Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 180: Attack 21

Chapter 180: Attack 21

A few hours prior. The fight between Mika and Zayn. Everyone else was lured away and only Mika and Zayn remained at the same spot where they'd been ambushed by the captains.

Looking at Zayn, Mika felt like he was a bully if he were to fight him, but this was only a misleading illusion. Zayn might look like a sickly and nerdy kid that couldn't stand up for himself but the fact he was a captain spoke for itself. So, Mika didn't dare to underestimate Zayn.

While either Mika or Zayn made an attempt to attack first, Mika's thoughts drifted off wondering if Lia was alright. Although he didn't want to admit it, Lia grew on him a lot and he approved of her becoming the Immortal King. He already stood here ready to sacrifice everything, so there was no point of denying that he was happy to have met Lia and everyone else.

Even though Noel was pretty annoying. Mika still couldn't believe that Oldie wasn't Edler T. Oldie would've been the perfect father for Noel and Mika would have understood why Noel's personality pissed him off so much. But in the end, he still enjoyed having Noel as his friend.

Mika took a deep breath and then asked, "What's your name? We should at least establish some sort of respect."

Mika really didn't like fighting, especially in a brutal and barbaric way. In general, Mika didn't like killing but ever since meeting Lia, he got over his ideals and did what was necessary to survive.

In a sense, he lost his beliefs but through that, he has also gained new ones.

"Zayn's my name," Zayn pushed his glasses up and the feeling not wanting to fight him only magnified in Mika.

"Mika," Mika nodded back.

The basic etiquette was established. Now what? Zayn still made no attempt to attack him and Mika didn't want to be the first one. Zayn's appearance was really unfair. Since his childhood, Mika has been taught how to behave and his parents' justice was deeply inscribed in him.

Don't harm others. Be polite. Be respectful. If you see anyone doing something bad, that's when you can strike to use your strength for something good. But Mika has learnt that all of this only could happen through his own judgement. Even if anyone told him there were rules for what was good and what was evil, in the end, Mika had to decide for himself, be the judge for his own decisions.

No one was inherently good or bad. Everyone had both sides in them. Just like how Mika thought Lia, at first, was a vile and vicious person but learnt that Lia has changed her ways and that she also had her own beliefs of what was good and right.

Everyone had a different take on that. Upbringing, influence and oneself played a big role in this. Mika didn't know how Zayn was brought up but seeing that Zayn seemed to be more decent than the other captains, he couldn't help but view Zayn in a more favourable light.

But on the other side, Mika would've preferred to fight against someone he wouldn't have to feel bad about fighting. Zayn wasn't an ideal person to be an enemy. Mika knew how ridiculous that sounded but he still had his own morals to uphold.

"You aren't going to attack?" Zayn's quiet voice brought Mika back to reality. Zayn has heard of the atrocities the hidden families have done from Min and the others. Even this war, involving all these innocent people has been started because of the hidden families.

Zayn had no problems fighting against ghosts but people were another topic. Seeing how Mika didn't make the first move nor threw any offending remarks like Kil would do, Zayn found that Mika was more decent than he thought.

Perhaps not all of the hidden families were as bad as Min made them out to be.

"Aren't you?" Mika threw the question right back at Zayn.

Even though these two weren't fighting, around them their men did. The soldiers of Zayn's squad against Mika's men took the fight literally and scattered, so their captains didn't have to worry about them.

However, Mika was still an enemy to Zayn who had nothing anymore apart from Min. Zayn owed Min everything. The trust and belief Min displayed in Zayn who has never amounted to anything in anyone's eyes, Zayn had to repay no matter what.

That was why it didn't matter if Mika was different from any other hidden family, in Zayn's eyes they were all enemies that needed to be stopped.

All were enemies who dared to stand in Min's way to obstruct this goal they all supported. Zayn pushed up his glasses and adjusted his stance. Mika could try to lower Zayn's guard as much as possible, Zayn didn't care because Mika needed to disappear.

"If you don't, I will," this was as much of goodwill Zayn could show Mika before he opened his palm and green light emitted.

It was darker than the Ghost King's but Mika could immediately tell what Zayn's power was. It was to summon ghosts. Masses of ghosts that Zayn could control in a sense, it was similar to Lia's power or Min's but there was a difference, Zayn's ghosts could be purged easily while Lia's corpses were already dead. The only way to stop Lia's corpses was to go for Lia and kill her to stop her power.

Mika had a feeling that it wouldn't work but he still summoned a talisman to hang onto his clothes but Zayn proved his assumptions to be right, "Don't bother, you can't keep them away with a normal talisman."

During the time Lia was away, all of them have trained a lot and honed their skills. It might not be on the level of the captains who were able to train for more than 10 years but it was almost up there.

They made considerable effort to see visible improvements. At first, Mika was against the idea of challenging the Ghost King and his army while Lia was away, especially when they weren't prepared and strong enough.

What Mika hated the most was recklessness, the kind that Lia had displayed when they first met but has improved a lot. But out of all people, Mika has never expected that Xavi and Susa would act on impulse, he would trust Noel and Nana doing it but not the other two.

But Susa was convinced this would help Lia grow, so what other choice did Mika have than to go along with his friends' whim to assist the future Immortal King?

The street they were on was surrounded by wooden houses and covered by the remnants of the broken ones. The grey sky shrouded everything in darkness where barely any light could reach through.

Mika and Zayn stood a distance away from each other. While Mika was alone, behind Zayn was an army of ghosts. These ghosts weren't normal ones or those vengeful ones, instead, they were glowing the dark green of Zayn.

These ghosts stared blankly waiting for Zayn's order but instead to tell them to charge at Mika, Zayn only produced more ghosts. Could it be that Zayn couldn't control or command the ghosts while he created new ones?

Testing out this assumption, Mika took the opportunity and summoned a few stones. Mika was now able to summon bigger things and in large quantities but this didn't mean they were useful in every situation.

Right now, what Mika needed was something that could purge the ghosts quick and easy, and cover the long distance. Mika was used to having his stones help him and he was confident throwing them in any desired projectile.

Mika's power seemed to be useful as he could summon anything but the things he summoned needed to be able to be wielded by him. For example, he could summon a gun or a bow but would Mika know how to use them? Not necessarily. That was why he needed to train with these weapons and feel comfortable with them.

Mika could easily summon a grenade but the destruction would be too great and the commotion it created would only draw unwanted support for Zayn to use.

With these stones, Mika could at least catch Zayn off guard who still hasn't realised the grey and different shaped small things Mika twirled in his hand.

Calculating the distance and the necessary and precise strength Mika would need, he threw the stone in a straight line before it flew in an arc and tore through a row of ghosts.

Zayn felt the breeze passing him and his eyes widened that only with a small stone, Mika was able to get rid of more than 10 ghosts.

The shock was too great for Zayn and he subconsciously stopped producing ghosts as several more stones flew past him and all with an insane speed and force, making Zayn feel some kind of doom looming over him. With one turn, Zayn saw that all of his ghosts he had summoned were completely purged.

"If you don't hold back, neither will I," Mika pushed his hair out of his face and the dangerous glint in his eyes froze Zayn's brain.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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