Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 190: Useless

Chapter 190: Useless

"Teacher?" Zero's angelic face was covered in red after he finally calmed himself from crying.

He looked up at Lia, wanting to make sure she was real as he nestled himself closer to her. At this moment, Zero wasn't embarrassed at all that Lia was carrying him. Zero was only glad that he was light enough for her to do so. After making sure this was really not a dream, Zero couldn't get enough staring at his teacher's real appearance.

"Are you disappointed or happy?" Lia gave Zero a knowing smile. Zero caught, quickly buried his head into Lia's chest and muffles appeared, "About what?"

"About my appearance. You were staring so intensively, I was afraid your eyes might fall out."

"Of course happy," Zero was unusually honest.

"Then I'm glad, Teacher Kim will never make a comeback, so you should get used to my face." Zero only nodded.

Lia thought about where to bring Zero. If it was possible, she wanted to get him out of the capital but at the moment, she couldn't waste time and she especially didn't want Zero to see all the corpses. Hence Lia decided to go to the dorms until she arrived in her old room. Lia was sure that no one would check here.

Lia placed Zero on the bed and stroked his head, "Wait here. I'll come back for you."

"Teacher!" Zero grabbed Lia's fingers as she wanted to rush out, "When are you going to come back?"

Lia felt she needed to tell Zero the truth. He had been through so much because of her, "Right now, there's a war. It's not safe in the capital. The war is against the Ghost King and I'm one of the people wanting to bring him down."

"Why?" Zero's voice mirrored the anxiety and panic that welled up in him. He didn't understand.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you later," Lia reassured Zero but then tightly gripped his hand, "Zero listened to me clearly ok. If I'm not able to come and get you before the sun goes up, then head out of the capital to the second city. In that city, go find that bubble tea store and tell the owner you're with me, Lia. Stay there and I'll come to get you."

"Why? You said, you'll-" Zero sat up, tears welled up again. Why would Lia fight against the Ghost Kin? Why wouldn't she come and get him?

"Promise you do as I say, be careful when you traverse in the first layer, keep to the edge, ok? Zero, listen," Lia caressed the back of his head, "I don't know what will happen, so you have to be strong ok? Repeat what I've said, what will you do?"

Zero wiped his tears away and determinedly looked into Lia's eyes, "If you don't come back before the sun rises, I should head to city 2 and find the bubble tea shop and say that I'm with you, Lia."

"Good, you'll be safe with him."

"Teacher, is that your real name?"

"Yes," Lia smiled and gave Zero a kiss on the forehead,

"I'll wait here, please come back if not then I"

"Good," Lia gave Zero another hug and then with one last look rushed out of the dorm. She prayed that Zero was safe and prayed that everyone else was safe. Nana was dead, if any more died, Lia was afraid she couldn't take it.

Out of the academy, Lia sprinted towards the plaza. What she saw brought her slight joy. She wasn't happy about seeing dead corpses but seeing that Kil wasn't alive, could mean that Noel was. And seeing the dead soldiers and the once proud standing gate destroyed, Lia was sure that Noel made it inside the palace thinking she had made it through.

Yet in order for Lia to reach the palace, the masses of soldiers needed to make way for her. Lia was also sure that Leo was inside the place. Now Lia made her surprise visit, together with Noel and Leo, taking care of Min wasn't hard.

The captains should be all outside now, and even if Timo was in there, they could handle him as well.

Yet Lia's optimism was quickly destroyed. The biggest hurdle right now for her was to get to the palace. Not even mentioning the number of soldiers but in the middle of the open gate, Timo stood seemingly awaiting her as the final boss.

Lia was in a dilemma. Should she use her power and reveal it or should she wait to use it later as a surprise attack? As much as Lia would want to rely on her power, she felt it still wasn't time to make showcase it. From the distance, Lia and Timo made eye contact. Timo was still as blank and bored as ever.

Lia has used up her grenades and was only left with a knife, however, the ground provided enough weapons for her to use. In an instant, Lia decided not to bother with the soldiers. She wondered why she hadn't come up with this idea earlier.

As the soldiers charged at her, Lia quickly picked up another knife and waited for the first ones to arrive. They already started to use their powers to attack Lia. Lia took a deep breath and focused on the front row of the soldiers that were eager to render her as their victims.

Their angry desperate faces told Lie about their thirst for revenge and their loyalty to the Ghost King. Lia found it somewhat laughable to see that Min had brought so many people under him with the purpose to serve and follow every order of his.

The first wave reached Lia with an abundance of soldiers following them.

"Aren't you all ashamed of bullying one female? Hundreds of soldiers all rush to me. Do you not have a brain?" Lia coldly sneered, "Well if that commander of yours gives an order, you surely cannot refuse, no?"

The soldiers didn't answer her. It wasn't that they didn't hear what she said, it was that they had no time. They were so focused on getting Lia, they didn't even realise that the second they were a hand away from her, Lia jumped off the ground over their heads.

Then using their heads as her path, she made her way towards the gate where Timo stood. It wasn't any different than Lia walking on roofs, but to Timo and the other perplexed soldiers who knew they were subject to that fate but couldn't evade since they were like sardines in the masses, it was incredibly astonishing.

Also hilarious, at least Timo thought so. One corner of his lips slightly curled up and he was glad he came out to witness this sight.

Lia and Timo never broke eye contact, hence Lia could see Timo's amused expression. If he got a laugh out of it, it was fine for Lia. Blame him for having simple-minded soldiers.

The soldiers wanted to evade and they also wanted to grab Lia by the ankle to throw her down. There were others who quickly caught on and sent attacks her way but it was all futile.

Lia's steps were as light as feathers and the duration her feet touched the soldiers' heads was less than a second.

It was obvious she was skilled and used to quickly making her way over surfaces. It was just that immortal's heads were too unusual. If any of the others tried It, they would fail. They needed the right balance, the right weight shift, the precision and above all the elegance.

Even though Lia was hurt, her elegance and the way she held herself was too poised and refined for someone who emitted such intense killing intentions. The last head was tapped and Lia descended back onto the earth.

Rising to her feet, she and Timo looked at each other. There was still quite the distance between them but at least nothing stood in their way.

Lia rushed towards Timo while the soldiers behind her followed her. For a second, it looked like Lia leading an army to storm the palace, yet the truth was the soldiers were out to get her.

Lia didn't bother with them. Her sight was set on Timo. If he stopped her way into the palace, she'd need to get rid of him. But Lia was surprised to see that while she raised her knife, Timo's hands were still inside his sleeves. There was no sign of him forming his sword and using his abilities.

When the soldiers were about to catch Lia, she jumped towards Timo, aiming her knife at him. But just as she was face to face with him, Timo's lips curled up and he stepped to the side.

Lia landed behind him on the ground and quickly turned around only to see that Timo retained his place in the middle of the gate.

"Leave her," these two words were enough to stop the soldiers in their tracks. Their faces showed their reluctance and their confusion but they didn't question Timo. Instead, they nodded and retreated.

Then Timo turned to Lia who was still on the ground and towered over her, "I'll bring you to Min, isn't that what you want?"

Timo's words slowly sunk into Lia. A brief second after, Lia's eyes widened and a panicked, "No," was blurted out.

Lia crawled away but Timo grabbed her by the arm and hauled her with him, "Min wants to see you. You can't leave."

Lia finally understood. Pain shot through her body as Timo sent electricity through it in order to stop her from escaping.

Lia knew what awaited her. Hauled to the throne room the same way as back then. Set in front of Min the same way as back then. The hopelessness that overcame her, the same as back then.

The rage. The desperation. The fear. The wrath. All of it overwhelmed Lia and numbed her senses. She understood.

Her identity has been revealed. Min wanted to see her. And once again.

Once again, she had to kneel in front of Min bearing through every treatment he gave her.

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