Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 221: Forgiveness 6

Chapter 221: Forgiveness 6

The slow ticking of the clock made the tense atmosphere worse. Lia couldn't refute anything Elder T said.

It was true. One part of the reason why Lia did this was to make herself feel better.

"Yes," Lia didn't lie, "However I'm still truly sorry. Noel was a dear friend of mine. He was the very first person I could rely on after crawling back to the world."

To Lia, Noel was a precious person. Although he did tease her a lot, he was still someone she needed desperately back then and was incredibly thankful he came to her life barging in like that.

"That unfilial son of mine would've been happy to hear that."

Lia couldn't decipher Elder T's current emotional state but still meekly nodded.

"Lia, self-proclaimed Immortal King, I have seen the broadcast. Everyone did. I won't judge you. But I can tell you that I knew of the fate of the Immortal King and what would happen to my son and everyone else. Back then, it was this sole reason that stopped me from helping you, but since then I've thought a lot. If only-" Elder T blankly stared past Lia, but he didn't need to say any more for her to understand.

Elder T also regretted his decisions and questioned the cursed temptations of 'What Ifs'. If only things had happened differently, if he or anyone else made different decisions, would this present have been avoided? A new future created?

"Let me just say. Don't feel the need to do these unnecessary actions and focus on the important things."

Of all people, Lia didn't think Elder T would encourage her. Events and experiences change people. For better or worse. Elder T seemed to have also been put through a lot of reflection through Noel's death.

"Thank you," the only thing Lia could say was this. All other feelings and intentions have been made clear. There was no need to continue the conversation. This was where they would part.

"I think my son was truly happy being with you all," Elder T could still see the friends of Noel in his mansion. All together. Laughing and having fun despite the immediate danger that crept closer.

It was then that Elder T thought it was great that Noel had friends and people around him. As a father, he only wanted the best for his son. Lia didn't know what to say and could only bow.

"Also tell Elder O my regards."

"I will."

As Lia walked out of the room, the polite attendant waited for her but Yano was nowhere in sight, "Your friend is with" the attendant sighed before continuing, "With my friend. Please follow me."

Judging by the attendant's tone, Yano was in company with the anxious attendant. That was a combination to see. And as the attendant and Lia thought, the pair of clowns were having a blast.

"Young master is really skilled! I'd love to battle you! Please accept my declaration!"

"Of course," Yano took the staple of the plates and balanced it on his index finger while the attendant did the same, then both of them jumped on a foot.

The polite attendant instantly closed the door and turned to Lia as they stood in the hallway again, "I apologise."

"No, I should too," both Lia and the attendant were dying of embarrassment.

Yano was really able to get along with everyone, in the worst situations as well. The polite attendant sighed, "Please don't let this view us badly. In fact, the young master death has shaken us greatly, especially him," he pointed behind the door, "he dearly loved the young master, we all did."

"I'm sorry," once again Lia felt the guilt of having taken someone precious away from everyone.

"I wasn't trying to put the blame on you. We all know it is hard for you too. Young Master has liked you a lot," in fact, it was too obvious not to notice.

"Thank you, also thank you for helping us back then and-"




The attendant's face quickly contorted and he marched into the room without waiting.

"THELO!" a low and deep furious voice emerged from the polite attendant.

Even Lia could see that Thelo, the anxious attendant was done for.

"S-Stop! P-Please! I wasn't! I- Young Master, help me!" Thelo hid behind Yano who gently placed the plates down and smiled but then quickly flinched as Lia also glared at him.

"We're sorry," Yano held his head low as Thelo nodded furiously, "Yes, yes, sorry, please have mercy on me! San you know I'm fragile!"

"Miss Lia, please rest here for a bit. I will bring you some refreshments," San bowed and pointed towards the sofa in the middle of the room, "Thelo come with me."

Thelo was about to burst into tears, "I-I'm sorry!"

"Thelo," San's voice was dangerously low. Lia has never seen him this angry or imagined he could be, "Clean this mess up and then come. With. Me."

Thelo's hands shook as he cryingly picked up the shards. Lia felt bad for Thelo and whispered to San, "Please go easy on him."

"You don't need to worry, Miss Lia, violence is not my taste."

"Oh, ok," Lia was perplexed as Thelo stared with an aggrieved look at her before he was by his collar pulled away by San.

"Did you guys need to fool around like this?" Lia raised her eyebrow as Yano cheekily took Lia's hand, "Wifey, I-"

"Did I tell you to call me that?"

"Wifey" Yano hung his head low and caressed Lia's hand, "I'm sorry."

"You should've helped Thelo with cleaning up the mess."

Yano nodded his head eagerly, "Yes, yes, I should've!"

"I will next time," Yano added but then realised his mistake.

"Next time?"

"Wifey! Husband knows his wrong!" Yano laid his head on Lia's shoulder.

Whenever he could be sneaky and cheeky, he took that opportunity.

Lia didn't have the heart to refuse him. A while later, Thelo and San came back. Thelo's eyes were red. San put tea and some food onto the table in front of the sofa.

"You don't have to do this," surprisingly Yano said some reasonable words.

"Young Master, don't worry! I know of your journey's hardships, ah poor lonely young master!"

Lia threw a judging glare at Yano who scratched the back of his head.

"Don't mind it. It's better to have guests or else the mansion is bleak aas always," San held Thelo by the ear and pulled him back.

To both Lia's and Yano's surprise, Thelo and San sat down on the sofa opposite to them, "Miss Lia would you mind telling us of young master's story? Elder T might act like this but he also would like to know of young master's journey."

"Of course," through stories and memories one's heart would be soothed, and tales one couldn't witness could be experienced. Right now the story of Noel, Lia's first friend and ally, began.


"Wow is this a cemetery here? I feel nauseous," Mil looked at the horrifying amount of corpses at the back of Yano's mansion covering the beautiful landscape and juicy grass with a terrible stench and view.

"It's for training," Yano casually remarked as he watched Zero clinging onto Lia.

"It's for me," Lia sighed. She did want to train but the number of corpses that Yano has brought was still too much.

"The length that lovestruck idiot goes to," Skyla snorted before approaching Zero, "Come, let's continue to train."

Zero reluctantly peeled himself off Lia and followed Skyla. For the past 2-3 days Lia and Yano weren't here, Zero was able to train with Skyla and Min. Zero didn't dislike them, in fact, he liked them a lot, but it was a bit annoying that Skyla treated him like a little baby.

Zero's cheeks weren't meant to be squished! Zero's height wasn't adorable! His angel appearance wasn't endearing!

But Zero was still thankful to Skyla and Mil. The place has gotten more lively too.

"Lia try," Yano watched Lia standing in front of the corpses and closing her eyes. There were at least 100 corpses lying on the ground. Lia was able to control so many corpses during the broadcast, so it meant she could do it again.

No, she had to. If she couldn't at least do so much, then she wasn't worthy of having these powers. Thick, white smoke spread across the place and surrounded the corpses before it glided into the body of these lifeless pitiful beings.

Then, "Rise."

In an instant, an army of corpses painted the scenery into horror.

The corpses all stood waiting for Lia's next command. It was daunting to witness and a chilling experience. Zero couldn't help but hide behind Skyla.

Mil whistled, "Wow, it's the first time I get to see this but now this is truly amazing. I might share my pork bun with you."

"It's cool how you say 'Rise'. Lia, you're so cool ~" Skyla teased Lia, who was shocked at the result. She didn't know it would go that well.

"It's because you've accepted to become the Immortal King. Maybe it was a psychological restraint," Yano remarked.

Maybe. But Lia knew it was also because of heavens. They wanted her to do to their bidding and become a puppet but this outcome was still too good to be true.

Lia was finally able to control an x amount of corpses with her lifeforce. No more struggling and breaking. Lia has come a long and bloody path until here. Now, she needed to test the efficiency of the corpses, "Chase and catch him. Don't harm him though."

"L-Lia?" Yano widened his eyes as he was chased by the massive amounts of corpses after Lia pointed at Yano.

"Good job," Skyla high-fived Lia and watched in amazement how Yano tried his best to escape the undead.

It would've been long over if Yano just submitted to his fate, but he was proud and didn't want Lia to witness his defeat. So, he was subject to a long run until Lia would take pity on him and stop her corpses. But Lia waited until Yano was at the very far back and he and the corpses were only a tiny speck.

Lia wanted to check just how far she could be apart from her corpses. Looking at the tiny dots in the horizon, Lia spoke in a normal tone, "Come back to me and kneel."

For a while, nothing happened and it seemed like a failure but soon afterwards the corpses came back flocking around Lia and knelt on the ground obediently. Lia was exhilarated at the sight. Her power was growing stronger and better.

"Lia, they're scary!" Zero didn't dare to look at the corpses.

"Just a bit longer," Lia coaxed. There was something else she wanted to do.

During her encounter with heavens in the abyss, Lia was able to attain a glimpse at the Immortal King's power.

What she saw her made her blood tremble with anticipation. Lia waited until Yano came back and said, "I need some ghosts."

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