Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 246: Curiousity is a curse- side story 1

Chapter 246: Curiousity is a curse- side story 1

One year before Min was crowned the Ghost King. In the Veil, a city close to Rag. Inside a normal house, Timo and his younger sister lived.

"I've heard more are going to the Mortal World! Can we too?" lying on the living room floor, Tim's sister flipped through a mortal book. She looked like a mini version of Timo, 5 years younger than him, with a cute charm.

Timo circled from the kitchen to the living room and put food on the coffee table. Messing up his sister's shoulder-length hair, he sat next to her, "You rich? Got power? Connections? You know someone from the council families?"

Timo's bright eyes curved as his sister pouted, then sulked, "No but I still want to! Can't we try? Granny always used to say 'If you don't try, you'll never know!' Maybe if we talk to one of the families, they'll give us permission! So many received it why can't we?"

"Alright Lini, eat first," Timo shoved the bowl of noodles towards her and sighed as he watched Lini eat. He couldn't refuse her after all. Her eyes sparkled and her excitement was contagious.

It was rare for Lini to request something. There was no harm in trying to ask and go to the capital.

Ever since Timo could remember, all that he had was his sister and this house.

A few years ago, their granny, a kind older woman, took care of them before she reached the limit of years an immortal could live. Where and who his parents were, Timo never cared about and coincidentally, Lini never expressed any desires for them as well.

She was a good kid.

As Lini slurped down the noodles, with a full mouth she beamed, "Really? Really? You promise?"

"Yes, we can go to the capital but if it doesn't work out, you give up on the idea, got that?"

"Yes! Yes! Hehe, you're the best!" cheekily Lini planted an oily kiss on Timo's cheek. She knew her brother hated messy things, so to convey her gratitude she teased him slightly.

"We can just forget it," Timo rubbed the oil away as Lini clung onto him, "No, no, I'm sorry. Hehe. Let's go tomorrow?"

"Isn't that too soon?"

"The sooner, the better! Pleaseeee~"

"Fine," Timo's soft spot for Lini was tremendous. It was a black hole capable of sucking everything else away like rationality. Timo watched Lini happily humming while in truth he was worried about going to the capital. He didn't know why but he had a bad feeling.

Their granny always told them to stay away from the core of the Immortal World, especially the capital. Although the Immortal World was peaceful, the capital still had its danger.

Since Timo, in all of his 100s of years, has never been to the core, he didn't understand what she meant. All the people around them talked about how fun and great the core was, there was no mention of anything dangerous. However, it should not be a problem, as long Lini and him stuck together and stayed out of anything suspicious, a trip to the capital should be fine.

The next day, Timo and Lini set out to the capital by foot. It took them a while before they arrived in the capital.

"Wow!" Lini's eyes widened and sparkled, "This is amazing!"

Although they were in the outskirts of the capital, just standing on the marbled bridge over the glistening river, looking at the white treasure the capital was, Lini was mesmerised.

Even Timo was stunned by the beauty of the capital.

"Brother, you're gaping haha," Lini teased Timo seeing his fascinated stare. The capital, even the first layer, the cities around the capital were stunning, but this was at another level. The core of the Immortal World was a stark contrast to Veil. The core was bright and glamorous, while the Veil was dark and plain.

The temple-like houses made Lini's heart race as she skipped through the streets but nothing, absolutely nothing could rival the majestic palace in the middle of the capital and the plaza with countless vendors and stands.

"I want this!" without waiting for Timo, Lini skipped to a vendor and pointed at the cotton candy.

"Sure thing!" the vendor friendly hollered while Timo sighed, "We're not here to play."

"But I want to enjoy it! We can't leave without exploring!" Lini pouted and ultimately, Timo gave in.

Then he looked at the vendor and asked, "Do you know how to talk to the council family?"

The vendor continued to spin the candy and was unfazed by the question, it seemed to be normal to him, "Is it for the Mortal World?"

"Yes!" Lini excitedly nodded and received her cotton candy.

"Well, one option is to go to their mansions but I wouldn't do that. If you're lucky you might meet someone from the K family, maybe Miss Lia purging ghosts but the best bet is to go to the portal and wait there. You'll see an abundance of people there."

"Miss Lia? The Lia? I want to meet her!" Lini's attention was distracted again.

"Only if you're lucky, didn't your hear?" Timo pulled Lini to him as she was about to run away, "Can you tell us how to get to the portal?"

"Sure thing!"

The vendor was an easy-going and friendly person who gave them a detailed explanation. Up until now Timo hasn't met any of the danger granny spoke of. Could it be she was wrong and the capital was as peaceful as everyone said it was? Either way, it was still best to be cautious.

"Hurry! Brother, hurry!" with the cotton candy in her hand, Lini rushed ahead while Timo easily kept up. In just a few minutes, they've arrived at the portal, just as the vendor said, many people have gathered.

From what they were talking about it seemed like an Elder Z was going to come.

Elder Z. Was this the elder of a council family? If so, they were incredibly lucky.

"Hold my hand and don't leave," Timo quickly grabbed Lini's hand as the rumoured Elder Z appeared and caused an excited commotion.

"Elder Z! Elder Z! Us first!"

"Don't shove and cut the line!"

People were pushing each other to get to Elder Z first.

Elder Z laughed and said, "Don't worry, everyone will have their turn."

With Elder Z were his attendants who on his command divided the group and each of them talked to someone.

Next to Elder Z was a lanky guy. They seemed to be talking happily. A male attendant took care of Timo and Lini. With a piece of paper, he monotone asked, "Name. Address. Reason to go to the Mortal World? Please be aware that if you don't have a reasonable or good motive to go to the Mortal World, your request won't be accepted. Also, fill out this questionnaire about the Mortal World. Immortals who don't understand the Mortal World and mortals won't be allowed to go to the Mortal World."

"Do we have to fill it out asap?"

"No, you can return it when you feel like it. Just hand it when one of the families is present here. I will note down your request first."

After Timo gave them their name, address and reason, the attendant handed them the questionnaire and moved on.

"I'll fill it out! You're too ignorant!" Lini took the paper from Timo and sat on the stage where the portal stood.

Many others did the same, no one minded. Timo glanced at the sheet, there were basic questions about the Mortal World and mortals, to ensure the immortals understood that ortals had their own rules, conventions and most importantly that they died easily.

While Lini filled out, Timo looked around, the lanky guy who was with Elder Z was now walking around.

"Huh? What is this question?" Lini's confused voice made Timo turn to her.

"Lemme see Mortals love Superheroes, as an immoral what kind of power do you want to have?"

"I already know! I've read many superhero stories! Brother, what power do you wish you could get?"

It was an odd question but Timo answered, "Maybe something like electricity?"

"That's so lame! Stealing other powers is better!"

"You mean copying?"

"No, no, tsk, tsk, brother, you're too innocent! Stealing, once stolen, the power will be mine and they lose their powers!"

Timo always knew his sister was a bit mischievous but she was a good child.

"You're reading too many villain stories"

"But don't you think it's the strongest power? Just imagine you have all the power in the world while no one else has! Just like the K family, isn't that so cool?"

"It isn't. What are you? An overlord?"

"Hehe, if I have a lot of power, I can protect my brother!"

"Don't think stupid stuff and fill out the form."

"Yes, yes," Lini pouted.

Coincidentally, this conversation was overheard by the lanky man.

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