Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 268 Strange offer.

Chapter 268 Strange offer.

"Alright then." Sam said, holding his arm out for Ichigo to grab on. "It's time for us to get going."

"Understood." Mimir said. She then closed her eyes and bowed her head slightly. "Please stay safe."

"You as well."

His gaze moved to the side where a blue haired Nephilim was standing. She was giving him a sharp glare and he felt the animosity she wished to portray. At first he didn't give it much thought, knowing that not all Nephilim were happy about their alliance. But then he learned of her name and suddenly he became very wary of her presence.

He glanced in Mimir's direction once again and she locked eyes with him. The two had a mutual understanding, but seeing them look into each other's eyes caused the hate in Sigyn's glare to grow even further.

Sam glanced at the pink haired Valkyrie, nodding once as he gave her the signal. The next moment they were gone from the bridge of the ship and soon after the other remaining Valkyries followed after him.

"I don't like him." Sigyn said with a huff.

"Is that so?" Mimir replied, sounding unconcerned.

"He is a vile human! And he dared to get his hands on our brethren!"

"So? What he does with his subordinates has nothing to do with us."

A tired sigh escaped the green haired Nephilim. She took her glasses off and cleaned them with a small piece of cloth. The battle had just started and she was already exhausted, the last thing she wanted was to listen to her wife's complaints.

"I thought the two of you would have a lot in common." She said. "Your tendency to sleep around is something you share."

Suddenly the blue haired Nephilim went stiff, the angry expression she had on collapsing in a matter of seconds.

"W-w-what are you talking about, dear? I-I-I don't think I understand…"

Looking at her with half lid eyes, Mimir let out another sigh then turned her gaze to the large screens in front of her.

"You should learn to show him respect, even if you don't particularly like him." The image of a crimson haired woman in a red dress was displayed. Mimir gazed at her and a slight pain drew her right hand to her chest. "If things go well, we will finally have a king after so long."


Zero Five placed a hand on her face causing small rectangular shapes to appear around it. She never understood why, but soon after learning how to wield her halo she found herself instinctively creating the strange mask each time she wanted she needed to gather her focus.

The accessory itself didn't have any effects to speak of. That said, the ponytailed Valkyrie always felt at ease while wearing it. Looking through the small holes making up the eyes of the terrifying mask, the stress weighing on her when she stood face to face with the crimson haired woman vanished in an instant and she gripped her katana.

"Are you sure you don't need help?" Trenta asked. "We aren't allowed to kill her, you know?"

They were up against Thor, the current Nephilim queen. The warnings they got didn't stop coming until they departed, and now that she was standing in front of them they understood why she was so feared. Despite being under the enemy's control, or maybe because of it, her presence alone was enough to plant fear into their minds.

From what they heard she was a much more capable warrior compared to her older sister. That alone was bound to make for a really tough battle, but to add salt to injury they were forbidden from killing her unless no other choices were available. The difficulty of their mission increased dramatically because of that and they couldn't do anything about it.

"Leave the red lightning to me." Sitta said. She was offering her support from a short distance away. Trenta was tasked with guarding her in case more enemies joined the battle.

"Ah. Let's get this done with already." Said Zero Five, holding her blade at shoulder level, its point directed at her crimson haired opponent. "I need to return to Doctor's side."


"Fiance?" As she uttered the word, Atropos' eyes lowered into thin slits.

"That's right." Nino replied in a cheerful voice. "He proposed to me not that long ago. We are getting married as soon as we finish some business we have."

She could tell that the news didn't please her older sister, which was what she intended from the start. Nino no longer wanted to play along with the scenario Atropos had laid before. She couldn't remember how she died so she had no reason to be angry, and though her sister saw things differently, she had no obligation to consider how she felt.

"So in the end you will always be the first to fall." Heaving a long sigh, Atropos then gripped her sword and took a pose herself. "I always thought Clotho would be the one. She had the softest heart among the three of us."

"Well… she did… kinda…" bracing herself, Nino shifted her weight to one foot. "My man is the hero she picked, you see."

Hearing the word halted Atropos' thoughts, freezing her for a fraction of a second. When she came back to her senses she saw the blade of her sister's Yari heading straight for her neck. Unfortunately, she managed to block the strike just in time, which was something Nino had expected as her expression remained the same.

"The hero, huh..." Said Atropos, sliding her crimson sword along the spear's shaft and swinging at the Japanese doll. "You don't mean that scrawny guy in the lab coat, do you?"

Nino spun around herself avoiding the blade then stabbed with her spear once more.

"Actually he's quite muscular, despite the nerdy appearance. Not to mention-" With the blade of her spear blocked she created a new one out of the Nameless Element and shot it straight at Atropos' head. "He has a terrifying

monster hiding down there."

Atropos froze again and almost lost her head. Nino's second spear cut through her hair, and as she tried to avoid the first once again she ended up losing some strands.

"Hmm… I take it you've already given yourself to him, am I correct?"

A third spear appeared, but the raven haired Olympian didn't bother dodging, instead using her Limited Rift to block. With all of her attacks not landing, Nino jumped back and made some distance between them, readjusting her grip.

"Could it be…" her cheeks reddened a little as a smug grin returned to her. "You have yet to find a partner, dear eldest sister?"

Atropos didn't answer. Her expression didn't as much as twitch, but something about her smile seemed to change. Nino knew she had struck a very sensitive cord which caused the smugness of her smile to increase exponentially. The air between them changed dramatically, but Nino couldn't care less.

"I see, I see. I don't know about Clotho, but at this rate you'll be the last one to lose her virginity. To think the first one to be born will be the last to find love. This is very sad." Preparing to resume her attack, she summoned two more spears. "Well, considering our current situation you will most likely die a virgin."

"I guess dying once didn't take away that annoying side of yours." Said Atropos. "You should've kept your mouth shut. Now that I know about your precious future husband, I will take him for myself once I'm done with you."

A moment of silence passed and the two vanished in the next. Their weapons clashed sending a violent shockwave through the surroundings, cracking the floor and stone walls of the palace roof beneath them. They kept exchanging blows at a speed that blurred their movements. Atropos blocked and swung her Scissors while Nino spun her Needle and stabbed at any opening she saw. She kept creating more spears and shooting them like projectiles, but the white disks seemed to always be positioned at the right spot to deflect them.

"Oh I'm sure you'd fall for him right away if you get the chance to talk." Said Nino. "How about it? If you give up and surrender you might get the chance to be with him every now and then."

"Uh-oh… that's quite the strange offer." Atropos smiled. "You never were the one to share. I wonder what changed..."

"Well, I'm sure Clotho wouldn't be too happy about me stealing him for myself." Teleporting behind the Olympian, Nino swung her spear in a wide arc only for Atropos to teleport behind her as well. "Besides, I'm sure Doctor wouldn't be able to resist sleeping with you if he gets the chance. His appetite is simply out of control."

Sam already has hundreds of girls to choose from, adding one more to the mix wouldn't change anything. Obviously, there was no chance of the raven haired Olympian surrendering. She was curious about the man who managed to conquer both of her sisters' hearts, but that wasn't enough for her to have a change of heart.

"I see. He does sound like an interesting man." Backing away a few steps, Atropos held her sword in both hands. "I will take my time getting to know him after I'm done with you. Don't worry, I will make sure to take really good care of him."

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