words.

He was also the same as Sun Zhou Yi, a little boy from a remote village of human's territory in Dramonia. He had no talent or whatever, but Saint drilled him to the current him.

"But I am telling you, my training is harsh!" Heero reminded in a serious look on his face.

"It's okay Bro Master, I will bear the harsh training you prepare for me. I want to be strong, a strong Hero that protects everyone from the danger!" Sun Zhou Yi did not waver. Instead it made him excited, finally, someone was willing to teach him.

Sun Zhou Yi's simple and straightforward answer satisfied Heero. He also found the younger him in Sun Zhou Yi, passion to protect everyone as a hero.

"Good, now get back and rest for now. We will start with the basic training after you get better."

From today onwards, Sun Zhou Yi officially became Heero's first disciple.

Three days later, at 5 a.m. Heero stood in front of Miao Miao Noodles Shop. Today was the first day Sun Zhou Yi started his training under Heero.

When Heero out of the shop, he saw Sun Zhou Yi doing something strange movement. He asked this young man what was he doing, "Zhou Yi, what are you doing?"

"I am warming up, Master. It's good for the body before we start the training." Sun Zhou Yi answered as he continued warming up. He stretched his arm out, lift his feet, and more strange movement that foreign to Heero.

Heero shook his head, the movement called warming up was useless in Heero's eyes. He waved his hand to stop Sun Zhou Yi and said, "Just stop already, we will start the training now! Here you are, put this in your feet."

Sun Zhou Yi saw in his master was giving similar things to the wrist band in black. He did not understand the use of this wrist band, but he still took it from Heero's hand.


The things that resemblance to the 'wrist band' was so heavy. The pair of 'wrist band' was about the same with the big black boar's weight he hunted with Butcher Wang a week ago. This pair of 'wrist band' was about 200 kilos.

Sun Zhou Yi was in trouble to pick up the pair of 'wrist band'. But he still managed to hold it properly. Even though he was in the lower bottom of the heroes, but he was still stronger than most ordinary people.

He did not know what this 'wristband' made of. However, the 'wristband' was a bit elastic and it took Sun Zhou Yi sometimes to wear it on his ankles.

Sun Zhou Yi soon he felt his feet were heavy. It was so hard to even lift his feet, let alone walking.

At the same time, Butcher Wang came out of his home. Butcher Wang also requested Heero, he wanted to be trained under Heero. He wanted to be stronger to make it easier for him to hunt outside the city.

Heero gladly accepted Butcher Wang's request. If he could make these two stronger, they could help him to look after the two girls if he had to go away.

"Here is yours, wear it on your ankle!" Heero gave Butcher Wang the same 'wristband'.

Even though the 'wristband' he gave to Butcher Wang and Sun Zhou Yi was the same, but it was different. Butcher Wang's wristband was only half the weight of Sun Zhou Yi's wristband.

"This" Butcher Wang was shocked when he received the wristband. It was not big, but heavy.

In fact, the 'wristband' was made of Nebraska Metal, the heaviest and hardest metal in Dramonia. Heero made it similar to wristband so these two could wear with. There was no way Heero would give these two, a basket and boulders to carry, it was too eye-catching.

So he gave them this training circlet to Sun Zhou Yi and Butcher Wang.

Butcher Wang wore the training circlet on his ankle. He got it easier compared to Sun Zhou Yi as his training circlet was lighter. Afterward, Sun Zhou Yi and Butcher Wang looked at Heero with "What to do next?" expression.

Heero smiled and gave Butcher Wang and Sun Zhou Yi two pieces of paper. On the paper, there were three to four herb pictures.

"Go out of the city and look that herbs, more herbs are better. These herbs are also for your training! You can come back at 11 am, but make sure you get all the herbs on the paper!" Heero instructed with a calm voice.

Sun Zhou Yi and Butcher Wang's eyes went wide as they just could not believe what they heard. If they did not wear the things Heero gave them, this was an easy task. Moreover, the herbs were also common. This should be easy, but it was not easy with the training circlet on their ankles.

"Are you insane? What if we encounter a beast?" Butcher Wang was the first one to voice out an objection. He just could not believe what Heero asked them to, searching for herbs in the wilderness with this damn heavy circlet on their ankles, it was the same as suicide.

"Run! Or you can kill it!" Heero shrugged and added with a solemn look and tone, "If you want to quit, you can quit now! I will not stop you guys to quit. It's you who asked me to train you, I never forced anyone, but if you still want to become stronger under my training, then follow my order!"

When it came to training, Heero became strict and stern. He learned this from his Master. In his daily life, Heero was spoiled by his seven fairy mothers and master, but when it came to training, Saint was so strict.

"Okay!" Sun Zhou Yi surprisingly nodded his head and put the paper on his backpack. He walked to the north gate with extremely slow steps. In the three steps, he stopped and looked back, "Master, can I use my weapon to kill the beast if I meet one?"

"You can use whatever you want to use. Just make sure to come back intact!" Heero grinned. Suddenly Heero understood why his Master always grinned every time his Master gave him an almost impossible training to him.

After that, Sun Zhou Yi walked toward the north gate. He never questioned Heero what's the purpose of this training. He just followed the instruction Heero gave him.

Looking at the back of Sun Zhou Yi, Heero found the old him in Sun Zhou Yi. Heero also never questioned his Master's instruction. Just like Sun Zhou Yi, he followed every instruction and became the current him now.

Butcher Wang gritted his teeth and stared at the youth before him. In the end, Butcher Wang let out a sigh and followed Sun Zhou Yi. Little did Butcher Wang know the hellish training was just started, there would be more illogical training he had to follow in the future.

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