Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 220: Forgiveness 5

Chapter 220: Forgiveness 5

"If you manage to catch me, all of the treats belong to you!" loud shouts and laughter filled the entrance hall.

"Me! I can't catch up to big brother!"

"Me too!"

Lia's heart warmed at the sight of Yano playing with Susa's siblings.

The smiles on their faces and the big grin on Yano's were heartwarming to the servants and Elder D who watched.

As Yano laid panting on the floor, his eyes met Lia's and he waved. Yano was really able to brighten everything and everyone around him.

The children discovered Lia and ran up to her, "It's the big sis from that time."

Elder D said that he only told the kids that their big sister could never return to them and left out everything else. Lia was grateful for that.

However, once the kids grew up and found out about Nana's death circumstances, they might come to Lia for revenge. After all, it was Lia who took Nana away from them.

After talking to Lily, Lia understood that Lily and her were nothing more than strangers with a shared past. Lily wouldn't help Lia anymore and Lia shouldn't rely on her. The journey and friendship between Lia and Lily has come to an end.

"Are you leaving?" Elder D approached Lia who was surrounded by the children.

"Yes, thank you for everything."

With that Lia and Yano parted from the D family.

"Are you sure about not staying for the night?"

Yano watched Lia's face. Lia shook her head, "I wouldn't have been able to stand it there longer, it's too suffocating."

"I see, you did well," Yano took Lia's hand and rubbed the back of it. Lia's corner of her lips raised, "Is that the only thing you can say to me?"

"Well, I've to applaud you for your bravery and-"

"Ok," Lia's curved eyes made Yano smirk too, "Sorry but the portal's still not ready."

"It's ok, I'd like to walk for a bit anyway. I don't think I can immediately meet another family."

"You're right, it's too much."

Just like that the two of them crossed the landscape of the Veil and laid in the grass for the night until the next morning came.

Once again, Lia woke up in Yano's arms but this time her head laid on his chest using it as a pillow while Yano stared at the sky that gradually brightened.

"Have you slept?" Lia slowly sat up and watched as Yano turned to her with warm eyes, "I've slept while watching you sleep."

Lia's face blanked, "So, no."

"Just seeing you refreshes me."

"When are you going to stop with these cheesy lines?"

"Never," Yano playfully poked Lia's cheeks.

"Let's go," then he jumped up wanting to form another portal before Lia stopped him.

"Do you know where the T family's located?"

"In Mistand," Yano said as if it was obvious.

"No, I meant the exact location."

"I do, don't worry, my dad's been there many times. Just trust me."

Yano drew a circle and the portal opened up.


"Just trust me, ok?"

"So, you aren't going to tell me your secret?"

"I'm afraid that if I do you'll get angry at me," Yano looked at Lia with his puppy eyes.

"Do I look like that kind of person to you?" Lia was annoyed at Yano all of a sudden.

"Aren't you angry at me right now?"

"That-" was true.

Lia couldn't even retort. She didn't even know why she was acting like this.

"Sorry, wifey, I didn't want you to think my power's unfair."

"Whatever," Lia was ready to enter the portal when she realised that Yano sneakily called her wifey. Yano brilliantly smiled while Lia sent him a glare but still went through the portal.


"Just trust me he says. Just trust you I did," Lia stood with crossed arms in front of Yano who knelt on the ground in one of the broken houses. Right now, they were in one of the villages that here and there appeared in Mistand.

"I'm sorry, wifey."

"Be quiet and drop that," Lia's sharp tone made Yano hang his head low.

"I should've thoroughly questioned your navigation ability."

"I'm sorry, I messed up. I think I've put in one or two coordinates wrong," Yano looked up at Lia with aggrieved eyes but Lia ignored it and walked to the window.

Mistand was dark as always. Clouds covered the sky and it looked like night was the norm. The rundown houses still gave off an eerie vibe while outside the village, once again the vengeful ghosts waited.

Yano pulled Lia away from the window while he reached into her clothes.

"What are you doing?" noticing Yano's hands on her chest, Lia narrowed her eyes.

"A talisman!" innocently Yano removed his hand.

Lia paid him no heed, the only thing she hoped for was not to run into those cannibals again. Even if Yano was here, it was still an unpleasant thought.

"Do you know where in Mistand it is?" Lia asked for a second time.

Although Lia was here before it was just white smoke to her. She had no idea how anyone could navigate through here.

"Erm it should be-"

"Ask your father."

Yano pressed his lips together. This was the one thing he didn't want to do. To rely on his father, especially in front of Lia.

But Yano had no choice, he brought them to the wrong place and he didn't want to recklessly endanger Lia. Yano drew a circle and waited. Then Oldie's voice was heard, "My, my. My proud son in trouble? Asking for his dear dad for help?"

Yano scowled and saw Lia's amused look. At least his misfortune was entertainment for her.

"Can you tell us how to get to the T family's mansion? We- I got us lost," Yano peeked at Lia hoping to get praised for his honesty.

To his happiness, Lia squeezed his hand but to his frustration, his dad laughed for a good minute, "Sounds like you getting lost!"

"It's the first time!"

"Really!" he added as he felt Lia's gaze on him.

"Just follow the broad street towards north, then head into the zig zag one and-" Lia stopped functioning.

What the hell was he talking about? What street? What broad? What zig zag? It was all just one white smoke!

Yet Yano's face betrayed Lia, "Oh, I get it."

Get what? Don't pretend!

Lia was at her wit's end as Yano eagerly pulled her with him. She knew he wanted to show off but she was lost yet impressed how smoothly Yano navigated through the smoke.

Lia was almost afraid to ask, "How?"

"Do you see the streets?"

No! Lia wanted to cry. Were they all messing with her? There was nothing else but a pure white nightmare surrounding them!

"Ah, ok," Lia gave up. She didn't need to understand. If she were to even come back to Mistand, she would bring a guide with her.

No sane person would come here alone. Even the prisoners trapped here for hundreds of years barely knew where left or right was.

"Did I do good?" indeed Yano was able to lead them to the iron fortress of a mansion.

"You did well."

Pat Pat

Lia patted Yano's head before moving towards the heavy gate. The large metal ball still acted as a bell.

"Lemme," with one hand Yano knocked the ball against the door.

The familiar deep vibration had Lia panic. Now that she was here, she remembered that out of all people, Elder T was the most against helping the Immortal King yet Lia took his only son away.

"It's ok, Elder T might seem cold but he's actually nice," Yano noticed Lia's uneasiness and comforted her.

"Mhm," Lia felt a bit better having Yano with her facing Elder T.

A second later, an attendant with a talisman hanging over his head bowed and spoke with a nervous tone, "Whoever you are please leave! Goodness, I don't even know why I answered the door! Heaven!"

Lia found his speech pattern similar and recognised him.

"It's erm me," Lia didn't know if he remembered her but

"Huh? Who?'' the attendant looked up and shockingly plastered himself against the wall. Sure enough, he was the same as ever.

Yano chuckled a bit but kept quiet as the waterfall started to flow from the attendants' mouth, ''Oh goodness! Oh, gracious heavens it's you! I'm not paid enough for this! Please leave! Master definitely wouldn't want to see you! I'm saying this for your own good. Oh my mind, oh my love for my life, are there any panic attack pills? I desperately need some!"

"What are you doing?" another attendant came, "Do not slack off. Elder T does not wish to receive guests."

Then his eyes widened and surprised he said, "Miss Lia."

This was the same attendant Lia and Mika first met. He was always polite and helpful while the other was just a nervous and blabbering wreck 24/7.

"I'm sorry for showing up unannounced" Lia started but the attendant shook his head, "Please come in and son of the O family."

It seemed like Yano was also known.

"Hey, this is on you!'' the anxious attendant followed them, "If master gets angry, it'll be your desert on the line! No way I'm going to give up on my tiramisu! Hell, no way! I'd rather sell my soul to the devil!"

"Just step down and go eat," the polite attendant rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed as the other attendant ran away, "You said it! If Master asks, you gotta admit, ok? Ok?"

Lia felt bad for the polite attendant as it was visible he was tired of dealing with the clown every day.

"Miss Lia," they've arrived at the study of Elder T. Lia still remembered the day, the first and only time she talked to Elder T.

"Son of the O family, if you do not mind please wait outside."

"Of course," Yano waited outside with the attendant while Lia stepped in.

"Are you already back?" Elder T looked up from his book before he stopped, "It's you."

There was neither animosity, hatred nor anger in his voice. There were simply no emotions at all.

"Elder T," Lia greeted him, "Can I sit?"

"Suit yourself."

Elder T tapped on the table as Lia sat down. His eyes sized Lia up to the point Lia didn't dare to talk first.

"You look awful."

Taken aback by Elder T's words Lia didn't know how to answer. She'd imagined all sorts of things he'd throw at her but didn't think this kind of sentence could make it past his lips.

"I know why you came here but I don't understand why. You don't have any obligations nor do I want to hear your apologies."

"Because I took your son-"

"You did? It's true you came here but that fool made the decision himself."

Although Elder T's words weren't untrue it was still-

"The only reason why you're doing this is to get rid of your guilt and have a clean conscience, isn't it?"

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