Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 217: Forgiveness 2

Chapter 217: Forgiveness 2

The night was cold. The sharp wind hit Lia's face. It's okay, she told herself as she left the mansion behind her. She desperately fought to stop crying.

Maybe being happy just wasn't for her. Lia could still remember the shocked expression on Yano's face as she brushed past him and left the house. Yet he neither attempted to stop her or go after her.

And just like that Lia left the wonderful, small hidden space in Neverland behind to enter the real hopelessness Neverland was. Lia didn't even look for one last time because no one was waiting for her.

Although Lia found the hidden space, it was still hard for her to navigate through Neverland. Especially at night. Everything looked the same and there was nowhere she even could remotely remember.

But Lia continued to walk. It felt like an eternity and all sorts of thoughts and feelings welled up in her. She was just starting to accept and wanted to return Yano's feelings but now she realised she had no right to. Her cursed fate, her going against heavens only harmed those around her.

Yet Lia never felt so abandoned, so desperate before. She never felt everything pouring down on her like this.

She wanted to cry, bawl and be comforted. Just anyone, someone who'd stay with her and never let her go. So why? Why was it so hard to have someone by her side?

At one point, Lia stopped walking and just looked towards the sky. She would've to say the night here before the morning came and she could embark on her journey.

Since there was nothing, Lia just sat on the ground without moving, absent-mindedly staring into the darkness surrounding her. A second, two, five, ten, twenty than a minute passed.

Tears fell from Lia's eyes and the cries that were stuck in her throat since a while couldn't be held back anymore. Lia sobbed silently, peacefully. Her pitiful cries for comfort faded into the night before it was caught shattering hearts.

"See, you can't be without my help," a gentle voice lulled Lia into a false sense of security before two strong arms broke through the illusion and pulled Lia into a hug.

"So, don't cry. I'll be with you if you want it or not. So, don't run away or throw me away," Yano actually went after her.

He actually

He actually-

Lia gulped her sobs down before trying to push him away.

"I don't need your help."

"You crying here says otherwise."

"Leave me alone."

"Talk to me, what's wrong? Why are you acting like this? Haven't we become closer?"


"I don't want you to help me. I don't need you to-"

"Lia, stop. Just say what you really want, don't hide your wishes. Even if everyone tries to bring you down, I'm always by your side, ok?" Yano held Lia tighter as she struggled again.

"Go away!"


"Just go!"




"I don't need you."

"But you do."



"I don't want to lose anyone anymore."

"You won't. No matter what, I'll always stick to you like gum and you can't tear me away from you."

Lia calmed down and hiccuped, "You're stupid."

"Yes, yes, I am," on the ground, both of them sat in each other's arms.

Lia was reminded of the last hug everyone gave her and how warm they were and how warm Yano was. Yes, Lia also wanted to be selfish. Maybe it was ok to be. Lia peeked at Yano who looked at the stars. His face looked peaceful before he caught her and laughed.

Lia quickly buried her face in his chest like always and then stayed there. In his embrace, for a long while just enjoying the sensation, before slowly but surely Lia stopped crying and tiredness overcame her.

In the middle of nowhere and nothing, underneath the starry skin, in Yano's arms, surrounded by warm and fuzzy feelings, Lia fell asleep.

Secure, protected and loved. It was ok. Everything was ok at this moment.


The next morning, Lia found herself in Yano's arms again. Again in a bed cuddled with him. However, this time Lia stayed still and didn't move. Instead, she secretly enjoyed being in Yano's embrace.

If she could wake up like every day without worries, then she truly would be the happiest person ever.

This brief joy Lia kept close to her heart. Although she felt unfair she was able to enjoy this while her friends were dead, Lia swore to avenge them and give them a proper burial once everything's over.

"What are you thinking about?" Yano's groggy voice appeared as he stroked her back and kissed her head, his nose trailing down her neck until he kissed her shoulder. Then he looked up at Lia with a cheeky grin, "Morning," before planting another kiss on her nose.

Lia wanted to hide under the blanket but Yano stopped her, "Don't hide. Lemme see you."

The chuckle in his voice made Lia flush red. She couldn't face Yano now. It was impossible.

"Alright," surprisingly Yano gave up, he only tightened his arms around her waist and buried his head in her hair, "Let's stay like this for a while."

"We've been like this the whole night," Lia bit the bullet and answered him while she timidly trailed her fingers along his arms. Feeling that Yano gave Lia's neck more kisses before answering, "But you were asleep and couldn't enjoy it."

"I don't need to enjoy it!" Lia quickly pushed Yano away and sat up. Although Lia liked being in Yano's arms, this affection he showed her was too much.

She wasn't ready yet.

"I still need time," Lia truthfully told Yano who nodded, "Ok, I'll wait."

He took her hand and pressed his lips lightly on her knuckles, "Once all of this is over, can I expect your answer?"

Again Yano looked at her with a hopeful expression, Lia giggled lightly, "Yes."

"Good, let's eat brekkie," Yano also sat up and changed his clothes right in front of Lia. However, Lia, seeing him being so uncaring, quickly dashed out of his room to hers.

Why was she acting like a shy maiden around him? Why was she so embarrassed all the time? All the feelings she wanted Min to return, Yano gave everything back. Lia held her cheeks before getting ready and walked to the dining table.

Zero who was clueless to everything that happened yesterday night greeted Lia enthusiastically "Lia! I made breakfast! Try! Try!"

Oldie was also present, he didn't even wait for Zero to finish before he said, "Lia."

Lia slightly flinched.

Yano's father, how would he react to-

"I'm sorry for yesterday, maybe my words came across wrong or made you not feel welcome. In the first place, I wouldn't want my dear son to lose the love of his life after he finally grew a pair of balls and found someone he loved. I was merely saying that-"

"Dad!" Yano came bolting down the stairs glaring at Oldie while holding his hands over Lia's ears. He and Oldie seemed to be saying something but Lia couldn't hear. Only judging by Zero's shocked expression, it must be them bickering again.

"It's ok," Lia told Oldie and removed Yano's hands, "I know. I jumped to the wrong conclusion and acted on impulse. It was my fault."

"Ha, like I said you're a clever kid," Oldie sighed and then laughed.

Although Lia knew Oldie had no intention to throw her out, she still knew he didn't want Yano to get involved with the Ghost King and the upcoming fight that was inevitable.


"Can't I come with you?" Zero sulked as he saw off Lia and Yano.

"It's dangerous," Lia's words backfired.

"It's dangerous for you, not me!" Zero sulked.

"Be good and stay with my dad. Learn to cook more," Yano teased Zero who was offended, "My cooking skills are something you can't even attain after living for 1000 years you beggar! Hmph!" Zero turned away.

"I can't believe Lia lets you be with her, you! You!" Zero mumbled under his breath before falling into Lia's arms, "Be careful!"

"I will," Lia and Yano parted with Zero and stepped through the portal Yano created.

"This is really convenient," Lia suppressed the nauseous feeling. If they had Yano's power back then, then gathering all her allies would've been so much easier.

"But I can only use it after 24 hours again, so we have to walk," Yano looked apologetic at Lia.

"It's alright and the I family isn't too far away. Walking isn't too bad either."

Yano's portal brought them straight to the desolate city the I family was located in. It was still as empty and bleak as always. It was a sad sight.

"What's this?" Yano was perplexed looking around. That was right, Yano hasn't been in the Veil before after it was cut off from the rest of the world.

Lia quickly explained the situation while they made their way to find the I family. The closer they got the louder and harder Lia's heart thumped. Could she do this? Did she have any right to ask for their forgiveness to even face them?

Lia's thoughts went out of control and she had to stop walking to take a deep breath and calm her mind. Suddenly, she felt a warm hand wrapping around her. Yano looked at her with a soft smile and nodded.

It was ok. Lia wasn't alone right now. Whatever may come or go, they'd face everything together. He was with her and knew her sincerity. Even if she wasn't forgiven, even if she was hated, it was ok because she was able to get everything off her chest and convey her thoughts.

"We're there,'' Lia stood in front of the simple house where once Susa led them too.

Lia could still remember the first time she met Susa. The bright girl that welcomed them. Remembered how Susa immediately embraced Lia becoming the Immortal King and even swore to protect her.

"I'll be your knight"

Remembered how Susa was there for her even though she struggled with herself and her power. And then finally remembered, no, saw the cold corpse of Susa in front of her.

Now, Lia stood in the place where everything began only to tell the words of the end to people who long were past it, broken and shattered to have lost their everything.

"I'm ok," Lia let go of Yano and took a deep breath, "I need to do this alone."

Yano wanted to protest but he also knew he wasn't part of the story and the journey Lia and her friends had. A strange guest was unwelcome to interfere and pretend to understand.

Finally, Lia took the first step towards her road of forgiveness.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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