Wang Ye Captures His Wife

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

On a dark windy night, everywhere was quiet.

A shadow ran swiftly in the darkness. Looking back and forth from time to time without the slightest change in his speed. Seeing that he was unable to shake off the soldiers' pursuit behind him, he looked at the majestic mansion in front of him. With a leap he jumped over the wall, crouched down his body and hid in the mansion.

The two men following behind saw what had happened. The man in white robes wanted to follow suit but was pulled back by his companion.

"No, this is Jing Wang Mansion. We must offer our greetings accordingly first."

The man who spoke was Iron Face Hunter - Cheng Gang. The man in white robes beside him was his partner and also his Shi-di, Jade Face Hunter - Dong Fang Jie.

(Shi-di - Junior brother under the same martial arts Master or Sect)

The two men were pursuing the Chieftain of Blackwind Fort whose camp was destroyed by them and a group of soldiers not long ago. They called him 'Butcher' and more than a hundred of his people in Blackwind Fort were arrested. Only Butcher had escaped and so the two men had chased him all the way here.

"Well since Shi-xiong* is so insistent, let's hurry up and go through the main door to extend our greetings lest the Butcher escapes again." Dong Fang Jie displayed a helpless expression on his face.

(Shi-xiong - Senior brother under the same martial arts Master or Sect)

This was the reason why Dong Fang Jie did not like to work outside with his Shi-xiong on cases. His Shi-xiong was too upright and paid too much attention to detail which was contrary to his own impulsive and casual personality.

"Let's go." Cheng Gang led the way towards the Mansion's gates.

There were two guards standing guard at the gate and when they saw two men approaching, they readied their hands on their swords. Being precautious, the guards shouted at the two people.

"Who is there? Why are you loitering in front of the Mansion's gates at night?"

"Please inform Wang-Ye* that Iron Face Hunter, Cheng Gang and Jade Face Hunter, Dong Fang Jie request for an audience regarding an urgent matter."

(Wang-Ye is an honorific title given to a Prince similar to 'His Highness')

Cheng Gang took out his medal bestowed by the reigning Emperor and showed it to the two guards to verify the medal's authenticity before one of them went into the mansion to report.

"Please wait for a while."

Another guard's attitude became very polite and his eyes fell on Dong Fang Jie behind Cheng Gang. Dong Fang Jie's beauty was difficult to conceal and the rumored jade face of his was exceptionally beautiful......more beautiful than any other woman and with a glance, it was proven that the rumor was indeed true.

White jaded skin exquisitely beautiful egg-shaped face, a pair of clear bright eyes, refined eyebrows, cherry red lips with a valiant and formidable-looking appearance, elegantly dressed and he was stunning.

Not long after, the guard who went in to report hurriedly came out and walked over to the both of them. His voice tone was very respectful.

"Please come with me. Wang-Ye invites these two Da-Ren* (Lord) to enter."

The two men, one after the other followed the guard into the mansion. Under the guidance of the guard, the two men came to the mansion's main hall. Just as they stepped into the main hall, they saw a big tall man dressed in a blue brocade robe sitting on the primary seat*.

(The primary seat is the seat only the owner of the mansion is allowed to sit which is similar to the throne in the mansion)

The man has a very handsome appearance and exuded an arrogance that was hard to ignore. A pair of deep black eyes watched as the two men entered the hall and when his eyes rested on Dong Fang Jie, a look of surprise flashed across his eyes. Immediately he picked up a porcelain cup, lifted the porcelain lid and took a few sips from the cup, his eyes never leaving the face of Dong Fang Jie.

"To have disturbed Wang-Ye's rest so late in the is unintentional. Wang-Ye, please be forgiving."

Cheng Gang apologized with politeness and courtesy. After all, they had disturbed other people's sleep and whoever it might be, would not display a good expression. In addition, this person is the Wang-Ye, of course, one has to be extra careful.

"What actually is the matter that brings two Hunters pay Ben-Wang* a visit this late at night?"

(Ben-Wang means 'This King/this Prince' - a term used to refer to himself because royals do not call themselves as 'I')

Jing Wang Long Hao Tian put down the porcelain cup in his hands, his face displayed a smile, yet not a smile which made people unable to see his true emotions at this moment. Only his eyes which were locked onto Dong Fang Jie concealed an unusual light. His posture held no trace of a sleepy attitude and his appearance did not show any traces of being just awakened from sleep.

"It is because the both of us brothers have been in pursuit of Butcher of Blackwind Fort and saw with our own eyes, he had fled into Wang-Ye's mansion. So, we brazenly requested for an audience."

Just as Cheng Gang finished speaking, a woman's shrill screams could be heard. Dong Fang Jie quickly dashed out of the hall towards the sound of the screams.


Dong Fang Jie following the sound of the screams ran into a courtyard. Immediately he saw Butcher gripping the neck of a beautiful woman and was surrounded by a large number of guards. Everyone did not dare to act rashly.

"Don't hurt Jun Zhu!" (Jun Zhu is a Princess not in the direct lineage of the Emperor)

The maid Xiao Lan was so scared that she shouted as she stood in the gallery. It could be guessed that the screams that sounded just now came from her. It was her fault. If she had not discovered the villain's break-in, she would not have suddenly screamed. Her screams had alarmed Jun Zhu who ran out of her room and was inevitably caught by the villain.

"Butcher, quickly let Jun Zhu go."

Dong Fang Jie squinted his eyes, studied the immediate situation and was thinking how best to deal with the situation when Long Hao Tian and Cheng Gang also arrived.

"Dong Fang Jie, Cheng Gang, if you dare to come over, I'll kill her first!"

The Butcher saw traces of fear on everyone's faces and understood that he was holding a trump card in his hands and laughed loudly.

"Elder Brother! Save me!"

Long Qian Qi saw her brother and frantically called for help. This is really a disaster like a thunderbolt from the sky! This time she did not even go out to cause trouble! She did not think that staying obediently in the mansion will also attract trouble to herself.

Long Hao Tian's face was slightly gloomy and placed his hands behind his back. His sharp black eyes stared at his sister who was restrained and he said in his deep icy cold tone. "Cheng Gang, Dong Fang Jie, both of you listen carefully. Tonight if there is the slightest injury on Jun Zhu, be careful of your heads."

"Wang-Ye can rest assure that Jun Zhu will be safely rescued." Cheng Gang was forced to answer. It was rumored that this Jing Wang temperament was unpredictable and also he was the most respected cousin of the reigning Emperor. He had to exercise extreme care in dealing with this matter.

"Butcher, as long as you release Jun Zhu, we will let you leave here safely."

After Dong Fang Jie had weighed the pros and cons and in order to safeguard Jun Zhu, they had no choice but to return the tiger back to the mountains*.

(Return the tiger back to the mountains - to release the person.)

"Ha, ha, ha.....!" The Butcher laughed loudly. He pulled Jun Zhu in front of him, his fierce face displayed his hatred and shouted at Dong Fang Jie and Cheng Gang. "The two of you led a large group of soldiers to destroy my Blackwind Fort, arrested all my brothers, do you think I will let you off? Now that I have this important hostage in my hands, why should I release her?! Now, everyone back off! If you don't retreat, I will kill her immediately!"

Under the threat of Butcher, everyone had no choice but to retreat. Seeing that Jun Zhu was about to be taken away, Cheng Gang and Dong Fang Jie exchanged a look of tacit understanding. With the lightning of speed, the two men simultaneously attacked!

Cheng Gang was the first to shoot darts towards Butcher's face and when Butcher turned his face sideways to avoid the darts, a shower of powder sprung from Dong Fang Jie, the goal was Butcher's eyes. He cried in pain and his hand that was gripping the neck of Jun Zhu tightened and was about to go in for the kill when the sword in Dong Fang Jie's hand was swiftly thrust into his left chest with a quick move. Dong Fang Jie's other hand pulled the frightened Jun Zhu into his arms and at the same time, Cheng Gang's both palms hit the back of Butcher.

Both of them showed great tacit understanding and their actions were coordinated in one smooth fluid string of movements. Under the astonished gaze of everyone, Butcher quickly died in their hands.

"Is Jun Zhu alright?"

Dong Fang Jie asked the obviously scared Jun Zhu who was in his arms with concern, totally unaware that his behavior was inappropriate.

Long Qian Qi's face was slightly pale with fright and looked up at him distractedly. When she saw his handsome face, she was dazed for a while.

"Hey, why are you still holding onto our Jun Zhu?"

The maid, Xiao Lan rushed over and pulled her Jun Zhu from his arms. How can anyone be allowed to embrace an honorable person like Jun Zhu!!

"Qian Qi, are you injured?"

Long Hao Tian took big strides and walked over to his sister's side. With worry, he looked at her from head to toe and after he had determined she did not suffer any injury, he turned his black eyes and stared sharply at Dong Fang Jie and Cheng Gang.

"I'm fine."

Long Qian Qi lowered her eyes and from time to time stole glances at Dong Fang Jie's handsome face and admired his valiant and formidable-looking appearance.

"The two of you were taking too much risk just now. What if something had happened to Jun Zhu?"

Long Hao Tian's face was slightly gloomy and his voice had a trace of reproach.

"Wang-Ye, please don't be angry. We will only attack if we have the confidence to safely rescue Jun Zhu." Cheng Gang displayed a cold unyielding expression and was fearless in face of Jing Wang anger.

"Since the villain had died and Jun Zhu is saved, the two of you can also leave."

Long Hao Tian's handsome had a displeased expression, his black eyes swept across the two men and coldly asked them to leave.

"To have disturbed Wang-Ye so late in the night, please be forgive us. Cheng Gang will leave now."

Cheng Gang respectfully cupped up his hands together in a fist and saw the displeasure on Long Hao Tian's face. In his heart, he felt since Butcher is dead, it would be better if they leave immediately.

"Until we meet again, Wang-Ye."

Dong Fang Jie also followed suit, cupped his hands together in a fist and respectfully bowed. He took the initiative, confidently and at ease, turned around and walked away. All along he had never like to deal with relatives of the Emperor because they were too troublesome.

Long Hao Tian's whole body started to shiver. He seemed to have heard that taunting tone before. His black eyes narrowed dangerously and stared at the retreating back of Dong Fang Jie as he walked away. Suddenly Long Hao Tian shouted.


Dong Fang Jie and Cheng Gang stopped walking when they heard his shout. Both of them turned to look back at Long Hao Tian's face which had turned dark and unpredictable.

"What are your orders, Wang-Ye?"

Cheng Gang did not understand and asked in puzzlement. He did not know why Wang-Ye's expression had suddenly changed.

Long Hao Tian walked with big strides and stood in front of Dong Fang Jie. His black eyes stared at Dong Fang Jie's handsome and delicate face. His eyes were like the eyes of a hunter staring at his prey, exuding bright rays of cunning lights.

"Cheng Gang, you have always been known as God of Iron and had always treated those who break the law with impartial strictness and incorruptible. Is that correct?"

"Wang-Ye is correct. Cheng Gang has always been strictly impartial and incorruptible. That is why Cheng Gang is known as Iron Face."

When Cheng Gang answered with pride, he could not help but harbor a trace of suspicion. He noticed when Long Hao Tian was talking to him, Long Hao Tian was staring at his younger brother. What was this all about?

"Very good. You must remember what you have said tonight. The two of you can leave."

Long Hao Tian's face lighted up with an unpredictable smile and that smile made people uncomfortable. Dong Fang Jie felt uneasy at the bottom of his heart.

"On the fifteenth night of the month, at the hot was particularly unforgettable. Am I right, Jade Face Hunter, Dong Fang Jie?"

The deep voice rang with profound meanings, with hidden sarcasm and his words floated in the dark of the night.

The figure dressed in white robes in front of him stiffened. The next moment, there was a smile on his handsome and innocent face and he said.

"Please forgive me for being obtuse and don't understand the meaning of Wang-Ye's words."

After he heard those words, Long Hao Tian laughed arrogantly and loudly. This laugh sent chills down the spines of everyone in the mansion who heard.

"Don't understand......that's a good one."

Long Hao Tian looked as if he was smiling yet it was not a smile. His black eyes like black pools stared at Dong Fang Jie, his mouth lifted with a touch of interest and coldly said.

"Ben-Wang looks forward very much to the day that you will understand."

"If there is nothing else, please Wang-Ye allow us brothers to withdraw."

As soon as he had finished speaking, Dong Fang Jie did not wait for approval, turned around and left first. As he walked away, he could feel the burning gaze behind him.

"Tell me honestly, when did you offend that Long Hao Tian? What did his words actually mean?"

When the two of them returned to the inn, Cheng Gang lowered his voice and gritted his teeth and again asked his 'Shi-di' who had always given him headaches. There must be a valid reason, if not, Long Hao Tian would never say anything like that.

"Shi-xiong, that was Long Hao Tian's words that he had spoken when his mind is unclear. How would I know?"

Dong Fang Jie helplessly let out a sigh, poured out two cups of tea for the two of them and then took a sip of the tea without any trace of worry.

"If I remember correctly, a while ago, you seem to like to go out in the middle of the night and said something like you found a good place to enjoy a hot spring bath. Are you sure on the fifteenth night of the month, the matter at the hot spring has nothing to do with you? Shi-mei!"

(Shi-mei - Junior sister under the same martial arts Master or Sect)

Cheng Gang saw her appearance as if the whole matter did not concern her and felt a little angry. God knows, ever since this Shi-mei came, his white hairs had sprouted and he was only 30-years-old! He had also arrogantly and proudly admitted in front of Long Hao Tian that he was strictly impartial and incorruptible. Unexpectedly there was an exception and this exception was his Shi-mei who had always given him headaches.

"Ai, Shi-xiong, please believe me. That time was only just an accident."

Dong Fang Jie said those words as light as the wind and cloud. No wonder her young Shi-xiong had already sprouted white hair. Life is short and one should live happily while one can.

" is an 'accident' and if I really believe you, it is worthless of me for being your Shi-xiong for so many years. It's three months more to Mid-Autumn Festival. Don't forget your promise to your brother, Dong Fang Ling!"

Cheng Gang felt it was pointless to say anymore. His only wish is Mid-Autumn Festival will arrive quickly so that he can return this troublesome girl (烫手山芋) to Dong Fang Residence.

Dong Fang Jie held the cup with a slightly stiff hand and her beautiful mesmerizing face lit up with a wry smile. This Shi-xiong really knows how to touch on her sore spot and recently he frequently liked to rub salt on her wounds.

She thought of her promise to her Elder Brother four years ago. These four years she was used to her free and easy days and it was impossible to imagine the days without her freedom. Just by thinking, it was already unbearable for her. But if she dares to break her promise, according to her Big Brother's temper, he would surely come personally to take her back home. In the end, her life would not be just 'miserable'.

It is true, the country's famous Jade Face Hunter, Dong Fang Jie is a female and is also the fourth daughter of the richest family, Dong Fang Family in the city of Luoyang.

Four years ago, when she was sixteen years old, she always loved to dress up as a man. One day, she inadvertently rescued the reigning Emperor, Long Yi Fei when he had secretly slipped out from the mansion. Long Yi Fei mistakenly thought she was a man and later learned that 'he' was the 'Shi-di' of Iron Face Hunter and also the fourth 'son' of his mentor. He instantly decreed 'him' the title of Jade Face Hunter. Long Yi Fei also granted him a gold medal so that 'he' could walk freely among major officials with the authority to mobilize instant assistance and in the case of corrupt officials, 'he' was also granted the power to act first and report later.

Afterward, this incident was known by Dong Fang Ling who became very angry. Initially, Dong Fang Ling had wanted to escort Dong Fang Jie to admit her wrong and tell the truth in front of the Emperor but after Dong Fang Jie had pleaded and under the two other brothers' guarantee in support of her, he finally relented. It then resulted in a four-year agreement whereby it was agreed when she reaches her twentieth birthday, under whatever circumstances, she was to resign from her position and resume her status as the fourth daughter of Dong Fang Family.

"Shi-mei, it is not that Shi-xiong wants to reprimand you but in fact, you......"

Cheng Gang had a serious expression and when he looked at the Dong Fang Jie who had the appearance of someone who was not receptive to his teachings, he wrinkled his eyebrows. All his heartfelt words died down and he sighed heavily.

Suddenly Dong Fang Jie's expression changed with a look of horror and her clear voice trembled. "Shi-xiong, it's already very late. Don't say anymore."

"Whatever you do, you always act impulsively. If anything had happened to you on that day, how do you want me to explain to Master and your three elder brothers? And also the last time you took......"

An endless stream of admonition like the Yellow River burst its embankment as if it was out of control. A sichen* later, the endless admonition still did not seem to end at any time soon and Dong Fang Jie was sprawled paralyzed on the table moaning in pain. Even if she was unable to stand her Shi-xiong's teachings but she still did not dare to leave.

(Sichen is a time measure and one sichen is equivalent to two hours)

She remembered at one time when she was so bold that she ran off while being admonished by her Shi-xiong and it had made him very angry. After she was caught and taken back, she was punished by being made to listen to his teachings a full whole day. With that painful experience, anyhow she had to endure his teachings and in any case, she was already very experienced in such endurance.

Oh God! It was almost dawn, she was about to die of sleepiness and her Shi-xiong had not finished talking yet. He is really worthy of the name 'Man with the Longest Tongue'. She decided anyhow she had to sleep and everything would have to wait until she woke up.


Dong Fang Jie, born in Luoyang, is the fourth son of Dong Fang Family. His late father was an Imperial Tutor, his Elder Brother Dong Fang Ling and Second Elder Brother Dong Fang Ao were businessmen who had superb business skills and in a few short years, they had become the richest family in the city of Luoyang. His Third Elder Brother, Dong Fang Tang is a brilliant, well-known doctor throughout the country. Both black and white powers* had also received graces from this family and the four brothers of Dong Fang Family can be considered a family of heroes.

(Black and white powers - Black power is the criminal world and white power is the government)

When Dong Fang Jie was born, his body contained poison and had nearly died. Fortunately, he was saved by a Master Chen. Later, he became the disciple of this Master Chen, followed him and left Dong Fang Residence. He did not return to Dong Fang Residence until the age of sixteen.

In an accidental coincidence, Dong Fang Jie rescued the Emperor who was secretly on a private tour of the country. He received the Emperor's gratitude and when the Emperor learned of his identity, the Emperor was so happy that he bestowed upon him the position and title of Jade Face Hunter.

Ever since Dong Fang Jie received this decree, he had solved countless cases. Not only he did not disgrace the Emperor and because of his beautiful appearance, he was also loved by the majority of women. In addition to his straightforward and informal personality, he also made a lot of friends throughout the country.

Spread out on the ebony table top was the paper that contains Dong Fang Jie's information which Liu Yong was precisely instructed to investigate. Long Hao Tian placed his hands behind his back, looked at the bird that had settled on the banyan tree in the courtyard, his black eyes deep and unpredictable.

"According to you, what kind of person is Dong Fang Jie?"

"In reply to Wang-Ye, this subordinate has no association with Jade Face Hunter. As to his information, this subordinate can only obtain through rumors. However, it is said that he is open-minded and friendly and has friends all over the country. And as long as the two brothers, Iron Face and Jade Face, team up together, there are no unsolved cases. May this subordinate know why Wang-Ye asked this question?"

Liu Yong was ordered to investigate Dong Fang Jie and now his Master had asked such a question, he was surprised and curious.

"Then according to what you say......these two brothers' relationship is very good."


"Since ancient times, the appearance of men and women, there had never been such a handsome man like Dong Fang Jie. Many people had wondered if he is really a man." The black eyes slightly narrowed, his lips curved light and he said lightly.

"It is said that Dong Fang Jie did not like anyone to mention about his appearance in front of him. In fact, most people who take their first look at him were skeptical about his gender but because of his identity, no one dared to raise this matter in front of him." Liu Yong conscientiously reported. In his heart, he was curious as to why his Master was suddenly so interested in this person and could not help but feel suspicious.

Suddenly there was a knocking sound outside the library door. Long Hao Tian lifted his eyebrows and said in a low voice.

"Come in."

As soon as he said those words, immediately the two-panel rosewood carved doors were pushed opened and Steward Cai rushed in.

"Wang-Ye, it's not good. Jun Zhu had run away leaving a letter."

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