Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 189: Attack 30

Chapter 189: Attack 30

"Who are you?" Zero narrowed his eyes in suspicion at Lia. He was happy to have heard Teacher Kim's voice.

Afraid it was only an illusion Zero quickly ran to the bars and pressed his soft face against the cold and hard iron, only to see a strange yet alluring woman. Bruised but her charm was undeniable.

"It's me, Zero."

Seeing the familiar smile on this strange female, tears spilt from Zero's eyes and he slumped onto the ground. Was this really teacher Kim? Was she really here to save him and to be with him till the end like promised? Zero had the hunch that Teacher Kim wasn't who she let on was, so was this her real appearance and identity?

"Teacher?" Zero sobbed, unable to keep his calm. For more than a month, Zero was stuck in here. In this brutal torture chamber, so he didn't dare to get his hopes up too early. Having them crushed was worse than anything.

"Yes, it's me. I'm sorry I look different," as Lia saw the small form of Zero crying, her voice turned soft and her heart melted. Zero was really a good boy. She wanted him to be happy.

"Teacher you came" his tiny voice was too adorable.

"Yes, here I am."

The prisoners wordlessly watched the heartfelt exchange. They were envious, bored or couldn't care but in the end, they kept quiet not to disrupt. That little boy had such a heartbreaking melody coming from him, they didn't have the heart to destroy this joy.

Lia looked around to find a way to get Tero out, "Do you know how you got into the prison?"

The 15 floors had to be reached somehow. A ladder? An ability? Whatever it was, Lia would get Zero out. As for the other prisoners, Lia had no idea why they were trapped here and didn't want to know.

"I was unconscious when they brought me here," Zero eagerly stood up again and pressed his face through the gap as if hoping this way his body would slip through and he could fall into Lia's arms. He was a little kitten. Once you get his affection, he'd want to stay with you forever.

"I see," Lia approached one of the cells on the ground floor and stared at the inmates, "Do you know how to get up there?"

One of the males go close to the bars and his mouth gave a toothless smirk, "Get us out to-"

"No," Lia coldly rejected, immediately left him and walked back to the middle. Lia could easily jump to the third floor but then what? Clinging onto the bars and just crawling to Zero?

Lia took a deep breath. She didn't want to do that but had no choice. This was the fastest way to get Zero out but it also ran on the risks of having the others prisoners escape. Although it didn't matter as long as they left Lia and Zero alone.

"Zero, step back. Go to the very end of the cell. Stay as far away as possible from the bars," Lia's voice was clear and loud enough for everyone to hear, although she preferred if they didn't. Zero tilted his head in question and wondered what Lia would be doing, but rushed to the back wall and said, "I'm there!"

The curious eyes of the prisoners followed Lia as she reached into her robe and picked up a grenade. Their eyes widened as they saw what Lia held and cursed, "Are you insane? You're going to blow us up too? We'll fucking die!"

Yet Lia already knew that this grenade didn't harm immortals fatally, after all, it didn't have the green glow the other weapons exuded. In the worst case, it tore off Zero's skin but he could heal anyway, so there was no problem using this tactic. The only thing was the uncertainty of it actually being able to blow up the cells.

As Lia ripped off the fuse, the barks of the prisoners were drowned out. With a plop, the grenade landed in Zero's cell before-


-it burst open not only Zero's cell but the surrounding ones too. Lia still wasn't sure if it was a good idea to have the prisoners escape but while the smoke was still present, she ran below Zero's cell and shouted, "Zero jump."

Zero trusted Lia. Despite being able to see nothing he jumped and was surprised as he landed in Lia's arms who quickly carried him out of the prison. Zero had a few wounds but they already started to heal.

"Good job," Lia gently smiled at Zero who buried himself deeper into Lia's embrace.


Before Lia saving Zero, Timo went back to the plaza. He saw the chaos and the massacre in front of him as well as Kil's corpse. Timo stepped in front of Kil's headless corpse standing in its might and patted his shoulder, "Rest well."

With that Timo went to the palace. He was surprised to see the heavy gate torn open but paid no heed to the soldiers who incessantly tried to talk to him and explain the situation. Only when Timo held his hand up, they finally stopped, "It's ok, just regroup. Get everyone to the plaza and-"

Timo gave them another order. He knew what Min would ask of him and prepared an additional step to it. Even though Timo knew this was a brutal move and Maria would be even more disappointed, he had to first think of Min's wishes.

This was another reason why Min trusted Timo because Timo was capable and knew what Min wanted or what needed to be done.

Inside the palace, each second closer to Min felt like a drag. Timo wasn't afraid of Min's wrath but it was a bother to deal with. Especially now that a lot of uncalculated variables interfered with their plan, Timo had the misfortune to report to Min.

"Why always me," Timo sighed as he pushed open the door to the throne hall. At the end of the room, sitting on the throne chair was Min in his blood-red robe with his arrogant yet handsome face that had millions of females falling for him.

Min's eyes were focused. The shift in his position acknowledged Timo's arrival. In front of Min was a high table with a white square that was surrounded by smoke. Through it, Min's finger gilded and drew lines, seemed to zoom in and out, and each time he did that green sparkles flew around.

This was a prop solely made for the Ghost King. A cube that let him see the Immortal and Mortal world, with which he could control ghosts. Right now, Min was busy sending ghosts to the Mortal World and having them run havoc.

Min obviously couldn't take care of each individual ghost, only in masses. His displeased face already told Timo that things weren't going well. It wasn't calculated that Yano and the others would be capable of dealing with the immense influx of ghosts.

Min stroked the cube for a bit more before he looked up at Timo, "Why are you here? Have you taken care of the hidden families yet?"

Timo could already hear the slight anger that swung in Min's voice and dared Timo to make Min even more furious.

Yet here Timo was, having to bite the bullet, "Not yet, I'm sure that the others can handle it, but one of the hidden families has killed Kil. I don't know if he's still alive though."

"Kil's dead?" Min's phoenix eyes pierced through Timo as if Timo was the one who killed Kil.

"Yes, the situation on Eri's and Zyan's side has still to be confirmed but I already sent soldiers to scout and in case, drag any corpses back, be it the captains or the hidden families."

"Good," Min appreciated Timo's quick thinking and went back to his cube before realising that Timo was still here. There was still something else.

Min noticed, "What about Leo? You haven't mentioned him."

"About that," Timo sighed, he had to break it to Min anyways, "Hejoined the hidden families. He betrayed us."

These words needed to sink in.

1, 2, 3.

It took a whole of 3 seconds before Min finally exploded. If the cube wasn't on the table, Min would've trashed the table into little pieces. Leo betraying him?

For what reason would he do that? Did the hidden families persuade him or what? Hasn't Min properly groomed Leo by now? Properly brainwashed him? Weren't they friends?

"You better have a good explanation," this was the first time Timo saw Min visibly express his anger so vibrantly. Every word Min hissed through his mouth came with such a force Time would've been blown away if it manifested itself in a physical form.

"Well, you won't be happy about the reason," Timo only added more incense to his grave.

"Say it."

"We haven't calculated one thing and that's that the hidden families had someone to lead them or protect. And this person is very dear to Leo. It's a female. Min, you should know who I'm talking about," Timo didn't want to say her name because he was afraid he would summon Lia here like a curse. The explosion he had to bear through still was painful even though everything healed.

The throne hall vibrated under Min's excessive rage before Min erupted into cold laughter, "Bring her here. Immediately. We shall see who has the upper hand."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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