Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 181: Attack 22

Chapter 181: Attack 22

The vibe Mika gave off was of utmost confidence and determination. It surrounded him like a furious current, seeped into the ground to slowly make its way to Zayn to crawl up his body through his feet.

Zayn had underestimated Mika. He thought that half of the reason why Mika didn't attack Zayn was because Mika wasn't strong enough and only wanted to draw out more time.

Zayn bit his lip and stared at Mika who unfazed twirled three stones in his hand. Zayn knew what his mission was. It was to keep Mika here and eventually kill him, so he wouldn't get to Min, and Zayn knew that Mika's objective was the same. That was why Zayn was sure that even if he hid, Mika wouldn't run away but instead would try to seek him out. Zayn came to a decision quickly.

Mika saw that Zayn lowered his head and didn't move. Although Mika pretended to be cool and confident, in truth he wasn't. He didn't think it'd be this easy to catch Yayn off guard and to get rid of his ghosts. Mika also didn't anticipate that Zayn seemed to be fazed by it this much.

If Zayn was just going to stand there and do nothing, Mika really wouldn't hold back, after all, both of them had one goal and this was to get rid of the other and help the person they supported. There was no time for Mika to feel bad for Zayn just because his appearance was misleading.

With this in mind, Mika threw his stones at Zayn. Even though the stones couldn't pass through Zayn and the life force in them were too little to penetrate Zayn, Mika could still hit Zayn's pressure points to render Zayn immovable.

Three consecutive successful hits and Zayn was down on the floor. Summoning a knife, Mia rushed towards Zayn hoping to end this fight quickly. But just at that moment, Zayn surprised Mika by summoning two ghosts who shielded Zayn and attacked Mika at the same time.

Mika had no choice but to jump back and slice through the ghosts but as he turned his view to Zayn, he had already disappeared. Mike's eyes darted to the left and right but couldn't find Zayn. It was only a few seconds that Mika was distracted but during that short span, Zayn was able to withdraw to the point Mika couldn't find him.

But Mika wasn't concerned about Zayn escaping because their goal was the same. In other words, Mika was sure that Zayn was hiding to draw out time and Zayn couldn't summon the ghosts in front of Mika or else the same would happen.

Zayn, of course, knew of his own weakness, if he controlled the ghosts he couldn't do anything else that was why the best option was to hide and control the ghosts from the dark where Mika couldn't find him.

Mika's suspicions were confirmed once again. Not even a minute later, out of all direction the green ghosts appeared, so that Mika couldn't determine on the spot where Zayn was hiding. Summoning a boomerang, Mika threw it and in a circle, it purged the closest ghosts, while Mika sliced through the other ones left.

But Mika couldn't bother with purging the ghosts all the time. Finding Zayn was the priority and the ghosts came after that. If Mika couldn't find Zayn immediately, then the ghosts would come out endlessly and Mika couldn't even dream to touch Zayn while Zayn could play him like a puppet.

Mika should've focused on the ghosts when they first appeared so he could see out of which direction they approached him the fastest. If Zayn hid somewhere, it couldn't be too far and the ghosts he sent on a roundabout way would arrive later than the ones that came out of where Zayn was. Even if the difference was less than a second.

Mika could afford being crowded by the ghosts as long as they wouldn't bite him. A second, two three-

To his right!

That was where the ghosts reached him a little bit faster than the others. With the ghosts in tow, thirsting to get a bite off him, Mika rushed inside the house up to the second floor.

Yet just when Mika got a glimpse of Zayn, the latter slipped through the window and rushed down the streets. Mika grit his teeth, he hoped this wouldn't turn into a cat and mouse game that would go on for a while.

But both Mika and Zayn knew that they had to stay here and not draw their fight to somewhere else or else reinforcement could tilt the balance of their battle. Jumping out of the window, Mika was once again crowded by ghosts and had to resume the game of finding Zayn.

Instead, of just blindly running after Zayn, Mika summoned several smoke bombs and threw them into each house within his radius, while he kept the ghosts at bay and purged them quickly.

Mika felt that out of all captains, Zayn was the weakest. His ghosts only had the merit of quantity instead of quality. They were fairly easy to deal with. White smoke emitted out of the house yet the ghosts kept pouring out of all directions to rush towards Mika.

Yet when Mika swung his knife, out of his eye corner, he could see a rushing figure escaping the house and vanishing into the dead angle of Mika. In an instant, Mika turned around and ran after the direction Zayn vanished to.

Not long after the chase, Mika caught a glimpse of Zayn at the end of the street. Mika quickly summoned a stun gun and fired at Zayn. Yet Zayn was able to evade and dodged the attack by a centimetre. Then Zayn disappeared again.

Turning on this heel, Mika purged the last few ghosts and was free from them, as Zayn couldn't summon new ones while he was finding a place to hide.

The frantic footsteps of Zayn running away, throbbed in Mika's ears and he focused on hearing them. Mika has practised a lot with different weapons, yet his aim always depended on the situation. However, for some reason Mika's precision with his stones was superb.

Mika was also able to hone his senses more and could easily distinguish Zayn, no matter how tiny the sounds he made, from the other noises. The fighting sounds were distant and could barely reach them but they could still occupy Mika's hearing.

Zayn was somewhere close, his footsteps disappeared and in its stead ghosts came running towards Mika. But this time Mika wouldn't be lenient anymore.

This cat and mouse game was too long. Since Zayn and Mika have started this fight, it didn't seem long but almost an hour has already passed.

With the buzzing of the ghosts and the roaring of his own blood rushing towards his head, Mika summoned several more smoke bombs and threw them into the house. Then faint coughing appeared revealing Zayn's position.

It didn't even take Mika a minute before he appeared behind Zayn and grabbed him by the collar to sent him flying to the other side of the room. With a loud boom, Zayn crashed into the wall and landed in the bathroom.

Zayn raised his hand to summon more ghosts but the minute he did so, Mika's knife came flying before tearing a large hole in Zayn's hand.

Zayn cried in pain and tried to stand up. He knew he was no match against Mika physically, despite Timo telling him the past few years to train. But Zayn loathed the intensity of physical training and to his luck, Min said that Zayn didn't need to. Zayn was at first thankful to Min but to now he wished he had did what Timo said.

Zayn tried to summon ghosts but Mika already towered over Zayn, pulled the knife out of Zayn's hand and with a swipe slashed through his throat. Blood gurgled out of Zayn's throat and his shocked eyes mirrored the slight pity Mika had of him

"I'm sorry but I have to follow my own goal," Mika closed Zayn's eyes with trembling fingers. Mika had finally properly killed a person with his own hands.

But then again, it was fairly easy for Mika to kill Zayn, a captain. Mika felt that something was wrong here but he had no time to think about it. As he headed to the window and jumped onto another roof, Mika saw that the outline of Kil and knew that Xavi was gone.

Slight pain filled Mika's heart but he had no time to mourn because after all, everyone's life was on the line. Mika needed to head to where Lia was and quickly help her. She was alone and had to take care of all the soldiers that might be after her.

Mika briefly halted and thought about Lia's next move. Because they previously discussed going to the headquarters, Mika could imagine that Lia was heading there or even was there already.

When Mika arrived headquarters, he saw the knocked out soldiers. For sure, Lia was already here. Just when Mika was about to enter, a sharp pain originated from his chest. Looking down, he saw a sword gliding out of him.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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