Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 269 Super.

Chapter 269 Super.

"Whoa… not those things again..." Juni said, grimacing at the sight of the Black Stone Giants.

"They aren't that difficult to deal with though." Standing beside her was a Nephilim with short black hair much like hers, although less messier. She was a bit on the short side, and instead of the grey uniform worn by her peers she opted for a hooded jacket. She also wore some spats under her shor skirt as well as a pair of running shoes which gave her a slightly rebellious look making her stand out among the Angels.

"You don't get it, Ingrid." Juni shook her head. "Those things won't stop coming unless we get their leader."

"That's gonna be a pain…" another Nephilim said, heaving a tired sigh as she looked at the abomination floating over the sky. Her purple was a bit too long, falling over her face and most of it. She seemed to be suffering a severe case of bed head, and with how messy her uniform was, in addition to the wool sweater loosely hanging on her shoulders, it was easy to get the impression that she had just woken up.

"Can't we just, you know, cleanse the whole thing?" Another Nephilim asked, pointing at Primordial with a small lolipop she held between like a cigarette between her index and middle finger. This one was a bit on the shorter side, a rarity among her brethrens who had their bodies modified to simulate the process of growing up. Her hair was a pale shade of pink tied into two short pigtails. Her eyes were quite sharp making it seem as if she was glaring the whole time.

"Now that I think about it, we could've done that from the start, right?" A forth one joined the conversation. "If we kill that thing it would be our win…"

She was a bit on the taller side with wheet blond hair much shorter than any of the others. Her androgynous looks made her appear like a very handsome man, and it didn't help that she was wearing a male version of the grey uniform.

"That's right!"

"We should just cleanse it!"

"Lady Astrid is right!"

"They should listen to Lady Astrid!"

"That's right!"

A group of twelve or so were a short distance away holding signs and flags with the words "WE LOVE ASTRID" written on them along with heart and flower decorations.

The Nephilim wearing the male uniform turned around and smiled at them, and the next moment they erupted is cheers and delighted screams.

"Damn it, you should do something about your fans, beanpole." Said the short one with pink hair.

"Ah! Ulfhild! When did you get here?" Astrid said with a bright smile on her handsome face. "You're so tiny I didn't see you at all!"

"Tche! Are you picking a fight?" Ulfhild said.

"Me? Pretty sure you were the one who started throwing names." Astrid shrugged.


Hearing the word, the four Nephilim froze. Juni was confused for a moment, but then she turned around to look and saw that the fifth Nephilim has arrived.

"Ah! You're a bit late, Tove!"

The Valkyrie was oblivious to the strange red aura enveloping the Nephilim with the long hair of the same color. The other four didn't even turn around, keeping their sights ahead as their complexions went pale.

"Ingrid!" She called, her voice tinged with wrath.

"Y-yes!!!" The first one replied, her voice a few tunes higher.

"Wear your goddamn uniform properly! Don't make me say it every time!"



"Y-yes!!?" The second one seemed to wake up at the mention of her name. She tried to fix her purple hair quickly, but it was already too late.

"We're going to war you lazy piece of shit! Didn't you get enough sleep already!!!?"

"I-I'm sorry!!!" She replied, tears already sliding down her cheeks.


"W-what!!?" The short one turned around, gathering every bit of courage and returning the glare, hoping that her sharp eyes would help. "Are you going to tell me to shange my body again!!!?"

Unfortunately for her, she was up against an active volcano and nothing she could do would stop it from burning her.

"Did you think that just because we are heading to battle,?no one would notice you sneaking snacks?"


"I'll decide your punishment when all of this is over."

"... Okay…"

Seeing the short Nephilim slump her shoulders in defeat, a smug smile appeared on Astrid's face only to be replaced by a horrified expression as she realized the murderous gaze was now directed at her.

"And you!!!"


"You cut your hair again!!?" Tove roared. "And you're wearing those clothes again!!?"

"W-what's it to you? I can wear whatever I want!"

That was the wrong response. The aura surroundung the red haired Nephilim grew several folds and they all began to feel the pressure she was emitting. The girls that were squealing a moment ago teleported away in the blink of an eye not wanting to get caught in that mess.

"I can forgive the hair, but the clothes?" Tove held a hand up, embers of fire starting to ignite on her clenched fist. "WE HAVE A UNIFORM FOR A REASON DAMN IT!"


A mighty fist of anger and love fell on the heads of the four Nephilim causing cries of pain to escape them. There was no escaping the pain, and using their Force Fields to block the blow would've resulted in a much more intense beating later on. Of course, Tove wasn't so sadistic that she would use all of her power to hot the girl. Doing that would decapitate them and she didn't want to deal with the mess that comes from that.

"Just look at Juni over there! She's well trained and has proper maners! Unlike you little rascals."

"Well… haha…" Juni was getting nervous herself, scratching the back of her head as she laughed awkwardly. Seeing how cool her new friends looked in their unique clothes, she was starting to wonder if she should alter her own uniform. Being held as a symbol of discipline didn't suit her at all.

"Damn it…" Ulfhild gritted her teeth, holding both hands to her head.

"Hm? Did you something?"

Tove's cold voice shut down any arguments they might've had and they all gave up on resisting her.

"I will decide your punishment after the battle." She said, crossing her arms. "Now, get going already!!! What are you waiting for!!?"


The enthusiasm of their response came from their desire to flee from her presence rather than their excitement to join the battle. Except for Juni, that is.

The tomboy walked back a few meters. Everyone gave her curious looks, wondering what she was doing, but then a wide smile appeared on her face and she started running, Runes appearing over her head one after the other.

"COMD TO ME!" She yelled, crouching down then jumping with everything she got. Her inhanced strength in addition to the flight Runes sent her all the way to the outer ring of giant Runes. "SUPER JUNI ROBO!!!"

A bright light shined over the battlefield, fading away after a couple of seconds. At its center, a giant mechanical figure appeared, covered in a light blue color that contrasted the crimson sky above.

[SUUUPEEEER JUNIII-] holding it's arms in a vertical cross, the robot's forearms began to glow. [BEAAAAAAAM!!!!]

A massive laser shot out carving a single line through the army of Stone Giants. A series of detonations followed immediately and flames erupted swallowing everything near the line drawn by the laser.

"Tche. Showoff." Ulfhild said, putting the lolipop into her mouth and shattering it with a single bite.

"Did she really need to jump?" Solveig said, yawning after a desperate try to stop herself.

"It looked quite fun though." Ingrid said with a grin.

"Quite crude, if I had to say so myself." Said Astrid, shaking her head with a small smile. "She lacks a bit of elegance."


With Tove's yell as a starting sign, the four Nephilim teleported, appearing right above the black giants, their faces still warped in a terrified expression. Each of them took a different pose, but all of them had the same halo over their heads, and a small device manifested on the back of their right hand each shining with its own unique color.

""""COME TO ME!"""" They all shouted in unison.

"SUPER REX!" Came Ingrid's voice.

"SUPER TRIHORN!!!" Although she tried, Solveig's voice still lacked vitality.

"SUPER SCALETRON!" Ulfhild's voice followed.


The sky was once again illuminated, this time by four bright flashed, each one of a different color. The light faded acter only a few seconds and four new mechanical creations appeared, all of them diving down at the enemy at the same time.

[I will distract the Demons!] Astrid's voice came from the only winged creation, a bright yellow one that vaguely resembles a Pterodactyl.

[I will go east.] Ulfhild's said. Her creation was a giant humanoid covered in pink scales.

[I will go west, then.] A sigh escaoed Solveig showing that she was reluctant to join the battle. Despite how she acted, the moment her giant purple Triceratops landed it began wrecking havoc with each step it took.

[Leave some for me!!!] Ingrid cried, the jaws of her green Tyrannosaurus rex already ripping apard one of the demons.

Several more giant creations entered the battle in the next few minutes, and the number of stone giants began to dwindle in no time.

As she watched the spectacle from above the ship, a wide grim appeared on Tove's face, showing her satisfaction.

"I guess I should join them as well."

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