Villain Is on Vacation

Chapter 78 Evil That Springs From The Weakness (2)

Despite being heartbroken after watching Rain's live stream, Ben managed to compose himself and kept his spirits high.

He didn't let his emotions get the best of him and decided to focus on his studies. The next day was the first day of classes at the Academy, but everywhere he went, he couldn't escape the talk of Rain.

"Everywhere I go, I hear his name." Ben mumbled.

It made him feel worse, and he couldn't help but think about how he idolized Rain, and now he was nowhere to be found.

As he sat in class, trying to concentrate on the lecture, his thoughts kept drifting back to Rain. He felt lost and didn't know what to do.

That's when he decided to take out his frustration on Ken and his group. It was a way for him to vent his anger and feel some sense of control. Even though he didn't like being mean to them, he couldn't help himself.

Despite all this, he continued to follow Rain's live streams, unable to let go of his admiration for him.

He was shocked to hear how coldly Emma treated Rain and how he ended his engagement.

Ben had always thought that Rain liked Emma, but now it seemed like there was more to the story. This realization only added to Ben's confusion and turmoil.

Ben was now aware that Rain, the prodigy, was also a regular person with struggles and challenges.

Knowing this, Ben began to reconsider holding Rain responsible for not attending the academy.

Despite this realization, Ben remained determined and continued to work hard. He focused on training himself and improving his skills.

Even when clearing dungeons, he pushed himself and gave his best, but ultimately fell short of Ken's success. Although he was content with placing second, the feeling of disappointment of coming behind Ken overshadowed his achievement.

Back in his room, Ben was frustrated and annoyed. To distract himself, he occasionally watched Rain's live streams, but then reminded himself not to follow in his footsteps.

He continued to involve himself in the activities of his group, which included joining a Blood Supremacy club, where they met like-minded individuals and shared ideas.

He did not harbor hatred towards common people, but he didn't hold them in high regard either.

Despite everything, Ben was still struggling to find his place in the world. The influence of his upbringing and the pressure to live up to the expectations of his S-ranker father weighed heavily on him.

However, he was determined to succeed on his own terms and not just rely on his family's status. He wanted to carve out his own path and make a name for himself

Ben followed his routine at the academy with the same level of dedication as before.

He made his usual entrance to the classroom, where he teased Ken with his friends or gave him glares, interacted with his group, attended lectures and trained hard.

And as usual, he continued to watch Rain's live broadcast with curiosity. Ben was intrigued by what could have caused Rain, who he had always looked up to, to fall in love.

However, Ben himself had never been in love, although he still enjoyed listening to romantic songs.

When Ben found out that Rain didn't love Emma, he was astonished. This revelation sparked a new interest in him as he wondered who the girl Rain loved could be. Ben was taken aback by the fact that Rain had chosen someone other than Emma.

He had always believed that Emma and Rain were meant to be together. Ben had never heard Rain talk about anyone else before, and the fact that he had finally found someone else piqued his curiosity. Ben was now curious about the mysterious girl who had won Rain's heart.

"Even with his family he couldn't find love," Ben solemnly thought.

Ben felt a tiny bit of sadness after hearing Rain's love story.

"Yeah. So I should just ask the girl I like out. But right now I don't like anyone. Let's give that some thought in the future."

Ben learned from Rain's tales about what he should do and what he should not do. How to be cautious while moving forward.

[It would have been wonderful if Rain had warned not to bother Ken.]

Ben quickly ended his "connect app." was written there in his profile.

Ben yawned a moment later.

"If Rain had done his live streaming in the evening, it would have been fantastic. In the late hours, I start to feel rather drowsy."

After complaining for a while Ben slept soundly.

The following morning, he arrived in the classroom.

Physical preparation took place.

Everyone was soon instructed to begin running laps by professor Kevin.

Ben began to run as well. However, he typically pushes himself too hard during his morning workout. In comparison to James and Ken, he was nothing.

So, after a while of jogging, he also stopped and began to relax.

He was giving Ken an intense look.

People could have assumed Ben liked Ken if she had been a girl.

Kevin soon told everyone to halt.

Just as everyone started to left the training area.

Amy Duras approached Ken and spoke with him.

'This Lowlife Bastard'

Although Amy was never liked by Ben and she was treated like a musclehead by him.

But He acknowledged that she was extremely attractive. Therefore he was jealous of Ken.

While gritting his teeth, Ben left with his group.

And just like every day, he trained after that.

Day after. when he encountered his henchmen.

He was informed of the incident's news that happened yesterday.

On the previous night, a commoner was being beaten up by some of Blood Supremacy's and his group's members.

Even though he finds focusing on someone uninteresting. As a result, he just beat his opponents alone.

Then he discovered Ken had shown up at the scene and had beat them up.

Ben's mood dropped after hearing this.

Despite wanting to fight with Ken. However, he was aware that he couldn't do it right now. He is weak compared to Ken. So he kept his composure.

After a while, he walked inside the classroom.

He began looking for Ken in his regular manner.

But he was unable to locate him.

'Where is he?'

As he regularly observed Ken.

Ken always arrives early in the classroom with James, so he was aware of this.

James, however, entered the classroom by himself today.

After some time, Ken walked into the classroom.

Just as Ben was preparing to speak with him about the event from yesterday. James defeated him by doing that. James and Ken struck up a conversation.

Professor Kevin followed soon after.

Ben continued to sit in his seat as a result.

Like yesterday, Kevin instructed everyone to follow him to the training ground for a workout.

Ben felt a stare as he walked out of the classroom. He looked up to see Ken gazing at him.

He, therefore, gave him a fierce look as well.

After some time, everyone assembled at the training ground.

Like yesterday, everyone began running laps once Kevin instructed them to do so.

People started to grow weary gradually. and had a rest

Ben was the same in that way. Nevertheless, he performed better than the day before. Still, he was unable to overtake Ken and the others.

After a while, Kevin ordered everyone to stop.

Students began to depart as well.

Ben also desired to depart. Rain is going to stream live today after all. Ben had to clear a slot in his schedule to see it.

But he was obstructed by someone.

It was Ken.

"What do you want?"

Ben enquired while seeming irritated.

"Ben Tyson I'd like to have a duel with you."

"I decline. I'm not free now."

Ben declined, though.

If this was the old Ben, he might have agreed. But he was more logical today.

He was plainly aware of his limitations and was currently worn out. He, therefore, had no desire to engage in conflict with anyone.

He simply wanted to leave right away and finish his tasks. So that he can easily watch the live broadcast.

"It's alright. When you're free, we'll fight. Do you accept, then?"

Ken simply and calmly answered.

Ben wanted to object, though. But...

"Okay. I agree."

He was unable to do that. He wanted to develop into someone who never flees from anyone, after all and he could not stand to run from a commoner like Ken.

After this whole incident, he left the training ground after that.

[Rain's POV]

On the island...

"I finally made it back to my house."

Rain opened the door of his mansion like a bang.

"I am back. Before the live stream, I hardly made it."

After a whole day, Rain returned to his home. Unaware of how things were going in a different path in the Academy.

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