Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 118: Infiltration 5

Chapter 118: Infiltration 5

The next day, Lia started her work as a teacher, meticulously going through all the students from Building 1, then 2 and finding Building 3.

It has been a week since Lia and Nana arrived at the academy, and today was the day the first years would receive their powers. It was also the day Lia would talk to the students at Building 3.

Each day, Lia worked 8-10 hours, making time to talk with each student for 30 minutes. The third years required less time and most decided to opt out of the talk as they didn't need it and weren't present anyway as they were out on missions.

From this week, Lia's schedule was easier and she could relax more. The exam period was also starting to begin.

All the first-years once again assembled at training field 3 to receive the pills to attain their powers. Lia requested to be there too under the excuse that she wanted to experience it for the first time. Much to her dismay, Timo was also present.

She had no choice but to stand next to him and he nodded, acknowledging her presence. Having Maria as her recommendation helped Lia being viewed in a favourable light by Timo. During this week, Lia, unfortunately, realised just how chaotic and unorganised Timo was.

He came and went with no proper schedule. No matter how Lia tried to avoid him, it was inevitable of them to meet at least once a day. Luckily, Lia didn't have to act as his fan anymore and they had normal brief conversations.

So, Lia couldn't help but ask him, "Why are you here?"

Timo had his arms folded and looked at the first years. Lia easily noticed Nana and Nana also saw her but they pretended not to know each other and only had a teacher-student relationship.

"I'm here to scout."

"How?" Lia blurted out.

This question literally had to be asked as the students were just about to get their powers. They wouldn't tragically develop their abilities on the spot.

"Ah yeah, you don't know yet," Timo said in a monotone voice, "When someone's deeply talented, they'll emit an aura after swallowing the pill."

"Really?" Lia couldn't believe it.

She indeed saw some faint light when her allies got their powers but for it to be really visible just how talented must someone be?

"It happens rarely though. The Only time I witnessed the true absurdity of it was in my second year, one of my fellow classmates. You should have heard of him, Yano. He literally emitted light. But he's the only one until now. A rare talent," Timo had no special emotion when he said this.

"I see," Lia has heard often about the top exorcist Yano. The best in the history of the immortal world, rivalling current and even past Ghost Kings.

Lia really wanted to know just what his power was and how much of it was true. She wanted to see and witness Yano's skills in person. She can still faintly remember meeting him in the illusion Fourth (Z) put her in, but how much of it was the real him? And even then, he didn't use his power.

However, it might be that they never get to meet each other anyways and Lia couldn't just ask Timo what Yano's power was. Their conversation ended here. Timo, apart for the first time, never questioned any of Lia's behaviour, activities or motives.

Maybe being affiliated with Maria gave Lia the benefit of doubt, or maybe Timo just couldn't bother to care. Lia had the feeling it was 30% the former and 70% the latter.

Several soldiers in black robes handed the pills to the students. Lasso joined Lia and Timo and wiped his forehead with a napkin before fanning himself, "The sun's so strong! It's so hot, I'm in an oven. How are you two faring on this bloody burning day?"

"It's not much," Timo yawned again and looking at his outer robe over his shoulders in addition to his usual robe, even Lia started to feel sick.

"It's bearable," Lia said.

"Kim, how are you faring? I hope the schedule is ok. I know it's quite a lot for you but there aren't many teachers."

"Please don't worry about me. I'm managing well. Thank you for your concern."

"Mr Timo, have you caught any to your fancy?" Lasso scrambled to entertain Timo.

"I have my eyes on a few, I'll form a group and train them personally."

"Yes of course. They'll be exempt from their usual studies!"

"Good, I'll see if there are any promising first years."

With this, Timo indicated he was done talking. Judging by his lazy and bored attitude, Lia felt it was too tiring for him to keep a conversation for too long or he wasn't a keen talker.

The first years now took their pills and Lia's attention moved to them. There weren't any particular students who emitted the aura Timo spoke of. But with a glance at Timo's narrowed eyes, Lia knew there were at least a few promising ones.

Lia tried to follow his line of sight and found a young girl with a green coating around her body. Lia's gaze moved to Nana and their eyes met. Nana briefly smiled and Lia was reassured but then she searched for Zero and to her dismay, he had a slight purple aura. Timo was eyeing him too.

Lia silently sighed. Hopefully, she could get Zero first before Timo. There were a few more students with colourful aura and Lia asked Timo, "Do the colours have any meaning?"

"It resonates with their powers, apart from that, no."

Lia was relieved apart from Zero only one other student had an aura that didn't emit a green light but white.

Lia subconsciously touched her necklace and thought about this person's power. There were powers not related to exorcism alone. Were the immortals evolving or returning back to how the immortal world once used to be? Brimming with power, strength and might?

What was Zero's power that made Susa so sure he could mend her soul? It couldn't be something straightforward as healing souls, right?

Lia didn't give it much thought anymore as the students finished their power receiving event and Lia went back to work.

On her way to the third building to resume her work, she saw Zero along with some other students.

His angelic smile brightened his surroundings and could rival the sun. He seemed to be popular. Lia inauspiciously got closer and listened to their conversation.

"I saw the purple light! Man, I'm jealous. Did you see? The commander was there personally and check this out, I'm 100% sure he was looking at you!" a guy talked to Zero who listened to him intently.

Zero then blushed and held his hand up, "No way! It was just luck. It's nothing much that would make the commander notice me. You were much more amazing!"

Lia got the impression that Zero was a kind, humble boy with delicate features but also still retained his manliness and didn't come over as feminine.

Several more students crowded around Zero and grabbed his hands to express their admiration. Through all that, Zero smiled and laughed giving everyone equal attention.

He was truly loved and his blonde, almost white hair meshed well with his white robe with golden patterns. He was literally an angel. If Lia squinted her eyes she could see his halo. Just from that Lia concluded his power might be a supporter type. Maybe some form of healing like Maria or Nana.

Walking into the building, Zero excused himself to go to the toilet. Lia didn't know any better and followed him, however, Zero passed the toilets and went to a small hidden area that had communal sinks. Zero's amiable face quickly dropped and a disgusted expression clouded his beautiful face,

"Fucking bastards, touching me like this as if I was fucking octopus ball."

Zero scrubbed his hands and arms furiously and Lia only stood there watching unimpressed.

Of course. Someone as heavenly as Zero let on to be couldn't exist.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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