Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 201: Useless 6

Chapter 201: Useless 6

Did Min's power allow him to do this? Numb and barely hanging onto her consciousness, Lia was dragged through the plaza. Her toes scraped above the marbled ground that was covered in red and pieces of flesh. A sea of corpses unfolded before everyone's eyes.

On the plaza, masses of immortals assembled. They were bruised, scarred and terrified. Just minutes ago, they were still fighting for their lives as suddenly vengeful ghosts appeared. In their madness, they've sacrificed others, until finally the Ghost King's army came and purged all the ghosts.

Then the Ghost King appeared throughout the capital, but not only in the capital, in the whole Immortal World. And in every part, large screens covered the sky. A fuzzy vision appeared at first before the Ghost King could be seen. Not only in the core but in the Veil, Mistand and even Neverland. Each city and village was graced by this novel phenomenon.

"Dear citizens, terror has overcome us. Vengeful ghosts terrorised us immortals. You've experienced fear, tragedy and hatred. For those living in the capital have become witness to a bloody war that took many innocent people's lives," Min in the screen showed a pained expression,

"No apology can make good what has happened, however, please rest assured that we're doing everything to protect you and rejoice, we have caught the culprits. So no longer cower in fear! Brace yourselves and meet those that have brought forth terrible misfortune upon you!

Those in the capital, all come to the plaza, those that aren't here please continue watching to make sure you all can be at ease, we will commence the public execution in 20 mins. Bear witness to the justice you crave!"

Min's words stunned the public but it wasn't long before the clueless immortals broke out in cheers and came out of their houses to praise the Ghost King. Their faith in the Ghost King was stronger than ever, while their hatred and intolerance towards the culprits grew.

The ones in the capital ran towards the plaza as Min said. They saw the atrocities and saw the large execution stage that stood amidst the mountain of corpses. Proud yet unyielding. A wooden stage that was high enough for those in the back to see.

And on this stage was a framework akin to a guillotine but it was missing the sharp blade and instead two large ropes with handcuffs hung from its ceiling. Next to it were several smaller ones.

This sight excited the public as their hearts yearned for the blood and guts of the terroriser who would soon be brought to justice just as the Ghost King said. The people in the plaza patiently waited while their incessant screams were torture for Lia, "All hail the Ghost King!"

It was at this time when Lia was brought from the palace to the plaza. Behind her the corpses of her friends.

The people couldn't see their faces as Lia was still far away and at this sight, the only thing she wondered was how in the world Min managed to broadcast all of this. Lia didn't care for her own public execution and death. She has long come to terms with it.

The people were going crazy. Their bloodthirst and killing intent almost skinned Lia. She could feel their relentless glares on her and could feel how the whole Immortal World was condemning her.

But in some parts of the Immortal World, there were a few places where sighs, sadness and fear lingered. In the Veil were Susa's parents, Mika's father and the kids anxiously followed the broadcast. In Mistand, here the T family watched how Elder T sighed at the inevitable fate but they could clearly see the balled fists of Elder T.

And even in Neverland were a few people who watched with sad eyes. Then in the academy was Zero who could just watch out of the window, when he heard the Ghost King's loud voice vibrating.

With one look, it was obvious that Lia was the person hauled to the stage. As he wanted to rush out to save Lia, a figure stopped him. Zero backed off but it was too late. He was caught.

At the plaza, a few soldiers walked onto the stage and prepared the ropes. Then Lia and her dead friends were forced onto it. Lia stumbled and landed on her knees. Seeing this the mass laughed, rejoicing in her misfortune.

Lia bit her lip as she was cuffed to the wooden framework. Her arms above her tied by the rope. She was vulnerable and an easy target. Next to her, each of her friends were tied up the same way.

However, the ropes and cuffs weren't ordinary, they contained Min's lifeforce that poured over her body, making sure she couldn't resist. Then the dreaded whispers started.

"Hey, doesn't she look familiar?"

"Is she the only one alive?"

"Haha, the others are dead."

"I think I recognise that girl from somewhere."

"When does it start? When can we watch them pay?"

The whispers turned into loud chatter before one scream stopped everyone, "I know now who she is! Isn't she the K family's daughter? The Ghost King's ex-fianc?"

All eyes, that previously looked for the person who screamed, instantly whipped to Lia. They were hostile, mocking and horribly hateful. Lia gave a self-deprecating laugh, it was hollow and could barely reach anyone's ears.

She has never imagined that the day where her identity became known to the public would be her own downfall and not Min's. Fate was really laughable.

"What? She's still alive?"

"Crazy bitch! Coming back! She should've just stayed dead!"

"Vengeful vixen! Because of her we gotta suffer?"

All sorts of slurs and comments did Lia have to endure. Lia's face, her whole body was riddled with wounds and dried blood. Her clothes were ripped and torn. Lia looked towards the sky and saw in the far one of those screens.

Were the others watching? Were the elders watching the dead corpses of their children? Were the siblings watching the dead corpses of their big sister? Were they all cheering for her death as she was the one depriving these precious people from their families?

Was the boss seeing this recognising her? What about Maria? Elder H? Elder M? Elder L? These people have they all come to witness the complete end of the K family? Lia slowly closed her eyes and drowned out the noise.

Were Yano and the others watching her from the Mortal World? Or were they clueless about this? What about Zero? Lia looked at the academy, at the dorm. She's broken their promise and Zero would be fed lies and hate her for an eternity.

But that was ok. Her end was finally near. It was ok. Everything would be ok.

Maybe Susa's prophecy was completely different. Did they know they'd die and only tried to reassure Lia?

Lia looked at their corpses and suddenly everything was too laughable. When she came back from the abyss, she was so arrogant and confident, only for the end of her to look like this.

How pathetic. Finally, the crowd quieted down. It was because Min stepped onto the stage and with his haughty bearing his eyes swept past Lia. His lips slightly curving.

Oh, how Lia wished she could rip him apart but she was powerless. Completely useless.

Min walked to the front of the stage and started speaking. His voice echoed in the air as it was transported everywhere in the Immortal World.

"Many of you might've recognised the main culprit."

Lia inwardly sneered. Min was always able to lure people with his words, "Yes, it's my ex-fianc. The sole daughter of the K family, Lia."

Gasps were heard. Although everyone already knew this fact.

"I apologise to you. I have kept it a secret from you. I have dearly loved her in the past-"

Lia really wanted to mince him into pieces. His tone and his facial expression, they were all perfect. Was he always a great actor?

"But you know the tragedy that has happened to the K family. Because of my love for her, I couldn't bear to kill her, so I left her in an abyss, never letting her escape. My apologies for deceiving you."

The crowd emphasised with him. With his lies. The public devoured them like a hungry mob. They forgave him.

"Then one by one the great families have started to die, killed. At first, we thought it was the hidden families but we missed a crucial point and that was that my ex-fiance managed to escape. With the hidden families, you can see here," Min pointed at the corpses next to Lia.

"Lia has started to form a plan, that is her old goal of becoming the Ghost King, killing me and plunging the world into chaos. For this, she and her allies have not ceased even before innocent people setting vengeful ghosts free and turning the capital into a bloodbath."

"Lia," Min turned to Lia with a pained expression, "I've loved you so much, why do you have to betray me?"

That was it. That was the little spark that ignited the eternal flames to plunge the whole Immortal World into hell.


Lia's eyes glared at him.

She would kill him, no matter what.

No matter what.

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