Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 194: Immortal King's reign

Chapter 194: Immortal King's reign

Everyone was equal.

This was how heavens made the Immortal World.

But it was inevitable for greed and jealousy to flow through veins like blood. The immortals, as well, weren't exempt from it.

So, the once divine and beautiful Immortal World plunged into chaos, destruction and a brutal war where everyone killed each other with their powers to become the strongest being. Heavens couldn't watch on anymore and sought to deprive the immortals of the power it gave them.

Until one day in the war, a bloody and mangled boy appeared, carrying a sword in his hand and with his relentless eyes and hatred tore and massacred the masses. His disgust for this world exceeded any of the others and all alone, suffering, tortured, this young boy was the perfect target for vengeful ghosts to feed on.

But his actions not only shook all of the Immortal World, it also let heavens tremble deeply before his might and the sight he bared before everyone.

With an army of ghosts and corpses, he subdued the war, killed and killed until all evil in his eyes was purged.

All alone.

Terrifying in everyone's eyes apart from another youth who was as equally lonely as him. This youth admired the young boy and fought by his side.

Heavens was in turmoil. This young boy showed frightening hatred, exceeded the loneliness one could feel and displayed tremendous strength. How could heavens let a monster like him live?

But they saw his potential and exploited the chance. He single-handedly brought a war between the mightiest beings to an end. He had the right to rule over them. Thus the heavens crowned him as the Immortal King, a being that stood above all the proud and mighty immortals. And they gave him the ability to guide the dead and control death itself.

Thus the immortals become gods for mortals. Yet heavens couldn't let this monster act on his own and so cursed the fate of the Immortal King.

Never to be happy, never to be loved and for always to be alone.

This young boy accepted his destiny without batting an eye and has done a brilliant and admirable job as the Immortal King throughout all of his reign. This young boy, the first and only Immortal King was named Lin.

Several 100 years later.

On a hill in the core, the city next to the capital, Lin opened his eyes and stared at the sky. The sun started to set and a refreshing breeze twirled around. Lin was extraordinarily handsome, his black, short hair fell over his proud yet gentle face, and all of the universe's stars danced in his eyes.

Lin stretched his hand out as he laid on the grass, keeping the blinding sun away from him. For a while, Lin's hand hung in the air before it was swatted away by another. Lin, however, wasn't surprised and lazily gazed at the pinchable face in front of him.

Nick. Nick was as tall as Lin but had brown hair that perfectly framed his face and big eyes. Rather than handsome, Nick could be described as cute. Although Nick and Lin were the same age, Nick's chubby cheeks made him look like a teen.

Just from his looks, it would've been impossible to imagine that Nick was the Elder of the A family. One of the 8 families that supported the Immortal King and formed the council. In addition, the A family was the closest to the Immortal King, their personal attendant.

Lin smiled at Nick's annoyed face to tease him more. Lin held up his arm for a second time only for it to be swatted again.

"Don't fool around," Nick's serious voice made Lin sit up.

"What got you in this mood?" Lin obviously knew but his carefreeness put a few veins on Nick's face.

"Obviously you!" once Nick got into the mood, he couldn't stop. Lin just sighed at his own death penalty.

Despite being the feared and grand Immortal King, Lin was rather carefree and even seemed to be nave but of course, that was only if he didn't take care of matters. But right now, Lin had to hold his ears as Nick started to rumble, "Do you even know how much of a pain you are?"

Nick towered over Lin shielding him from the burning sun. Lin knew Nick didn't do it on purpose because if Lin made Nick aware of it, Nick would immediately step aside and let Lin dry in the sun like a sunfish. Nick was Lin's best friend but as much as Nick cared for Lin as much he felt responsible to slap some sense into Lin.

"A literal pain in the ass!"

"I haven't even been inside you-"

"Shut the fuck up!" Nick glared at Lin, he was already used to Lin's comments but they still got to him, "While you're bathing in the sun, I gotta endure the others' blablablas. How's that fair? How? You wanna know? You really wanna know? It isn't!"

Now Nick shook Lin by the shoulders. Lin could feel his eyes roll out, "Why haven't you been to the meetings to discuss the important affairs creeping up? Why? Why? Lin!!! Instead, you blow your time who knows where lingering in the emptiest places in the Immortal World!"

"It's not empty. You're here."

"For fuck sake! Focus on the important parts I'm saying."

"So nothing."

"You damned. If you weren't the Immortal King, I would have slapped you 10000 times and hung you dry in the air. You know that the balance between the Immortal and Mortal World is tipping. Things are escalating and you're here without a damn worry. The Mortal World is stuck in a cycle of constant wars and the dead and corpses are piling up but are you doing your work? Are you? No!"

"I'm sorry," Lin meant it. Seeing how agitated and obviously overworked Nick was, Lin felt bad.

"How's your sorry gonna help me? How? Magically sent the world to nirvana for peace? Lemme rest and stick my butt into some juicy green-"

Lin sighed. Nick's appearance and his words really didn't match.

"Don't you dare sigh at me!" and nothing went unnoticed by Nick.

"Stop fooling around and come with me!" and Nick had enough.

Lin obviously didn't bother at all. He just sat there like an idiot pretending to listen. Who could he fool? Not Nick! Nick grabbed Lin's arm wanting to pull him up but Lin didn't move.

"Nick," suddenly Lin's voice lost its elasticity and turned heavy.

This kind of tone reminded Nick of the old days where Lin felt nothing but terror and loneliness. Nick instantly let Lin go and sat next to him. Whatever Lin was going to say next, Nick knew it'd change the future.

"What?" Nick unwillingly asked but Lin could see how much Nick cared about his next words, "I haven't been fooling around."

"Oh, really?'' Nick cocked an eyebrow and he looked like a kid trying to be arrogant but failed and instead looked adorable.

"Really," Lin gave Nick a small smile. This small and sad smile stabbed Nick's conscience, "I've been searching. I know I shouldn't but I found it. I found love. I found her."

This time Lin's smile was dazzling and warm, it almost brought tears to Nick's eyes. A nostalgic feeling that was never there suddenly appeared and flew around both of them.

"Do you remember? Just how you promised I, even if I become the Immortal King, could find."

"I see," Nick was slightly stunned.

In all these years, Nick has been fighting alongside Lin and serving him, he has never seen such a genuine, hopeful and truly happy smile of Lin.

Of course, Nick was secretly happy for Lin. A lifetime wish was finally granted. If Lin was truly happy with her, Nick couldn't ask for more. For a few more minutes, they sat in silence and enjoyed the bliss they basked in.

A small joy that jumped between them before Nick jolted up and dragged Lin by the ear behind him, "Whatever. You can drool and be lovestruck all you want later. Now we gotta go to the meeting, everyone's waiting, more pressing matters are waiting!"

"Nothing's more important," for Lin nothing was more treasured to him than to be able to live like a normal person, slightly shedding the image of the tyrant the Immortal King was, the duties and responsibilities they came with. Slightly escaping the cursed fate that was placed on him.

"Shut up,'' Nick relentlessly dragged Lin, who wouldn't bother walking by himself behind him. Then once in the city, they jumped onto the roads and headed towards the palace.

Inside the palace, in the meeting room, sitting at the round stone table were the 7 elders of the council.

S, X, D, I, T, U and O family.

They seriously looked at each other before an attendant came in and brought the food they ordered.

"Finally!" Elder D heartedly laughed and salivated just looking at the food.

"Hey, D, don't take my chicken!" Elder T instantly grabbed the fried chicken and hugged it like a precious treasure.

The 7 elders had waited intensively for their food. They knew that Lin wouldn't come on time and instead debated what feast they should have, after all, coming together was always a hassle since everyone was busy.

They also knew it wasn't the right time but without Lin, they couldn't start anyway, so what better way to wait than to enjoy themselves?

"So good," Elder T took the first bite and melted.

He was a male of average height and tied his long brown hair into a ponytail. Outgoing yet protective to an extent was his nature.

"I agree," both Elder D, a tall male with strong eyebrows contrasting his amicable looks, and Elder S, a beautiful lady with red hair, were huge gluttons.

Elder X and Elder I were more on the quiet side, both equally pretty females, while Elder U and O were good-looking males.

While they ate and drank, chatted and laughed, Nick finally came in dragging Lin behind him and almost fainted at the sight.

"You lot! Stop enjoying yourself!" Nick was incredibly angry and kicked Lin forward, "Go and start the meeting!"

"C'mon N," Elder D cheekily laughed, "Let's enjoy ourselves. Don't always be such a party pooper."

"Party po- Stop going to the Mortal World!" Nick couldn't even express his anger when Lin also ate and said, "Yes, join!"

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