Wang Ye Captures His Wife




The moon is bright, the stars are sparse and the water in the pool reflected the star lights like clusters of gems. Round smooth white stones were piled up to form the pool. Luxuriant plants and trees surrounded the pool like a forest, light thin misty vapors rose from the water surface just like a natural fairyland spring.

This hot spring is hidden behind an elegant and quiet private villa. The owner of this hot springs and private villa is no other than the present Dynasty's Jing Wang* - Long Hao Tian.

(Jing Wang - Prince of Jing - this is a title for Long Hao Tian as he is the cousin of the Emperor)

A pair of white jade arms lifted and gathered the cloud of fine silky long black hair from the back to the front over the right shoulder exposing an exquisitely beautiful face. She lifted her fingers gracefully and ran her ten elegant fingers through her fine silky long hair, her mesmerizing pink lips curved upwards into a slight smile and seems to be enjoying this moment of tranquility.

Suddenly her original lazy movements tensed and froze. She sensed a strong presence which made the hairs on the back of her neck stood up! Before she had time to react, a pair of iron arms heavily encircled her slender waist. When her smooth jaded back hit onto a strong muscular chest, an exclamation sounded on her lips.

"Who are you? You are really brave to enter here. Do you know who this place belongs to?"

The man's voice was full of arrogance, deep with resonance and he was breathing dangerously down her neck. With eagle-like sharp eyes, he swept his gaze over the person frozen in his arms at this moment. His cutting gaze slide over her flawless skin down her neck and finally stopped at the half-moon birthmark on her left shoulder.

"Quick, tell me!" He demanded.

The iron arms tightened in warning and his black eyes narrowed. He noticed that the woman in his arms was too calm and it made him suspicious. His heartbeat quicken and wanted to turn the woman in his arms around to face him, so that he could have a clear look at her.

The woman's body suddenly went limp and if he was not holding on to her slender waist, she would have slipped into the pool.

The man was cautious and when he was about to turn the soft body around, suddenly water droplets erupted and water splashed all over the place to form a curtain of water in front of his eyes. Just as he was momentarily shocked, the limp delicate body in his embrace had escaped like a slippery fish. This happened in a blink of an eye and the person had totally disappeared from his sight.

"Lucky to have met you, Wang Ye. Until we meet again next time."

A string of clear crisp voice with a trace of sarcasm rang through the dark night sky.


The man was Jing Wang - Long Hao Tian who gritted his teeth and cursed. He narrowed his eyes dangerously and glared towards the direction of the sound for a long, long time........

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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