What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 452 More Practical Healing Lessons

Chapter 452 More Practical Healing Lessons

Despite all that happened, school proceeded on as normal which surprised me a little.

Then I realised that the demons had only targeted the nobles and the common folk weren't really affected much anyway.

There was, of course, the threat of a demon invasion before, but it didn't end up happening anyway so it was basically just another day for the common folk.

Although there were a few students who didn't show up to class, I guess they must still be recovering or something.

And it just so happens to be Iatromancy class right now.

"We're very fortunate today, everyone!" Professor Anna announced the omens she walked into class.

Hylie, one of my sadistic Iatromancy classmates,? gasped, "Oh! Are we joining another live physical combat class to act as on site healers?!"

I swear this girl enjoys the sight of those students hurting each other more than healing them…

Actually, I think that applies to pretty much all my classmates though in Hylie's case it's more prominent…

I swear I saw her smile sadistically while she was healing her classmates during those lessons.

In fact, I heard from Odeta that most of the students take care not to hurt themselves when they knew I wasn't there to heal them.

I guess my healing methods were the most normal so they could relax more compared to leaving it in the hands of these sadistic classmates of mine? I dunno.

Professor Anna shook her head, "Oh no, I got something even better! Remember the demon attack on the capital the other day?"

Cornia, whom I remember had introduced herself as the youngest daughter of the Hevian Baron Family, giggled beside me, "Ehehe~ I remember~ My eldest brother and sister came limping back home like a bunch of idiots and wanted me to heal them~ Oh, I remember how they begged me to ease their pain too!"

Yeah… She did say that her family thought that she was talentless and threw her into this class so I guess her attitude towards them was not uncalled for.

The Professor didn't even bat an eye at her student's words and simply carried on, "That's right! Then you would know that several Mercenaries and Royal Knights were mobilised to deal with the demons! Needless to say, there were quite a few that were injured during the confrontation and they requested for healers to help heal them!"

Hylie gasped, "Ohhh! Would there be blood?!"

Professor Anna chuckled, "I heard there were a few cases with dismembered limbs so there is!"

The girl let out a squeal like someone just told her they were giving out free sweets over there…

I know I would squeal for something like that at least… Oh! Maybe I can ask Katsuki to bring me some sweets while we're there! I'm sure no one will complain, right?!

Reinie, the girl who had used her own brother as a test subject for her Iatromancy magic, raised her hand, "Professor! How many vic… Ahem! How many patients are there?"

"Fufufu! Don't worry! There is enough for everyone! We will be going alongside a few seniors and also a few professional healers this time but you'll all get some hands on experience too! Be sure to learn from them!"

All my classmates cheered.

Emily, the first girl I talked to in this class, turned to me, "Big sister Aster~ Could we get to see your beautiful healing today as well?"

I managed to keep my face neutral, "Of course."

That made them cheer even louder for some reason.

This class is so weird…


"So these are the students from Aerialla Academy?" A rather familiar knight greeted us at one of the inns that had been set up as an impromptu medical site for the injured.

Professor Anna nodded, "That is correct, lieutenant. If you can guide us to the patients, we will begin immediately."

Including the five of us, there were two senior students who were following behind Professor Anna, both of them also female.

They introduced themselves as Chamie and Harge, both of them being sisters with Chamie being the older one

I wasn't sure if it was a good thing that they don't seem as excited as my fellow classmates about this lesson. In fact, both of them seem to be quite bored if I had to guess, judging by the looks on their faces.

The knight turned to us, "I am Victor Farel, Lieutenant of Crown Capital City's knights. I shall be the one guiding you to the patients awaiting healing."

Victor… Victor… Victor… Ahh!! He's the knight who caught Lisa and made her a crime slave back then!!

No wonder he looked familiar!!

He doesn't seem to recognise me though…

Oh yeah, he had Iatromancy magic too, so I guess he would be helping us with our lesson too. Though I wonder what do the patients feel about being our test subjects? Do they even know about this arrangement?

Without waiting for our response, Victor turned and went inside the inn.

We followed him through the door and found quite a large number of people inside the inn. Some of them were laid on tables put together to form an improvised bed while others lay on top of blankets spread on the floor.

The fact that there were already so many people down in the inn's lobby meant the rooms must also be filled with people too.

Damn… Looks like the demon attack was even more serious than I thought…

"Squueeee!! There's so many!!"

"Wooow! We have so many people to heal?!"

"Oh my gosh!! There's so much blood!"

"Waaah! I get to practise my magic all I want!!"

The two seniors turned to look at my classmates with an inscrutable expression.

I truly apologise on their behalf… But I think our Professor is to blame for their current selves…

Victor didn't even comment on their words and simply gestured to the room, "Please… Any help that you can give them would be greatly appreciated. The other healers are still recovering their mana and won't be able to help them until late today… And I can't handle this many people on my own either."

Professor Anna turned to us, "Alright! Then those who are able to heal on their own, please do your own self study! For those who are not so confident, feel free to follow alongside any of the others and learn from them!"

… She really is just treating this like another classroom?

Then again… Just at a glance, I can see that the people in this inn aren't in danger of losing their lives at least.

Sure, there were a few of them with lost limbs but they seemed to have already been healed somewhat since they weren't bleeding out from their wounds or whatever.

Heck, some of them were even well enough to be drinking and joking around with their neighbours without being too bothered by their injuries.

No wonder Victor was fine letting these nutjobs… Ahem… Sorry… Letting us amateurs in as healers for this. I would have questioned his professionalism if he still let us proceed with healing these people if that weren't the case.

I guess we would just split up now so I went towards the left where a young man sat in the corner of the inn alone with his arm and chest wrapped up in bandages.

It doesn't look like he broke his arm so I think I should be able to heal him if it was just a small wound.

Before I reached him though, I stopped and turned behind.

"Err… Why are you all following me?" I asked the four girls.

"Because we want to watch Big Sister Aster's healing!" Emily told me as a matter of factly.

Ok… Whatever… I'll just have to remind myself that Katsuki's coming here with sweets later.

Yes, in case you were wondering, I did tell her to bring some for me.

I went towards the guy who looked up when I came near him.

"You a healer?" He asked curtly.

"Yes, could I see your wounds?"

He wordlessly pushed his arm out towards me and looked away, as though he had already been through a similar situation like this before.

Huh, so he wants me to heal his arm?

I went ahead to start unwrapping the bandage around his arm, revealing a laceration wound that went from his wrist all the way up above his elbow.

The shape of it reminded me of a claw so I guess a Scarlet Fiend must have slashed at him while he used his arm as a shield.

Ugh… I could even see the severed muscle in some parts…

"Wowwww~ so that's what it looks like~ I never seen one that deep before~"

"Is [Close Wounds] enough for this? It looks pretty bad!"

"I think multiple applications of it would work, but it's going to hurt really bad when the muscles and nerves start stitching back together."

"Ohhh~ Will he start screaming? I hope he screams~"

I sincerely apologise for the state of my classmates…

Well, it wasn't anything serious so I just went ahead to use [Low Anesthesia] on him before using [Close Wounds] multiple times until his arm was fully healed.

I will dutifully ignore the squeals of excitement coming from my classmates as I moved on to the next patient.

This is so weird…

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