Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 234: Counterattack 7

Chapter 234: Counterattack 7

While Skyla and Sal now engaged in a true battle with their full power at training field 2 in the back of the academy, Mil ran out of the ground floor he's been hiding on.

He saw the massive force of petals growing strong and increasing in size while Skyla made use of the elements and completely nullified many of Sal's attacks.

Sal was getting angrier and angrier by the minute while Skyla was in a good mood seeing that Sal was the one being frustrated.

"A kid's still a kid," Skyla held up her bow and this time aimed her arrows at the flower cloud Sal sat on.

In his rage, Sal didn't notice it before it was too late. He felt the arrows striking straight through his petals while a massive gust of wind completely scattered his cloud apart while another arrow produced fire to burn the petals to crisps.

Sal clicked his tongue and glared at Skyla but he was unfazed, after all with a wave of his hand he created a new cloud. However, the time he spent on doing so left him defenceless falling in the air for a second.

A second enough for Skyla to hit him in the air and water swept over his body quickly turning into ice.

"You!" Sal's voice was cut off as he grabbed the arrow out of his leg but Skyla's life force was a raging whirlwind inside of him.

Sal coughed blood. At this rate, he would be at disadvantage. Timo's hateful words ran through Sal's mind, now out of all time.

If it wasn't for Timo, then Sal could've become a captain sooner. The Ghost King personally scouted him yet it was Timo who rejected Sal to be a captain saying Sal was too impulsive and inexperienced, naively young to become a captain.

This damned old geezer getting in his way. Now that Sal finally became a captain, he wanted to rub it into Timo's face, make him eat his damn words like the dead fish he was and slap him on a table. Timo even had the audacity to call Sal a moody teenager rebelling against adults in his puberty.

Wasn't he just insulting him by comparing him to those damn mortals? The Ghost King himself said that Sal's power were as strong as the captains so why-

"Fucking old hag, you and that damned geezer should both go to hell!" Sal was having none of it.

He wanted to prove Timo wrong but now even the red hag blabbered crap about showing respect to elders? What bullshit.

"Just drop that! All of you!"

Skyla contorted her face in disdain. Seeing Sal now, none of his initial aloofness and mysteriousness remained. All that was left was a little brat going on a rampage because it was denied having things go his way.

"Well, welcome to the bloody reality, kid!" Skyla sent another wave of fire arrows towards Sal.

"Shut the fuck up hag!" Saa hated more than anything to be called a kid and have others treat him like one.

He was strong and only the strongest deserved respect. Fuck all of those age-related things.

They were immortals. Age didn't matter at all.

As they constantly shot at each other, Sal knew that he couldn't go on like this. Just as he wanted to change his strategy this other old geezer came running to the old hag.

"Skyla!" Mil was only a few metres away from her.

Skyla was able to spare a bit of time to turn to him and grinned, "You figured it out?"

"Yep, let's fall back," Mil nodded and motioned to retreat to one of the buildings so they could draw out time and figure out a way to stop Sal.

Skyla released an abundance of arrows at Sal that instantly formed a waterball around him before she retreated.

Furious, Sal had to watch them run into a building while he focused all of his attacks to burst the water bubble that was filling up his lungs and body.


Sal finally fell to the ground. His wet long hair stuck to his face. He was not only annoyed but terribly angry. The wet clothes clung on his skin uncomfortably. Well, at least this was better than being burned.

Sal's hand glided into the air. The mass of petals ready at his command.


The petals broke through the windows and the doors not leaving a single room unharmed. Sal was determined to get them in one swipe.

"Hurry!" Mil pulled Skyla into a room on the second floor. The door was barricaded with desks and chairs.

"Come down."

Then they sat on the floor catching their breaths. Mil immediately checked every inch of Skyla's body, "You're not hurt right?"

"Tch, as if that brat could do anything to me," Skyla was displeased that Mil thought Sal could actually harm her, then Skyla's expression softened as Mil gently rubbed her head, "You did well fighting against him. Sorry I was late."

"You sound like Yano and that disgusts me."

"Now, now."

When was it? Both of them didn't know. Was it the first time they saw each other? The first time Mil stuffed his mouth full and then grinned at Skyla? The first time Skyla's legs kicked down Yano and she triumphantly gave Mil smug?

Just when was it? When they fell for each other? It wasn't love at first sight but it was similar. They were born in Neverland and since the beginning, the three of them stuck together, grew up together and lived together.

It might be some time around when Skyla and Mil first came to understand what the feeling love was.

While Yano was always blankly doing his stuff or teasing them, all three of them cared for each other, but Skyla and Mil knew that the care and love they had for each other was completely different.

No, they didn't fall for each other because of something. They grew to love each other. It was simple as that.

Yet why? Just why weren't they able to confess to each other? Because there was no need to do so.

For a moment, a tender gaze lingered between them and they wanted to enjoy this. Because who knew. Who knew when someone could lose their life in this hopefully last battle.

Mil was the first one to speak up, "I know how he produces the flower petals."

"How?" Skyla had no doubt that Mil would figure it out.

"Through his eyes."

"What?" yet this was unexpected.

"He has flower petals in his eyes and that's how-"



The windows shattered and petals flew around threatening to suffocate them.


The door was destroyed in an instant along with the desks and chairs.

"So quick?" Skyla cursed. He still had so much lifeforce left?

"Skyla!" Mil instantly grabbed her hand and despite the oncoming force of the petals, leapt out of the window.

Yet against their expectations an even bigger nightmare greeted them.

"Don't let go of my hand!" yet it was too late. The instant they hit the ground, massive storms and whirlwinds flew around leaving them no choice but to separate.

"Skyla! Eyes! His eyes! You need to-"

Cut off.

Mil's voice was cut off but it was enough for Skyla to understand she had to target Sal's eyes. But wouldn't they regenerate? Not if Skyla managed to completely kill him off.

From the window, the sight was already terrifying but being in the middle trapped in this storm of petals where one couldn't even see their hands before their eyes was absolute horror.

Sal's flower petal storm took over the academy completely. The petals swirled around viciously tearing at Skyla's clothes and skin. She could see nothing but the petals, hear nothing but the petals flying around and feel nothing but the petals hurting her.

Mil and her were separated. She had no idea where she was or where she was going, much less knew where Sal hid. The wounds of Skyla's body got gradually worse and Sal's lifeforce was just eating at Skyla's skin.

Nevertheless, Skyla focused all of her power on extracting her lifeforce.

"I can't believe, I can't deal with that disrespectful brat."

In order to get rid of this flower nightmare, Skyla had to go big. One large arrow. Two large arrows. Three. Four. All shot into different directions.

The wind cut through the petals and paved a way. The fire burnt everything that was in its way. Then with the water a big wave carried Skyla into the air until the earth matched the height of the water and built a solid ground underneath Skyla's feet.

The petals were blasted away and Skyla could see the shocked face of Sal also floating in the air.

"Stop getting in my way!" Sal shouted as he readied another attack but then-

"Get down here brat," a knife flew towards Sal, distracting him.

Not even wasting a second, Skyla instant leapt off the ground and jumped towards Sal. This time she only formed an arrow. Grasping it tightly in her hands she grabbed her knife with the other and stabbed it in Sal's shoulder.

As he wanted to produce another attack, Skyla directly stabbed her arrow into his left eye.


His eyeball burst and Skyla's arrow melted into pure lifeforce to swirl inside his eye socket preventing his eye from regenerating.

"Fuck!" Sal roared and shook Skyla off him.

She fell towards the ground but Mil caught her just in time.

Surprisingly, Sal was able to remain on his cloud with the amount of wriggling his body did. Tremendous pain was sent through every nerve of his body momentarily freezing Sal.

He held his bleeding hole in his face as bits of his eye splattered everywhere before it also fell to the ground. Without one eye capable of producing petals, he desperately scrambled an attack together to send it towards Skyla and Mil.

Yet this was only a distraction from Sal to escape.

"This coward!" Skyla was angry.

They just managed to stop him, however, if he successfully escaped, all of their efforts would be in vain.

"We've to go after him," Skyla pulled Mil along while her gaze was glued to the sky. Sal was heading towards the plaza probably towards the palace to get healed.

"We need to stop them! Carry me," on command Mil carried Skyla on his back as Skyla formed her bow and several arrows flew towards Sal.

Some of them hit while some of them missed. Skyla could feel her life force being exhausted after her last grand attack.

Yet she didn't stop firing at Sal. They closed in on the plaza which happenings were unknown. A big disaster awaited them.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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