Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 233: Counterattack 6

Chapter 233: Counterattack 6

After Skyla and Mil were thrown to the academy by Sal's power, they were completely unaware of what went on in the plaza. At this point, Yano, Lia, Lily and the backup still didn't arrive.

"Mil, get behind me," Skyla immediately jumped to her feet and put her long red hair into a ponytail as she made eye contact with Sal who sat on his cloud of flower petals floating in the air.

"Are you insane?" Mil couldn't let Skyla fight Sal on his own while he just stood by and watched. Mil's power was entirely useless. He cursed the fact he had this ability. His X family's power wasn't tracking ghosts, so why did Mil end up with this trash power?

It didn't make sense yet to make up for it. Mil had to use his brains while fighting, but right now Mil couldn't come up with any plan.

"You got no power! Just do what you're best at, Mil please! I'll draw out time."

Of course, this was how Mil and Skyla always fought together. He was the brain while she was the brawn. Skyla wanted to buy as much time as possible for Mil to find them a way to stop the captain.

"Ok, "Mil retreated to watch the fight. He had to analyse Sal's attack pattern, find out his weakness and then draw a way to beat him. He had to remain in the dark while Skyla fought in the bright open. This was how they've always done it. This should be good enough.

"Why don't you come down and fight me?" Skyla provoked Sal who ignored her words instead he twirled his index finger in the air and a gust of flower petals forming a spear charged at Skyla.


The spear was instantly torn by a silver arrow and the petals scattered in the air falling to the ground. Sal looked bored as he rested his head on his hand while his other summoned another attack. This time, a large hammer. This massive size threw a shadow over Skyla's figure drawing another arrow.

Skyla figured out that Sal could create flower petals out of thin air but there must be some conditions and restrictions to it. Skyla also noticed that Sal could form anything with his petals.

They might look light but their actual force was probably insanely damaging. Skyla wasn't risking any chance to get hit by one of Sal's attacks. She could only fight like this because Mil was out of danger for now.

She was relieved that he did as she said and kept himself hidden. In an instant, Skyla summoned several more arrows and aimed at the hammer as well as Sal. This time the arrows projectile was different. Half of the arrows pierced through the hammer and scattered it again, while the other half raced towards Sal aiming to hit his vital points.

The reason why Skyla was scouted to join Min's private army back then wasn't because her power was strong, it was because it was unusual. At the first glance, Skyla's power looked like she was an archer. Summoning a large bow and arrows, her abilities didn't seem that powerful but one of the breaking points for Skyla's immense value was that Skyla could decide the destination for each arrows.

She didn't need to aim her arrow, if she infused the arrow with enough life force and gave it a command, the arrow would go anywhere.

The range and height for this exceeded the three digits. The only problem with this ability was that it was lacking in power to make up the different course for each arrow. However, that wasn't the major reason why Skyla was as strong as a captain, the other was because she had a second ability. Her arrows hid another secret, Skyla found that it was too early to use it, however.

Sal who evaded her arrows easily was also definitely hiding an ace in his sleep. Seeing how easy it was for Sal to escape her arrows, Skyla regretted that she still wasn't able to let her arrows persistently chase after its target until it hit.

Instead, Skyla meticulously trained her other ability. For both Skyla and Mil to figure out a plan, Skyla needed to make sure that Sal revealed all of his power. So not even giving Sal a chance, Skyla continuously produced arrows to shoot them at Sal.

Skyla was sure that the flower petals weren't created out of Sal's lifeforce, they were infused with it but unlike Skyla's arrows they were made with one's lifeforce. Figuring out how Sal summoned those flower petals out of nowhere was the key to stopping him before he was even able to produce them.

Skyla's management of her life force was perfect. Even though she constantly formed new arrows her lifeforce wasn't drained to the point she had to wait a while before it replenished. The secret was to have at least 30% left to continue spawning.

"Is that all you're going to do?" Sal finally spoke up.

Skyla had to give it to him, being able to dodge every single arrow she sent his way just by moving the cloud his butt was glued on around.

Skyla was a bit frustrated. The longer a fight dragged on the more impatient and recklessly she became. This was a flaw of Skyla that Mil knew of and had to account for Skyla trying hard to work on this weakness.

She couldn't help but to get irritated, especially now that it was important for them to hurry up and help the others. Also, witnessing how Sal with ease dodged her attacks added only more irritation. Mil could see that Skyla was starting to get annoyed. Whenever she was sick of a fight, one of her cheeks would puff up.

It was quite endearing and Mil always had to hold back not to poke it because Skyla would only get angrier. Mil also knew that she was trying her best to draw out everything Sal had in store, so Mil could act upon seeing what Sal could do.

"If it's, then I'll start attacking."

These were cue words for Mil to properly focus on Sal to see just where these petals came from. Mil was pretty sure that without them Sal would be useless in a close combat fight. Just seeing Sal's slump position told Mil that Sal had no fighting skills, which meant they had to stop Sal from using his power and drag him down to the ground.

Skyla fired another arrow as Sal's petals swirled above his head, "If you shoot arrows, I can do the same."

On command, the petals instantly formed thousands of arrows all pointing at Skyla.

"Damn, you flowery jerk," Skyla also produced the same amount of flowers in a short span.

Mil, on the other side, wanted to go in and defend Skyla but he knew he would only be a burden and had no chance of stopping the insane amount of arrows ready to rain down on them. Mil could only believe in Skyla and focus his attention on Sal. Just a bit more.

Just a bit more and Mil could figure out Sal's secret. He was almost there.



The next second massive sounds exploded. The whole air was littered with petals and silver sparks.

Silver arrows hit petal arrows. Their collisions created airwaves and explosions were transmitted across the whole academy.

Skyla was able to block most of them by continuously producing more arrows to counterattack Sal's.

But Sal had the same idea. Not resting, the amount of petals increased. But they didn't only form arrows but also spears, hammers, swords and many other types of weapons.

Skyla was shocked to see what actual force the petals hid. She knew it wasn't her arrows that could've produced an explosion. So it was Sal's. Just upon colliding, the petal arrows exploded with a force.

Skyla's patience wore down but she had to force herself to hold on and continue. Her arms were getting sluggish and her fingers hurt from gripping the bow in the same position and stance. Right now this was a battle of endurance.

It seemed like Sal was playing along with Skyla to show how superior he was instead of attacking another way.

"This damned kid, I swear," Skyla gritted her teeth. She didn't just assume but instinctively knew that Sal was younger than her.

This battered and lazy attitude as if his cloud was a pillow.

"Show your elders some respect," Skyla had enough. She didn't want to bring her second ability into play so soon but she knew Mil would still take a while.

"Screw you!" Skyla's patience snapped. Even if he didn't show everything, Skyla wanted to end it now. She took a deep breath before summoning new arrows. This time however the quantity was considerably smaller.

There were only 10 arrows compared to the hundreds of weapons that floated behind Sal.

"I don't need to respect an hold hag like you," with a wave of his hand, Sal sent this weapon flying towards Skyla. Sal didn't care about Mil hiding. He could take care of him later.

"This kid's dead," Mil took in a sharp breath.

This kid still hasn't learnt to never ever speak, play or hint at a woman's age. Be it immortals or mortals. Just as Mil has guessed, Sal's remake left furious bulging veins on Skyla's forehead.

"You little bastard, now you've done it," Skyla released her arrows the moment Sal's weapons were only 5 metres away from her. Then BOOM

This time a true explosion grabbed even Sal's attention and his eyes widened.

"This is my true ability. So stop getting so confident," Skyla flung her hair behind her before she smirked.

She created new arrows and just like previous ones they flew towards Sal's weapons and the second they collided with Sal's petals, the whole surrounding around the arrows turned into a massive fire devouring all of Sal's petals.

The reason why Skyla was strong was because her second ability was able to manipulate and control all four elements. All of Sal's petals were burnt to a crisp and turned to ash in front of his eyes.

"You!" now Sal was starting to get angry. He couldn't just leisurely sit back anymore.

Coincidentally, at the same time, Mil finally found out Sal's secret.

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