Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 119: Infiltration 6

Chapter 119: Infiltration 6

Now that Lia knew that Zero was a two-faced angelic person, a bad headache spread. How should she deal with someone like that?

Lia also felt that Zero in some sense resembled her and her acts she put on but to no degree was she as extreme as him.

While Zero was scrubbing his tender skin until it became red, he spit more profanities and curses. Degrading everything and anything. Lia watched for a second and then left with a sigh.

Her mission has just gotten several times harder. Why did he have to be so rotten? So twisted? But she should worry about him later, the time to meet him was still in a few days.

However, later the day after lunch, Lia saw Timo passing the hallways creating some commotion and squeals along the way. The bad feeling inside Lia told her to follow him and just like he thought, not far from them was Zero with his bunch of loyal followers.

Timo was straight heading to Zero. Lia slightly panicked as she couldn't allow Timo to interact with Zero before her and pulled Zero to his side.

If Zero became devoted to Timo and the private army, then asking Zero to mend her soul was arousing much suspicion and they would incessantly question her.

She needed to somehow distract Timo. There was only one way to properly catch his attention. She ran to Timo and grabbed his arm. Timo stopped and looked at her with his blank face.

Lia smiled and said, "Ah, I've been looking for you! Actually I just remembered that Maria used to talk about you!"

Lia apologised to Maria in her heart but it worked as Timo gave Lia his full attention and even pulled her away to find a quiet space to talk.

In an empty classroom, Timo made Lia sit as he leaned against a table and stared down at Lia, "What did Maria say about me?"

Lia could see his eyes light up and despite his usual indifferent aura, he was slightly trembling from anticipation. Lia was at a loss. Just what did Maria do to him?

"Now that I think about it, she talked a lot about you."

"Really?" Timo's eyes widened and he put his hands on the table, "Quickly say what she said!"

He was too impatient. Lia made things up on the spot and said that Maria actually liked his company and wanted to meet him. She hoped he would spend a few days with her until the weekend. All sorts of lies poured out of Lia's mouth but they put a satisfying smile on Timo's.

"So she actually likes my presence" Timo mumbled more to himself. He was excited. Lia hoped Maria would forgive her. Timo rushed to the door but turned around and said sincerely, "Thank you."

Lia was alarmed, "Where are you going?"

"See Maria."

Lia's face dropped, "What about training?"

"Can wait till next week."

Lia had no idea how frighteningly powerful anything that had to do with Maria was.

But as if it was a wonder, she successfully kept Timo off Zero. Lia was a bit proud of herself but also anxious as Maria would definitely be surprised. Lia hoped Maria understood what purpose Lia had to send Timo to her for a few days.

Out of the classroom, descending the stairs, Lia saw Zero again. This time alone. Their eyes met. Lia gave him a warm smile and Zero returned it with his angelic one. But Lia could guess what nasty thoughts went through Zero's head.

Once again, Lia felt despair overcoming her. She was teaching here but how could she bend his character straight? It was too much to ask of her. She wished she could force him to repair her soul but his skills weren't even developed yet.

This would be a long road she hoped she didn't have to take.

The next few days passed in a blink and soon Lia sat in one of the private rooms waiting for Zero to appear to have their anticipated one-on-one talk.

At exactly the time Zero should be here, he came. He peeked his head through the door before smiling at Lia, "Teacher hello."

He politely bowed and then sat down.

"It's nice to meet you, Zero."

Lia smiled back and played along. She didn't extend her hand to shake his because she knew he loathed skin contact.

Lia would, for now, go along with his fake personality, however, she was planning to draw out his true nature. After all, how could they get closer if he didn't show her who he really was?

How could she show she accepted him if he didn't give her a chance?

So right now, she humoured his acting.

"How are you feeling? Have you gotten used to the academy yet?"

"Yes, it's very great! Everyone is so nice and welcoming, I learned a lot and made a lot of friends," Zero beamed. This answer was a typical 10/10 perfect one. As standard as it could go.

"I'm glad to hear that. So, no problems or anything else you'd like to talk about?"

"No, nothing. Everything's great. I'm very happy to have the opportunity to attend this amazing academy," Zero's mouth was a honeycomb just dripping honey people loved to taste.

His answer was textbook worthy and couldn't be faulted, but at the same time, it sounded fake and ungenuine. There was nothing personal about it and something that everyone would mutter to not offend those that were around them. It was the standard words for all public figures and Zero no doubt would make a great one. Lovely on the outside, rotten on the inside.

"Is that so?" however Lia wanted to provoke him, "So nothing, I'm not sure, disgusting of any sorts?"

Lia stretched out the word disgusting and watched how Zero froze for a second before his dazzling smile returned, "Of course not. How could there be something disgusting in this academy built by the Ghost King?" His words indeed sounded very hollow.

"You're right my bad. I just wanted to let you know that you can feel comfortable around me to tell me anything, after all, that's what I'm here for," Lia pulled out those annoying words that made one loathe the person who said it.

She sounded patronising but Zero didn't break his act. She wanted to push him to the edge but with so little, he wouldn't even flinch. He probably has been like this since his childhood, so he was already a veteran.

"Then how are your studies doing?" Lia might have made herself already unlikeable in his eyes but there was still time to turn that unfavourable view of her around.

"It's going well. I'm able to follow the lessons and integrate myself. It's still only the beginning but in the future, if there's anything I will bother to ask you."

Another picture-perfect answer.

"That's reassuring, I see you have an exam soon but it sounds like you're well-prepared, so there's nothing to worry about," Lia scrambled through the documents and pretended to seriously look through them.

Zero nodded, "Yes!"

"Then the last question. You're aspiring to become part of the Ghost King's army. Is this your wish for the future?"

"Yes, I would love to work in the future for the Ghost King aiding him to make the Immortal world a better place and protect the immortals from the ghosts and each other. I hope I can achieve my dream."

Strike#3. What a great answer, Lia mentally sneered.

This kid would really stand next to Min and be as shameless and fake as him. Suddenly, Lia didn't feel like talking to him anymore, but she had to, after all, he was her only hope.

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