What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 453 I Got Better At Healing

Ugh… Going one by one is quite troublesome… Is there a spell that can do a group heal or something?

[Area Regeneration].

Oh? The moment I thought about that, a spell popped into my head.

But… This isn't the first time I had such thoughts though… And never did such a spell pop up-- Oh…

I quickly checked my stats.

[Name: Aster Nilm

Title: Young Mistress of Nilm Family, Dragonslayer, Most Adored Young Mistress, Lover of Sweets, Lisa's Soulmate, Delmare's Aural Lover, Tiara's Big Sister

Race: Meslatar

Gender: Futanari


456 Strength

440 Dexterity

460 Endurance

510 Magic


Hunting (Tier 2), Cooking (Tier 2), Alchemy (Tier 1), Navigation (Tier 1), Sailing (Tier 1), Noble Etiquette (Tier 1), Authority Projection (Tier 1), Martial Skill-(Dagger Proficiency (Tier 2), Unarmed Proficiency (Tier 2), Bow Proficiency (Tier 2), Sword Proficiency (Tier 2), Polearm Proficiency (Tier 1), Axe Proficiency (Tier 1))

Magic Skills:

Mana Management (Tier 2), Umbramancy (Tier 2), Electromancy (Tier 2), Lumenmancy (Tier 2), Pyromancy (Tier 2),  Iatromancy (Tier 2), Hydromancy (Tier 1), Aeromancy (Tier 1), Geomancy (Tier 1), Somatomancy (Tier 1), Astromancy (Tier 1), Infernalmancy (Tier 1)

Valour Skill:

Sixfold Multi Slash

Unique Skills:

Mind Shield


Yep… As I thought…

I had to hold myself back from shouting out in celebration as I saw the "Iatromancy (Tier 2)" displayed on the status screen that appeared in front of me.


This means I should be able to mend broken bones now!

Unless the person had his arms lopped off of course, I can't do anything about that… Yet.

Just saying… My classmates were still following me around and being impressed at everything I did.

Sometimes a certain patient would still be bleeding and they would make various… Err… Sounds… When they saw them.

I didn't really get to see what our seniors were doing though, since they seemed to be on the other side of the room and the constant cheers and comments from my classmates made it hard for me to look elsewhere without feeling embarrassed.

The Professor… Was surprisingly normal while she was healing her patients. I guess she only acts out when the pain is inflicted on herself.

I went towards a group of Royal Knights who were seated around one of the inn's tables. 

The reason why I knew they were Royal Knights were the pieces of armour they had left lying around them where the Kingdom's emblem was emblazoned on their chest plates.

They didn't look that hurt though they still had some bandages tied around several parts of their bodies which made me believe they received laceration wounds from their fight with the demons.

The one nearest to me looked up as my little group approached them.

"Ah… Students from Aerialla Academy I take it… Here to use us as your free practical lessons?" He scowled.

Well… He's the first one to say it out loud out of all the people I healed so far.

Some of them were obviously quite reluctant to let me heal them but they still allowed me to take a look at their wounds despite their reservations.

Quite a number of them were surprised when my healing magic actually worked but at least none of them called out this for what it actually was.

It's obvious that most of the people here did not really take us seriously, probably even thinking that we wouldn't be able to heal them. But I suppose having some kind of healing is better than no healing at all so they would even accept being part of a lesson if it meant the possibility of easing some of their pain before a professional healer showed up.

And from what I know… Those professional healers, especially those that can regenerate limbs, don't come cheap.

The fact that we're doing all this for the price of the practical experience was considered a steal for most of them, so they knew better than to complain about it.

That's why I was a little surprised to hear this Knight say that out loud so blatantly.

I mean… It's not like any of us were obligated to heal the people here in the first place… And they are also free to reject the healing from us as well, so why does he sound as though it was forced on him?

At that exact moment, Victor appeared and went up to the Knight who made that comment, surprising all the Knights at the table.

He frowned at the Knight who made that comment before slapping him on the back of the head, "If you don't want to be healed then don't. Just get lost."

"Ugh… I… I didn't mean anything by it, sir…"

"Sure you didn't, but that was quite rude," Victor admonished him before turning to me. "If you don't want to heal him, you can skip this idiot."

Without even waiting for a response, the lieutenant walked off towards a group of Mercenaries and started healing them instead.

I also noticed from the corner of my eye that my classmates were also looking at the Knight with clear disdain on their faces.

Oh come on… I don't really think this is a big deal though… He's not wrong in saying that since it's thanks to this that I actually managed to increase my Iatromancy proficiency to tier two.

I smiled at the group of Knights at the table, "Ahem… Good day sir Knights. Am I allowed to begin my practical lesson in trying to heal all of you?"

The Knight who spoke to me first clucked his tongue, "Yeah, sure… Whatever."

"Big Sister is a saint~"

"Even though he was so rude…"

"So beautiful~"

"She must have been sent by the Gods~"

… I'll just pretend I didn't hear any of that…

Now let's just go ahead and try out my new spell!

Oh wait… I don't know the chant…

Err… Err… Do I just make up a chant on the spot? Or do I just pretend to mumble it underneath my breath before casting the magic?

Oh crap, everyone's looking at me right now.

Err… Fuck it.

I started to whisper something unintelligible under my breath while I closed my eyes to pretend like I was concentrating on a spell.

Just to make it more believable, I made sure to make sure the chant was double the length of [Close Wounds] as well.

When I felt it was long enough, I thrusted my hands out in front of me to point my palms at the group of Knights.

"[Area Regeneration]!"

The Knights were looking at me with wide eyes right before a circle of light appeared under their feet, enveloping them in a soft glow.

One of them started to pull off the bandage on their chest to reveal a cut that stretched from their shoulder to their hip slowly closing up before disappearing, not even leaving a scar.

The others also took off their respective bandages to see their own wounds healing themselves and leaving behind no signs that they were even injured in the first place.

Ohhh~ This spell is pretty good! I don't even need to be near them to use it! I could just heal my party from afar from now on!

So even if they are in the midst of fighting a boss, I don't need to rush to them nor do I need to make them come back to me to receive healing!

Oh wait… Does this magic differentiate between friendlies and hostiles? Because it would be pretty bad if it ends up healing the enemy too…

I guess I'll have to test it out later because right now…

"Big Sister! When did you learn that spell?!"

"That was so beautiful!"

"Did you see the wound on that guy's chest?! It healed back up! That wound was so big too!"

"Yes! There must have been a lot of blood too!!"

""""Big Sister Aster is so cool!!""""

… How do I even deal with these classmates of mine?

Professor Anna showed up right then with her hands clasped together, "What's this?! What's this?! Has your proficiency in Iatromancy increased, student Aster?! This is wonderful!! Did you learn that spell while you were healing the others before this?"

I nodded my head slowly, feeling a little intimidated with how she was looking at me.

"I knew you were a genius! Ahahaha! To increase your proficiency within the very same year! Oh wait till I tell the other professors about this! They will surely be jealous!!"

I mean… My Pyromancy increased as well… But I guess I haven't shown it off to my class yet…

The two senior students also appeared behind the professor, the two girls looking at me with narrowed eyes.

"You… Your name is Aster isn't it? From the Special Class?" Chamie asked, her eyes narrowing at me.

Err… Why are you looking at me like that?

"Umm… Yes? Can I help you?"

The younger sister, Harge, grabbed me by the hand and pulled me towards her.

"Come with us, we need to talk," She demanded in a voice that said that she would not accept any objections.

My classmates quickly stepped in front of them with Emily leading them, "Hey! What are you trying to do to Big Sister?!"

Chamie waved her hand, "We just want to talk for a little bit, that's all. We will not harm her."

Professor Anna giggled from the side, "Don't worry, you can trust your seniors~"

My classmates didn't look that convinced but reluctantly stepped aside when I nodded at them to show that I was fine.

I'm curious what these two wanted after all, since they barely spoke to us during the way here.

They nodded at me before pulling me towards the exit of the inn.

Now what do they want with me?

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