Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 8: The best in the world

Chapter 8: The best in the world

"Oh teacher, I was meant to ask, have you ever heard of a swordsman named Arthur Pendragon?"

Novis had asked Paul this question thinking that if Arthur was truly a great swordsman, then surely a pro player who studied swordsmanship would have heard of him before.

Paul thought for a while before giving his answer.

"I'm sorry to say this but I don't think I have, does he have something to do with VSW?"

"No don't worry, just something I heard about from a friend. I'll see you next week." Novis said as we waved goodbye.

While Paul was standing there an old man who had overheard their conversation came and stood next to paul by pauls side. The two of them watched Novis as he ran off and waved goodbye.

"Arthur Pendragon, now that's a name I haven't heard in a while. Perhaps there aren't many people alive who even remember the name." The old man said.

"Who was he?" Paul asked.

"A man who had created legends, there are too many stories to count about him that it was hard for people to tell truth from myth. but as the years passed many seemed to forget about his name."

As Paul was listening to the old man speak he wondered, why on earth would someone as young as Novis know the name of Arthur. A person even he had never heard of before. His interest again slightly grew in the young boy.


A week had passed and Novis had decided to visit the training centre again. Arthur wouldn't give up on pestering Novis asking him if they were to go to the training centre again. He had even asked if this time he could face Paul.

Novis had told him it would be best not too, a professional like that could probably tell the difference in their two playing styles and abilities.

The truth was even if Arthur hadn't asked Novice, Novis had planned to go to the training centre again anyway. He had grown a slight interest in the game after seeing paul's display of skills.

Before entering the training centre Novis felt his throat was a little dry so he decided to go to the vending machine just placed outside. Novis selected his drink and the beverage dropped down.

"The machinery you have now is amazing, does this work via magic as well.

"Yeah, magic is very useful in today's society we use it in nearly anything."

Novis felt a little bad lying to Arthur but it was hard to explain how something worked when even he had little knowledge of it himself. It made Novis realise how lucky he really was to grow up with all this technology that was made by other people.

Novis was stood outside enjoying his drink when he could see a screen displaying a game of VSW. It was a team game and one of the teams had just lost four of their players. The last man on the team was currently surrounded by three other characters.

Novis was sure that the man had no chance. He had just seen the other three people kill the man's teammates and they looked just as skilful as paul at least.

The next scene surprised him and Arthur both. As the foes came towards him he dealt with each of them with a single strike, turning the game around and winning it for his team.

"Wow, that must have been a professional game, I wonder how strong he is?" Novis said.

"Very strong," Arthur replied.

Arthur didn't say much, but it was the first time he had seen someone fight who even he didn't know if he could defeat.

Novis was still finding it hard to trust Arthur, but even though he was a complete beginner even he knew someone had to be skilful to take on three people at once.

"I wonder if I can do that one day?"

A person who was watching the match had heard what Novis had said.

"Are you joking, don't you know who he is?"

Novis didn't reply for fear of embarrassing himself.

The man sighed.

"He's Justin bell, the number one player in the world. Currently ranked 1st in the god tier. If you could do what he just did I'd be bowing down to you asking you to teach me."

"If I can beat him, perhaps I can achieve my goal," Arthur said.

"Try beating my brother first."

Novis entered the training centre and went to the front desk to register. While at the front desk he bumped into a familiar face. The fat man who had bullied the old women.

Novis was frowning at the man but didn't realise what he was doing.

"What are you looking at kid?"

Novis didn't say anything he was afraid that he might say something so offensive that the man would hit him. He simply bit his lip and walked back out of the training centre.

Novis hated these people the most, if he was older and stronger he properly would have hit the man but he would be the only one getting in trouble if that was to happen. In a way society currently had no true way to deal with bullies. If you were to go to the police they wouldn't take the thing seriously. People may not realise it but adults also bully and get bullied it's not just something that happened in school. Someone needed to do something about it Novis thought.

"Novis, you promised me I would get to fight today," Arthur complained.

"I know, I know but what am I meant to do now, that man ruined my mood. I don't want to go back in there."

Just then the man who was talking to them before approached Novis.

Hey if you're looking for a place to play, there's an internet cafe nearby for VSW players.


"Yeah a lot of people can't afford to buy there own VR headset, so they use an internet cafe, it's a good place to train and practice as well."

"What do you think Arthur?"

"As long as I get to fight today, I don't mind who I'm up against."

Novis took out his phone and said

"Do you mind sending me the address?"

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