Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 9: VSW Cafe

Chapter 9: VSW Cafe

After receiving the information of where the VSW internet cafe was, Novis along with Arthur quickly made their way to the location. The internet cafe wasn't too far from the training centre. It took around fifteen minutes in total to arrive.

The cafe was located on a busy high street on top of a regular coffee shop. It was easy to spot because a big sign was hanging on the outside with the VSW logo.

The room was slightly different from the training centre but about the same size. Inside were multiple desks with VR sets and a Tv, the same set up as the training centre. What was different though was at the back of the room were capsules. The capsules allowed your whole body to fit into the machine. The machines were high end and were mainly used by the pros because they gave minimal delay.

When Novis entered the room he was surprised at how packed it was, there were hardly any spaces available. A cute girl was standing at the front desk, she had brown hair tied up in a ponytail. As she saw Novis enter she smiled.

"Hello, welcome!" She said.

Novis was still looking at all the people playing VSW and didn't hear her. He noticed that most of the people at the cafe were middleaged men and women. Novis was a bit upset by this, after seeing the training centre he was hoping that they would be more people his age in an internet cafe. He guessed most people were like his brother and preferred to play at home.

As Novis began walking towards the playing area the girl called out to him again.

"Excuse me, you need to write your name down here, is it your first time here?"

Novis snapped out of his daze and realised the girl was speaking to him. "Yeah, is anyone allowed to play VSW here?"

The girl handed Novis a tablet so he could fill in his information and register as a member.

"Yeah, just fill in your details on this."

Novis finished filling in the details and handed the tablet back to the girl.

"Oh you forgot to fill in your rank, what rank are you?"

Novis thought for a bit, he came here for Arthur, not himself, and he didn't really know where to place Arthur. He had only seen him fight so little. But he had to be better then average Novis thought.

"I've never really played I don't have a rank at the moment."

The girl behind the desk started to laugh.

"So you haven't even had your placement games yet, the players here might be a little too advanced for you but you still free to try."

Novis didn't plan to play himself today, so he didn't mind who he played against if he lost it didn't matter as he wasn't planning to come back here again.

As Novis was looking at the playing area in the cafe he spotted someone that was the same age as him.

"Hey, that's the first kid I've seen in here!" Novis shouted while pointing at the person.

The kid was sitting on his own at a desk nearby the front. He had slick black hair that was neatly combed back. He was wearing a plain neat tidy uniform as well. The Kid's appearance screamed upper class.

The kid pointed at himself and said

"huh, do you mean me?"

Novis looked back at the girl.

"Is it okay if I play with him."

Novis felt more comfortable facing someone his own age. It was more comfortable for him and Novis assumed that the Kid's wouldn't be as hard to beat as the adults.

The women seemed a bit nervous at Novis enthusiasm. "Well...that kid is.."

Before she could finish answering the kid stood up and started to walk towards Novis.

"You're looking for someone to play with, right? sure I'll be happy to play you."

Now that the kid was stood up, Novis could see that the kid was slightly taller than him. He had black shiny shoes that Novis was sure to cost a fortune.

The women tried to interrupt. "but Lucas, this kid hasn't..."

Novis was too excited and started to speak again.

"It's so lucky to see another kid in here, it's so much better than playing some old geezer."

"Come on let's go pick one of the desks and have a one on one, My name is Lucas."

"I'm Novis, fifteen years old you?"

"Oh, we're the same age."

As the two started to walk off the women called out. "Hey, wait you haven't paid yet."

"Crap I forgot to bring some money." Novis thought to himself.

"It's okay Sophie, I can cover him this time."

"Thank's Lucas I promise I'll pay you back next time."

The two of them proceeded to sit down at the desk, before they started Lucas asked, "So how good are you?"

"Honestly I'm not sure." After watching others play the game for a while he realised that his brother was the one who was exceptional at the game there probably wasn't a lot of people who were at his level but still didn't know where to place Arthur at.

"Not sure, well would you like to play a solo game or a team game?" Lucas asked.

Novis was confused because he could only see the two of them at the desk how would they play a team game.

"What do you mean? are you going to ask others to join us?"

"You can set the system up so we can play with bots, that way we don't need anyone else."

"I've only ever played a solo game, so let's just stick with that."

Lucas was surprised there weren't many who hadn't played team games. There were a few people who would decide to specialize in solo matches but there weren't many.

"A solo game it is then."

There were many people around who were listening in on the two talking, they were shocked at what they had just heard.

"He's going to play a solo game against Lucas."

"That kid must be strong."

The two put on their Vr headsets and entered the game. Once they had entered the game Novis had given control of his body over to Arthur.

Arthur selected the same character as the last time while Lucas had selected A samurai looking character, the character had barely any armour on but had a long sharp katana sword. Novis realised that it was the same character that the number one player in the world used, Justin bell.

"Try not to embarrass me like last time," Novis said to Arthur.

"Don't worry, now I know the rules, nothing will get in my way."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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