Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 48: Yes, Master!

Chapter 48: Yes, Master!

Looking at the two adults walked very slowly, nostalgic memory emerged in Heero's mind. It was the first time his Master asked him to bring a big shoulder for his morning run. That first day, Heero could not run, but walking very slowly just like Butcher Wang and Sun Zhou Yi.

Comparing to his training, Heero indeed tasking these two with risky training. However, the old Heero had no experience fighting against the beast or a solid foundation like Sun Zhou Yi and Butcher did. So this basic training was fair in Heero's eyes.

After the two figures vanished at the end of the district, Heero let out a sigh. He now missed his master and seven fairy mothers. The helplessness flashed in Heero's face as he remembered the thing he searched on the internet.

There was no relation between Earth and Dramonia. He had been looking for Earth's history. he tracked over a thousand years of history but still could not find what he was looking for.

"I hope they are fine"

Heero shook his head and turned to the Miao Miao Noodles Shop.

"This is my home now" Heero fell into silence once again and shook his head once again, "My home is facing a crisis now, I better make a plan to revive this shop once again."

Heero entered the noodles shop and went to the rooftop. He entered his log cabin and the sound of keyboard resounded. Actually, he had already formulated a plan to get the lost business back.

Clearing up the misunderstanding was the best way to solve the crisis Miao Miao Noodles Shop experienced. However, to achieve this was not easy and also it would take a longer time. Except for JusticeMan confessed the truth out.

However, Heero knew JusticeMan would not confess the truth. He garnered a lot of views and now it almost reached 37 million views. From the view and how active JusticeMan's thread was, this JusticeMan would earn a lot of money. Maybe JusticeMan wanted this matter to escalate further to get more views and more money.

So clearing up his name was too hard. But Heero had another way, it was to promote the noodles shop through the forum as well. Of course, just promoting the shop was not enough. He had prepared the new secret spice, Spicy Noodles.

With the new noodles, Heero planned to make a challenge. A simple challenge with money as the prize.

The challenge was eating Level 5 Spicy Noodles without drinking, devouring the noodles and broth, and they also could not drink for the next ten minutes after they ate the noodles. If one could complete the challenge, they would get the money prize, 100 WD.

Yes, there were ten levels of Spicy Noodles. He started the challenge with Level 5 Spicy Noodles as he believed there were only a few people who could bear with Level 5 Spicy Noodles.

With the challenge set up, Heero confident he could pull the spicy food lover to the noodles shop. By just eating, one could earn money, Heero was sure there would be many interested in the challenge.

The challenge itself was also an attraction to the onlookers. If the challenge could not be completed in a long time, it would attract many people if there's someone tried to take the challenge.

Heero prepared everything, he even used "Handsome Brutal Savage" as his username on the forum. It could attract many haters and put his thread to the top. When the thread he posted at the top, it would attract many people.

Haters were also beneficial if one could use it at the right time. Heero made a long post, first, he admitted he was the waiter who beat the ten people in JusticeMan's thread. Later, he informed JusticeMan's thread was not the truth.

Heero typed the ten people were not customers, but the members of Iron Fist Martial House. He included the photo in JusticeMan's threat and pointed out the fact that the ten people wore martial clothes.

After telling the actual truth, Heero put the promotion about the new menu including the challenge.

Telling the actual truth was also Heero's strategy. The haters might see it as Heero tried to defend himself and incited the rages of the haters. Then, the haters or the forum members who were interested in the story would read his read until the end.

If he typed the promotion and the challenge first, the haters might not read his thread till the end. Using the haters' rage to make his thread to the top. Surely these haters or JusticeMan's fan would flame his thread.

Heero had a dark smile as he typed furiously. Moreover, telling the truth might get the rational readers realized JusticeMan's thread was full of lies.

After typing all of it, Heero did not immediately post it. He was not the owner of Miao Miao Noodles Shop. He should ask Han Ying's permission regarding the challenge and the new menu.

"Nah, everything is prepared, waiting for the two girls to wake up now"

After that, Heero typed the draft for his next novel. Yes, he was still writing until now. Writing the tales in Dramonia into a book to earn money.


Three hours later, Hong Yu and Han Ying gathered inside Heero's log cabin. The two girls sat in front of the monitor and read the unposted thread.

Finished reading the thread, Hong Yu and Han Ying looked toward Heero in awe. The plan Heero told them and along with the unposted thread, it was a good strategy.

"Good, I agree with the plan. You can post the thread now." Han Ying gave her approval. The noodles shop was the only source of livelihood for the two girls. If the noodles shop went bankrupt, it was the worst situation for them.

"Hehe, I already posted the thread." Hong Yu let out a chuckle rose from the seat. She approached Heero and launched a surprise attack before her elder sister. She planted a kiss at the unprepared Heero and ran out of the log cabin.

Heero froze on the spot with his silly look. Han Ying also in a daze as she did not expect her sister would be this bold.


Another three hours had passed, just like Heero predicted, his thread was flooded by the haters and JusticeMan's fans. The comments were filled with curses and hateful comments.

Meanwhile, Heero did not have time to take care of the thread. He stood in front of the noodles shop and there were two people sprawled down near his feet. These two people were Heero's disciples.

As soon as Sun Zhou Yi and Butcher Wang reached the shop, they immediately collapsed. Both had hurried and irregular breath, their faces were beet red from the exhaustion, and amongst the two, Butcher Wang shot a hateful look at Heero.

Heero ignored the hateful look of Butcher Wang but checked their condition. He found no wounds on them, only then Heero relieved.

"Don't rest here, follow me to the rooftop. We will continue the training on my rooftop."

"Are you a devil?" Despite having a hard time to stabilize his breathing, Butcher Wang uttered a question in irritation.

He just came back, he could not even stabilize his breathing yet, but this young man already planned to the next training.

"NO! I am not the devil, I am your instructor! Now follow me to the rooftop!" after answering Butcher Wang, Heero turned around to the shop. When he reached the door, he turned back and said, "Oh, you can take the training circlet off and put it here!"

Heero pointed to a location near the door.

Just as Butcher Wang wanted to refute Heero, he saw Sun Zhou Yi standing up and took the training circlet off. He followed Heero's instruction and put the training circlet near the door.

"At least, you should have respected the elder and give me some rest!" Butcher Wang grumbled.

Meanwhile, Sun Zhou Yi had a confused look as he heard Butcher Wang's grumble.

'What's the relation between respecting an elder and the training?'

As for Heero, he rolled his eyes and entered the shop.

'You are only 34 while I am 40, you should respect me, not me respecting you,'

Heero of course did not say it out loud. No one would believe him if he said he was 40 with his baby face. So he just let it go and entered the shop.

If Heero had to count his actual age before he was sealed in Eternal Ice. He was 40 years old if he had to count the time he was sealed in Eternal Ice, he was much older than Butcher Wang. That was why rather than treating Butcher Wang as an elder, Heero took Butcher Wang as his friend instead.

Still, with the clothes damp with sweat, Sun Zhou Yi and Butcher Wang followed Heero to the rooftop. Sun Zhou Yi and Butcher Wang dragged their tired bodies, climbed up to the rooftop. Sun Zhou Yi had an exhausted look while Butcher Wang made a long face.

But then, when the two stepped on the rooftop, Sun Zhou Yi's exhausted look and Butcher Wang's long face turned into a surprise. The air on the air was so refreshing and very comfortable.

The scenery on the rooftop itself surprised both. They never knew this rooftop had a super comfy place like this. Butcher Wang immediately rushed to the tree and laid down below the three.

The super hot sunbeam could not reach there and Butcher Wang reclined below the tree. He closed his eyes and the ragged breath slowly stabilized.

Looking at the super comfortable Butcher Wang, Sun Zhou Yi followed in tow and laid down beside Butcher Wang.

"You will get thirty minutes before we continue with the next training. I will get your lunch in fifteen!" Heero announced, but his two disciples ignored him as they had a comfortable rest below the tree.

Heero shrugged and went downstairs. He asked Hong Yu to prepare two bowls of noodles for Sun Zhou Yi and Butcher Wang.

Thirty minutes had passed, even though Sun Zhou Yi and Butcher Wang had the same thought, desire for more time to rest, Heero did not let them.

"Where are the herbs?" Heero demanded the herbs he tasked Sun Zhou Yi and Butcher Wang to get.

Sun Zhou Yi and Butcher Wang handed the backpack to Heero. The bag was not full, but it was packed with herbs.

Heero nodded his head and muttered in a low voice, "This is enough for three days"

The herbs Sun Zhou Yi and Butcher Wang gathered were herbs for their medicinal bath. Yes, the painful medicinal bath he experienced for fully 5 years. Imagining the bearded Butcher Wang's face in medicinal bath, Heero grinning ear to ear.

Somehow, the current Heero looked evil and dark, it was as if he planned something bad to them.

"Master, your grin is scary" Sun Zhou Yi muttered in a low voice as well.

Heero ignored Sun Zhou Yi's remark.

"Next training is I will teach you how to feel, control, and utilize Ki in your body!"

"Master, what is Ki?" Sun Zhou Yi voiced his confusion.

"Good question. Ki is a vital energy that resides in your body. It strengthens your body and it also can grant you an unbelievable power. In short, Ki is energy that grants you a special ability like the other heroes and rankers!"

Heero explained in a simple way. If he gave these two a detailed explanation regarding KI, it might confuse them more. Heero chose a simple way to explain Ki. After all, the people on Earth did not know what Ki was.

However, after hearing Heero's explanation, Butcher Wang and Sun Zhou Yi made a dubious look on their faces. It was clear they did not believe in what Heero said.

"Master, we could get the special ability through an awakening, a natural awakening or a potion awakening that sold in the inner region!" Sun Zhou Yi for the first time refuted Heero's words.

"Yes, you only need to make us stronger, but don't give us false hope!" Butcher Wang added in a solemn tone as disappointment filled his eyes

This what these two believed. Heero realized mere words could convince these two the existence of Ki. Only an actual action could convince these two.

Heero pointed his hand to Butcher Wang. Sun Zhou Yi and Butcher Wang soon made a shocked expression as Heero's hand shrouded in flame. Then, they saw Heero raised his hand and the flame changed into yellow lighting. After that, they saw Heero swung his hand horizontally, a slightly strong wind hit their face.

Sun Zhou Yi and Butcher Wang's eyes went wide their jaw dropped in shock.

'Heero has four special abilities!' it was what in their mind.

"It seems you still don't believe Ki exists. Then what about this!"

Heero vanished before their eyes. Yes, Heero's figure disappeared right before their eyes. Sun Zhou Yi and Butcher Wang looked around, but they could not find Heero.

However, suddenly, they heard Heero's voice from their backs, "I am here!"

Sun Zhou Yi and Butcher Wang turned around. They thought Heero was on their back yet they found nothing. But then, Heero's figure appeared right before their eyes. Heero appeared out of thin air.

"This technique is called Stealth. I believe you know who's special ability stealth is?" Heero smiled.

"Silver Class Hero - Rank 1, Hanzo Shusake!"

Sun Zhou Yi and Butcher Wang replied at the same time, still with their shocked look.

"So, do you believe me now?" Heero threw another question.

"Yes, Master!" Sun Zhou Yi and Butcher Wang answered in a loud voice. Even Butcher Wang called Heero with Master now.

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