Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 182: Attack 23

Chapter 182: Attack 23

There was a time when Mika wished more than anything else to go out and play with the children in his hometown Rag. Yet he didn't. It wasn't because his parents wouldn't let him.

On the contrary, they encouraged him. But it was because Mika felt the responsibility to use his time wisely to prepare to become a worthy subject of the soon-to-be Immortal King and to accept his standing as one of the hidden families, that he didn't follow his own desires.

Also because Mika felt awkward being with others. He was self-conscious of his own stoic face and his father who loved nothing more than to have fun embarrassing Mika with his bad jokes.

His mother, on the other hand, was the definition of gentleness and a loving person. Mika loved his mother more than anything. The beautiful rose that lit up the garden full of weed inside of him.

Then one day his mother disappeared and all the blooming flowers wilted, leaving nothing but a storm that brewed yet never made it out. Instead of clarifying and giving Mika a reason, his father pretended nothing had happened, evading any questions of Mika.

Mika couldn't understand but then gave up. His father wasn't going to reveal the reason no matter what. Mika knew that because his father didn't want to worry him but that was the worst thing his father could've done. Instead of cowardly evading, he should've been like Susa and came straight out.

As the sword glided out of Mika's chest, the blood poured out in masses and he fell to his knees. His hands grabbed the rough surface of the ground while his ears rang and his vision blurred. He knew what was coming yet was it worth it? His life sacrificed for Lia and the best of both worlds.

When Mika first met Lia, he indeed thought she was beautiful but he had never anticipated that one day this reckless and unlikable girl could actually replace the flower that once his mother left behind.

He didn't even need to think about how he disliked Lia, how he hated her for carelessly playing with other people's lives. He has seen the different sides of her and understood her motives, although he didn't always agree, but most of all, he received the care she gave him.

Not only hers but everyone else's too. The little childhood dream he once had. To go out and play with everyone, but this was now the adult version with too much suffering, gore and decisions. But this only made him appreciate the times more where they could casually enjoy their time and have fun together.

For a brief time, he could live his wish and for a life long he wished Lia happiness and for the afterlife, he hoped he could reunite with everyone.

With these last thoughts, Mika fell onto the ground and felt the warm blood continuously slowly pouring out of him. He heard the footsteps of the soldier leaving and figured that they must've been pretending to be unconscious once they heard him coming.

If only Mika was more careful, then he could've at least drawn it out and not ended up being pitifully killed here. He stretched out his hand towards the sky wanting to grasp it to plunge it down with him, to have heaven take mercy on him and let justice rain down on this crooked place.

Yet the dark sky felt suffocating on the eyes and on Mika's whole body as if the whole force was pressing him to hell instead of taking it out on this place. Mika hoped that his father would be fine and he could be with his mother. He knew already his mother died because she'd never leave them.

The faint noises that came from all directions were like a sad melody seeing Mika off and giving him the last respect before he could finally rest. Rest and forget all of this pain, hopefully only remember the good days.

With that Mika left the world, another good friend and piece of soul tore off Lia to never see again.


Lia felt it again, this sharp sting and this unbearable sadness glided through her body. She felt her body tower forwards, almost falling onto the floor. But the chaotic tumult outside brought Lia back to her senses.

Right now, the fight between Timo and Leo was insane. Literally nothing was safe in front of their might. Lia could only see the blue streaks of Timo's sword clashing with Leo before either of them always crashed into a building, bringing it down with them.

Lia bit her thumb. Only one glance was enough to see that they were evenly-matched. In order to tip the fight to Leo's favour, Lia had to join and help Leo to fight against Timo. But for some reason, Lia was sure that without her corpses, Timo could easily handle her, so there wasn't much of a difference.

Then the other option was to make Timo retreat or hurt enough, so Leo could escape. Lia still had her knives and grenades with her. She could use the grenade to distract Timo and regroup with Leo to come up with a plan.

Just when Lia wanted to remove the detonating fuse another loud crash disrupted Lia. This time, it was just before Lia's eyes and the entrance of the dorm was once again destroyed.

Out of the smoke, a tall figure emerged and dusted himself off. Not waiting for him to leave, Lia grabbed him from behind, put her hands around his neck and twisted Timo's backwards to the ground.

The moment Timo felt the strange touch he put his height backwards but surprisingly it was the intention of the person and he played into their hands. Lia pressed Timo on the ground, then pulled out the knife and stabbed him in the shoulders before she removed it as Timo's sword appeared and barely graced her face.

Lia jumped back and sprinted out of the entrance towards Leo. Leo was wondering what took Timo so long but as he approached, he saw Lia's figure running towards him. It wasn't the right situation but instinctively, Leo raised his arms and stretched them out to hopefully feel Lia's warmth seep into him.

Yet instead, Lia took Leo's hand and pulled him with her behind a building.

"Lia what are you doing? Thought you would go and save your-"

"And leave you here?" Lia looked at Leo and tightened her hand around his, "I don't want to have anyone else die, you're the only one left, I want you to be-"

"Hey," Leo took Lia's face and caressed her cheeks, "I won't. I'll stay with you forever ok?"

Lia nodded and quickly ducked while pushing Leo away as she rolled after him. Timo's sword cut the wall behind them into pieces that fell around and covered the ground.

The marbled stones rolled in all directions, knocking on Lia's shoes as she and Timo stared at each other.

"Are you the one with the hidden families?" Timo wiped the blood off his shoulder and nodded, "Didn't think you're skilled with that frail-looking body of yours?"

Timo sized Lia's thin and slender body. Her dress was ripped above her knees, letting her tender skin, bruised with black and blue wounds, shine through.

Leo stepped in front of Lia and stopped Timo's gaze. Timo shrugged his shoulders, "You know I'm not interested in her."

"I don't care, don't look at her."

"Heh, I didn't know that's how you would care about a girl. How would Min feel if his best friend betrayed him for a girl?" a mocking smile appeared on Timo's dead face.

"Best friend? What load of bullshit. What? Timo don't tell me you wouldn't do the same for Maria?" Leo gave Timo an equally crooked smile while he ushered Lia behind him.

"Was it love at first sight?" Timo couldn't fathom why Leo'd go so far for someone he didn't know. Was love really capable of making Leo act this irrational?

No, Timo didn't think that Leo would be this foolish. The protective stance Leo held in front of Lia was as if he was trying to guard his whole world, the only meaning in his life. Timo knew that because he'd also do that for Maria.

So, who was this person? Timo's gaze trailed off towards Lia and his eyes narrowed. Was this possibility really possible? There was only one person who Leo would care about more than Min and his hatred towards the families. And that was the person he wanted to avenge.

So, if this girl was really Lia, Leo must've found out that Min had lied to him. Timo could see why Leo loathed Min then. Timo was also surprised to see that if this really was Lia, then the hidden families had nothing to do with her death as Min let on. Instead, they were actually her allies.

Timo could already guess who was really responsible for the K family's downfall. It was such a big deal back then but Timo didn't care. His goal aligned with Min's and that was enough for him to continue staying loyal to Min.

That delicate yet elegant face of Lia, her determined eyes and her rosy lips really matched the once beautiful fianc of Min everyone talked about. Timo's lips curved and he held up his sword, "It's an honour to finally meet the ex-fiance of Min."

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