Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 218: Forgiveness 3

Chapter 218: Forgiveness 3

Red eyes and haggard appearances yet Lia wasn't surprised, she knew that the death of their daughter, their only child would sit heavy on their bodies and minds.

However, they were still as welcoming and accommodating as they were when Lia asked them to have their daughter help her. Seeing them forcing a smile, trying to be strong was way worse than having them scream and hate on Lia. It was a burden she was willing to take.

"We don't blame you," before Lia could even open her mouth to talk, Susa's parents were the ones to first speak up. Not blaming her?

These words haunted Lia's mind back and forth.

"We know you came here to apologise but it's ok. We've seen what you've been through either, so-"

They were ok with it. They didn't mind. They couldn't fault Lia. All these nice words that could make one feel worse in a situation like this were thrown at Lia.

Lia didn't know if they truly meant it or if they knew what effects their kind words would have on Lia. But Lia didn't want to question their bravity, the strength they mustered to face her, so Lia said what she needed and wanted before leaving the house and the awkward atmosphere that surrounded them.

"Are you ok?" the minute Lia came out Yano sprang to his feet having sat next to he door and rushed towards her.

"Yes,'' Lia nodded, not wanting to tell Yano of the turbulent emotions she was feeling.

"We should go to the next one."

The D family. This was worse than meeting the I family because Lia would've to face two families. And one of them was just a bunch of kids that lost their last family member they could rely on.

"I'm sorry but we have to walk there."

"I know, it's ok," Lia walked in front of Yano, leading the way. Rag wasn't too far from here and Lia now, more or less, knew the way. Yano watched Lia's back. He could easily see that she was trying to stay unbothered but her face was paler than usual and her eyes looked incredibly tired.

Even her shoulders that were moving up and down as if she would break into tears any seconds signalled that Lia wasn't ok.

But Yano didn't know what to do to help her current emotional state. All he could do was to silently stay by her side, hoping the presence of someone could soothe her at least a little bit.

Lia, on the other side, was thankful that Yano wasn't trying to cheer her up or anything and just wordlessly accompanied her.

For now, she needed peace. The faces of Susa's parents didn't want to get out of her head. Just imaging meeting the other families made Lia want to run away but she couldn't.

After a while, they finally arrived in Rag. Lia was wearing a hoodie so she wouldn't be recognised as Rag was crowded like how a city usually was. The massive white veils were no problem to cross thanks to Yano's powers.

"Wow, this is a completely different vibe," Yano watched the city with curious eyes. When Lia first came here she was also quite surprised.

"It is because people mistake the D family as the Lord and Elder D is a very heartwarming person," Lia explained as she made her way through the crowd towards the all-familiar huge mansion that opened up in front of them. Even from afar, Lia could see the influence it had on the city. Lia took a deep breath and calmed her nerves.

Yet there was also quite a commotion in front of the mansion. A mob of angry people were standing in front of the mansion and shouted while the servants of the D family were trying to hold them back, "Please calm down we know you are-"

"Screw you! Shut up! Get the Lord out!"

"How dare he do this to us?"

"What did he think he was doing?"

Masses of curses and slurs were directed at the D family. Lia had a bad feeling and tumbled a bit back before Yano caught her. Then he approached one of the people in the crowd, tapping them on the back.

The bald man had been shouting aggressively before he turned to Yano and scoffed, "What ya want, mate?"

The unfriendly tone didn't faze Yano, "Just wanted to know what's going on here."

"Ya dunno?" the male critically sized Yano before his eyes fell on Lia, "What's up with ya? What yer hidin'?"

He reached to take off Lia's hood when Yano stepped in between, his voice dangerously low while his smile only grew wider, "Would you mind answering?"

"Ha! Ain't it obvious? Watched the broadcast? Ya gotta know then. The damn hidden families or whatever went and bloody created a mess in the capital and guess what? Ha!" the male spit on the floor, "One of the dead people paraded was the son of the Lord! Fuckn amazing, right?"

The male sarcastically grunted while Lia's blood was boiling but Yano shielded her from the male's line of sight, "That gotta mean the Lord brought misfortune over us! Bloody hell! Going against the Ghost King? That's nuts! How we supposed to survive if we go down with the Lord? The Ghost King gotta come and wipe us all out! That's why we protest for the Lord to offer himself up, ya know what I mean?"

These selfish people. Lia gritted her teeth but made no move because she couldn't create bigger chaos here. However, these people were ungrateful. Elder D has done so much for them and they all used to praise him but now that their lives might be on the line, they forsake Elder D and even want him to sacrifice himself for them.

Once again, Lia realised that it was her fault. Elder D was already struggling with his son's death and now the mob of ungrateful people were after his life.

"It's ok," Yano took Lia by the hand and led her further away, "Let's find a way to get inside and avoid these people. The important thing now is that you won't reveal your identity."

Seeing that Lia didn't answer, Yano pressed further, "I know you want to set them straight but it's not a good idea for now. You should talk to Elder D and figure out what his plans are. Meddling now will make it worse."

Lia knew that everything Yano said was right. But but seeing these people being so unempathetic towards Elder D who had to cope with his son's death just made Lia incredibly angry.

"I'm sorry Yano but I can't," Lia balled her fists and rushed towards the mobs before Yano could stop her.

Then she tapped the bald male on the shoulders before punching him straight in the face. The male fell on his butt and held his cheek as he furiously shouted, "What the fuck was that for ya crazy lunatic? Bloody want me to beat the crap out of ya?"

Lia sneered, "Go ahead and try."

Lia's provoke brought adrenaline rushing through to the male's head. He jolted up as the mob around them got silent and watched anticipatingly the fight unfolding before them. Yano was one step too late and things already escalated.

"You lot what are you watching for?"

"Shut up!" the male charged at Lia only to end up lying on the ground again. Lia this time kicked him down.

The punch and the kick were liberating. Lia no longer cared about innocent people. She has already killed so many of those innocent bystanders who were easy to sway and quick to run off their mouths and hands.

"Kim stop!" Yano called out in hopes to be able to appease Lia but she didn't listen to him. The crowd got agitated now.

"She must be one of the Lord's people!"

"Get her!"

"Use her to draw the Lord out!"

The mass all ran towards Lia who didn't spare them a glance. She only needed to get rid of them and-

"Stop!" Yano rushed to help Lia before another voice halted everyone's movements, "You damn pests! How many times do I have to beat you away? And you never learn! Stay away from this place if you value your lives!"

A flying sword cut right through the mob and dispersed the crowd in an instant.

"Ah!! It's that crazy girl again! Everyone run! She's going to stick her sword up your ass!"

The people fled in fear and Lia turned with curious eyes to see who that person was, able to get rid of all these people so quickly.

The female seemed to have come from the mansion and while the people ran away she jumped through the air and beautifully landed on the grip of the sword that was stuck on the ground.

Standing on the sword in the air she glared down at Lia who had to adjust her view to see who the female was but then-


Lia stumbled and fell towards Yano who caught her again. No way. This high and mighty person... This familiar person was-

"You guys still haven't scrammed yet? Do I need to personally make you experience the blade of a sword?"

The female jumped down from the sword and with a fluid movement held it in her hand and swung it towards Lia and Yano. But neither were scared and instead, Lia had a pained expression on her face as she approached the female.

"Seems like your butt really wants a taste of my swo-"

"Lily," Lia's soft voice instantly made Lily hiss on guard, "Who the hell are you?"

With the sword pointed at Lia, Lily wasn't persuaded at all, instead, she seemed to be even more hostile. Lia knew the death of Xavi must've put her through a lot but if Lily was with the D family, Lia was relieved.

However, Lia didn't understand how Lily could be here? Wasn't she supposed to be the one in the palace? Then was what Eri said really a lie?

But for now, Lia had to mend things with Lily. Xavi meant everything to Lily and-

"I asked who the fuck you are!'' the tip of the sword was dangerously close to Lia. Yano moved but Lia stopped him, "It's ok."

Lia looked around to see if there were any people and then took off her hood, "Lily, it's me."

Once Lia completely revealed her face to Lily, she pulled her hood up again but Lia's expectations were reversed.

The minute Lia put on her disguise, Lily instantly attacked Lia. Caught off guard, Lia could barely dodge, "Lily, what-"

"I've been waiting for you! Lia, the person I won't forgive the most is you! If it weren't for you- if it weren't for you!" Lily shouted in anger. Her eyes were red but she still kept on relentlessly attacking Lia.

"Stay out of it!" Lia shouted at Yano before she saw Lily's furious glare as the blade yearned for her blood.

Lily was serious about killing Lia. Lia could understand but... it hurt.

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