Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 195: Immortal King's Reign 2

Chapter 195: Immortal King's Reign 2

After they gulped down the last bits of food and at Nick's incessant remarks, Lin finally started the meeting.

"So what are we discussing?" Lin clapped his hands and looked into the round.

"Lin, you should know," Elder U sighed, he was as exasperated as Nick with Lin's behaviour.

Ever since Lin has established the council and reformed the Immortal World, set peace and order into these lawless people, Lin has drastically changed to be incredibly careless and optimistic. None of the bloodthirsty brutality remained.

"Don't you feel the vengeful energy growing? It's starting to become more suffocating," Elder D continued, "Because of the war, the mortal's resentment is stronger than ever."

"We need to do something," Elder I spoke up, her calm voice was comfortable to hear.

"Then what to do you suggest?" Lin could guess but he hoped to be proven wrong by his trusted friends.

"Easy peasy, we stop the wars," Elder S held her stomach before grinning.

"I was afraid you would bring that up, '' Lin sighed, "I think you're all aware we can't interfere with the mortals' affairs directly. Their wars aren't up to us to resolve."

"Yes," Nick agreed, "We'll continue as always if only certain people didn't slack off and leave behind a whole damn work pile, that would've been manageable in the first place!"

"It's my fault?" Lin felt Nick's glare but didn't look in his direction to avoid the piercing uncomfortableness he was already experiencing.

"Of course, who else's?" Elder T grinned and nodded satisfied as Lin shrunk back.

"Can't you guys manage on your own?"

Lin's question turned the atmosphere hostile and he knew what he said wrong. But once thrown out it can't be taken back.

"Immortal King are you serious? Such a matter and you want us, lowly peasants, to take care of it?" Elser O joked but he was also serious. There was no way they could handle on their own, no matter how strong they were.

"You've fooled around enough," Elder X finally spoke up and her peach blossom eyes caused everyone to tremble a bit, "We precisely are in this situation because you're not doing your job."

"Alright, alright," being scolded by the most patient one, hit Lin's conscience. Elder X was quiet and kind. She was the one the most tolerable towards Lin's behaviour but even she was now upset. Everyone knew what this meant and stared at Lin.

Lin thought for a while before finally speaking up. He actually did want to bring it up like this, not in a situation like now, but they've already assembled and Lin couldn't wait any longer.

A dream he had for a long time, he wanted to make it come true. He has carried all burdens of both worlds for so long, it should be his right to be a bit more selfish for once.

"Can you really not manage without me?" Lin's repetitive question made everyone scowl.

"Of course not, told ya already?" Elder S shook her head and fiercely stared at Lin.

The others agreed in unison but only Nick seemed to realise that something was wrong, "Why are you asking again? What goddamn ideas are floating around your little brain now?"

Lin laughed helplessly before turning serious. A long sigh escaped his lips that made everyone nervously anticipate his next words.

"I've thought about retiring. I've found a wife I'd like to spend my days with peacefully. Have kids and watch them grow up. Be happy."


A bomb exploded over everyone's heads. It was so loud that only silence remained. They couldn't believe their ears. They were so shocked that they were paralysed for a second. Then in the next, they wanted to lash out at Lin before-

Before they saw the genuine smile on his face. The hopeful expectation they couldn't dare to break.

'Be happy' those words echoed in their minds and they became thoughtful. All of them knew about the cursed lonely fate of the Immortal King.

Yet Lin desperately tried to fight against it. They all had their significant other and their own families, so what right did they have to deny the person who's done the most for them and the worlds, the same happiness? He who has dived into pools of blood to sacrifice himself over and over again?

How could they tell him to think about others when he has been silently suffering for so long?

They knew him, fought with him in the brutal and barbaric wars, saw him conquer, saw him almost lose his mind and succumb to the heavens' blessing cursing him. This man's, their king's simple wish was to be happy, to have a family, to be able to love, so how could they deny it?

In the end, how could they place the worlds' fate and his wish on one level? For one single person's desire, what outcome would await everyone else?

What was morally right?

They were his friends but also the council. They understood, but they also couldn't help needing to ask him to sacrifice more of himself.

It was normal to care about the masses instead of one sole person but to that person

It was impossible right now for them to answer because it was not theirs to-

A long sigh stopped everyone's turbulent thoughts. Then a laugh followed, but they could painfully clearly hear the sadness in it that Lin tried so hard to suppress, that was mirrored in his eyes.

Because Lin knew, because everyone else knew that if Lin continued being the Immortal King and didn't stop now, then his fate was sealed. There would be no turning back.

Soon Lin had to sacrifice everything and walk on the thorny path alone once again because that was the fate of the Immortal King. The burden he had to take for attaining the strongest power out of all.

"Of course, we should settle this first. I was just saying that in the future, I will. Just giving you guys a heads-up," Lin laughed again, seeing everyone's torn and gloomy faces.

In the future? What future would there be for an Immortal King? It'd end in a tragedy for him. If that happened, then Lin could never attain everything he wished for.

"Lin, you know we no one else but us knows more," Elder X started but Lin stopped her.

"It's ok," he gave her a reassuring smile, "Let's continue. We can't intervene with the mortals but the ghosts are going crazy over there too."

It took a while for everyone to get onto the track again. Nick stared at Lin with pitiful eyes. Maybe he has been too hard on him.

"How about this, S, X and O send your exorcists to the Mortal World to take care of the vengeful ghosts while I, D and T take care of the Immortal World and U and O will help me with taking care of the dead spirits, the normal ghosts. We fast track the progress. Honestly, you could've done that without me, instead of waiting just to send the people to take care of the Mortal World and inform me."

Lin laughed because the atmosphere was still heavy. Lin alone couldn't lift it, nor did he have the strength or want to. Frankly, he wanted to stop when he still had the opportunity but he knew other people's lives came first.

"Guys have you heard?" Lin pressed them and they slowly nodded.

"Alright," Lin cheerfully clapped his hands, "Prepare now. Also," he cheekily grinned, "I'm getting married soon, so don't make my wife feel unwelcomed."

"She must be lovely," Elder I finally spoke and her voice was warm.

"She is, guys make a good impression," with that Lin stood up and dismissed the council meeting. Nick followed behind silently. He didn't know what to think but was a bit pissed that Lin didn't introduce his wife to him first. He was his best friend!

"Were you serious?" Nick toned down his usual chattiness and became serious as they walked through the palace.

"About what?" Lin knew already.


"I am, once everything's over."

"You know it's gonna be late by then. The heavens, the curse-"

"It'll be fine, like always," Lin stopped Nick as they stood before a door.

"Is she in here?"

A warm smile spread on Lin's face, "Yes."

Then he opened the door revealing a large room dyed in a beautiful red.

The majestic bed in the middle of the room was surrounded by red curtains that flowed effortlessly in the wind coming through the windows.

It was a magical sight and the woman that sat on the bed with a heart-warming smile was the jewel in this red treasure box. Seeing Lin rush to her side, propping her up and whispering sweet, gentle words and hearing the loving laugh of hers, tears welled up in Nick's eyes.

He had never thought that Lin could love someone this much, could be this gentle. With just one look it was clear they saw in each other the whole world. Nick suddenly felt out of place, he wanted to silently leave when a voice so gentle and soft reached his ears, "You must be nick? I'm Yana."

Her beautiful complexion with her big, round eyes, small nose and full lips, she had a face that looked innocent and could comfort people with one look, but there was something about her that made Nick think she could hold her own.

"It's an honour to meet you, Yana," Nick couldn't help but bow and pay respect to her.

She exuded a dignified elegance that made people want to trust her. She laughed lightly and Nick could see that the lovestruck expression on Lin's face deepened every single time Yana did something he found endearing.

Then when Lin heard Nick's voice, he turned around with a confused face. Yana noticed it and tried to sit up a bit straighter but Lin stopped her, "Be careful."

"I'm fine, don't worry."

Lin was really treating her like fragile glass.

Nick felt the more he watched, the more his mind was blown.

"I'm sorry, I wanted to greet you properly but as you can see I'm a bit physically exhausted."

Nick saw the sincere apologetic expression on Yana's face and quickly scrambled to say, "No, no, don't worry, rest, rest. Lin's a fool for not taking care of you!"

Yana laughed again. Her laugh was contagious. Like a healing potion thwarting all stress and bad thoughts away. Nick could see that she was a good person. That she would be worthy to stand next to Lin and receive all of his love and all of hers in return. Nick was truly happy for Lin.

"It's not my fault," Lin said but then grinned, "Well, it is to an extent. Yana's pregnant."

Pregnant. Nick instantly felt his world collapse.

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