Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 202: Useless 7

Chapter 202: Useless 7

Lia didn't care if Min framed her. She didn't care if he killed her but the shameless words he dared to spit past his lips made her tremble with an uncontrollable rage. Nothing could stop her from bringing him his demise.

Lia has long come to peace with dying but right now her blazing eyes wanted to smother Min instantly.

There was no way she would let him leave alive. There was no way she was going to get killed by him.

Every pore in her body opened up to let the suffocating steam of hatred inside of her flow out.

A public execution? No way she'd let this happen.

No matter what it took, Min along with everyone here. Every single one of them. They all would die. Lia would make sure of it.

"I'll kill you," Lia hissed and pulled on the ropes but it was useless.

"She's crazy!" the public stepped back and started to condemn her. They were afraid of her ferocious expression but became bold as they saw she couldn't do anything. They mocked her. Min shook his head with sadness filling his eyes.

"Even till now, I love her."

Min! Min! Min!

Every fibre inside Lia screamed to obliterate Min, to bash his head until it was only a muddy puddle. This damn bastard!

"However as you can see, she cannot be saved anymore. She's a threat to everyone and in order to regain your trust, I will personally kill her here for everyone to witness. So, you can be sure, she's really dead."

At this, the public started to cheer and all screamed in unified chants, "Murder her! Bring justice! Slaughter her! Avenge us!"

The chants of the public weren't enough. They wouldn't feel satisfied with only slandering Lia. Min wouldn't feel satisfied with only instigating all of this.

Then it happened.

The first stone flew, hitting Lia on the head. The public quieted down. A few seconds of nothing happened. Blood dripped from Lia's wound.

Then loud cheers and battle screams appeared. Lia became a target to be stoned and hated. Not only stones. Weapons- knives, spears, anything that was sharp either flew past Lia or was stuck in her body. More blood flowed.

Lia's vision blurred. This feeling it was somehow nostalgic. All the chaos, the brimming emotions Lia felt on the day her end began came back at full force.

These damned people. These cowards. These liars. All scums. All needed to perish.

For the first time, Lia agreed with Min's vision. These immortals, did they deserve to survive? The answer Lia finally came to was 'No'.

But Lia was defenceless. She was tied up. She couldn't move. She-

Then the signal for the massacre began. For Lia, everything went in slow motion. She saw the curved lips of Min who did nothing. She saw the barbaric masses and she saw the knife that flew in an arc- right into Xavi's chest.

Yes, the hungry people starving for destruction couldn't just be filled with Lia's demise only. They had to slander the true defenceless corpses of her innocent friends.

Fine. If it was destruction they wanted, Lia would give it to them.

More and more blood covered the wooden stage. But the true terror of realisation was that it wasn't Lia's.

Lia's rage that mirrored hers of the past didn't come to a breaking point yet. It was because their hatred was directed at her.

But those people dared to harm her allies, her friends, her family who truly wished for peace and hope.

It was over. The last few threads connecting Lia to sanity finally truly broke.

The hands of the masses right in front of her pushed her into the abyss. And in this black and lonely abyss, Lia was engulfed by insanity.

Her rage broke into the ten folds. She wouldn't let any of them alive. None who raised their hands and none who stood by. If Min was playing God so could she. If the heavens could decide over her cruel fate, so could she over these people.

Because she was meant to be the Immortal King. Then just as the true Immortal King, she would make all of those sinners perish.

A real slaughter began and a revelation opened up.

In the first place, the Ghost King's power was part of the Immortal King's, so why did Lia reject Min's lifeforce so much? On the contrary, she should embrace and absorb it. Only this way would the true Immortal King's power come out.

From the rope and the handcuffs, Min's lifeforce flowed along the outline of Lia's body. It tried to enter her body through any opening and Lia desperately refused it. But why?

Now Lia welcomed it. Let it all seep into her body, mingle with her lifeforce, let her power devour it and then make it hers.

How could Lia forget? The rage, the unswerving force of wrath she felt the first time she used her power to raise the dead?

This was the true essence of the Immortal King's power. The first and only Immortal King was a lonely being who knew nothing but the taste of blood, the sight of brutal battlefields and the roaring voices asking him to kill, kill and kill.

This was the Immortal King. The fearsome tyrant that mistakenly turned tame. In order to bring down heavens, Lia had to first purge these bugs in front of her.

A tremendous fury, a violent craze glided with the power inside Lia. It acted as a catalyst.

It trembled. Lia's body. The stage. The ground where the immortals stood. The sky. Heavens.

Because it started. The birth of a new Immortal King started. From the depths of despair, this cursed being will claim its spot back in the worlds.

It will take its rightful place. Above everyone else.

Black clouds brought forth a darkness that inundated the capital. Lightning struck.

The people in the plaza fell to their knees. They saw Lia engulfed in white smoke and noticed something was wrong. They stumbled and crawled away. Praying to be spared.

Min also noticed the energy that came from Lia. Its magnitude made him slightly shake.

"Everyone-" but before Min could finish, Lia's clear and cold voice seemed sharp enough to split the air.

The smoke around Lia moved along her stretched out arm. She was freed from the ropes and Min raised his lifeforce but the smoke swallowed it up and only grew.

Only one word sounded through this silent foreboding before it plunged everyone into madness and despair.



Thunder rolled. A sea of white smoke swept across the plaza, the whole core of the capital- the first layer. Everyone could see. Right next to them.

The smoke entered the corpses and they all rose. Just like Lia said.

Panic spread amongst the screaming masses. An army of corpses surrounded the first layer, leaving no way to escape.

Hundreds, no 1000s of corpses. A sight that was too terrifying to remember.

"M-Miss L-Lia!" the people noticed that Lia was controlling them. They quickly ran towards her proud form on the stage and fell to their knees. Heads banged on the ground.

Bang. Bang. Bang. The kowtows and the bloody foreheads, the teeth that flew in the air, the broken noses-

None of it could mend the hatred Lia felt.

"P-Please forgive us!"

"Yes! Yes! We are sorry!"

"Spare us! It was the Ghost King's doing!"

"We didn't do anything!"

Lia's cold gaze rested on all of them. No emotion was displayed on her pale and ethereal face. She watched Min as he struggled with her lifeforce surrounding him.

Once fear controlled people, once they saw the tide leaning towards the stronger one, they all flocked and betrayed the old one, to save their own lives.

They were all pathetic creatures. Not allowed to live. Not befitting to be immortals.

"Please spare us!"

"I've got a child!"

"I'm pregnant!"

So what? They still raised their hands with crazy and joyful killing intent in their eyes.

At this moment, everyone watching the broadcast witnessed this scene. Amidst the kneeling masses, only Lia stood, her lonely figure so arrogant and so overbearing. Then one order ended it all.

"Kill them all. Leave none alive."

A massacre began.

Not even before the first sentence ended, the corpses sprinted towards the immortals in the plaza. Their desperate screams, their wails, their pleading eyes. One by one. One by one. It was all ripped apart.

Lia's tumultuous heart calmed down and her lips curved. This indeed pleased her. This was how things ought to be.

Plump, plump, plump.

Dead bodies fell and became corpses. These corpses rose and became Lia's slaves.

A cycle that was truly pleasing to her eyes. As Lia watched the slaughter, she turned towards the broadcast, staring all citizens in their eyes as if she could suck out their souls.

Then with a cold smile, she said, "Welcome me. There's no need for a Ghost King. I am the Immortal King. The true king that will bring down heavens along with all of you sinners who just stand by and watch."

Then with a swoop of her hand, all the screens in the Immortal World disappeared. Leaving only fear behind.

Lia took a step. Another.

Towards the running figure of Min.

The true annihilation began with him.

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