Villain Is on Vacation

Chapter 77 Evil That Springs From The Weakness (1)

Ken blocked Ben's way.

"What do you want?" Ben asked with an annoyed face.

"Ben Tyson. I challenge you for a duel."

As Ken blocked Ben's way, people who were leaving the training ground stopped their tracks.

They were taken aback by the sudden turn of events.

Dueling was a different ball game altogether as compared to sparring.

While in sparring, it was just for practice and pointers, people learning from each other, in a duel, it was a challenge.

The end result of a duel could seriously impact the reputation of the loser, and it was also a way for people to vent their anger and remove any grudges they had against one another.

At that moment, Ben's handsome face wore a frown, and his red hair seemed to match his angered expression.

The sharp gaze in his eyes spoke of his annoyance towards Kevin.

As Ken stood in front of him, Ben couldn't help but ask, "What is the meaning of this, Ken? Do you really want to challenge me to a duel?" Ben's voice was cold and aloof, but there was an undercurrent of excitement as well.

He really wanted to fight Ken, and prove himself.

From a young age, Ben felt immense pressure to live up to his father's reputation as an S-ranker.

Determined to succeed, he poured all of his efforts into training, but despite his natural talent, he was never able to break into the upper ranks among his peers.

Initially, he was considered one of the most gifted children in his cohort, but as time passed, he began to fall behind his peers.

Despite facing obstacles and setbacks, Ben persevered in his pursuits. He was determined to achieve his goals and dedicated himself to rigorous physical training, pushing himself to the point of exhaustion.

His commitment was evident in the calluses on his hands from swinging his swords every day.

He held onto the belief that his hard work and persistence would eventually lead to success.

However, as time passed and he grew older, he began to recognize that his efforts alone were not always enough.

No matter how much he trained or how many resources he had at his disposal, he could never quite reach the level of the truly gifted.

Frustrated and disillusioned, Ben began to question the very idea that strength and skill were the most important qualities for a Awakened to possess.

He found himself attracted to a radical group that held extreme views on Blood Supremacy, which was the belief that individuals with noble blood were the only ones deserving of power and influence.

This ideology deeply resonated with him, and he was convinced that it was the key to unlocking his potential and achieving his goals.

Eventually, he joined the group and quickly rose through the ranks, becoming the leader of the younger generation. He was a charismatic figure who inspired others with his passionate speeches and unshakable conviction in the group's beliefs.

As the leader of this group's younger generation, Ben found a sense of validation in oppressing and belittling those he saw as weaker or less deserving than himself.

This behavior provided Ben with a twisted sense of satisfaction, and he became increasingly vain and self-important as a result. When he turned 20, he entered the Academy with the hope of proving himself once and for all.

Ben wanted to meet Rain Holmes.

Despite this, Ben had always admired Rain Holmes, who had been a prodigy since childhood and was always in the spotlight when it came to talented children.

Rain was Ben's idol and was perfect in his eyes. He walked alone like a king and never associated with anyone. Ben had hoped to meet Rain and become his friend, even adding him to the Blood Supremacy group.

He was confident that Rain would be the top ranker in the entrance exam, so he worked hard to rank in the top 10. But to his disappointment, Rain never showed up for the exam.

Although Ben knew that Rain had missed his own birthday party, he believed Charles when he said that Rain was sick from overworking. He held Rain in such high regard that he was in awe of him.

However, when Ben saw the entrance exam results and discovered that he had ranked in the top 10, but Rain was nowhere to be found, he was shocked to the core. His idol had just disappeared, and he had no idea where he was or why he had not shown up for the exam.

He saw a name in the ranking.

'Rank 1. Ken Astaseul.'

Who is he?

Where he came from?

Who is Astaseul family?

After returning to his room, he researched everything Ken.

After some time he came to knew that Ken is from common family.

There was jealousy, envy, and rage in his heart.

'A commoner beat me.'

'If only Rain would have come. He might be first. This person took place of him.

Why? Why? Why you didn't come Rain?'

He attended entrance ceremony next day.

After some time head-master called for First rank Ken Astaseul. Then he saw a dark blue haired boy. He was more handsome than himself.

He started staring fiercely at him.

After that Ken gave speech and took Oath.

Just when Entrance Ceremony ended.

A message came on his phone.

There was a notification on Connect app...

it said that user Rain has posted a post.

Ben opened the post.

"From now on, I will live stream as 'Night soul' name every second day at night."

Then Rain announced through his post,

" I will start live-streaming after 30 minutes."

Ben was shocked. He soon left the ceremony hall.

After some time...

Ben entered his room.

The room was quite luxurious.

[Apparently, Academy gives room according to the Rank. Top 10 students of the year gets a good room.]

Soon, Ben opened his laptop and started operating it.

And entered live-stream room.

"Now, I will get every answer from him."

Soon live-stream started. And Rain appeared on the screen.

Ben was just excited enough to see him.

Soon chatroom exploded.

Rain responded,

"Hello. My name is Rain. And from now on I will live-stream every second day at night with 'NightSoul' name."

He was more handsome than rumours. and his voice was quite good.

After that many people started asking about rumours,

#detective's_child:- Hey, did you guys notice he just said Rain not Rain Holmes. And why is he not coming at public. Maybe he was thrown out of family?

#Sweetangel: No, that's wrong! Rain was never thrown out of family.

Ben also wanted to know about this.

And Rain started to answer tha questions and told his story.

"Okay. Calm down, guys. 

Yes. My family did not disown me. 

But it's also true that I am no longer a member of the Holmes Family. I just break off with them. 

Why ask ? Well, because I wanted freedom. Now I'm free."

"Well, you know as a child of a high-class family, everyone has high expectations from you. 

Your actions will be monitored. 

You have to prepare as heir candidate. 


It's quite tiring. You can't make friends with many people, you know. Because they might not approach you, and you can't approach them directly.

I also don't have a single friend, you know."

Hearing this Ben's world turned upside down.

After some time live-stream ended.

"So my idol really ran away from his home? It's not that he walked alone. He just didn't have any friends.

He even break off his engagement and cancelled his engagement.

He was just pressed by all hopes and expectations of others. And he wanted freedom.

Aren't we same? Then what am I doing here?

Was I fool to do all the things?

I lived my life as a fool.

What do I have?

Compared to others I have no talent.

I have no friends.

Now, I know. Why I idolized Rain."

There was small tears in Ben's eyes.

After some time, He controlled himself.

"Still, I have to become strong.

There is blood of S-ranker in my veins. I am not a coward.

I can't leave everything like him.

Yeah, I still have my pride and my group." Ben mumbled inwardly. he still kept his twisted believes.

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